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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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"It was his DYING WISH to meet Michael Jackson. Come on man, Kid's 10 years old. He don't remember Thriller"


I often think about how things would've panned out had I done things different, but then I remember I wouldn't be where I am now with good friends, a decent job and a beautiful little girl and then all is well.

To be fair, the people I know now and speak to very often, could of happened anywhere... I went to secondary school with my best friend, he introduced me to his friends. I have no girlfriend, I rarely give two shits about family outside of mum and dad/nan and grandads and my niece... Nothing would change.

lol fuck no he did it. If not 'it', then SOMETHING. He was sketchy as fuck.

I still don't think he did it, that many trials and still found not guilty... if he had done something and something was a little 'off' with the bloke... then surely they would of found him guilty or at least reported it as something else. No, the guy didn't have a childhood, he liked acting mentally like a child... I stand by what I said at the time of the trials before the jury decided, he isn't guilty.


I didn't say regret, I work in IT, the only thing different about it is I'd be playing with new shit and writing about it as opposed to playing with old shit and fixing it.


So the thread has died so I'm double posting.

So once again, on the phone to Virgin Media... The guy on the phone this time understands my anger at VM and after the I think 7th time in the past month me calling they are now sending an engineer out to us to do some "proper tests" at our end.


I made a baby! (Well, with the assistance of Mrs Smoky).

Wanted to wait until we were safely out of the first trimester to say anything. Went to see it today and it's a little beast! I nearly posted a scan photo, but that seems kinda tacky. It looks crazy though, proper lanky little person. We could even see it flexing its dinky fingers!

So, yeah, I'm going to be a dad. Feels pretty good, although my wallet is fretting a little. The PS4 isn't in any danger, but the XBone might need to take a seat until some killer exclusives land.

Woah congrats!


This big in japan PSN sale owns. I got Way of the Samurai 4 for a tenner. also some shit called Zone of the Enders, whatever that is, for a fiver.
So the thread has died so I'm double posting.

So once again, on the phone to Virgin Media... The guy on the phone this time understands my anger at VM and after the I think 7th time in the past month me calling they are now sending an engineer out to us to do some "proper tests" at our end.

God, they fucking suck, right? It took me forever to be able to tell the guy today that I knew the router was busted and we needed a new one. So fucking long! He made me run through every single little test imaginable, despite the fact that I'd done them all like a million times already.



God, they fucking suck, right? It took me forever to be able to tell the guy today that I knew the router was busted and we needed a new one. So fucking long! He made me run through every single little test imaginable, despite the fact that I'd done them all like a million times already.


Their support is terrible.

1st call - Oh can you just reboot the device
2nd call - Yeah, I see some faults our end, I'll fix that for you
3rd Call - Okay, yeah, there's a fault - I will call you back in an hour can you just monitor it for me?
No call back within two hours
4th call - Okay yes, I see this, let me just change some configuration for you
5th Call - Okay, I'll send an engineer out
Ten minutes after 5th call, automated message, engineer cancelled, fault in area
6th Call - The one that really pissed me off... The guy changed the fucking wireless channel on the superhub and was very rude and abrupt to me and ASSURED me that it was fixed and I wouldn't need to call again
7th Call - I stay calm, talk to the guy nicely and tell him that it's pissed me off and the previous guy was a cunt and I knew he was wrong (nerr nerr) - engineer booked for Saturday... Hopefully, this time he'll turn up.


Their support is terrible.

1st call - Oh can you just reboot the device
2nd call - Yeah, I see some faults our end, I'll fix that for you
3rd Call - Okay, yeah, there's a fault - I will call you back in an hour can you just monitor it for me?
No call back within two hours
4th call - Okay yes, I see this, let me just change some configuration for you
5th Call - Okay, I'll send an engineer out
Ten minutes after 5th call, automated message, engineer cancelled, fault in area
6th Call - The one that really pissed me off... The guy changed the fucking wireless channel on the superhub and was very rude and abrupt to me and ASSURED me that it was fixed and I wouldn't need to call again
7th Call - I stay calm, talk to the guy nicely and tell him that it's pissed me off and the previous guy was a cunt and I knew he was wrong (nerr nerr) - engineer booked for Saturday... Hopefully, this time he'll turn up.

They've been ok on my end (not brilliant). They even once credited us 10£ when there were problems with virgins whole network (on demand services and internet) for a few hours. Pretty nice gesture.

I do think they can be a whole lot better though.

The only thing worth going to gaming for.

That OT!

All images. Boo-urns I say.

I made a baby! (Well, with the assistance of Mrs Smoky).

Wanted to wait until we were safely out of the first trimester to say anything. Went to see it today and it's a little beast! I nearly posted a scan photo, but that seems kinda tacky. It looks crazy though, proper lanky little person. We could even see it flexing its dinky fingers!

So, yeah, I'm going to be a dad. Feels pretty good, although my wallet is fretting a little. The PS4 isn't in any danger, but the XBone might need to take a seat until some killer exclusives land.

Congratulations Dave, what colour of the new Vita will you be buying for your child?


They've been ok on my end (not brilliant). They even once credited us 10£ when there were problems with virgins whole network (on demand services and internet) for a few hours. Pretty nice gesture.

I do think they can be a whole lot better though.

Yeah, they've refunded us for this weeks bill. But 7 calls just to get there? Me having to constantly reboot the device. I don't do a lot of downloading, I don't hammer anything on my PC - just facebook twitter and various web browsing. It's just so poor, especially how many times I've mentioned that the Hubs faulty and they've ignored me each time like I don't know what I'm speaking about.

I really am pissed off about how that guy spoke to me on the 6th call though, it was so rude.


Yeah, they've refunded us for this weeks bill. But 7 calls just to get there? Me having to constantly reboot the device. I don't do a lot of downloading, I don't hammer anything on my PC - just facebook twitter and various web browsing. It's just so poor, especially how many times I've mentioned that the Hubs faulty and they've ignored me each time like I don't know what I'm speaking about.

I really am pissed off about how that guy spoke to me on the 6th call though, it was so rude.

You're Might be being throttled too during peak hours.


Nah, not at all. It's just a straight loss of connection.

Run a connection/noise margin tool (if you're using ADSL) like Routerstats or Routerstatslite whenever your computer is on. That way you'll be able to collect information on the line over a period of time and be able to detect any patterns in dropped connections.

Actually bothered to fully read Virgin's online FAQs and figured out what was wrong with my superhub: my idiot mate had enabled Modem Mode on the bloody thing 5 days ago. Ugh. Could have figured that out myself, but he'd denied doing anything. So-called tech genius he is. Turns out that the IP I was entering was all wrong because of that, and once that'd been figured out I'm now back on wireless.



I need a new phone soon, but I really don't give a shit about Apple products so I might get myself a Nexus 4 or something.

Actually bothered to fully read Virgin's online FAQs and figured out what was wrong with my superhub: my idiot mate had enabled Modem Mode on the bloody thing 5 days ago. Ugh. Could have figured that out myself, but he'd denied doing anything. So-called tech genius he is. Turns out that the IP I was entering was all wrong because of that, and once that'd been figured out I'm now back on wireless.


You'll be turning the hub back onto modem mode soon enough once you realise its speed and range are shit, and plugging in another router for more powah.
You'll be turning the hub back onto modem mode soon enough once you realise its speed and range are shit, and plugging in another router for more powah.

Not on my fucking budget I won't be. Unless you'll all fund my Kickstarter for a fancy router. Reward tiers include personal suggestions for which modem to buy.


You'll be turning the hub back onto modem mode soon enough once you realise its speed and range are shit, and plugging in another router for more powah.

This is what I did barely a week after getting virgin installed. The superhub was just having me banging my head against a wall. For a while I just used a wireless router I already had, but recently updated to a linksys e3200 I think

Honestly, any fairly standard wireless router will do you ok

Smokeydave - congrats! Quick tip from dad Gaf - kids aren't that expensive at the beginning, if you can resist the temptation to get sort expensive brand stuff to compete with the yummy mummies at the crèche.

Another tip - if your wife pressures you to sell your Impreza because it isn't practical for a baby, don't listen to her :/


Maturity, bitches.
My phone is a cheap Chinese phone. To clarify, the company behind it is Chinese rather than all the other phones on the market that are simply made in China.

Once I wiped off Orange's shitty software it was a perfectly competent phone.

So after a bunch of ideas on the whiteboard of dumb ideas for a while going nowhere (Guardian Bingo - Blog it live, number 5.... someday...) I have one. And need some ideas to kick it off.

I need some examples of bullshit obvious phrases. Hot things are hot. 2 + 2 = 4. No Means No. That sort of crap.

10 points to anyone who figures out the obvious joke these will be for.


I need some examples of bullshit obvious phrases. Hot things are hot. 2 + 2 = 4. No Means No. That sort of crap. .

A penny saved is a penny earned?
What goes around comes around?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me?
It's no use crying over spilled milk?
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks?


I made a baby! (Well, with the assistance of Mrs Smoky).

Wanted to wait until we were safely out of the first trimester to say anything. Went to see it today and it's a little beast! I nearly posted a scan photo, but that seems kinda tacky. It looks crazy though, proper lanky little person. We could even see it flexing its dinky fingers!

So, yeah, I'm going to be a dad. Feels pretty good, although my wallet is fretting a little. The PS4 isn't in any danger, but the XBone might need to take a seat until some killer exclusives land.

so are you more excited about GTA V or the baby?

I kid, I kid. congrats Dave and mrs Dave! so happy for you guys!


Morning jerkoffs,

So I finally ordered a new phone today.

I didn't want another Samsung, HTC One is too big and heavy (I'm downsizing from the Note), same with the Xperia Z1 (which was also £100 up front) and I'm kinda left with Apple after that.

So I got one of those iPhone thingys. I hear they're going to be all the rage, all the cool kids are carrying them.

Not a bad deal actually; iPhone 5, 3gigs of 4G, unlimited texts and minutes, £39 per month.

Now I need to sort out a cover. What do you iPhone aficionados recommend for maximum protection and minimum bulk?
Mornin' all.



Cover your mouth dude, jesus.
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