Yeah shouldn't expect all you English student mother fuckers to be able to help with real shit
Just trying to raise the general level of conversation in here
Graphic Design here the simple stuff
Yeah shouldn't expect all you English student mother fuckers to be able to help with real shit
Just trying to raise the general level of conversation in here
Hot Coldman you can't even sell us on your identity how you doing marketing
Looks like he pulled the short straw.ZombieFred out getting laid on a Saturday night while the rest of us are discussing ringtones and hentai on a message board.
I have the record gents! Drunk as fuck at the moment, not being out for a while due to fucking working my ass off, but I've hit the 40th women mark now on the number of girls I slept with. I will make it 50 by the end of the year for queen and country I will!
Looks like he pulled the short straw.
Teach me your ways. You're almost 10x my number![]()
CHEEZMO;48132312 said:Girl on the left is cuter.
Mike once my anime education of you is complete you'll have no difficulty getting laid. Trust the process, okay?
Mike once my anime education of you is complete you'll have no difficulty getting laid. Trust the process, okay?
Mike finds girl he likes. Mike pursues.
"you're like onii-chan to me"
Mike retreats back to BritGAF. Mike laments.
Ho-ly shit guys. I got bored so started putting more cd's on my itunes and I came across some of my old songs I recorded round my Dad's when I was like 18. Just listening to them now and I'm on a major nostalgia kick. I wasn't the best lyricist back then but some of this is just heartbreaking. I was so sad back then, always falling in love with guys who weren't interested. But everything seemed so much more passionate back then, the bad was bad but it made the good oh so good. I remember the sight of someone could make me weak at the knees. What happened to all of that intensity? Is it something you think I could ever get back?
Also, I'm a pretty private person. It surprises me how open you are here, Mike. None of my personal/girl related stuff is going to appear in BritGAF much, tbh. Mainly because at the moment I'm in a position where I'm way more prone to keeping that shit to myself. I tend to blurt that stuff out when pissed though, so who knows.
Maybe I'll come home drunk one night and post here.
no espaniol soz
Also, I'm a pretty private person. It surprises me how open you are here, Mike. None of my personal/girl related stuff is going to appear in BritGAF much, tbh. Mainly because at the moment I'm in a position where I'm way more prone to keeping that shit to myself. I tend to blurt that stuff out when pissed though, so who knows.
Maybe I'll come home drunk one night and post here.
It seems everybody is kind of open but mike and tash most open I seen in this thread. It weird to me seeing this kind of thing online but not sure if its good to see or bad really.
Yeah, I used to be a lot more private and closed off - on the internet, with actual friends, with family.
Then I realized, what am I being private for? Is there really anyone who I give a shit if they know certain things about me? Not really. I'd prefer if work and my grandparents didn't know I smoke week, but that's about it, really.
So I decided I'm just going to be honest about my life & be as open as possible and if I'm ever feeling like I shouldn't be then that's probably a sign that I need to change direction a little bit because there's likely to be something going on that I'm not proud of.
I dunno, it's probably not the best way to live, but I'm enjoying it and it's helping me to rediscover who I am, so that's something, right?
Teach me your ways. You're almost 10x my number![]()
CHEEZMO;48133094 said:Musha I think your hair looks good. I forgot to say earlier lols.
I've not got the most amazing of lives in the world and there's a dark past in there, so I'm pretty cool with bottling everything up and giving a shit about what everyone thinks. Plus there are several things going on in my life right now that I don't think anyone really needs to hear about.
Yeah, it's definitely not for everyone to be so open and it probably backfires if everything isn't peachy, or if people disagree with something you think/feel/do.
I'm pretty sure I'm going through some big shit in my life at the minute, but I haven't really been processing it (and I usually over-analyse myself to the MAX) so it's been nice to just lay everything out & be able to talk it out. The compulsion might die down once I'm back in counselling.
See, right now, the two things bugging me the most right now are such huge issues in my own mind that it gets to the point where I'll just lie awake at night and not be able to get to sleep. In someone else's eyes, they'll just be minor things. 'Hiccups' or some bullshit term like that. That fact is part of the reason I bottle stuff up. Most people just don't really give a shit and are too wrapped up with their own lives to really bother with yours. I've even had people try to trump my problems with their own before, as if I was challenging them or something.
Bad experiences, yay.
(btw if I haven't managed to get this across yet, I am such a huge cynic that it's untrue)
I could do that if I wanted too. I just don't want to.
Go home and be a b-ball man.
I could do that if I wanted too. I just don't want to.
English student who hates Shakesphere laughing at a graphics student get out of here.
You all suck
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the perfect example of basketball venues using plants to get the audience excited.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the perfect example of basketball venues using plants to get the audience excited.
There's another famous one where it's a dancing contest and the kid they just happen to focus on is a dancing legend.
Duplicitous or not, he probably sleeps on a mountain of naked women.
Teach me your ways. You're almost 10x my number![]()
And 40x mine. But then I'm an old-fashioned one-woman guy. You youngsters ...