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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Just about to leave work early to go and catch Skyfall! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure about Halloween, it was big when I was at uni, but less so now. I think there is something happening on Friday, but I'm flying to Zurich in the morning so I won't be able to go.


Thanks Bro's, will be possibley picking up a Nexus 7 this year but the phone can wait till after CES.

Going to a pre-screening of The Sightseers tonight at Cornerhouse, with a Q&A from the lead actor after :)


Thanks Bro's, will be possibley picking up a Nexus 7 this year but the phone can wait till after CES.

Going to a pre-screening of The Sightseers tonight at Cornerhouse, with a Q&A from the lead actor after :)

I've got a Nexus 7 and you're in for a treat - it's a great device, but it's even better if you root it and get an OTG cable, which allows you to plug in a USB stick for expanded storage.

The Sightseers looks great - they were showing the trailer at Eurogamer before EVERY SINGLE SESSION. I can't wait for it to come out.


CHEEZMO™;43814608 said:
Metro is great. Wish I had a PC so I could get the full experience but what can you do.

I think the best Metro experience is on a phone or a tablet - on a non-touchscreen it doesn't really seem like an intuitive UI imo.

Maybe a few weeks of using Windows 8 will change my opinion, but I won't be bothering with that for a good while yet.


Obsidian fan
I think the best Metro experience is on a phone or a tablet - on a non-touchscreen it doesn't really seem like an intuitive UI imo.

Maybe a few weeks of using Windows 8 will change my opinion, but I won't be bothering with that for a good while yet.



CHEEZMO™;43815152 said:

Point taken - I'd take Metro 2033 over Windows Metro any day of the week. Can't wait for Last Light.

Steve man, you disappoint me. Don't come running to me when you realise you've made a huge mistake.


Your ivory tower is crumbling beneath you, Dave/Jedeye. What will you do now?!

Joking aside, I DO still think iOS and the hardware that supports it is great, but it's definitely very different to Android, with different pros and cons. Hence my desperate want for an iPad 4.

...OK so it's still mostly for Assassin's Creed: Recollection, but whatever.

By the way, Dave - your post in the iOS gaming thread made me give Bad Piggies HD a chance and I'm VERY glad that I did. Thanks!


Your ivory tower is crumbling beneath you, Dave/Jedeye. What will you do now?!

Joking aside, I DO still think iOS and the hardware that supports it is great, but it's definitely very different to Android, with different pros and cons. Hence my desperate want for an iPad 4.

...OK so it's still mostly for Assassin's Creed: Recollection, but whatever.
To be perfectly honest, I'm glad Android has established itself. It means that devs can 'spread the risk' when developing apps and makes small, quirky games likelier to get made even as the market grows in leaps and bounds. The competition keeps the hardware evolving at a good lick on both sides too. In addition, once Android outnumbers iOS substantially, it ought to be possible to dodge the 'bought it because you're a sheep' nonsense. It's fun to play the villain though ;)

By the way, Dave - your post in the iOS gaming thread made me give Bad Piggies HD a chance and I'm VERY glad that I did. Thanks!
Glad you like it! I feel a bit dodgy blatantly shilling for a Rovio game but I seriously can't think of a 69p game that's ever given me more enjoyment. The level design is genuinely clever and working out the best way to use the tools available is an awful lot of fun. I can't stop building stupid shit in the sandbox and crashing it into walls at high speed. I'd kill for a console or PC version in 3D.

I reckon it'll get overlooked by 'proper' gamers because of the negative stigma surrounding Angry Birds though. Ah well.


Glad you like it! I feel a bit dodgy blatantly shilling for a Rovio game but I seriously can't think of a 69p game that's ever given me more enjoyment. The level design is genuinely clever and working out the best way to use the tools available is an awful lot of fun. I can't stop building stupid shit in the sandbox and crashing it into walls at high speed. I'd kill for a console or PC version in 3D.

I reckon it'll get overlooked by 'proper' gamers because of the negative stigma surrounding Angry Birds though. Ah well.

I don't have a problem supporting Rovio, Gameloft or even Zynga when they make a good game - hopefully if more people look at it like that, they'll start to put a bit more effort into genuinely enjoyable little games like this.

It really is fantastic, though. I don't think I'd want a 3D version, but I'd love a WiiU version where you make the thing on the gamepad and then press go and watch it on your HD screen :D


bitch I'm taking calls.
Yeah, something that seems to be forgotten a lot with fan wars or company loyalists is that growing competition is a good thing for both sides. It means instead of resting on their laurels, Google and Apple have to compete to provide better and more intuitive cutting edge technology. Everybody wins!


I tried playing Amnesia in my 24 hour gaming day, but I kept nodding off and had to quit.

Mind you, I'd been up for something like 70 hours at that point. Will have to revisit sometime.


What can i say, the abundance of choice in Andriod / Win 8 hardware and the craptastic (deliberate?) iTunes software has pushed me to the edge.
Totally agree that iTunes is shite. It doesn't really bother me though because I only see it once a month or so, when I go into the manloft to import the odd CD or DVD. Haven't hooked my iPad or phone up to it since the launch of iOS 5.

I was only jesting with you anyway, you could buy a Motorola Startac and you'd still be a cool cat.
I tried playing Amnesia in my 24 hour gaming day, but I kept nodding off and had to quit.

Mind you, I'd been up for something like 70 hours at that point. Will have to revisit sometime.

I couldn't even do the demo. I'm a wimp with scary games, probably because I'm in control of the character, unlike in films.


I was only jesting with you anyway, you could buy a Motorola Startac and you'd still be a cool cat.



Sightseers: Awesome. Really dark and also very funny, also one of the most "British" films I have seen in years which is ironic as they cited Badlands and Thelma and Louise as their main inspirations.

Ben Wheatley and Steve Oram did the Q&A after, very funny, some pretentious questions (mostly mocked by them) but did get some decent laughs.

Opens at the end of the month and overall I would say: see it (cos they told me to tell people and cos it's good).




Sightseers: Awesome. Really dark and also very funny, also one of the most "British" films I have seen in years which is ironic as they cited Badlands and Thelma and Louise as their main inspirations.

Ben Wheatley and Steve Oram did the Q&A after, very funny, some pretentious questions (mostly mocked by them) but did get some decent laughs.

Opens at the end of the month and overall I would say: see it (cos they told me to tell people and cos it's good).

I definitely will be - can't wait to take Suz to see this one. Hopefully the new theatre in Aldershot will play it


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Gah, grumph, humph and other unpleasant noises! Had a really pleasant evening greeting trick-or-treaters, giving out sweeties, chatting with the parents and indulging in mutual costumes'n'pumpkins admiration.

Then some toerag(s) stole two of our pumpkins (the biggest and the best, not necessarily in the order). So no photos for GAF.

Luckily they were also the two most semi-rotten, so I imagine the thieves had a pretty squishy walk home.
I'm freezing my balls off in my flat. Shall I put the heating on, or suck it up and put on another jumper? Thing is, I need my hands to be warm as I'm starting NaNoWriMo in ... about 2.5 hours.


Who the fuck steals a pumpkin!?

Someone had a turnip out. Proper Scottish that.

I'm freezing my balls off in my flat. Shall I put the heating on, or suck it up and put on another jumper? Thing is, I need my hands to be warm as I'm starting NaNoWriMo in ... about 2.5 hours.

I'm not starting till morning, fuck writing at midnight.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Who the fuck steals a pumpkin!?

Two pumpkins! Someone, I imagine, with sound artistic sensibility and zero knowledge of the preservation of horticultural goods.

EDIT: Just closed off October month end - not bad sales given rotten weather. Hoping for some good stuff during Carnival (any of you guys come across the Somerset Carnivals? - they are awesome indeed, and our shop is right in the middle of the route).

edit: are you new to UK GAF? I don't recognise you. Welcome! Relax, make yourself at home. Take off your bra if you like

I am. I'm a regular in UK Poligaff (aka I'm a cunt) and I'm going to Musha's London Meet on the 1st Dec. Thanks!

If you're staying up that late then you might as well put the heating on.

I just did. I feel like a naughty child stealing sweets and running away. All my other house mates have double glazing, I don't. They wouldn't object, but it's a bit late to go knocking on doors on a school night.

Jedeye Sniv

The day of the London meet is the day after the end of November! I wonder what state I'll be in...

Elated, delirious and suffering from acute anticlimax, if my previous years are anything to go by.

My enduring memory of my first NaNo year is, having slogged through to the end of the wordcount on the final day, I finish typing the final words of my 50k just as my wife comes through the door home from work. Seriously, my fingers left the keyboard and I hear the ku-clunk of the door going. And my head is spinning. I'm tired and emotional and I just did this huge thing that I didn't think I could do and my wife just launches into a spiel about her day and the commute home and how horrible her bosses are and all the other stuff we tell our partners about when we get home. But the wave of adrenaline mixed with the crushing feeling of anticlimax is just surging through me and my eyes just start watering up and streaming down my face. Mostly happy tears but something needed to break, and it turns out my masculinity was the first to give.

So yeah, NaNo is fun :D


Elated, delirious and suffering from acute anticlimax, if my previous years are anything to go by.

My enduring memory of my first NaNo year is, having slogged through to the end of the wordcount on the final day, I finish typing the final words of my 50k just as my wife comes through the door home from work. Seriously, my fingers left the keyboard and I hear the ku-clunk of the door going. And my head is spinning. I'm tired and emotional and I just did this huge thing that I didn't think I could do and my wife just launches into a spiel about her day and the commute home and how horrible her bosses are and all the other stuff we tell our partners about when we get home. But the wave of adrenaline mixed with the crushing feeling of anticlimax is just surging through me and my eyes just start watering up and streaming down my face. Mostly happy tears but something needed to break, and it turns out my masculinity was the first to give.

So yeah, NaNo is fun :D

What have I done?
So yeah, NaNo is fun :D

Looking forward to it! I'm leaving my job on Friday and going freelance, so I expect to have about as much time as possible to do it in. I also live in London and have gone to a lot of the plotting events, and intend to go to lots of writing events. If I can't succeed this year (my first year), I only have myself to blame!

Jedeye Sniv

Looking forward to it! I'm leaving my job on Friday and going freelance, so I expect to have about as much time as possible to do it in. I also live in London and have gone to a lot of the plotting events, and intend to go to lots of writing events. If I can't succeed this year (my first year), I only have myself to blame!

I did two years in a row and the first was waaaaaaay easier. A bit like getting a tattoo in that the second one hurts a lot more than you remember it.

Good luck to you man. Horror stories aside, it's incredibly rewarding.

But it's a bit like doing too many mushrooms in that you should expect to have your ego entirely shredded and rebuilt from nothing. And you may feel like you're dying halfway through. But it's ok. Just keep writing. 1,667 words a day (go for 2k if you can, you'll feel like a god of productivity).


Yeah sure. I hope it's not sad, I cry super easy :) just like I have no brain/mouth(fingers) filter, I have no emotional filter either.

I'll cry on the inside, but will remain steel-faced throughout.

Then, a month later I'll drive home from work and bawl my eyes out for no reason, freaking Suz out.
I definitely will be - can't wait to take Suz to see this one. Hopefully the new theatre in Aldershot will play it

Really late I know but I am catching up :lol I went to the new Cinema at Aldershot to see Skyfall and it was really good! Just got really small screening rooms. They have D-Box though and I really want to try it out!
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