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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
How do mods get picked anyway? I swear I never recognise any of the newly appointed.

Jedeye Sniv

How do mods get picked anyway? I swear I never recognise any of the newly appointed.

I'd say these folks are fairly recognisable, or maybe it's just the circles I travel in. Cyan is part of WriterGAF and is lovely. Aeana is a big DQ fan and is always in those JRPG threads and TheseDeafMutes (I think I got that wrong) is a fairly prolific general poster.

You too can become a mod Cindres, it only takes a single, grueling 5 hour skype call to EviLore where he will debase everything you hold dear. Just look at his profile pic. LOOK AT IT!


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.

speaking of our friends in the North, I got perhaps the greatest voice message ever the other day from our friend Kent. I must have listened to it ten times or more. I love you Kent. No homo.

I was fucked on a bottle of bourbon after sending that. I have no memory of what i said but i have a possible slight memory of sending it. Reply none the less yo, I want to hear your soft southern fairy voice (No homo)

Also agreed to a HOUSE PARTY that day that i forgot about till the dude reminded my misses


What's the point in all these lovely amazing drugs we have when there's nothing that seems to be able to shift this fucking headache!!!


What's the point in all these lovely amazing drugs we have when there's nothing that seems to be able to shift this fucking headache!!!

There's a drug for that :)

EDIT: Also, Scot-Gaffers, thought I'd throw this out again. Lirlond and I are meeting up next saturday at Glasgow City Centre (Hope St.) to check out the bars. If you're in the area and got nothing else better to do then come along.

Mr. Sam

Anybody watching Young Apprentice? I like the way northerners talk. "Teach kids how to care f' planet!"

Edit: These guys don't even know the order of the planets! Come on, it's: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming (Planets).


Can some Java god help me?

I've got this code for Uni:

	public static void q07(ArrayList<NSS> all){

	//Show the name of the institution with UKPRN 10007759
	//List every subject for this institution
		ArrayList subjectList = new ArrayList();

		for (NSS nss:all)
			if (nss.UKPRN.equals("10007759")){

		for (int i = 0; i < subjectList.size(); i++){
		if (subjectList.get(i).equals(subjectList.get(i+1))){


It works as it should - I get the output that I was expecting. However at the end Eclipse displays this:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 248, Size: 248
	at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
	at NSSSample.q07(NSSSample.java:129)
	at NSSSample.main(NSSSample.java:26)

Anyone tell me what the problem is?


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Can some Java god help me?

I've got this code for Uni:

	public static void q07(ArrayList<NSS> all){

	//Show the name of the institution with UKPRN 10007759
	//List every subject for this institution
		ArrayList subjectList = new ArrayList();

		for (NSS nss:all)
			if (nss.UKPRN.equals("10007759")){

		for (int i = 0; i < subjectList.size(); i++){
		if (subjectList.get(i).equals(subjectList.get(i+1))){


It works as it should - I get the output that I was expecting. However at the end Eclipse displays this:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 248, Size: 248
	at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
	at NSSSample.q07(NSSSample.java:129)
	at NSSSample.main(NSSSample.java:26)

Anyone tell me what the problem is?

I would assume to to be something to do with:
if (subjectList.get(i).equals(subjectList.get(i+1))

As though i < subjecList.size() will prevent it from ticking over, if i is at the last one and it tries to grab i+1 you're gonna get an out of bounds error.

EDIT: yeah looking at it, that will be the case every time, gets to the end and tries to grab one past the end due to i + 1, throw in a check for that, so say
if (i != subjectList.getSize() - 1) {
      if (subjectList.get(i).equals(subjectList.get(i+1))){

or something similar


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Either been utterly stupid or utterly brilliant posting here. Retreating to BritGAF to lick in advance any wounds I may eventually possess.


Either been utterly stupid or utterly brilliant posting here. Retreating to BritGAF to lick in advance any wounds I may eventually possess.

oh Descartes, how you must be rolling in your grave.

Just post the simulation-argument.com link and be done with it. I've been struggling with it for years my self.


I would assume to to be something to do with:
if (subjectList.get(i).equals(subjectList.get(i+1))

As though i < subjecList.size() will prevent it from ticking over, if i is at the last one and it tries to grab i+1 you're gonna get an out of bounds error.

EDIT: yeah looking at it, that will be the case every time, gets to the end and tries to grab one past the end due to i + 1, throw in a check for that, so say
if (i != subjectList.getSize() - 1) {
      if (subjectList.get(i).equals(subjectList.get(i+1))){

or something similar

Worked a charm, I owe you a pint!

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I was reading that which is easier to invade thread involving the US and Russia and it got me to thinking, how easy would the UK be to invade (sans nukes) and how long would it take if one of the superpowers made it their mission? I remember in History our unique position and navy made us quite impenetrable during ww2, alot has changed since but our Navy is still pretty awesome and we are an Island. Anyone have any info on this?


Wow, nice one Cindres! I knew it had something to do that if statement but that error message brought back horrid memories of Java. Really need to get back into proper programming.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I was reading that which is easier to invade thread involving the US and Russia and it got me to thinking, how easy would the UK be to invade (sans nukes) and how long would it take if one of the superpowers made it their mission? I remember in History our unique position and navy made us quite impenetrable during ww2, alot has changed since but our Navy is still pretty awesome and we are an Island. Anyone have any info on this?
I would weigh in but my analysis would be based solely on Risk mechanics which have little to no base in real statistics so I'll just observe ;p

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I would weigh in but my analysis would be based solely on Risk mechanics which have little to no base in real statistics so I'll just observe ;p

Yar all i got to go on is Civ4 and half remembered history lessons. Id have to think if someone like China or the US wanted to invade us enough and invested enough resources its just a matter of time, what im not sure of is if a situation could ever exist where an invasion would be worth the loss or "cost effective" to use a terrible term.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Worked a charm, I owe you a pint!

Glad I could help :) Doing one of my Java based assignments myself tonight and funnily enough I was in the process of implementing a list when I saw your question.

Wow, nice one Cindres! I knew it had something to do that if statement but that error message brought back horrid memories of Java. Really need to get back into proper programming.

Out of bounds errors are generally easy to fix, I keep getting them myself just due to forgetting every bloody time.

Do it sir, get yourself back into programming!

Living up to the avatar right now :p


I was reading that which is easier to invade thread involving the US and Russia and it got me to thinking, how easy would the UK be to invade (sans nukes) and how long would it take if one of the superpowers made it their mission? I remember in History our unique position and navy made us quite impenetrable during ww2, alot has changed since but our Navy is still pretty awesome and we are an Island. Anyone have any info on this?

We're not alone. We have the European Union. Which pretty much means only the US is capable of taking us on. Sans nukes.


I was reading that which is easier to invade thread involving the US and Russia and it got me to thinking, how easy would the UK be to invade (sans nukes) and how long would it take if one of the superpowers made it their mission? I remember in History our unique position and navy made us quite impenetrable during ww2, alot has changed since but our Navy is still pretty awesome and we are an Island. Anyone have any info on this?

We were impenetrable during WW2 because the RAF won the Battle of Britain and the Nazis didn't one to invade without air superiority, then they got distracted by Russia. I'm not sure the Navy had much to do with preventing a sea invasion, they were more involved in the Mediterranean and protection of supply lines.
It's hard to judge how easy we would be to invade today because a lot of the military's strength is spread out abroad. Our small land mass would probably make the fighting a lot more concentrated than America or Russia where the discussion is normally around how big those countries are.


Do it sir, get yourself back into programming!

you know what? I think I will. Perhaps my attitude towards programming will change if I took a different approach and do it as a hobby/for fun.
My current job deals more with the software development lifecycle management (analysis, design, flowcharts, writing psuedocode, testing) rather than actual code development (that gets outsourced) so brushing up on my programming in my spare time will definitely prevent me from not losing a valuable skill. Cindres, do you recommend any books that discusses more of the data structure, algorithm, logical problem solving side to programming instead of the "hello world, how to" basic guides?


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
you know what? I think I will. Perhaps my attitude towards programming will change if I took a different approach and do it as a hobby/for fun.
My current job deals more with the software development lifecycle management (analysis, design, flowcharts, writing psuedocode, testing) rather than actual code development (that gets outsourced) so brushing up on my programming in my spare time will definitely prevent me from not losing a valuable skill. Cindres, do you recommend any books that discusses more of the data structure, algorithm, logical problem solving side to programming instead of the "hello world, how to" basic guides?

I learned most of what I know through Uni, but seeing as you already know programming I probably would go for some of the structure/algorithm, etc side. Any of the basic "hello world" stuff can be found so easily on the web it's not worth getting it in book form.

My only problem when I tried to learn as a "hobby" was that I had no goal, so I always kinda lost interest because I didn't know what I wanted to do with it. College/Uni helped me in that there are goals to accomplish, tasks to complete. And now I'm moving into games development I have better Ideas of what to accomplish. So I guess the point of that little rant is to think of something you'd like to program, whether it exists or not already is irrelevant I just think it helps, of course programming exercises in books are good for that also.

EDIT: And of course I'll always be here to help ;) Solving errors and helping others helps strengthen my own skills.


Thanks buddy :) I'm hoping that if I do it as a hobby then that would take away this fear of programming that I developed when I was doing it at Uni. The pressure of getting code coursework done right in a specific time length took all the fun out of it for me. I ended up coding to pass modules instead of coding to learn, understand and make cool stuff. Got a few books here from uni with plenty of exercises in them. Tackle those one by one and then use what I learned to write a simple game or application. sorted!
Any of London-GAF going to tonight's Lawrence of Arabia showing at the BFI Southbank?

No, I'm going to see the Idiot Bastard Band in St Albans with my boyfriend and his parents.

Tomorrow we're going to Van Hage, a garden centre that has an awesome Xmas section and a petting zoo area with rabbits, goats, chickens pigs and more! Then of course it's the meet up, which will be awesome.

Sunday we're going to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, and hopefully slip in going to see Rise of the Guardians somewhere.

What's everyone else's weekend plans?


Any of London-GAF going to tonight's Lawrence of Arabia showing at the BFI Southbank?

I would've if I were in London.

What's everyone else's weekend plans?

Office Xmas party/dinner tonight hosted by yours truly followed by clubbing. Tomorrow, recovery day and possibly head out to the shops to find a a cool hat and scarf. Sunday, lunch with a friend and possibly go and see End of Watch or Silver Linings Playbook.

EDIT: Jedeye, love the sound clips/bits in the beginning of Atlanta Beaver Ruin. Where's that from? Also, does your band do T-shirts? Would gladly whore myself out if you send over a t-shirt for me to wear :)


Lots of UKGAF talk going over my head lately. Phisheep contemplating the universe, everyone else discussing coding. Somebody appreciating Twilight?!

What happened to the dick jokes and toilet punching? Where are Dave and Kentpaul?!

What's everyone else's weekend plans?

Tonight: Pub, followed by catching up on Far Cry 3 (I played for about 4 or 5 hours last night, but now my save is gone :()

Tomorrow: more Far Cry 3 until I hop on the train for the meet-up (what whhaaaaaat)

Sunday: Hangover. Supplemented by plenty of Far Cry 3.

...Far Cry 3 is pretty good, you guys.


Well. I was going to run this morning. But the streets are basically an ice rink. Need skates.

Staying in this weekend. Probably play vidya games.


Going back up to Leeds tonight for my old placements Christmas party, then down to Birmingham on Saturday for my 'mentors' (really I did all the work and he took credit) wedding. Really busy but seeing a lot of friends I haven't seen in a while so should be fun. If only I didn't have so much uni work to worry about :(

Jedeye Sniv

Lots of UKGAF talk going over my head lately. Phisheep contemplating the universe, everyone else discussing coding. Somebody appreciating Twilight?!

What happened to the dick jokes and toilet punching? Where are Dave and Kentpaul?!

Tonight: Pub, followed by catching up on Far Cry 3 (I played for about 4 or 5 hours last night, but now my save is gone :()

Tomorrow: more Far Cry 3 until I hop on the train for the meet-up (what whhaaaaaat)

Sunday: Hangover. Supplemented by plenty of Far Cry 3.

...Far Cry 3 is pretty good, you guys.

ooooh is FC3 out? I just got paid and I think I deserve a treat.


Where do you live: Glasgow, Scotland
Where are you from: ^^
Occupation: Web Designer/Developer (Drupal Website Maintainance at this moment)
University: Glasgow Calidonian
Sports of choice (and if you'd like to alienate yourself you can provide the team you support as well): Running up to Rangers and Celtic fans and saything they're as rubbish as each other and then running away.
Current political party of choice: Hypotethcial Liberal Party that doesn't excist as every party is secretly Conservitive
Favourite (current) UK TV show: Stephen Fry, Gadget Man
Favourite (current) non UK TV show: Castle
CBBC or CITV: The Children's Channel, Sky was awesome before it went digital.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Off to see Theatre Society's production of Twelfth Night tonight, then we have full day rehearsals scheduled both days as our play starts next Friday.

So other than that I won't be doing much.

Sports of choice (and if you'd like to alienate yourself you can provide the team you support as well): Running up to Rangers and Celtic fans and saything they're as rubbish as each other and then running away.

You're a mad cunt, though I'd love to see a tv show where someone does that.
Oh yeah and by the way Scot-Gaf, happy St Andrews Day!

Did any of you know it was today? Do you care? Do you guys celebrate it, or do anything special for it at all?
Exciting weekend ahead of time series econometrics coursework ahead! Wooo!
Then a test next Thursday to work for!

Next weekend things will ease off a lot, really looking forward to some gaming time, I've played nothing in about two weeks :(


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Giving farcry 3 a miss. The last thing i want is to play another generic open world first person shooter.

Been playing Forza 4 recently.. So fucking good man, If you looe control of the car you see the backend just swinging left and right then a spin..

Always great trying to drift with shitty 1.4 cars

Jedeye Sniv

Giving farcry 3 a miss. The last thing i want is to play another generic open world first person shooter.

Been playing Forza 4 recently.. So fucking good man, If you looe control of the car you see the backend just swinging left and right then a spin..

Always great trying to drift with shitty 1.4 cars

Open world FPS games are quite rare though, aren't they? I dig the idea of Far Cry 2 but it was a bit too punishing and weird. I really just want a big wide area of jungle where I can murder people. I want to ride a boat down a shady river. I want to hear crickets. I want to start terrible fires. I want to kill all the animals.


Good choice with Forza 4, KP. Game's shit hot.

Open world FPS games are quite rare though, aren't they? I dig the idea of Far Cry 2 but it was a bit too punishing and weird. I really just want a big wide area of jungle where I can murder people. I want to ride a boat down a shady river. I want to hear crickets. I want to start terrible fires. I want to kill all the animals.

Goddamn it, now I want to play FC3. I'm only buying Vita games for the forseeable future though.


That's... an odd choice. Are you trying to justify a purchase to yourself or to someone else? :p
It's just that I don't really find myself sitting down in front of the PC or my consoles all that much at the moment. The Vita, on the other hand, fits into my life much better. It's the hardware I'm using the most so it's the hardware I want more software for. I've picked up 4 or 5 360 games and a shit-ton of PS3 games lately (mostly PS+ stuff) but haven't actually had a chance to do more than dip into 'em.

If I bought FC3 it'd just sit on a shelf whilst I played something on the Vita.


Can you play ps3 games on Vita via remote play?

Some of 'em, but I haven't bothered checking which. You might be on to something there though!

smokey has given up ios gaming

thats a bigger story than the pedo-ring in the uk.
I know it's odd but I don't really count iOS gaming when I'm thinking about buying games. I just take it for granted that I'll buy whatever I fancy because they're so cheap. Recently, that'd be Jet Set Radio, The Walking Dead, SF Vs. Tekken and Magic Orbz. I'm planning on starting The Walking Dead tonight.

I'm still playing a LOT of iOS ;)
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