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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Fucking degenerate nottingham.
Goddamned right. NG REPRESENT!


There's just a few things that get me down now and then. I'm not depressed by any means. I'll try to remain positive from now on.


Bought my one way ticket to Paris on November 13th. Looks like November 12th will be my last day in London/UK for some time.

Tons to do before then!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Bought my one way ticket to Paris on November 13th. Looks like November 12th will be my last day in London/UK for some time.

Tons to do before then!

Moving to Paris then? I'm liking it quite a bit myself (London didn't click with me much). Berlin, Paris, or Madrid/Barcelona would probably be my top picks for Euro cities to live right now. Berlin's the easiest to get around with English, too, but I'd rather learn French or Spanish than German.


Moving to Paris then? I'm liking it quite a bit myself (London didn't click with me much). Berlin, Paris, or Madrid/Barcelona would probably be my top picks for Euro cities to live right now. Berlin's the easiest to get around with English, too, but I'd rather learn French or Spanish than German.

Nah. Plan right now is:

November 13th-17th: Paris
November 17th- ~26th: Estonia -> Lithuania via Car
November 27th - Early Dec: NY to be home for thanksgiving (been 4 years)
Early Dec - May/June: South America
June -> Find a new job somewhere else in the world, or come back to London. To Be Determined....

I'd love to make my way to Berlin and live there. I have some family so it would be nice to be there for a bit. See what happens come early next summer.


Moving to Paris then? I'm liking it quite a bit myself (London didn't click with me much). Berlin, Paris, or Madrid/Barcelona would probably be my top picks for Euro cities to live right now. Berlin's the easiest to get around with English, too, but I'd rather learn French or Spanish than German.

Have you ever been to Prague? It was just beautiful to me and a lot more laid back than I was expecting in the day. After a week there, I decided that it's where I shall aim to retire and open a sandwich shop there.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Nah. Plan right now is:

November 13th-17th: Paris
November 17th- ~26th: Estonia -> Lithuania via Car
November 27th - Early Dec: NY to be home for thanksgiving (been 4 years)
Early Dec - May/June: South America
June -> Find a new job somewhere else in the world, or come back to London. To Be Determined....

I'd love to make my way to Berlin and live there. I have some family so it would be nice to be there for a bit. See what happens come early next summer.

Oh, just an interlude then, wasn't sure how your plans had worked out. That's quite the vagabonding stretch, should be awesome.


Oh, just an interlude then, wasn't sure how your plans had worked out. That's quite the vagabonding stretch, should be awesome.

Yea, should be good! Going to be a cheap bastard and hopefully not spend too much. The flights will be free (points) its just the accommodation and food. Should be able to do SA pretty cheaply.

I unofficially asked my boss if I can have a sabbatical, this way if I can't find something there could always be something back in London in 6 months time. He said he has no problem with it but is just going to snoop around with HR before we put it in writing.

See how it goes though.


Anyone know anywhere that has good deals on UK PSN cards? The Miku game came out today and I want to buy it. Not SimplyGames though as they asked for ID the last time I tried to use them.

Jedeye Sniv

Just got corrected by a reet posho on the phone "Hello, is that Mrs xxxxxx?" "No, it's LADY xxxxxxx..."

Told me for the plebian scum I am!


Patch 1.03 is out dudes and dudette, we should give it a whirl. Maybe tomorrow? Thursday is usually a good night for everyone to play right?

Just got corrected by a reet posho on the phone "Hello, is that Mrs xxxxxx?" "No, it's LADY xxxxxxx..."

Told me for the plebian scum I am!
Oh my god, I remember "Councillor Garrity" when I worked at MFI, basically the same thing, she insisted I use her proper title. But she kept doing that "ap-ap-ap" "shut the fuck up" thing posh people do every time I spoke. Shit was infuriating!


Maturity, bitches.
I've been tempted to fill the title field on forms with Lord. Eventually it will spread so much that it'll be basically true.


I know I am late, and I can't find the post; But to the person who asked me to come To Scotland one day. I will. Hopefully see you there.

no Politics though... conspiracy, its ok.

Jedeye Sniv

She probably picked her title up for £500 on eBay.

Nope she was a proper Lady. I realised shortly afterwards that I should have figured out who her husband was.

Funny related story, I used to help my mum run a paper shop, and she was impressed that we had a Sir on the paper route. That is until he phoned up to say that he didn't know why were were writing Sir so-and-so on his papers because he was just a mister. Turned out when she asked his name he said "It's, err, blah blah blah" and she heard Sir. And that was my last encounter with the aristocracy until today.

Jedeye Sniv

Patch 1.03 is out dudes and dudette, we should give it a whirl. Maybe tomorrow? Thursday is usually a good night for everyone to play right?

Oh my god, I remember "Councillor Garrity" when I worked at MFI, basically the same thing, she insisted I use her proper title. But she kept doing that "ap-ap-ap" "shut the fuck up" thing posh people do every time I spoke. Shit was infuriating!

Ha, my nan used to do that ap ap ap sound at us, memories. She's dead now, the spiteful old lady. I miss her a bit.

I should be around tomorrow for some TLOU, will download the patch so I'm ready. TBH I don't like the sound of this new mode, seems a bit too much like fucking around but I will certainly give it a go with you lot.


I should be around tomorrow for some TLOU, will download the patch so I'm ready. TBH I don't like the sound of this new mode, seems a bit too much like fucking around but I will certainly give it a go with you lot.
Yeah, it might be pap, but we could always just fall back on shooting each other in the face. That's always fun.

Any of the other usual suspects fancy it? Tash, Jordan, Musha, Dapper, afoni, etc?


Pizza Dog
Nope she was a proper Lady. I realised shortly afterwards that I should have figured out who her husband was.

Funny related story, I used to help my mum run a paper shop, and she was impressed that we had a Sir on the paper route. That is until he phoned up to say that he didn't know why were were writing Sir so-and-so on his papers because he was just a mister. Turned out when she asked his name he said "It's, err, blah blah blah" and she heard Sir. And that was my last encounter with the aristocracy until today.

Ha. That's pretty funny. I work in a pensions department and see a lot of records and stuff in the work that I do for my company. We had a baroness as a member, until she died earlier this year
and had some sort of state funeral or something
. That was interesting. Lots of people with far too much money. Not that I'm bitter.


How desperate? I demand evidence of your desperation. Have you cried into a stranger's lap yet? If not, you've not hit bottom just yet. Keep going young afoni!

Arranging viewings in one last desperate attempt to secure a house so I don't need to sit on a waiting list for Halls and/or commute for a year.

Anyone fancy some TLOU tonight? I need some Robin Hood action on you fuckers.

Jedeye Sniv

Arranging viewings in one last desperate attempt to secure a house so I don't need to sit on a waiting list for Halls and/or commute for a year.

Anyone fancy some TLOU tonight? I need some Robin Hood action on you fuckers.

well good luck mate :)

I'm not about tonight for TLOU unfortunately, have to do the 'quality time' thing since mrs was out last night. Sigh, the demands on my time...
Once you unlock the mega thing is it permanent? That wrist thing makes it look like you have to chose when to activate it which is dumb

Nah, it's temporary, wears off after battle. It's like Rage Mode in a fighting game or something. Definitely competitively focused.
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