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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Selfish Pizza

Neo Member
The drunk advice is great - following that next time

as for the rest:

1. Never, I'm 26, there'll be plenty of time to lower my standards when I'm in my late 30s, for now I'd rather be turned away by girls I'm really into than home run with girls I'm just going out with because I think it'll be easier
2. Conversationally, I think I'm pretty great - it always flows nicely & girls seem interested and attentive to what's going on.
3 & 4. Yeah, this might be a great idea for next weekend actually, though I don't have a whole lot of body confidence, but I don't think I'm too awkward about it

I have a friend that does very well with the ladies, but his motto is to "lie, lie and lie". I wouldn't really recommend this as there is never really a future more than a one night stand or seeing someone a couple of times before it all falls apart.

As for "the kiss", don't wait till the end of the date, if things are going well, lean in and look her in the eyes, and tell her how beautiful her eyes are, then go in for the kiss. It works every time for me, and I've done a lot of dating over the last couple of years.

Once that first kiss is out the way, you'll both be a lot more relaxed, as chances are she was as nervous as you.

At the worst, she might back off, and then you'll know she was never that interested in the first place. Then just make a excuse and leave early (but as this is the second date you should be ok).


I have a friend that does very well with the ladies, but his motto is to "lie, lie and lie". I wouldn't really recommend this as there is never really a future more than a one night stand or seeing someone a couple of times before it all falls apart.

It's better to get a reputation for always being honset then start to lie because you have such a good rep for being truthful they can never tell


I have a friend that does very well with the ladies, but his motto is to "lie, lie and lie". I wouldn't really recommend this as there is never really a future more than a one night stand or seeing someone a couple of times before it all falls apart.

As for "the kiss", don't wait till the end of the date, if things are going well, lean in and look her in the eyes, and tell her how beautiful her eyes are, then go in for the kiss. It works every time for me, and I've done a lot of dating over the last couple of years.

Once that first kiss is out the way, you'll both be a lot more relaxed, as chances are she was as nervous as you.

At the worst, she might back off, and then you'll know she was never that interested in the first place. Then just make a excuse and leave early (but as this is the second date you should be ok).

Good advice (not the lielielie bit)

If we have some time alone at drinks on Tuesday (we both smoke, so there probably will be some time), it might be a nice non-pressure atmosphere to get the first one up on the chalkboard then

How was the Nando's and what did you go and see?

Nando's was Nando's - it's pretty much always the same. Tasty, but essentially just a casual atmosphere and cheap (as we both get paid tomorrow).

We saw I Give It A Year, as nothing else was on, but it turned out to be really funny & we had a good time.


bitch I'm taking calls.
It's a draft you get to add how ever many basic lands you want after you've gone through 3 packs.

I would love to have you sitting on my right if you first picked either of those cards.

I think Evilore plays Magic I hope he has better insight
They seemed the coolest and most interesting to me. I used to collect but only ever had passing interest in playing so I've little idea how strategically sound my choice was.
Evilore are you watching over us because you think we're going to be naughty or are you legitimately British.

Please answer with haste.

~Noffles xoxo
He's American. Texan technically AFAIK at the moment. Mods and Admons may initially check in for business purposes but often they pop in for entertainment on the threads they've found amusing. Red names are human too, yo.


It's better to get a reputation for always being honset then start to lie because you have such a good rep for being truthful they can never tell
This. The way to be a good liar is to do it as little as possible. Always include enough truth to make your mistruths completely believable.


EviLore it's your forum and of course you're always welcome here as we're an inclusive bunch (except people from Belgium because they're boring) but is this a sub-community that you take particular interest in or something?

I feel like every since Meadows breached the wall and cross-posted into that thread about you we've been under your red-named watch.

Maybe he's planning to visit the UK so he pops in here to pick up the latest news.


Maybe he's planning to visit the UK so he pops in here to pick up the latest news.
Kentpaul and Greenscar are MIA, presumed dead...

...but it's okay because Tashbrooke and Hot Coldman replaced them both respectively.

Musha's on a diet.

Mike got no game.

phisheep is having an identity crisis about being in this thread.

BGBW doesn't actually watch that much anime.

Chinner is renouncing his citizenship and becoming an artist for Marvel.

... I think that covers everything of note?


I think it's cool that the bossman drops in here from time to time. One day Bish will post in here and it'll blow my brain clean out of my nose.

The drunk advice is great - following that next time
As the venerable Bubsy The Bobcat once said, what could possibly go wrong?

as for the rest:

1. Never, I'm 26, there'll be plenty of time to lower my standards when I'm in my late 30s, for now I'd rather be turned away by girls I'm really into than home run with girls I'm just going out with because I think it'll be easier
Cheeky mofo. Life begins at 30. Slag it up whilst you're young enough to live it down.

2. Conversationally, I think I'm pretty great - it always flows nicely & girls seem interested and attentive to what's going on.
Yeah? Well next time, listen more. Pick up on little details and repeat them later. Try to build 'in jokes'. Ask questions about everything she seems moderately interested in.

3 & 4. Yeah, this might be a great idea for next weekend actually, though I don't have a whole lot of body confidence, but I don't think I'm too awkward about it
Fuck that. Get fit or get confident. Ideally, a little of both.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member


I definitely have over exaggerated and talk up moments in my life to make them seem more exciting at times on early dates.

Lets be honest, if i was to talk about my penchant for fine cuban cigars and smooth single malts isn't getting me too far with most 21-29 year old woman.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Movie ---> end date?

??? No, no, no.

Movie ---> drinks ---> somewhere quiet.
Even the red names are helping you now mike

I'll say im glad you had fun, but it is you who should be delivering that sweet sweet lip action

Feeling dead on the way to the pool... Dafuq
Morning BritGAF.

I was reading the transgender thread yesterday but I refrained from posting in it, I personally cannot comprehend why, in this day and age, people can still be absolute eejits about something that doesn't personally effect them.

I support the girl and I think that the school is pandering to a few bigoted parents.


Bullshit and exaggeration is part of the fun in it. I went out last Halloween pretending to be Jasper Carrot, the independent fashion writer. I started a website devoted to urban fashion with some friends. I know people from uniqlo, so I tell girls I can get them free clothes as they come into season.

it never works, but is hilarious anyway


I used to look forward to reading those travel posts everytime I got into work. They were quite riveting. Myself and Musha were talking about in the London underground and it was like we were two housewives catching up on soap news.
Yeah, NeoGAF gets all the girls hot and bothered! Like that time in Stockholm:


:lol, I avoid talking about it more often than not. Most men are extreme bullshitters in the context of picking girls up, anyhow, so it's better to show than tell when you want attention by means of success.
Should've rocked the Dino-GAF angle, EviLore.

And speaking of womens, my date with Norfolk girl is tonight... :O

Jedeye Sniv

Movie ---> end date?

??? No, no, no.

Movie ---> drinks ---> somewhere quiet.

You don't know our town man, it's movie --> scarper home before someone glasses you :p

Actually it's not that bad but there is literally fuck all to do after 11, especially in the centre of town.

Jedeye Sniv

It HAS turned into the Mike show a bit, sorry about that.

Back to the important issue, it all depends on what you've drafted so far, but the Rampager on the top row looks good for my money, Skygames on the left could also be very useful - people often have silly weaknesses like against flying on drafts so you could catch people out with that

You know far too much about Magic. And here was me thinking that -5 to charisma JackBen gave you was a little harsh...

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Just fucking pwned the lady who is responsible for all the lane rage, she came into the lane where me and some bloke had been continuously going for forty or so lengths, she would swim past both of us for two lengths and then stop for 5minutes and complain we were too slow whilst trying to catch her breath, instead of getting annoyed I surpassed the usual fifty and ended up doing seventy, whilst she splashed, overtook and swam the wrong way, she tried to have a go at me but I ignored her, she got out after twenty lengths, victory to Tashbrooke! Also yay at beating my previous score.. Next targets a hundred


Games are a huge part of my life. I can't let go of what I love.

I thought the same thing, but have ditched almost all my physical games - so much space regained!

I should probably try to get rid of a load of my special edition junk at some point too... That Halo cat helmet weighs on my mind and it definitely won't impress the ladies.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I thought the same thing, but have ditched almost all my physical games - so much space regained!

I should probably try to get rid of a load of my special edition junk at some point too... That Halo cat helmet weighs on my mind and it definitely won't impress the ladies.
I will happily take that off your hands

Jedeye Sniv

I thought the same thing, but have ditched almost all my physical games - so much space regained!

I should probably try to get rid of a load of my special edition junk at some point too... That Halo cat helmet weighs on my mind and it definitely won't impress the ladies.

I'll take it! I missed it and now I'm the biggest halo nerd I know. Plus I have cat :p

EDIT: dammit Tash!! you're not even a real halo fan are you??? waaaaaaaaah

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I'll take it! I missed it and now I'm the biggest halo nerd I know. Plus I have cat :p

EDIT: dammit Tash!! you're not even a real halo fan are you??? waaaaaaaaah
I love halo!! Played em all, but 3 is still the closest to my heart.. Or two actually

Don't play online very often though, need to get the map pack for 4 soon though..

Ahh I miss the hours of super bouncing on 2


Yes! Lewis mentioned maybe bowling too? Mrs was in the room too and she also invited herself lol. I don't mind just a drink tbh, we could maybe come over to ash if you and lewis are both over that way.

Sounds good to me
Can do bowling but you have both first and second hand experience of how bad I am!

I guess The Old Ford if you come my way or wherever you suggest if we go there?

I will happily take that off your hands

Cool, when are you in Guildford next? Do you drive?

I'll take it! I missed it and now I'm the biggest halo nerd I know. Plus I have cat :p

EDIT: dammit Tash!! you're not even a real halo fan are you??? waaaaaaaaah

Ha! Should've edited your last post, I'd never have known you didn't ask first!

Jedeye Sniv

Sounds good to me
Can do bowling but you have both first and second hand experience of how bad I am!

I guess The Old Ford if you come my way or wherever you suggest if we go there?

Cool, when are you in Guildford next? Do you drive?

Ha! Should've edited your last post, I'd never have known you didn't ask first!

boohoohoo... :( I bet tash doesn't even know the arbiter's real name...

I'll give people a shout and see what we can sort for the weekend though, would be nice to get out of the house for a bit anyway. Will let you know.


Maturity, bitches.
My mum is a hoarder so naturally I became one. Read so many stories of regret over the years and also having my mother drill it into me that I daren't sell one. I've still got old Atari games that I've never even played lying around. Well I was basically given a box of them by a neighbour when they moved away when I was very young and I just never had any interest in some of them (mostly the sports games). Also my joystick broke so no more Dizzy for me. :(

Funny enough I saw that Athen's video about joysticks and one of the ones he looked at was my old one. He wasn't a fan of it. If I ever find where the hell my old Atari is maybe I should try getting it up and running again. I'm sure a replacement stick is easy to find.

So if you have any old games you don't need I'll happily take them off your hands.

Jedeye Sniv

There's only one way to settle this. Halo 4 deathmatch.

Let me know the results.

I am 100% down for this. After the embarrassing spanking I gave Kentpaul I'll be down for defending my crown as BritGAF halo king. We can debate Reach canon while I lay the smack down. Time and map, up to Tash.


I am 100% down for this. After the embarrassing spanking I gave Kentpaul I'll be down for defending my crown as BritGAF halo king. We can debate Reach canon while I lay the smack down. Time and map, up to Tash.

I think a 2v2 and you each get to choose your partner would be best. Especially if we can live stream it and somebody else can do spoken commentary.

Jedeye Sniv

I think a 2v2 and you each get to choose your partner would be best. Especially if we can live stream it and somebody else can do spoken commentary.

I don't have a partner :( nobody I know IRL plays Halo at all, I never get to play with anyone... so ronerey. I do hold my own when I play with HaloGAF though.

I'd even be up for doing an old school H3 1v1. Maybe on Guardian...

Saved films will be available on request though.


My mum is a hoarder so naturally I became one. Read so many stories of regret over the years and also having my mother drill it into me that I daren't sell one. I've still got old Atari games that I've never even played lying around. Well I was basically given a box of them by a neighbour when they moved away when I was very young and I just never had any interest in some of them (mostly the sports games). Also my joystick broke so no more Dizzy for me. :(

Funny enough I saw that Athen's video about joysticks and one of the ones he looked at was my old one. He wasn't a fan of it. If I ever find where the hell my old Atari is maybe I should try getting it up and running again. I'm sure a replacement stick is easy to find.

So if you have any old games you don't need I'll happily take them off your hands.

What Atari is it? I have an ST complete with controllers and games up in the loft somewhere.
Would rather keep the actual Atari and the games but there are 4 or 5 controllers so if compatible with yours let me know and I'll dig one out for you?
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