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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Musha as a mum is a scary thought. She's barely more mature than us, if that!

That's enough of that cheek young man, you go to your room.

Apart from J Tourettes I'm normally the oldest at the meet ups. That's why I'm mum. That and the fact I look after everyone, including finding lost gaffers (Jedeye). Until I get absolutely wankered, then I turn into a raving loon and need people to pay for my taxi home (thanks again J T)

Edit: oh and fuck you all and your poncy shitty indie music taste (apart from Stubo and shorty) Papa Roach are awesome.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
What do you think of Dead Space? I personally love the fuck out of it.

Never played that series. Res 5 was very good indeed played with a friend but in single player Sheva liked swan diving into enemies and picking up all the goodies. I wish I could play first person games for more than 20 minutes as Bioshock Infinite looks amazing.


Freakin Uncharted card game on the Vita is damn addictive. Had a few beers so i had bit of a beer jacket, got home about 11, rolled a smoke and headed up the garden. I've just come in, I was so engrossed in the game i kinda zoned out, now im inside warming up and i cant feel my feet lol numb as fuck. freezing out there but its crystal clear where I am and the sky is looking pretty.
Edit: oh and fuck you all and your poncy shitty indie music taste (apart from Stubo and shorty) Papa Roach are awesome.



Never played that series. Res 5 was very good indeed played with a friend but in single player Sheva liked swan diving into enemies and picking up all the goodies. I wish I could play first person games for more than 20 minutes as Bioshock Infinite looks amazing.

I get the feeling you'll love Dead Space

DS2 is pretty damn good too, though my love for the original burns brighter


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'm having a "dad moment" here with all these Papa Roach mentionings. As in, my first thought was "they're still around?" I thought they had died with the rest of the nu metal crowd. I've not listened to them since Lovehatetragedy back in 2002/3. Listening to this stuff now is quite funny actually, as I remember thinking this stuff was the best shit in the world back when I was a teenager.

In regards to music, this December marks ten years of me being a Manics, Laibach and X Japan fan. In particular, I've been listening to Generation Terrorists near constantly for the last few days. Such a crazy-good album, nearly every track is perfect.

Jedeye Sniv

I feel wrong talking about vaguely metal bands when this is my favourite song at the moment...

Well you know what I'm like, half lovely acousticy girly music, the other half blisteringly heavy and obtuse rawk. I like everything, country AND western.

Nah, she's American, I think. Her second album, *deep breath* "This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That", is pretty fucking great. For example.

Hot damn this is awesome. I'll share it with my mates too, I think my bandmates will love this.

That's enough of that cheek young man, you go to your room.

Apart from J Tourettes I'm normally the oldest at the meet ups. That's why I'm mum. That and the fact I look after everyone, including finding lost gaffers (Jedeye). Until I get absolutely wankered, then I turn into a raving loon and need people to pay for my taxi home (thanks again J T)

Edit: oh and fuck you all and your poncy shitty indie music taste (apart from Stubo and shorty) Papa Roach are awesome.

OK, you're going to make me do this aren't you? Liiiiiist!


awww yeah, rocking Wednesday!

ear cleanse:


I'm having a "dad moment" here with all these Papa Roach mentionings. As in, my first thought was "they're still around?" I thought they had died with the rest of the nu metal crowd. I've not listened to them since Lovehatetragedy back in 2002/3. Listening to this stuff now is quite funny actually, as I remember thinking this stuff was the best shit in the world back when I was a teenager.
We are the same person.

Though I still think Infest and Lovehatetragedy have some decent tunes once you move past the screaming and "nobody understands me" lyrics designed for 14 year olds.


I had to name a favourite track from 2012 for a quiz the other day.

Is it tragic that the only track released this year that I liked was Doom and Gloom by the Stones? 2012 and the Stones released the only song I really liked? Scary.

2011 had the Drive soundtrack I guess...

Jedeye Sniv

I had to name a favourite track from 2012 for a quiz the other day.

Is it tragic that the only track released this year that I liked was Doom and Gloom by the Stones? 2012 and the Stones released the only song I really liked? Scary.

2011 had the Drive soundtrack I guess...

Yeah man that's really kind of fucked up. Get back in the game! Lots of good music this year. I would find it really hard to name a song though...


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I had to name a favourite track from 2012 for a quiz the other day.

Is it tragic that the only track released this year that I liked was Doom and Gloom by the Stones? 2012 and the Stones released the only song I really liked? Scary.

2011 had the Drive soundtrack I guess...

I just checked my music collection, and it doesn't have a single track from 2011 or 2012. The last album I bought was Battle Hymns MMXI by Manowar back in 2010. I also seem to only have 3 albums from 2010 out of the 700+ in my total collection.

I really fell off when I moved to Asia.

Jedeye Sniv

This year was a bit musically underwhelming for me too, although what I heard was excellent. Only have about 15 albums from this year.

I blame podcasts and books, they eat into to my musical digestion time.

Jedeye Sniv

Listening to iPod on random - a cover of Public Image by Feeder of all people has come up. I had no idea that this was even a thing, how the fuck did I have it? Next - TV on the Radio. Random is so awesome.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
We are the same person.

Though I still think Infest and Lovehatetragedy have some decent tunes once you move past the screaming and "nobody understands me" lyrics designed for 14 year olds.

Funnily enough, I actually still listen to Hybrid Theory from time to time - mainly during workouts. With the length of the album and individual songs it's near-perfect treadmill music.
Past me would've been all over this gig.

...did they play Blood Brothers? :D



and Between Angels and Insects?
and Dead Cell?
and Legacy?
and M-80?
and Not Listening?
....and Tightrope?

And sadly no, I would love to see that done live.

That had a really good range of songs from all the albums, I think they did 2 from each, except Time for Annihilation which they did 1 from, and The Connection which they did 3 from.


Maturity, bitches.
OP from that one anime show counts as best song from 2012 right? Or the credits from that one game?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I think the only nu metal band who survived the post-hardcore cull of my early 20s was Deftones. Always been great, still are.

A lot of them seem to be getting back together. Whether or not they'll last with newer fanbases or it's just going to milk nostalgia dollars from then-frustrated-teens-now-frustrated-wage-slaves remains to be seen.

I never listened to the Deftones at all. They're one of the few bands of that era that slipped through my then-teenage tastes. Then again I had a bunch of cool friends on a RPGMaker 2000 forum I frequented that shoved a lot of "real" metal/rock my way (Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and such) and I evolved from there.


Maturity, bitches.
Then again I had a bunch of cool friends on a RPGMaker 2000 forum I frequented that shoved a lot of "real" metal/rock my way (Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and such) and I evolved from there.

Why would they do that when they could have listened to the greatness that was Field4.mid?


OP from that one anime show counts as best song from 2012 right? Or the credits from that one game?
Depends which cookie-cutter, "same plot and characters as all the other series but with different names" genre of anime we're talking about here.

For games it depends if it was written by Uematsu-san~

Then again I had a bunch of cool friends on a RPGMaker 2000 forum I frequented that shoved a lot of "real" metal/rock my way (Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and such) and I evolved from there.
Shitting christ RPGMaker takes me back.


And sadly no, I would love to see that done live.

That song alone is worth seeing them live. Still an absolute tragedy that it's a hidden track on Infest.


If I had the ability to give myself a title, this would sooooooo be it.

Limp Bizkit tried the nostalgia dollars strategy recently...

Fred Dunce said:
We don’t play back home. We’ve boycotted America for many years now. I don’t know, I just don’t wanna go out like that. We did a few radio shows in 2010 for a friend and that was it. We haven’t properly toured America since 2006.

The reason? We just don’t know what’s going on in America. It’s all about the new catchy thing and that’s always changing. America is driven by record sales. It’s the home of corporations. We’re just Limp Bizkit, so we don’t know how to do anything but Limp Bizkit.

But here’s the deal: say in 2000, there were 35 million people who connected to this band. Twelve years later, lots of those people have moved on. We were a moment in time and it’s over.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Limp Bizkit recently tried the nostalgia dollars strategy recently...

I love how American celebrities/figures love to paint a picture of America being "driven by corporations and their interests" as if Europe is some magic place where this isn't the case. If anything, it's the fucking reverse.

And if the Limp really wanted to tour the US it'd have to be a really low-scale event. And I doubt that would fly with Durst's ego.

Don's Adventure is the game of our generation.

I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about RTP chipset sprites.

I still regret to this day not ensuring that my RM2k game was backed up when I reinstalled XP in January 2005. Not to blow my own trumpet, but it was one of the most advanced games using RM2k and probably the most creative. It'd been in development for 4+ years and about one third complete - which was going to be the 2nd demo. When I applied for a job as a game designer last year I had a major nostalgia trip in putting together a portfolio of screens for it.


Did Fred Durst ever do anything of worth? What was his career after Limp Bizkit? God that banned sucked so hard. Even at the time everyone knew it.

Were you part of any communities back then? Don's Place, RPGMaker.net etc?
I lurked more than anything. But I loved tinkering around with RM2K and later XP, never really releasing anything, but seeing what could be done.


Maturity, bitches.
My earliest games are lost to time but I have a few old and crappy 2k projects saved on a disc. For some reason I never really liked using the newer versions. Something about the look of the 2k RTP sprites appealed to me. I mostly made short games to share with a friend and sometimes played games I found online. Good source for free fun.
That song alone is worth seeing them live. Still an absolute tragedy that it's a hidden track on Infest.

If I had the ability to give myself a title, this would sooooooo be it.

Limp Bizkit recently tried the nostalgia dollars strategy recently...

Have you heard the EP Let 'Em Know? It was released a year before Infest and has the original version of Tightrope. I prefer the version on Infest though.

I actually don't mind Soggie Cookie, Chocolate Starfish had some pretty decent tunes on it. But Ferd Derrrrrrst is a monumental bell end.

Jedeye Sniv

I used to really like Deftones. Well, I still do, but after seeing them live they went down in my estimation.

Yeah totally. Even hearing live recordings back in the day I was like wtf is this shit. I've seen them twice I think and they sucked both times, they just can't get across that floaty, too-much-ketamine feel on a stage, especialyl when fat-chino was so out of breath and Chi was throwing his bass around like a lunatic. Bless him. The last few albums have been stunning though.

Did Fred Durst ever do anything of worth? What was his career after Limp Bizkit? God that banned sucked so hard. Even at the time everyone knew it.

I lurked more than anything. But I loved tinkering around with RM2K and later XP, never really releasing anything, but seeing what could be done.

This is criminal, but before they broke up in 2005 they put out an EP... I can't remember what it was called, something about the Truth maybe... but anyway, it was really really good. Heavy, super aggressive, not so much of the rapping and Durst-ing, it was impressive. Me and my equally elitest mate were kind of embarrassed by how much we liked it.

Oh here's a song. No wonder it was good, they had Sammy Seigler on drums.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&v=BGednQsQ-h8 (Musha you might like this)

Papa Roach?!

Limp Bizkit?!

I'll go sit in a lonely corner and play my Miles Davis LP's.

I was listening to Miles Davis just yesterday in my office in fact. Variety!


My gf recently had me play "The witch's house" which was made in rpg maker. Fairly simple and fun puzzle game. Quite a lot of bs deaths though.


Did Fred Durst ever do anything of worth? What was his career after Limp Bizkit?

Apart from that stint with Britney Spears and the sex tape incident, he tried to pull a Ben Affleck and directed two forgettable movies.

And if the Limp really wanted to tour the US it'd have to be a really low-scale event. And I doubt that would fly with Durst's ego.

Which is a shame because small venue gigs are far better than stadium gigs IMO. Instrumentally, the band have this exprimental vibe to them. Wes Borland really does some freaky cool sounds with that guitar. It's Fred Durst's "I DID IT ALL FOR THE NOOKIE! COME ON! THE NOOKIE! SO YOU CAN TAKE THAT COOKIE AND STICK IT UP YOUR YEAAAAAAAAAH!" lyricism that shits on the band and prevents the band from progressing.

Have you heard the EP Let 'Em Know? It was released a year before Infest and has the original version of Tightrope. I prefer the version on Infest though.

Haven't heard Let 'Em Know. Was that like their demo tape before they got signed? Gonna have to check it out.

and, with regards to The Undertaker, I was going to post that I prefered his other theme but we don't need to turn BritGAF into another dark corner and go down the Kid Rock route. There's always another time for that.
Haven't heard Let 'Em Know. Was that like their demo tape before they got signed? Gonna have to check it out.

They released an album before Infest, Old Friends from Young Years in 1997. It's...... interesting. Also 3 EPs, the afor mentioned Let 'Em Know in 1999, 5 Tracks deep in 1998 and Potatoes for Christmas in 1994. Most of it is bloody awful if I'm being honest, but it is interesting to see where they got their sound from.

Jedeye Sniv

This year has been amazing for music, what are you on about Jedeye ;)

The AOTY thread is an absolute goldmine of good albums.

Yeah, it's been OK but I'm not so into dream-pop and that style is really dominating the scene lately. As my friend said recently while we were trying to find new bands: "It sounds like they're all underwater or far away"

Lots of indie is legit great but there's a lot of style-over-substance wank about too. I've been paying attention to the end of year thread and there are some very iffy choices in there :p

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
This is iffy! What's wrong with his face? His eyes don't match his head!

EE seem to have turned LTE on in Hull - O.M.G. I am now living in the future, where my phone downloads faster than my home wifi.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Conan the Barbarian is on TV now.

I've not seen this since I was a kid. Which is apt because it's as close to a children's version of the first movie as you can get.

Decent soundtrack though.


Conan the Barbarian is on TV now.

I've not seen this since I was a kid. Which is apt because it's as close to a children's version of the first movie as you can get.

Decent soundtrack though.
That's the one where there's a bird living inside his shield or something, right?


Got out of my final interview, I think it went well and he said it did but it sounds like I might have competition and he wanted to wait until the manager from the other interview is back. Was hoping to have it dine with this week but he said Monday :(
Also asked about Birmingham, I was like naahhhh and only realized after he might have offered a place there. Might be good because I'd much prefer leeds


bitch I'm taking calls.
Freakin Uncharted card game on the Vita is damn addictive. Had a few beers so i had bit of a beer jacket, got home about 11, rolled a smoke and headed up the garden. I've just come in, I was so engrossed in the game i kinda zoned out, now im inside warming up and i cant feel my feet lol numb as fuck. freezing out there but its crystal clear where I am and the sky is looking pretty.
This was very poetic maybe unintentionally but still cool.

Jedeye Sniv

What sort of stuff do you reckon is iffy? And what are your favourites from that thread?

I'm a bit drunk now BUT I think my favourite albums of the year have been Grizzly Bear, Metic, Cloud Nothings, Zammuto, Godspeed, Titus Andronicus and... I think that's it. A lot of my favourite records have been 2011 releases (like Feist and o'Brother and Los Camps and Slow Club and Tune Yards and Bill Callahan and...), so even though loved a lot of music, a lot of it is not relevant for these threads.

As for stuff I'm not really feeling, I like Beach House but don't think they're in "the greatest" league at all. Not much love for faves like The Weeknd or Frank Ocean. I like Death Grips in theory but can't make it through a whole record of it. XX - bleugh, I went off them during the debut period. Not heard the new Bat for Lashes but didn't love the singles (unlike Daniel where I was like omggmore please). In theory I should love Flying Lotus but I don't.

And that's pretty much everything that's popped up on my radar. I need to listen to Baroness, I've heard some tracks and really like what I heard.

What do you reckon were the best records?

Jedeye Sniv

This was very poetic maybe unintentionally but still cool.

For a second there I thought Bazza had written this this morning, and I was gonna be 'yeeeeah!' but then I realised.

As alluded to earlier, I'm pretty sloshed after a work lunch. They kept bringing us wine!!
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