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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Mr. Sam

Just watched the most tense football match I've ever seen - can't bear to stay up and see the keys to the free world handed over to that Jeremy.
Just watched the most tense football match I've ever seen - can't bear to stay up and see the keys to the free world handed over to that Jeremy.

The ironic thing is that Romney would push Isreal to strike on Iran within months of taking office, on the principle that a highly religious country should not have hold of nuclear weapons. Yet the US would have a mormon with his finger on the button of the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world. I'm glad a that religion of the PM isn't an important topic in general elections over here.

I hope George Sears stands next time. He'd make a good President.
The ironic thing is that Romney would push Isreal to strike on Iran within months of taking office, on the principle that a highly religious country should not have hold of nuclear weapons. Yet the US would have a mormon with his finger on the button of the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world. I'm glad a that religion of the PM isn't an important topic in general elections over here.

I hope George Sears stands next time. He'd make a good President.
That's an incredibly simplistic analysis of Romney's would-be foreign policy, but this should probably be in PoliGAF.


Gah, thought Britgaf would be a safe refuge from US politics but its clearly infested here too. Think iam going to have to lock myself in my flat for the next week until everyone realises that the US president isnt the second coming and in many ways fairly insignificant.


thanks for the laugh
on a scale of one-to-jimmy savile, how creepy do you find the american penchant for presidential idolatry?


on a scale of one-to-jimmy savile, how creepy do you find the american penchant for presidential idolatry?

Its at atleast a gary glitter.5 so quite high up with the scary, stick the stars and stripes on every flat surface possible and whip up insane hysteria.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
on a scale of one-to-jimmy savile, how creepy do you find the american penchant for presidential idolatry?

I do find it incredible how they are treated like rock stars whereas in every other country I know of (unless forced) most people seem to have mild to severe dislike for people in office. Americans seem to love a story, they also seem to love being right and seem very good at making everything an "us v them" thing. Someone said it above, tomorrow comes, not alot changes and in 4 years time the things that will change about America will be things that happen to America rather than things which are accomplished by America. But then every 4 years 2 people come along and tell the country how great it is, convince them they are special, that there is something indefinable about being an American that the world is envious of and promise them a bunch of spiel about the future and hope and change. Now this happens here and in every democracy, hell i heard Cameron talk about how great Britain/British people are in his party speech the other week and almost gagged. USA suffers from the global stage syndrome though so these things are much more amplified, it just seems, to an outsider, so much more transparent when you view it without any particular political leanings.


thanks for the laugh
I do find it incredible how they are treated like rock stars whereas in every other country I know of (unless forced) most people seem to have mild to severe dislike for people in office. Americans seem to love a story, they also seem to love being right and seem very good at making everything an "us v them" thing. Someone said it above, tomorrow comes, not alot changes and in 4 years time the things that will change about America will be things that happen to America rather than things which are accomplished by America. But then every 4 years 2 people come along and tell the country how great it is, convince them they are special, that there is something indefinable about being an American that the world is envious of and promise them a bunch of spiel about the future and hope and change. Now this happens here and in every democracy, hell i heard Cameron talk about how great Britain/British people are in his party speech the other week and almost gagged. USA suffers from the global stage syndrome though so these things are much more amplified, it just seems, to an outsider, so much more transparent when you view it without any particular political leanings.
i was particularly taken aback by one line of obama's victory speech where he claimed that america currently had "the greatest troops the world has ever known".

it was a real saturday morning cartoon moment.


I like how we all get so enthralled in the US Election and some of us even get passionate about it!

Just a shame we don't get as passionate about our own election...


thanks for the laugh
I like how we all get so enthralled in the US Election and some of us even get passionate about it!

Just a shame we don't get as passionate about our own election...
i think maintaining a grip on the notion that these people are just compromised bureaucrats in an administrative position is much healthier than giving yourself away to histrionics and blockbuster rhetoric which pander to your misinformed sense of national exceptionalism.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I like how we all get so enthralled in the US Election and some of us even get passionate about it!

Just a shame we don't get as passionate about our own election...

Well heres the thing if the majority of Americans knew the gridlock their politics is in, and will continue to be given the Republicans retook the house, there would be very very little optimism for the next few years. Optimism and hope are good things, but the political climate in the US is so toxic that legitimate change offends too many people in power and party victories are curtailed at every turn because everyone needs to think about the next election. The thing that masks this all is the spectacle, which America does better than anyone. Its not a passion about politics because if it truly was things like "who mad a gaf" and "who looked more presedential in the debates" would never be discussion points. Katy Kay from the BBC world service made a point after the 2nd debate, she was asked why so often the candidates drift off into metaphorical "i met this guy in Detroit" stories and its because the majority of American voters are not interested in the minutiae, they want a story line, the want a personal connection. Id argue the passion we see in America is not really something to aspire to.

Jedeye Sniv

i think maintaining a grip on the notion that these people are just compromised bureaucrats in an administrative position is much healthier than giving yourself away to histrionics and blockbuster rhetoric which pander to your misinformed sense of national exceptionalism.

thats a lot of syllables right there, don't put your back out mate

Jedeye Sniv

I must admit that while watching Barry's victory speech this morning before work (because I have to get up fucking early) I got a mild lump in my throat when he was doing the black/white/rich/poor/straight/gay bit. It's awesome how a president can say gay in a speech now and it'll get the biggest cheer, I couldn't see Romney saying that.


I like how we all get so enthralled in the US Election and some of us even get passionate about it!

Just a shame we don't get as passionate about our own election...

Came here to post this.My friends on Facebook all writing OBAMA while not even knowing who he's fighting against then don't even bother when our election comes about. It's quite depressing.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I'm just glad it's done with. Too many people posting on Facebook yesterday as if they actually had any clue about American politics.


Maturity, bitches.
I'm looking forward to all the American standups coming over here and telling us about Obama.

Do British comedians go over to the States and tell stories about Cameron?


You know how stuff comes out of the tumble dryer all jumbled up, occasionally knotted and sometimes with one thing inside another? Well, just for a change in my latest batch a teatowel came out neatly folded!


The machines are becoming intelligent. Shit.


I'm just glad it's done with. Too many people posting on Facebook yesterday as if they actually had any clue about American politics.

true dat.


That's been floating around my feed today. I..don't think it's even true. Can't find any other sources that reported it.


The press were making it look close for ratings, the party's like this as it makes people vote when they think it's tight.

The sad / scary part is that Obama beat the far better candidate in McCain by a much larger margin. McCain was far more centralist (before he had to start appealing to the fringe) and if he had won the primary in 2000 could have been a solid Pres.

The fact that Romney did as well as he did is in itself fucking awful, no one person could tell me with a straight face they were voting FOR him as a oppose to voting against Obama / The Black guy / Democrats.

He was the GOP's John Kerry, put in to lose to the incumbent while they prep their real fight for 2016, which is where shit get's real. Will we see the GOP dissolve and the Republicans swing back to the middle? or will they go full fat mentalist far right (not working out so far)?

Hilary vs Palin 2016? would be interesting at least.


Wow, Washington State legalised the recreational use of marijuana. Didn't see that coming. Seattle = The new Amsterdam? PAX Prime will certainly be interesting once this comes into play.

Washington's measure establishes a system of state-licensed marijuana growers, processors and retail stores, where adults can buy up to an ounce. It also establishes a standard blood test limit for driving under the influence.

The Washington measure was notable for its sponsors and supporters, who ranged from public health experts and wealthy high-tech executives to two of the Justice Department's top former officials in Seattle, U.S. Attorneys John McKay and Kate Pflaumer.

"Marijuana policy reform remains an issue where the people lead and the politicians follow," said Ethan Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance, which opposes the co-called "war on drugs." "But Washington State shows that many politicians are beginning to catch up."

Estimates have showed pot taxes could bring in hundreds of millions of dollars a year, but the sales won't start until state officials make rules to govern the legal weed industry.

Mr. Sam

Colorado did as well, didn't they?

By Friday, I'll have been to the cinema forty-one times this year. I'm not sure it's a habit I can maintain - I just spent over £40 for three tickets. Alright, so it's a 75mm print of a film which is only showing in one cinema in the country, and I'm being reimbursed for two of those tickets, but still...

And another thing, what's the deal with card handling fees?

Jedeye Sniv

Wow, Washington State legalised the recreational use of marijuana. Didn't see that coming. Seattle = The new Amsterdam? PAX Prime will certainly be interesting once this comes into play.

This frustrates me so much. How do we make this happen in england? I want an emerald green utopia...

EDIT: I love how it's not even the bullshit backdoor medical marijuana either (seriously, how many people in California have sleep troubles and anxiety?), it's full on "We like to get stoned, let us". This is literally one of the only political issues I care about but it's a joke in this country.


This frustrates me so much. How do we make this happen in england? I want an emerald green utopia...

EDIT: I love how it's not even the bullshit backdoor medical marijuana either (seriously, how many people in California have sleep troubles and anxiety?), it's full on "We like to get stoned, let us". This is literally one of the only political issues I care about but it's a joke in this country.

My sister and I were watching this show on the History Channel that showed a woman taking medicinal pot for menstrual pains. I wasn't an expert on menstrual pains but my sister was in tears from laughter. It was obvious that medicinal use of marijuana was just a cover anyway. South Park did a great episode pointing that out. Just glad that Washington State and Colorado formally recognised this and said "Right, we'll give it a go and regulate this. maybe decrease crime a bit. get some tax money to fund new facilities, maintain roads etc."

I mean, I'm not a user. Never smoked it ever. Probably got high from second hand smoke...couldn't really tell...probably not the same effect anyway. But I have been around normal people who frequently use it and I don't see the problem at all. They lead normal lives and are great people. It just annoys me that over consumption of alcohol = A-OK but one small joint = Woah! fuck off junkie! Gateway drug? what nonsense. Might as well put paracetamol and tic tacs under that umbrella too.
Colorado did as well, didn't they?

By Friday, I'll have been to the cinema forty-one times this year. I'm not sure it's a habit I can maintain - I just spent over £40 for three tickets. Alright, so it's a 75mm print of a film which is only showing in one cinema in the country, and I'm being reimbursed for two of those tickets, but still...

And another thing, what's the deal with card handling fees?

What's the cost of cinema these days, about £10? So you've spent about £400 on going to the cinema this year.

Cineworld Unlimited Card, £14.99 a month.

You do the math.

Jedeye Sniv

My sister and I were watching this show on the History Channel that showed a woman taking medicinal pot for menstrual pains. I wasn't an expert on menstrual pains but my sister was in tears from laughter. It was obvious that medicinal use of marijuana was just a cover anyway. South Park did a great episode pointing that out. Just glad that Washington State and Colorado formally recognised this and said "Right, we'll give it a go and regulate this. maybe decrease crime a bit. get some tax money to fund new facilities, maintain roads etc."

I mean, I'm not a user. Never smoked it ever. Probably got high from second hand smoke...couldn't really tell...probably not the same effect anyway. But I have been around normal people who frequently use it and I don't see the problem at all. They lead normal lives and are great people. It just annoys me that over consumption of alcohol = A-OK but one small joint = Woah! fuck off junkie! Gateway drug? what nonsense. Might as well put paracetamol and tic tacs under that umbrella too.

See, this is why I couldn't be a politician but you could. As a card carrying stoner having me say pot should be legal is redunant, I'd be laughed out of the place. We need more right-thinking folks like you who don't do drugs but understand that others might do and should be allowed the freedom to do so.

It annoys me from a civil liberties standpoint but also just the lack of knowledge and hypocracy in our political system. IMO, daily use of marijuana is much less destructive than a comparable use of alcohol, it's not an intoxicant in the same way at all. But the trouble is that the arguments for and against or so surface level and empty, and usually will always fall back on "won't somebody think of the children".

I saw a doc about pot once where this 14 year old kid says it exaccerbated his mental health issues. But that's after explaining that he smoked a whole £25s worth on the way home. By contrast, the same amount would last me and my mrs about 4 days. If the kid is that dumb then he kinda got what was coming to him. It's like downing a bottle of vodka and then blaming alcohol when you get your stomach pumped.


See, this is why I couldn't be a politician but you could. As a card carrying stoner having me say pot should be legal is redunant, I'd be laughed out of the place. We need more right-thinking folks like you who don't do drugs but understand that others might do and should be allowed the freedom to do so.

It annoys me from a civil liberties standpoint but also just the lack of knowledge and hypocracy in our political system. IMO, daily use of marijuana is much less destructive than a comparable use of alcohol, it's not an intoxicant in the same way at all. But the trouble is that the arguments for and against or so surface level and empty, and usually will always fall back on "won't somebody think of the children".

I saw a doc about pot once where this 14 year old kid says it exaccerbated his mental health issues. But that's after explaining that he smoked a whole £25s worth on the way home. By contrast, the same amount would last me and my mrs about 4 days. If the kid is that dumb then he kinda got what was coming to him. It's like downing a bottle of vodka and then blaming alcohol when you get your stomach pumped.

Didn't you quit smoking?


bitch I'm taking calls.
If only we could be as disinterested and bored with our electoral system as you guys. Maybe next election!

Mr. Sam

What's the cost of cinema these days, about £10? So you've spent about £400 on going to the cinema this year.

Cineworld Unlimited Card, £14.99 a month.

I've got a local cinema which often shows movies which aren't playing in most other places. It's got a bar, at which I get a discount, a restaurant next door, at which I get a discount, and my student discount plus my member's discount means the average ticket costs around £6. There's no sticky floors, no dirty screens, and the seats are all cushioned recliners. Mothers and their children get their own separate screenings and mouthy teenagers seem to be entirely unaware of its existence. It's heavenly. I'll be seeing Argo there tonight.

The one thing which pisses me off is the twenty minutes of adverts before the film, but I suppose that just can't be avoided. Oh, and I get a 25% discount at Gourmet Burger Kitchen, but Gourmet Burger Kitchen's a bit shit.

I hate going to other cinemas. Even the pricey cinemas in Leicester Square don't measure up. Alas, The Master isn't out anywhere else but at The Odeon West End until the 16th and I'm an impatient man.

If I had a Cineworld nearby, and it was half decent, that would be a pretty good deal though. The closest one to me, I think, is in North Greenwich.


Sometimes I'm forced to by financial woes. It's usually very short lived. I'm a weekend warrior these days though. Apart from last night. And tonight :p

I've cut down a lot recently too - mostly because I don't see my friends other than at weekends these days and Suz doesn't smoke. Good for me, but after a stressful day, it's frustrating not to be able to round up a few buds and smoke the worries away a little.

Plan tonight: Get back on track for NaNoWriMo. Gonna be a tough one to get back to it.

Jedeye Sniv

I've cut down a lot recently too - mostly because I don't see my friends other than at weekends these days and Suz doesn't smoke. Good for me, but after a stressful day, it's frustrating not to be able to round up a few buds and smoke the worries away a little.

Plan tonight: Get back on track for NaNoWriMo. Gonna be a tough one to get back to it.

You gotta do it man! It's way to early to give up yet, just plow on. See what I mean though about needing to write something you don't care about so much though? You need to be able to just spew words for three hours a day rather than carefully crafting them. That's for later. Now is for panic and adrenaline!

But in previous years I've not smoked at all during NaNo, I find it sucks my productivity a bit (unless it's 2am when I get all my ideas)


See, this is why I couldn't be a politician but you could. As a card carrying stoner having me say pot should be legal is redunant, I'd be laughed out of the place. We need more right-thinking folks like you who don't do drugs but understand that others might do and should be allowed the freedom to do so.

It annoys me from a civil liberties standpoint but also just the lack of knowledge and hypocracy in our political system. IMO, daily use of marijuana is much less destructive than a comparable use of alcohol, it's not an intoxicant in the same way at all. But the trouble is that the arguments for and against or so surface level and empty, and usually will always fall back on "won't somebody think of the children".

I saw a doc about pot once where this 14 year old kid says it exaccerbated his mental health issues. But that's after explaining that he smoked a whole £25s worth on the way home. By contrast, the same amount would last me and my mrs about 4 days. If the kid is that dumb then he kinda got what was coming to him. It's like downing a bottle of vodka and then blaming alcohol when you get your stomach pumped.

Well, remember when that report came out that stated that alcohol was more harmful than cannabis? A researched report conducted by scientists. Politicians still ignored it and bumped it back up to Class B. "Cannabis today is stronger than the cannabis back in the 60s.. Dat skunk guys! It's got a scary name so it must be bad!"

To be honest, as a non-user with no kids, I'd be seen as being naive and gullible if I was to become the poster child of marijuana legalisation. I understand it's an extremely difficult situation for you considering your job but it would be far more powerful message to send out if responsible users who contribute to society (doctors, accountants, teachers, firefighters, police officers) could all stand up and say "Some folk have a glass of wine or scotch after a hard day's work. I like to responsibly use pot. I am still fully capable of taking care of my family. There's nothing wrong with me"

EDIT: I'm off to the Road to Warped tour tonight. Less Than Jake! Here I come!


Well, remember when that report came out that stated that alcohol was more harmful than cannabis? A researched report conducted by scientists. Politicians still ignored it and bumped it back up to Class B. "Cannabis today is stronger than the cannabis back in the 60s.. Dat skunk guys! It's got a scary name so it must be bad!"

To be honest, as a non-user with no kids, I'd be seen as being naive and gullible if I was to become the poster child of marijuana legalisation. I understand it's an extremely difficult situation for you considering your job but it would be far more powerful message to send out if responsible users who contribute to society (doctors, accountants, teachers, firefighters, police officers) could all stand up and say "Some folk have a glass of wine or scotch after a hard day's work. I like to responsibly use pot. I am still fully capable of taking care of my family. There's nothing wrong with me"

EDIT: I'm off to the Road to Warped tour tonight. Less Than Jake! Here I come!

T be fair, the stuff we smoke these days IS a lot different to what they smoked in the 60s - stronger and a lot more potential mental issues from it down the line.

Still, only hurting ourselves.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Daughter came home to visit from CERN today, so likely to be off air for a few days. Have fun guys!


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Plan tonight: Stay up as late as necessary until I feel comfortable this space invaders game we have to make for Uni is satisfactory.


Mr. Sam

If anyone wants to play a bit of Halo with me, my gamer tag is Professor Sam. I'll be on about midnight tonight. Sad, I know, but it's the only time I can play.


Colorado did as well, didn't they?

By Friday, I'll have been to the cinema forty-one times this year. I'm not sure it's a habit I can maintain - I just spent over £40 for three tickets. Alright, so it's a 75mm print of a film which is only showing in one cinema in the country, and I'm being reimbursed for two of those tickets, but still...

And another thing, what's the deal with card handling fees?

I'm up to 51 films so far this year at the cinema. I got a deal on the Cineworld card so it only cost me £80 for the year!
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