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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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anyone in here play league o' legends? I notice the uk community seems very small for games like this :[

Me and quite a few other UK Gaffers play Dota, the set in stone metagame of League of Legends and the awful balance makes it a much less popular game.


Harry Potter's great. I found all of those little quirks in Rowling's writing rather charming, personally. I'm not a big reader but I've tried other book series and while they were enjoyable, none have ever really enchanted me
like Harry Potter did.

A few post-HP books you should try:

His Dark Materials (begins with The Golden Compass) - Philip Pullman
The Magicians - Lev Grossman
The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien
Anything Pratchett
Eragon - Paolini
American Gods or Good Omens by Gaiman
A Painted House - Grisham
Fight Club - Palahnuik

And work your way up to the big leagues :)
A few post-HP books you should try:

His Dark Materials (begins with The Golden Compass) - Philip Pullman
The Magicians - Lev Grossman
The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien
Anything Pratchett
Eragon - Paolini
American Gods or Good Omens by Gaiman
A Painted House - Grisham
Fight Club - Palahnuik

And work your way up to the big leagues :)

It begins with Northern Fucking Lights. Get those fucking Americanisms out of here.


Where do you live: Sheffield
Where are you from: Sheffield
Occupation: Office monkey
University: Um, nope.
Sports of choice: Football, Sheffield Wednesday.
Current political party of choice: The one that David Cameron isn't in
Favourite (current) UK TV show: Dragons Den
Favourite (current) non UK TV show: South Park
CBBC or CITV: CBBC, obvs.

As for Bond, I've only ever seen the Daniel Craig ones, and only then because my wife has a fascination with him. Bleurgh.


I was mildly interested in The Hobbit. Then it was announced that it was going to be three films. Then it was announced that it wasn't even going to be 48fps in most cinemas. The interest poured out of me like violent liquid poo.

Fuck the movie, read the book. I can't imagine it making a great film anyway, to be honest. It's a story, it's meant to be read.

No, it was a Pullman endorsment, Mrs Sniv loved them and they did sound pretty cool.

City names huh... how about a page from the Rowling playbook - Chillyton or Coldchester (lol) or something. Or failing those excellent suggestions, how about looking into history for old names of English cities? Or just set in in steampunk Slough. The word Slough conjurs up all the imagery you're describing perfectly!

EDIT: it's a real name of a rural area in Surrey but Peperharrow is a great place name. It could be an alternate reality where a city was built there and grew large, maybe even eclipsing London and leaving London smaller and less developed.

Dude, read His Dark Materials. There's delightful church bashing, light spoiler, sort of ->
rape metaphors
and fucking BEARS.

I don't want to ground it anywhere in reality, so I'm aiming away from real place names. But something like Slough, London, Crosby, Harrow or the like would be perfect.


Looking for something less literally cold, but with a chill to the sound of it.

Ravenvale, Barren Hill, Mechaville

I think I'm just at the point where I'm overthinking everything I hear and nothing is going to be perfect.

The last real contender I had in my head was Winterbridge, but I think that sounds entirely too Forgotten Realms.
Fuck the movie, read the book. I can't imagine it making a great film anyway, to be honest. It's a story, it's meant to be read.

Dude, read His Dark Materials. There's delightful church bashing, light spoiler, sort of ->
rape metaphors
and fucking BEARS.

I don't want to ground it anywhere in reality, so I'm aiming away from real place names. But something like Slough, London, Crosby, Harrow or the like would be perfect.

Looking for something less literally cold, but with a chill to the sound of it.

I think I'm just at the point where I'm overthinking everything I hear and nothing is going to be perfect.

The last real contender I had in my head was Winterbridge, but I think that sounds entirely too Forgotten Realms.

How about Vinterburg?


It begins with Northern Fucking Lights. Get those fucking Americanisms out of here.

Apologies, you're right. They renamed the whole trilogy "The Northern Lights Trilogy" and changed Northern Lights to The Golden Compass. I personally prefer The Golden Compass as a title as it fits in better with the sequels, but the trilogy should be His Dark Materials, definitely.

Fellow Brit Gaffers, which is the better option with this coat: blue or black?


I'm only seeing Grey and Navy as options. The navy looks much nicer.


I'm trying really hard to come up with something for my book at the moment, perhaps you guys can help me?

It's quasi-steampunk Victorian London esque.

I need a name for the city. I don't want it to be a real city, obviously, but I want it to sound wintery, isolated and London-like.

I'm normally not terrible with names, but I'm struggling like crazy with this.
The interest poured out of me like violent liquid poo.

This is excellent and I may well be stealing it.

Fellow Brit Gaffers, which is the better option with this coat: blue or black?



As for Bond, I've only ever seen the Daniel Craig ones, and only then because my wife has a fascination with him. Bleurgh.

How have you never seen a Bond film pre-Craig???

Jedeye Sniv

Dude, read His Dark Materials. There's delightful church bashing, light spoiler, sort of ->
rape metaphors
and fucking BEARS.

I don't want to ground it anywhere in reality, so I'm aiming away from real place names. But something like Slough, London, Crosby, Harrow or the like would be perfect.

One day I'm sure I will. I'm currently reading Hyperion which is consistently blowing my mind through the top of my skull. I rarely say this but - BEST SCI FI EVER. It's just so damn complete, the imagination on show is staggering.
Apologies, you're right. They renamed the whole trilogy "The Northern Lights Trilogy" and changed Northern Lights to The Golden Compass. I personally prefer The Golden Compass as a title as it fits in better with the sequels, but the trilogy should be His Dark Materials, definitely.

I'm only seeing Grey and Navy as options. The navy looks much nicer.

Apparently I'm going colourblind!
I did indeed mean grey and blue/navy.
I am super bored today. And it's one of the girl's last day today, which means drinks after work. Which I actually don't want to go to, seeing as I'm skint plus I'm not drinking. Ho hum. How long do I have to stay before I can go without being rude?



I like Kaleden... it puts something else on the tip of my tongue though...feels like I'm nearly there with that :) Cheers

Read it.
Read it.

Not a fan of 'em?

Jedeye, if you're in the mood for more sci-fi after you're done with the Hyperion books, try The Algebraist by Iain. M. Banks - very good book right there.

I am super bored today. And it's one of the girl's last day today, which means drinks after work. Which I actually don't want to go to, seeing as I'm skint plus I'm not drinking. Ho hum. How long do I have to stay before I can go without being rude?

Fake a call from the boyfriend about 10 minutes after you get there.
Be visibly upset.

Jedeye Sniv

Jedeye, if you're in the mood for more sci-fi after you're done with the Hyperion books, try The Algebraist by Iain. M. Banks - very good book right there.

I think I might well do, he's one of those writers I've always meant to try but never knew where to start with. That's an 'in' right there. What kind of sci fi is it? I'm starting to realise that I like the kind of SF that makes my nose bleed from the sheer height of the concepts and the technicality of the execution.


Oh, no! I really enjoyed both of them. His Dark Materials were my favourite books as a tween and The Hobbit is, well, The Hobbit. All the plebs (plebs!) were into Harry Potter.

Ahh OK, I thought you'd said that you didn't enjoy anything other than Harry Potter...or am I getting confused?
EDIT: Nope, that was Juicy Bob.

I think I might well do, he's one of those writers I've always meant to try but never knew where to start with. That's an 'in' right there. What kind of sci fi is it? I'm starting to realise that I like the kind of SF that makes my nose bleed from the sheer height of the concepts and the technicality of the execution.

Massive space opera. If you like that, he's got a huge series called The Culture which has about 9 or 10 books in it and has been going since I was born! I've only read 2 or 3 from that, but it's also fantastic.

But then I have to deal with the questions in work tomorrow

"I thought he said he'd slept with another woman so I went to kick his arse, but it turned out he'd crept up on a gibbon. What a hilarious misunderstanding!"

If you can get photos of the two of you with a surprised gibbon for verification purposes, all the better.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
"I thought he said he'd slept with another woman so I went to kick his arse, but it turned out he'd crept up on a gibbon. What a hilarious misunderstanding!"

If you can get photos of the two of you with a surprised gibbon for verification purposes, all the better.

I was just gonna say tell them you don't want to talk about it but this is a way better one.


Boss let me finsh early as we have nothing to do which gave me a chance to get some more Christmas presents.

Ugh, I have to start planning xmas presents.
I have no idea what to get my mum or grandparents this year.
I'd mentioned getting mum a Nexus 7 but she doesn't want one :(


Maturity, bitches.
My mum wants a tablet, but a small one.

Not looking forward to the Apple conference if the rumours are true.

Jedeye Sniv

I was just gonna say tell them you don't want to talk about it but this is a way better one.

YES! And then have a bit of a cry, they might even let you go home early. win/win

Ugh, I have to start planning xmas presents.
I have no idea what to get my mum or grandparents this year.
I'd mentioned getting mum a Nexus 7 but she doesn't want one :(

She's like "fuck you boy, I want a godamn iPad you technopauper!"



YES! And then have a bit of a cry, they might even let you go home early. win/win

She's like "fuck you boy, I want a godamn iPad you technopauper!"


Nah, my mum isn't a hipster in a post-rock band, you Thierry Amar wannabe :p

She likes her Android phone...except it's a Wildfire which barely plays Cut the Rope. I THINK she'd love a tablet, I just have to get her to come around to the idea, I think!

Jedeye Sniv

We have a secret Santa in my family so I only have to buy for one. Simplifies things greatly!

Same here, first year doing it. Not buying a pressie for my wife either. We realised that we both wanted something to the approx value of £120 so we're just going to buy ourselves what we want rather than an arbitrary trade of goods.


Same here, first year doing it. Not buying a pressie for my wife either. We realised that we both wanted something to the approx value of £120 so we're just going to buy ourselves what we want rather than an arbitrary trade of goods.

But what will you open on Christmas??


A big bag of weed and pussay, boiiiii

I really don't need anything any more. And what I do want, I can buy with my own money (bass, games, iPad - sorted)

As long as I get parsnips and sprouts and have loved ones around, Christmas is all good by me.

Are you still gonna go to the Sucioperro gig on Saturday?
I don't know if you saw my post in the last thread, but sucks you're not supporting :(
My friend's band is one of the supports - Freeze the Atlantic. John and Guy from Reuben are in it too and they're well worth a listen.

I was going to go down, but it's the same day as my 24hour game-a-thon, so I'll be absent unfortunately. Still well up for a cheeky drink sometime soon though.
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