I've really struggled to get anything going on OKC - sent out a bunch of messages and I've probably only got responses from 5 or 6 girls and none of those have really gone anywhere (other than Jess, but that fell flat later on anyway)
I guess it's just playing the numbers game.
Yeah, it sucks a bit especially when you're in a city that isn't too big. The difference between Sheffield and Manchester is huge, but I'm not looking to hit up snake pass to get there all the time. I've been kinda getting on a lucky streak lately with girls responding to messages I've sent ages ago and getting numbers soon after. This other girl I'm texting told me she lives about 2 miles away from where I am. Plus she asked me "do you even lift" so I'm somewhat in love. xD
My problem is that I'm so close to London that all I get are matches from London, as opposed to girls from around here.
Then it's a good thing you're deaf!
oh god I'm going to hell aren't I?
Can you even listen to music?
(not a mean question...more curiosity...)
Haha, I'm not in the least offended.
Yeah, I can listen to music.
I should try to elaborate, I wear a hearing aid in each ear and with them I can hear pretty much okay apart from in a really busy environment such as a pub or club, poor lighting doesn't help either.
Without the hearing aids I'm much worse hearing wise, I rely on lip reading much more. And as an example I wouldn't be able to make out what my girlfriend was saying if she was laying in bed next to me in the dark and not facing me.
morning GAF
Quite funny to see what each country demands for in porn....funny how popular lisa ann is over here aswell!
I'm still ill and feeling even worse today
What you guys doing for the weekend?
Weekend? Looking up Lisa Ann I guess! Plus the usual nerd shit on Saturday followed by band practice on Sunday. Last one before the gig in London next saturday - headlining at the Hope and Anchor in Islington if anyone is in the area.
A ton. >__>I wonder how many 19 year olds hang around on OKC.
morning GAF
Quite funny to see what each country demands for in porn....funny how popular lisa ann is over here aswell!
I'm still ill and feeling even worse today
What you guys doing for the weekend?
Am hoping to be there, buddy - living on about £60 for the rest of this month and I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, so we'll see how funds are, but I'm trying!
How do hearing aids work anyway? Are they like microphones just amplifying what's around, or is it a little more sciency? And it's funny what you say about pubs and clubs, I can't ever hear shit in those places either. In that way you're aqctualyl (edit: how the fuck did I mangle that word so bad?? ACTUALLY) at an advantage in those situations since you can lipread (it's all about finding those silver linings lol)
My hearing aids are both digital and there's three modes:
T Switch (loop systems in cinemas etc).
Filter (absolutely shit, it tries to guess what you 'want' to hear and filter out excess background noise, trouble is the volume increase/decrease is really noticeable and off putting.
Amplify is where it's the same as filter but the volume is constant so I prefer that mode.
My hearing aids can be hooked up to a computer and 'programmed' but it's not something that the average user can do.
To be honest I am starting to consider going down the route of getting a chip implanted (I can't remember what it's called) but I've read that the sound the user hears is really different to conventional sounds so it might not be for me. Plus you have to be pretty near profound deaf levels to get it done.
Lisa annWas that the Nailin' Palin actress?
Nice! Hope it goes well!A ton. >__>
Morning morning. Gonna have a party at mine's tomorrow night with a bunch of workmates and whomever else comes along really. Good times.
She's like the best in the biz, the mild of pornPhew!
How do hearing aids work anyway? Are they like microphones just amplifying what's around, or is it a little more sciency? And it's funny what you say about pubs and clubs, I can't ever hear shit in those places either. In that way you're aqctualyl (edit: how the fuck did I mangle that word so bad?? ACTUALLY) at an advantage in those situations since you can lipread (it's all about finding those silver linings lol)
Not clicking that link at work, no sir. I might well use my phone to find out who Lisa Ann is though... hmmm...
I can't say I've really had an adult film star that I was into since Riley Mason quit, and that was years ago. Last I heard you could hire her services in Florida from about $300 an hour. That would be the best holiday EVER.
Weekend? Looking up Lisa Ann I guess! Plus the usual nerd shit on Saturday followed by band practice on Sunday. Last one before the gig in London next saturday - headlining at the Hope and Anchor in Islington if anyone is in the area.
EDIT: looked up Lisa Ann. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Need to find something else to do on Saturday now...
Oh wow, the idea of a chip is really neat. I like that post-human idea. If the sounds are different, wouldn't it be cool if they were better?? Like if you could hear ultra and infrasound. and you could tell people you're a cyborg then too.
Seriously, I am going to be so augmented by the time I'm 60. I can't wait.
Hdmi to hdmi mini.. Twenty quid..
Yeah dude, I can't wait to go all Adam Jensen. What's the first implant you want?
I want one of those NFC style things that can unlock doors and shit implanted into my wrist
I am your saviour once again.
Absolutely nothing, my first lazy weekend in a while. Have an eye test tomorrow but that's about it. I may spend a little time sulking about my local pub boycott as Lucky Chip have started selling their burgers there.morning GAF
Quite funny to see what each country demands for in porn....funny how popular lisa ann is over here aswell!
I'm still ill and feeling even worse today
What you guys doing for the weekend?
A ton. >__>
Went into tescos to get some gum, and something caught my eye. It was these sweets called Brain Blasterz which has stuff like "MEGA SOUR" and "NOT FOR WIMPS" on the box. Now I'm a massive fan of sour stuff, bonus points if it can make me cry, but all sour sweets are shit and barely sour at all so I'm all "challenge excepted Brain Blasterz".
oh shit they own so hard, they're like sour Nerdz, and they're actually pretty sour. The lemon flavour ones are like sucking a lemon.
I'm going to PM you my phone number and you're to give it to every 19 year old female you find on OK Cupid.
Cool, cheers. Tell them your nickname is Tash and I'll play along.
I'm down bro. Let's do it... wait... gimme your number for reals! :O
Do you tweek your nips and call yourself names at the same time?
Nah, I'd be really awkward about random females on OK Cupid having my number and phoning me. >_>
Yeah dude, I can't wait to go all Adam Jensen. What's the first implant you want?
I want one of those NFC style things that can unlock doors and shit implanted into my wrist
I am your saviour once again.
But I wanted to call you, maybe.
If i had patience..
I've already bought it because I can wait no longer.. teehee
Just installing drivers and stuff now so should be having a fun day today ^_^
But you're not a cute girl, man.
What games do you have on PC?
Do you have a headset?
Also, finally tell me what graphics card you have!!!
Let's play something tonight.
You're missing out on what could be...
that image is false because there is no penguin cap
that image is false because there is no penguin cap
That's because penguin is doing his thang somewhere else.
My hearing aids are both digital and there's three modes:
T Switch (loop systems in cinemas etc).
Filter (absolutely shit, it tries to guess what you 'want' to hear and filter out excess background noise, trouble is the volume increase/decrease is really noticeable and off putting.
Amplify is where it's the same as filter but the volume is constant so I prefer that mode.
My hearing aids can be hooked up to a computer and 'programmed' but it's not something that the average user can do.
To be honest I am starting to consider going down the route of getting a chip implanted (I can't remember what it's called) but I've read that the sound the user hears is really different to conventional sounds so it might not be for me. Plus you have to be pretty near profound deaf levels to get it done.
She's been texting me updates about his well-being.IamMikeside said:Isn't penguin still chillin' with Musha?
I want retinal implants. Google Glass is a good first step but I want 360 degree augmented reality all the time. It will be an absolute game changer. Some implant for regulating metabolism would be nice too, it would be cool to be able to eat as much as I want without getting fat(ter).
Imagine - subdermal implants for interactive, changeable tattoos. Eyes that can see radiowaves, or magnify to microscopic levels.
I think I need neon dreadlocks, I'm a closet transhuman.
edit: customisable facial hair! Like an iron filing beard!
I recently found out that I need surgery on one of my eyes where they cut out the lens and replace it with a synthetic lens. It's a shame technology isn't advanced enough that I could get a heads up display. That would be pretty cool!
I was going to ask about the chip. There are a few amazing videos of people that say they can hear so much better with the chip.
With the way technology is going at moment soon I can be like Adam Jensen which is my new dream I can get all the bitches then
What are you thinking of looking at with this electronic eye of yours that could get you banned if they knew?Google glass in your eye. Would be sick. And you couldn't be banned from bars because of it because they wouldn't know!
Morning Tash, well, afternoon, been in a training meeting all morning.morning GAF
What you guys doing for the weekend?
Quite funny to see what each country demands for in porn....funny how popular lisa ann is over here aswell!
What are you thinking of looking at with this electronic eye of yours that could get you banned if they knew?
I can't stop laughing at some these results Japan loves itself, Israel loves Prostate (WTF) and romania love mom and son