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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Yeah the Wii was dinky enough, but glossy is blergh and having to stick a motion bar on my TV / Setup? It reminds me of the Poweglove:


Then the games were meh and the output was low res.

Just not my thing I guess.


I loved my NES, SNES and N64, I loved the build quality of the Gamecube (and design) but the games were meh, since then I haven't really been able to get into Nintendo stuff at all. The DSi was nice, the Wii was fucking awful.

They seem to build em cheap for the mass market and that's not my thing, I am an industrial design whore and apart from the glorious matte black DSi I haven't felt anything but disdain for Nintendo hardware in a long time.
Oh yeah, the Gamecube was a pretty damned cool piece of kit. Forgot about that one!

I'm a hardware first, software second chap. Since all consoles inevitably end up with a plethora of games I want to play, I place a lot of importance on the hardware. On that note, the PS3 is a fucking champion. I doubt either of the next-gen boxes will have audio hardware as impressive as the PS3. Drool.

Well, just to be contrary, I've had a Wii since launch and have had nothing but joy from it.

It works, it keeps working, it is cute as a button, fantastic for multiplayer, took 10 strokes off my golf handicap and 1 1/2 stone off my weight, introduced me to friends in USA/Germany/Sweden/South Pacific, reinvigorated my interest in gaming, got me into GAF and had a bunch of damn interesting games of which very few (thankfully) involved blowing the heads off things.

So there!

I'll get a Wii U just as soon as the business cashflow runs to an HD TV.
I do play my Wii occasionally, but not in the same way that I play my other consoles. It's kind of a local multiplayer / gimmick console. It's the one I'd turn on if I was entertaining people that don't normally play games. The only time I ever fire it up for myself is for a brief blast on Trauma Centre.

I'm ashamed to admit that I've owned Super Mario Galaxy since it came out and yet I've never got more than half-way through before giving up on it.


Never picked up a Wii, I did enjoy playing it round friends when we had drinking sessions but I never wanted to own one myself

I may pick up a Wii U at some point though not for a good year or 2 at the earliest my PC, PS3 and now Vita pretty much cover all my gaming needs right now.


I wouldn't be on there being another Playstation at all frankly. With the brain drain of talent leaving Sony since 2005, the mishandling of the Vita and their financial situation it wouldn't shock me to see Sony's gaming arm bought up by someone else.

So yeah, whoever buys it might keep making them and use the brand as it should be but that could take time.

Apple were looking for something to spend some of their $90 Billion cash on were they not? Maybe just waiting till the price bottoms out...


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I'm ashamed to admit that I've owned Super Mario Galaxy since it came out and yet I've never got more than half-way through before giving up on it.

Shame on you Dave. Both of the Galaxies get good when you try to 100% them - that's when you realise how good they are. If you're gonna stick to the baby stuff, well ....


Maturity, bitches.
Very appalling behaviour. I'll make sure to organise an early neighbourhood meeting so we all find out which one of us is responsible for tarnishing the good name Britannia.
I've never clicked with Nintendo. I've always had a PC (well, C64, then Amiga, then PC) but as far as consoles go, it was SEGA all the way until the DC died and then I've 'mained' Sony and MS boxes since. I've owned every Nintendo console & handheld (just for completions sake) but with the exception of the SNES, they've all been purchases I later regretted. I liked Nintendo handhelds up until the 3DS but the hardware disparity between that and the Vita frustrates the living shit out of me.

I just don't click with Nintendo. It goes without saying that I'll be skipping the Wii-U.

Nintendo consoles are for spotty faced, middle class grebs...machines for soft cunts.

It's your inner rough upbringing treating them as the kryptonite they really are.
This doesn't include a handheld and PC right?

If you had a PC you would be laughing. Best set up for any generation is a PC with a console with the exclusives you want. Though that often means putting off the console purchase until a few years into the generation.

I really need to make an effort to play my DS and PSP. DS got many hours of Pokemon and Super Mario Bros and little else, and the PSP has just been a portable PS1 emulator with the exception of a couple of actual PSP games. Handhelds just don't fit in with me- I don't like taking them out of the house as I haven't the room in my pocket and I'm scared of them getting damaged or stolen, and have a smartphone, and at home I'd rather just play on the PC or PS3.

I'm going to make a New Years resolution now to bring them to uni next term and actually play them. Won't be getting a 3DS or Vita though for that reason.
Well, I only had a Wii this gen and that seemed to work out OK.

Thing is, I care not a hoot about shoddy ports of games that I wouldn't play anyway - and since I'm not fond of shooting things and see no point in playing online with strangers that kind of narrows the field. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned.

Give me a Wii U golf game with WSR mechanics and a course builder and I'll be happy for a long time, and also better at golf.

Do you not game on the PC or anything else? Just the Wii?

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Does the walking stick have a carved duck's head, and are you carrying a paper bag containing chocolate limes, barley sugars and butterscotch?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I'm sorry to report that the walking-stick handle is a plain curve, and slightly grazed from my habit of taking a golf swing at nettle patches.

But the bag is paper (pink-and-white striped). It contains jelly babies mostly.

Jedeye Sniv

My breakfast is a sausage roll lovingly prepared by my local bakery. FOOD OF THE GODS! For some reason I really can't do cereal first thing in the morning. Weirdly it just makes me way more hungry, to the point of feeling a bit sick. I need meat and grease. Not lots, just a little.


Maturity, bitches.
I just had a boiled egg and soldiers this morning. Oh and some slices of fruit.

Oh and I see I'm not the only one not a fan of the cooked tomatoes. It's the texture of the liquidy seeds I don't like. Don't mind it raw, but it feels horrible cooked. A friend of mine cannot understand this, but I cannot understand her dislike of bananas.

This was my breakfast. I find it actually quite filling, usually keeps me going to lunch.

Dave and BGBW, completely agree with you on the cooked tomatoes. Horrible slimey things.

But Dave you are so wrong on the black pudding, it's a mouthful of heaven!


S1 was better yeah, still like it but it feels more exagerated and less "real" I guess. Still will miss it if this is the final series.

Yeah, definitely feels a lot less realistic than S1. One of the things I loved about the show when I watched S1 was that it wasn't as OTT as Skins. Loved how they took normal uni situations and made something interesting out of it. The student protest/riot episode was gold. Watching S2 feels like watching Skins but with more laughs and a lot less drama. Vod still kicks ass though. I could watch her alllll day.

Oh. My. God.

Ditch the tomato and black pudding and I'd eat that like it was Coco Austin's ass.


My breakfast during the week usually consists of a bowl of Special K but I thought I'd try something different so I picked up some of this:


So good! wish they came in bigger boxes though.

Zomg, a package filled with candy from the USA has arrived on my desk today. Better start getting some insulin 'cus I'm gonna pig out like a muthafuck this weekend.


I had a banana for breakfast. That usually does me till lunch. I used to love a big breakfast but its just no good for me D:


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Dave and BGBW, completely agree with you on the cooked tomatoes. Horrible slimey things.

But Dave you are so wrong on the black pudding, it's a mouthful of heaven!

With tomatoes it depends what you do with them. I cook mine in the oven for 10 mins after putting a coating of sugar on them (yep, sugar. Don't know why, but it works beautifully - blame John Tovey's recipe books).

Black pudding you've got to get the right stuff - most supermarket black puddings are dreadful. But Tescos are now doing one (you can tell it is meant to be authentic because it has "Wee" in the name) that is an absolute delight - not too spicy, tender, got the proper taste and all that.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Breakfasts is it?

I go through these too fast, but these are my breakfast right now.
With tomatoes it depends what you do with them. I cook mine in the oven for 10 mins after putting a coating of sugar on them (yep, sugar. Don't know why, but it works beautifully - blame John Tovey's recipe books).

Black pudding you've got to get the right stuff - most supermarket black puddings are dreadful. But Tescos are now doing one (you can tell it is meant to be authentic because it has "Wee" in the name) that is an absolute delight - not too spicy, tender, got the proper taste and all that.

I don't mind cooked tomatoes in spag bol, chilli, lasagne etc, just don't like them on their own. Your sugar version does sound nice but would not be allowed on my current diet :(

Agreed with most supermarket black pudding, it's not great. When you've had the real deal in Scotland nothing else quite compares. Will check out that Tesco one though, always on the lookout for authentic black pudding!


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I don't mind cooked tomatoes in spag bol, chilli, lasagne etc, just don't like them on their own. Your sugar version does sound nice but would not be allowed on my current diet :(

Agreed with most supermarket black pudding, it's not great. When you've had the real deal in Scotland nothing else quite compares. Will check out that Tesco one though, always on the lookout for authentic black pudding!

Me too. But this one is the closest I have found. It comes in a small rectangular box rather than pre-sliced, and is delicious. Give it a go.


Black pud tips: most scottish brands come on a polystyrene rectangle, and are covered by something similar to Saran wrap. Buy it in a log, if you're not gonna use it all that day, slice and then freeze it. The pre sliced stuff isn't as good. I don't know why. I prefer to overcook mine a bit, so its nice and crumbly individual taste may vary.

Jedeye Sniv

I developed a taste for raw black pudding as a nipper and never really grew out of it. It's much spicier and has a lovely texture raw. It's badass cooked as well though. It's one of the best things ever to come from a pig for sure.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I had an unhealthy but tasty chocolate filled croissant and coffee. I've made some purchases for my GAF Secret Santa that I'm happy with, I hope they are too.
Was there going to be a BritGAF SS?


Scrambled eggs, cottage cheese and fruit ... every morning

So exciting...i know...

ha, that's the breakfast I have as a treat during the weekend. Man, clearly I'm not living it up :(

oh and I just remembered, Glasgow/ScotGAF, Lirlond and I are meeting up for drinks and banter at Glasgow centre during one of the weekends before the xmas holidays. Nothing set in stone just yet but you are all more than welcome to tag along if you got nothing else better to do. I especially look forward to seeing Kentpaul and discussing hiphop.
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