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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Both wrong, it's all about delicate, fragile creatives suffering and eeking out delicate tragedy, heartache and pain through the medium of preferably guitaar-based song, usually with more effects pedals than different chords, heavy use of self-aggrandizing elitism, occasionally with screamy bits.

"We fell in a field, It seems now a thousand summers passed
When our kite lines first crossed we tied them into knots
To finally fly apart we had to cut them off"

I'm not helping the non-metal, delicate image of myself here, am I?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Both wrong, it's all about delicate, fragile creatives suffering and eeking out delicate tragedy, heartache and pain through the medium of preferably guitaar-based song, usually with more effects pedals than different chords, heavy use of self-aggrandizing elitism, occasionally with screamy bits.

"We fell in a field, It seems now a thousand summers passed
When our kite lines first crossed we tied them into knots
To finally fly apart we had to cut them off"

I'm not helping the non-metal, delicate image of myself here, am I?

I thought you meant "ekeing out", but then I realised you were right all along.
I'm a bit drunk now BUT I think my favourite albums of the year have been Grizzly Bear, Metic, Cloud Nothings, Zammuto, Godspeed, Titus Andronicus and... I think that's it. A lot of my favourite records have been 2011 releases (like Feist and o'Brother and Los Camps and Slow Club and Tune Yards and Bill Callahan and...), so even though loved a lot of music, a lot of it is not relevant for these threads.

As for stuff I'm not really feeling, I like Beach House but don't think they're in "the greatest" league at all. Not much love for faves like The Weeknd or Frank Ocean. I like Death Grips in theory but can't make it through a whole record of it. XX - bleugh, I went off them during the debut period. Not heard the new Bat for Lashes but didn't love the singles (unlike Daniel where I was like omggmore please). In theory I should love Flying Lotus but I don't.

And that's pretty much everything that's popped up on my radar. I need to listen to Baroness, I've heard some tracks and really like what I heard.

What do you reckon were the best records?

I'd call myself a fan of every artist / band in your second paragraph! That's not to say I don't like those in your first paragraph either - I do (about half of the 2012 list and most of the 2011 list) - but the second paragraph is all good to me.

If you look at wenis' list on the last page (both his top 10 and all the runners up) you pretty much have a list of all the albums I enjoyed this year (plus some I haven't listened to yet, but am working my way round to).

I have pretty broad tastes covering all the main genres (and some sub-genres with pretentious names I am loathe to type out), which means I like a lot of stuff but also makes me job harder in terms of tracking down new material I am likely to enjoy.


I'd call myself a fan of every artist / band in your second paragraph! That's not to say I don't like those in your first paragraph either - I do (about half of the 2012 list and most of the 2011 list) - but the second paragraph is all good to me.

If you look at wenis' list on the last page (both his top 10 and all the runners up) you pretty much have a list of all the albums I enjoyed this year (plus some I haven't listened to yet, but am working my way round to).

I have pretty broad tastes covering all the main genres (and some sub-genres with pretentious names I am loathe to type out), which means I like a lot of stuff but also makes me job harder in terms of tracking down new material I am likely to enjoy.
I think we are quite similar.
Kendrick Lamar released the best album this year for me. The Weeknd is probably second if the rerelease counts. Not a big fan of Frank Ocean though.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I think we are quite similar.
Kendrick Lamar released the best album this year for me. The Weeknd is probably second if the rerelease counts. Not a big fan of Frank Ocean though.

I can't seem to get that CD out of my car CD player. Its ruined music for me because its such a good album. There's no going back now. This a modern classic. Good kid maad city.

you killed my cousin back in 94' fuck yo truce

I have tickets to see the man in January.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I need to have a partial vent due to just losing five games in Football Manager.

In the "game crashed and I hadn't saved, lawl" sense, not in the "you're a shit manager, lololol" sense.

It's my own fault for not saving, but what can I say. Sometimes you just forget. I absolutely fucking hate it when this happens. A crash in any other game I can get over in a few minutes, but a game like FM? You need therapy.

At the beginning of the season Bolton hammered me and Big Sam - now managing them again in the Championship of 16/17 - did call me a shit manager. :(


Spreadsheets are cool if it's simulation. It's when they put colourful graphics over the top and call it "World Of Warcraft" that it becomes boring.
I think we are quite similar.
Kendrick Lamar released the best album this year for me. The Weeknd is probably second if the rerelease counts. Not a big fan of Frank Ocean though.

Yeah, from your past posts whenever music is discussed in this thread or elsewhere, I reckon you're the person in UK-GAF who has tastes most similar to my own. I'm sure you've been through it already but that AOTY thread is full of dozens of amazing albums, you should definitely try some of them out!

EDIT: Also, agree wholeheartedly with Suairyu's post above. Still missing the avatar, though.


Speaking of, never got to hear more on this, which was a really good thread.
I very quickly discovered that the world that had enchanted me felt entirely hollow and without context, lore or adventure once you got out of the level 1-20 zones. There was no exciting ramp up of quest activity, with pretty much the same tasks running throughout, just with stronger monsters.

Basically, the visage that it was an awesome world of adventure and exploration melted away to reveal a game that was just about numbers, except nowhere near as good as Diablo et al in that regard.

So I quit.


Kendrick Lamar released the best album this year for me. The Weeknd is probably second if the rerelease counts. Not a big fan of Frank Ocean though.

I can't seem to get that CD out of my car CD player. Its ruined music for me because its such a good album. There's no going back now. This a modern classic. Good kid maad city.

you killed my cousin back in 94' fuck yo truce

I have tickets to see the man in January.

"The Art of Peer Pressure" is the first track in a looong time that legitimately gave me goosebumps the first time I heard it walking around Edinburgh last Sunday. Kendrick Lamar can really paint a picture with his words. Still prefer Section 80 over GKMC though. Hol' up, ADHD, Spiteful Chant, Hiiipower, No Makeup. Fuck, I was going to pick up a ticket to see Kendrick but the gig is scheduled on the same night as the Dropkick Murphys and I already bought a ticket for that back in October. I'd return it too if I could but I can't.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I've been listening to the new XX and been mildly pleased but not blown away. You can do worse for a sophomore record and I'd rather a group do what they do well rather than try and reinvent themselves just to be different only to end up awful.

Good kid / maad city is next on my to-do list. Heard the art of peer pressure and was absolutely stunned in a very good way.
I very quickly discovered that the world that had enchanted me felt entirely hollow and without context, lore or adventure once you got out of the level 1-20 zones. There was no exciting ramp up of quest activity, with pretty much the same tasks running throughout, just with stronger monsters.

Basically, the visage that it was an awesome world of adventure and exploration melted away to reveal a game that was just about numbers, except nowhere near as good as Diablo et al in that regard.

So I quit.
Can't blame you, I followed a similar path and was no longer actively playing after the second expansion. It happens to most people who play so I'm thinking ultimately it's just another MMO for people who love the hardcore grind and competition. Which is a shame because the things they do right when it comes to lore and adventure are wonderful. It's sad that they are so fleeting.
Well today was stupid. Went something like this:

5AM: "Huh, it's 5am. Well, fuck it, I've got a project meeting at 12 so might as well just stay up."
8AM: "This was a bad idea."
Noon: *go to meeting, usual spell of utter lack of contribution and me racking my brains to try and get these duckfarts I'm working with to do anything*
2PM: "Well, time to go home!"
2:30PM: *conk out immediately upon getting within falling range of my bed*
Like, an hour ago? PM: "...ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Fuck my body clock.


Yeah, from your past posts whenever music is discussed in this thread or elsewhere, I reckon you're the person in UK-GAF who has tastes most similar to my own. I'm sure you've been through it already but that AOTY thread is full of dozens of amazing albums, you should definitely try some of them out!
I picked up Grizzly Bear (I knew I should probably check this out already), Purity Ring and El-P off of the thread and it's all been good. Looking forward to the lists being put together to pick more stuff out, I couldn't afford to buy everything lol.
I very quickly discovered that the world that had enchanted me felt entirely hollow and without context, lore or adventure once you got out of the level 1-20 zones. There was no exciting ramp up of quest activity, with pretty much the same tasks running throughout, just with stronger monsters.

Basically, the visage that it was an awesome world of adventure and exploration melted away to reveal a game that was just about numbers, except nowhere near as good as Diablo et al in that regard.

So I quit.

Were you playing alone?

I found the world was mostly great and fun to explore, but I probably wouldn't have stuck with it from BC to WotLK if I didn't know anyone else.
I definitely think it played the best of any MMO I've played, just moving around the world felt right. I played a bit of GW2 and it was missing a lot of the magic of WoW for me.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Well today was stupid. Went something like this:

5AM: "Huh, it's 5am. Well, fuck it, I've got a project meeting at 12 so might as well just stay up."
8AM: "This was a bad idea."
Noon: *go to meeting, usual spell of utter lack of contribution and me racking my brains to try and get these duckfarts I'm working with to do anything*
2PM: "Well, time to go home!"
2:30PM: *conk out immediately upon getting within falling range of my bed*
Like, an hour ago? PM: "...ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Fuck my body clock.
Been there brah. And it sucks. Gotta force yourself to live normal-seeming hours until your body stops fighting it. Exercise helps if you aren't feeling tired at the proper times. Could always do a kentpaul and get some pills to help reset yourself and fall asleep at the right times.


CHEEZMO™;45361917 said:
EVE is the best spreadsheet game.
I'd have love to have gotten in there in the early days when you could bootstrap your way up. Seems like too much dedication to get anywhere now though. I just read Jim Rossignol's awesome series on his time in Eve on RPS instead and sigh.
Been there brah. And it sucks. Gotta force yourself to live normal-seeming hours until your body stops fighting it. Exercise helps if you aren't feeling tired at the proper times. Could always do a kentpaul and get some pills to help reset yourself and fall asleep at the right times.

Well, I'm not interested in pills, that's for sure.

This sort of thing happens a lot when deadlines are due, and I kinda just let it happen. Now I'm done for the term, I'll probably get back to normal over the holiday (especially for when I'm back home for a fortnight, no way my mum's letting me sleep past noon).


bitch I'm taking calls.
Mine is the exact same. I thought that's just how mama's do. Speaking of sleeping I could go for a nap right now.

Four more hours to go...
I'd have love to have gotten in there in the early days when you could bootstrap your way up. Seems like too much dedication to get anywhere now though. I just read Jim Rossignol's awesome series on his time in Eve on RPS instead and sigh.
Yeah EVE is definitely one of those games I've never played but greatly respect. I think I get a lot more enjoyment in following the people who play it and the stories that come out than I would actually playing. My favorite EVE stories are the ones that involve Goonswarm like that dude that infiltrated the biggest guild in the game and tore it apart from the inside and more recently the one about the crazy war they had to shake up the economy in one of the "protected" areas of the galaxy.

The best, however, will always be The Great Scam by nightfreeze.
Goonswarm stories seem to be the best, as they clearly started out understanding that it was just a game, whilst simultaneously understanding the necessity of playing dirty and politics and all that in order to "win" the game. Although I imagine at this point they are far too deep into things to remember that any more.

Also fuck me guys, the original Crash Bandicoot is balls hard. Might have to make a LTTP thread because there's things I really need to vent about that game.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
CHEEZMO™;45357143 said:
Spreadsheet Manager, more like.

GotY for me by default.

My FC Halifax team just clung on for dear life in their first season in the Championship and I ended up 19th. I hope to get a mid-table finish this year at least then take it from there.

I beat Man U 2-0 in the FA Cup though. :)


CHEEZMO™;45361917 said:
EVE is the best spreadsheet game.

tried playing EVE because I love the idea behind it. but it just requires way too much dedication. after 2 months I said fuck this.


One more day of work then a long weekend. Friday booked off. Gonna work so hard tomorrow and then reap the rewards with a huge lie-in.


The last 2 pages of this thread made me think of the music I used to listen in school, just rediscovered grand turismo by the cardigans. Fucking loved this album, listening to it is bringing back so many forgotten memory's.


The last 2 pages of this thread made me think of the music I used to listen in school, just rediscovered grand turismo by the cardigans. Fucking loved this album, listening to it is bringing back so many forgotten memory's.
Erase and rewiiiiind!
Guy's a fool. Couldn't handle the red hot awesomeness.

Chinner's post in there cracked me up. I was still laughing about it in the shower this morning.

Oh shit I didn't see that. I just cackled in work reading that. Now everyone's looking at me.

Thanks a lot Chinner :(


lil bit hungover this morning, getting out of bed was twice as had as it normally is so didn't want to go out into the cold.


Just pissed myself out loud at work at Chinners post!

I work alone...


Jedeye Sniv

guys can you link me to the funny. cba to search :|

edit: nevermind, found it. That was actually worth the hype, I literally lol'd. I might even have lmao'd. I dunno it's hard to tell.

And Steve, me too brah, me too :( currently working and listening to My Chemical Romance like an overgrown child.


Jedeye Sniv

You guys freelance or something?

Not me, it's the xmas holidays here at school so I have a whole house-sized building office to myself. So on goes the iPod, up goes the volume.

Making seating plans for January's mock exams. If I said this was the most boring part of my job I'd be lying. I have to cut up around 2000 place labels next. *sob*

EDIT: speaking of which, you guys might be nerdy - if anyone knows a way in Word to do a mailmerge and have the cells go in a specific order rather than simply left-right then I will pay you in money or sexual favours. It would literally save me 3 days.

There is actually one way I can think of but it's such a massive pain the arse. Anyway, back to the grind. CTRL+C, Alt tab, CTRL+V, down down down, alt tab, right right right, rinse repeat...


You guys freelance or something?

Own my own company.

staff of me, in my living room, although I am in a "city centre office" so that's something

I am listening to Daft Punk: Discovery right now (Too Long just started, fucking love the last half).
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