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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Not that I can do any better ha
Aww yiss fräulein! ;)

Oh, that reminds me, Dave and the missus are going to meet us for a few beers before the gig instead of after, what with her being all preggers and stuff. I guess we'll just swap numbers, and they can meet us when they're ready.

Also, I made us reservations for 4550 from Delhi as well as Gurkha Kitchen. Just 4550 is right in the centre, it'll take us the best part of an hour to get to and from Gurkha Kitchen, it's right on the outskirts. I'd rather spend that time in a pub than a taxi!

Gurkha is reserved for 5, 4550 is reserved for 5:30, so we have options. I am tempering my excitement, it's still 14 days away yet.

But yeah, I'm properly excited already, not gonna lie. That whole week is going to be fuck awesome, I can't wait!

Sounds good, 4550 might be better then, don't wanna be missing that train.

This time next week I'm going to be unbearable.


Sounds good, 4550 might be better then, don't wanna be missing that train.
Sweet. I'll ring and cancel Gurkha then. I'd love to try their fine Nepalese wares, but it's just cutting it too fine.

Plus as I say, 4550 will be a kick in the arse from the nearest watering hole. Probably manage one or two on the way back to the hotel doing it this way.

I only has Mike and Tash's mobile numbers. Nobody else ever loved me enough to hook me up :(
PM coming your way fella.


To be fair that's all the numbers you could ever need.

Have you and Tash got your hotel room and travel arrangements all sorted out?

Tash is meeting me by mine. I booked the hotel a while back but I'm gonna confirm that later on today just to make sure that I've not been fucked over or anything - Know what these Northerners are like (I kid)

Edit: Sent you both a text, let me know whether you've got them :)


So apparently my Tesco is doing a midnight launch of gtav. We normally have staff in until 1, but who knows how long this'll take D:


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
The hit squad should just chuck a few grenades at the cars (Killing everyone from walt to jessi and figure out the money is buried in the area


Afternoon, BritGAF, how are we all, you sexy mofos?

Congrats, Dave, you and the missus gonna find out what you're having or are you gonna leave it as a surprise? Either way, babies are a bundle o' fun and I'm sure you'll have a great time being a dad. Your life is about to change forever for the best, trust me.


Unconfirmed Member
I bet when the baby arrives it'll have a fag in one hand and a DS in the other and dave will fall to his knees screaming 'nooooooooooooooooo'.


Breaking Bad..


I just read an excellent theory about next week (backed up with cast lists from IMDB)...

It's a 40 minute flashback, how Walt's empire was built, with some stuff we haven't seen on screen as such, and only comes back to the shootout in the final 20 minutes, Gomi and Hank are dead, Hank's actor is on Talking Bad that night...

the name of the episode is Ozymandias, which is about a crumbled Empire in the desert...-


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I just read an excellent theory about next week (backed up with cast lists from IMDB)...

It's a 40 minute flashback, how Walt's empire was built, with some stuff we haven't seen on screen as such, and only comes back to the shootout in the final 20 minutes, Gomi and Hank are dead, Hank's actor is on Talking Bad that night...

the name of the episode is Ozymandias, which is about a crumbled Empire in the desert...-

Ahh! sometimes i regret reading spoilers, but hank and his little buddy were surly fucked, outgunned and screwed!


Ahh! sometimes i regret reading spoilers, but hank and his little buddy were surly fucked, outgunned and screwed!
Yeah, kinda kicked myself in the teeth after clicking that, despite already knowing the name of the episode and what its linked to. Still, it's pure speculation at this point.


I read it, didn't understand it and now I'm glad I didn't lol. I'm not going to read anything about the last episodes.

The show overall is not as good as some of the top shows imo, it's often too slow, but this final season is some of the best shit I have ever seen on TV.


I think that title is referring to the fact there'll be a giant vagina monster in the last episode. Or a pirate episode.

6 letters, 3 elements, 1 compound.

It's going to be a coming together of three big players into a HEATED situation, where the HEAT creates chemical change and displaces things.


So my PS3 has decided to pack up, just before the release of my most anticipated game ever. Not only that but my TV doesn't work. I need a new TV and PS3 by next week. This is going to be interesting, hmm.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Wow I almost missed the big announcement. Congratulations Dave. If your posting personality is any indication you will be an amazing father. I can't decide which would be more entertaining, hearing about misadventures with a mini-Dave or the inevitable paradigm shift when you realize you have a daughter.

"Guys, guys, I know this is hard to accept but Cameron may be on to something here about the whole porn block thing."
Didn't stop him being dragged through the mud in this very thread iirc. I hate how easily a mans reputation can be fucked for life just based on lies with fuck all evidence.

I mean, it was a pretty fucked-up story. I feel bad now, for damning him and all, but when I read that shit I didn't exactly expect someone would be that much of a tosser to make up that story and tell it in the middle of a courtroom.

Really, it should never have got anywhere near a courtroom, but there you go. Police for you.


Was there any evidence against the guy? I haven't really followed the case.

You would assume so, but it seems not. The CPS likes to have a good case as a rule, but if the witness statement is believable enough they might chance it, especially for a chance to make a case trying a "big name". CPS are still lawyers with their career's in mind at the end of the day.


Was there any evidence against the guy? I haven't really followed the case.
In hindsight, the testimonial did read like a bad screenplay, it was so sensationalist.

The whole part about the teddy bear and the demons started ringing silent alarms for me.


I sometimes wish I took a different choice in life. I would love to be reporting at this event in America today, I would love to be able to report/live blog on things that are new.


I sometimes wish I took a different choice in life.
I often think about how things would've panned out had I done things different, but then I remember I wouldn't be where I am now with good friends, a decent job and a beautiful little girl and then all is well.


Regret's are like Eunuchs...



People keep telling me how good my best mans speech was, surprising since I was pissed when I gave it.

Jedeye Sniv

Didn't stop him being dragged through the mud in this very thread iirc. I hate how easily a mans reputation can be fucked for life just based on lies with fuck all evidence.

Yeah man, I just went off on this to the mrs. It's fucked up how the papers can run headlines like they did as the case was on. What now? Tomorrow's Sun headline "Sorry we were wrong?" fuck no it won't be. I hope he manages to get his life back on track after this.

lol fuck no he did it. If not 'it', then SOMETHING. He was sketchy as fuck.
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