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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving






Looks like the US is not ready for me


*feels inadequate*

Must hit the gym moar!!!

But seriously, considering I was like a stick before - I am quite happy with the change. Might just hold my the weight now and try to tone it before going further and bulking out more.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
*feels inadequate*

Must hit the gym moar!!!

But seriously, considering I was like a stick before - I am quite happy with the change. Might just hold my the weight now and try to tone it before going further and bulking out more.

You're way beginner still, too early to think about bulking/cutting. Just keep putting weight on the bar for now.


*feels inadequate*

Must hit the gym moar!!!

But seriously, considering I was like a stick before - I am quite happy with the change. Might just hold my the weight now and try to tone it before going further and bulking out more.

As Evilore said, just stick with it. Don't worry about cutting/bulking yet. Focus more on form, routines and discipline.

If I had to give any advice it would be try to avoid machines and use free weights. Also your body shouldn't "swing" when lifting weights. I see this a lot where people want to increase the weight they are lifting but wind up swinging their body to lift a weight. Bicep curls is one of the bigger ones, arms should be locked and there should be no momentum. Its a stationary exercise and if you have to swing your hips to get the dumbbell up then you are going to heavy.


I think I am going to start reading your posts in the voice of Marvin from Hitch-hikers Guide. It would amuse me. Do you have an awful pain in your diodes down the left side?

That is probably one of the best posts I have ever read.

Advice taken guys, will continue as is.

Jedeye Sniv

I think my iPod is trying to bum me out, keeps playing depressing/hopeful songs on random, not what I need first thing on a grumpy wednesday.

I need new friends guys, my friends here suck. So flaky and self involved. Bah.


I think my iPod is trying to bum me out, keeps playing depressing/hopeful songs on random, not what I need first thing on a grumpy wednesday.

I need new friends guys, my friends here suck. So flaky and self involved. Bah.

I currently just have gym friends, other than that - no drinking buddies, no going out buddies... Nothing, my friends suck.

Jedeye Sniv

I currently just have gym friends, other than that - no drinking buddies, no going out buddies... Nothing, my friends suck.

I have some but my 'best' freinds are just so damn unreliable, it does my head in. I realise that my bandmates are probably my best mates now, and we hardly talk about life stuff, usually just about the work but I see them more than anyone else.

And GAF buddies obviously, love you lot.
I think my iPod is trying to bum me out, keeps playing depressing/hopeful songs on random, not what I need first thing on a grumpy wednesday.

I need new friends guys, my friends here suck. So flaky and self involved. Bah.

I know how you feel, sometimes I just want to hop on a plane and head somewhere new so I can make some different friends. There's a lot of people here I love, but a change would be nice...
Damn Darren, such a beast machine!

Was cool meeting up with Mike last night in Sheffield. Wasn't too long since I went to go look at a car afterwards, but perhaps we can start some steel city epic tuesdays for the next couple of weeks! xD

And this is how you should lift, bros.



I've been building some muscle recently. Problem is, I've only got one dumbbell. And nothing else.

I've just been doing like sets alternating between each arm, and then attempting to do squats inbetween each few sets. I've also been running to the local town and back (about three miles each way)

My arms are pretty good now, but that stomach man, it's still a mess.


Channel your emotions into action and that self-loathing will address itself.
I've tried. I even go for a run around the local lake three times a week, which is a good two miles each time. I don't lift, as such, but my arms are still pretty strong. I just...I don't know.
I've tried. I even go for a run around the local lake three times a week, which is a good two miles each time. I don't lift, as such, but my arms are still pretty strong. I just...I don't know.

You have 2 choices. Live your life wallowing in misery, or suck it up and be happy.

If you're not happy in your life right now, then figure out what the problem is, and do something about it. Life doesn't owe you anything, only you can make your life what you want it to be.


The agent we were dealing with has just emailed me saying the house we were going to give the forms in for today has already been let by another agency.

I haven't felt this shit about something in a while. Last time was when I was banned from some random gaming forum a few months back, but I guess that says more about me than how I feel, heh.



Hello BritGAF. Can someone tell me why my local bar has decided to be evil and do £1.70 pints of Magners on a Tuesday? I have an interesting dilemma of thinking I will vom if I finish this can of Monster, but will fall asleep if I don't. Just hoping it doesn't end in a sleep/vom combo as they're never pretty.


Lol, BritGAF gone all self help seminar today!

I agree with the sentiments already expressed, get a hold of your nuts and sort your life out. Cyan, you seem particular in need of such action, you regularly seem quite depressed with some of your posts. Whining about it on a forum isn't going to help anyone.

In the words of Zack De La Rocha:

"If we don't take action now, we'll settle for nothing later,"

Or, you know:

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