I kinda burned two bridges in September when I started uni. Two good friends, one of them was a literal falling out and the other one was just a gradual thing where she just eventually stopped replying to me because she was uptight about the fact that I was openly drinking and enjoying myself at university.
Thought to myself earlier yesterday that in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I'd rebuild these bridges.
The first friend who I had a major falling out with went fine. In fact, after re-adding him on Facebook he made the first move. We're talking on Skype now and it's like nothing fucking happened. The other friend, on the contrary, read my message and bluntly fucking ignored it. It's getting to a point where I'm starting to see that some people really aren't worth my time. I'm genuinely just so fucking frustrated at her right now, that she can't even reply with a simple "hello". I'm just getting sick of associating myself with people who seem to refuse to grow up and exercise common fucking human discourse. Can remember a time when me and her used to talk pretty much every day and again, it just pisses me off that she's just turned her nose like this because of something stupid, even when I'm trying to talk to her again. I've made an effort. Thanks to Facebook's ability to tell me that she's seen the message, I can tell she's just not interested. Me and her didn't even fall out, it just got to a point where she decided not to talk to me. Me and the other guy stopped talking on really bad terms, yet that's built itself up without this sort of shit.
I don't really care if this is a bit of babble, I'm just frustrated at 5am and need somewhere to vent. I didn't break any hoovers in my frustration though, so I guess there's a silver lining.