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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Jesus Christ people.

I give up.

I'm going to go away and be happy by myself then, I'll be back later when hopefully you lot will have calmed down and be in better moods!

Happy happy joy joy!


Friday is starting horribly so far, two separate client meltdowns and more to look forward too!

Only a few more days until GTA V though, the last few hours are always the worst. Going to be a looooong weekend.

Oh god.
I get to work, find out my manager is skiving for "personal issues" which means he got hammered last night.
My apprentice was supposed to go to our storage place and get some screens to bring here. I find out he only left his fucking HOUSE at 9am, rather than getting here for 9 like a normal person.
Then I find out our whole fucking network is going down this morning & I'm on my own in the warehouse. THERE'S NO TIME FOR ALL THIS SHIT.

Fuck Friday 13th.
Yay, I have some shitty news that I also heard today!

My gaffer just rang to tell me that I'm getting shifted/shafted over to New Business, which means I'll be doing schools and stuff 24/7.


On the plus side Radders (the gaffer running that side) is cool as fuck. Especially compared to my current sad sack gaffer!

Swings and roundabouts innit.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
My milk has gone off and I have no money




CONFIRMED: Friend bought GTAV from market and says they're sold out of at least the 360 version, but hair of the dog and then constant playing at his tomorrow.



Apart from being tired, I'm quite chilled out today.

Managed to stay calm whilst talking to the lovely people in our Hong Kong office even when they did something I told them not to. Definitely looking forward to 4PM today, weekend (not got anything planned but I'll play it by ear) then one day at work and then GTA!!!!


Barclays fucked up and didn't cancel my standing order for my rent. So I just paid rent twice this month!! YEA!! Not cheap!!!

Also I am suppose to ask for my sabbatical today to senior management and he isn't here (probably hung over) so it makes it even more awkward.

Well least there is lunch to look forward to...get some beer in me. Haven't had a beer since last Friday.

Edit: Actually I am in a very good mood despite all the bull shit and little stress I have going on right now.


Fuck you Stagecoach and your GTAV ad on side of bus saying out now at bottom.

13 been my lucky number continues another job interview booked Monday and my work placement at graphic design company could become freelance work yeah buddy


Looks like everyone here has a case of the Mondays....

Today's Friday! Fuck's wrong with you people?!
I'm just getting pissed off with companies taking the piss when it comes to ordering shit from them. And they're quick to take money but when it comes to giving back, they'll take as long as they want. I'll be happier come Monday when I can watch Breaking Bad, and even more happier come Tuesday when I get my PS3 and [hopefully] my TV.


Bruce Springsteen really was the boss.

He died?

Because FUCK YOU


You work in a bloody pub! No excuse for you to be all pissy :p

I'm just getting pissed off with companies taking the piss when it comes to ordering shit from them. And they're quick to take money but when it comes to giving back, they'll take as long as they want. I'll be happier come Monday when I can watch Breaking Bad, and even more happier come Tuesday when I get my PS3 and [hopefully] my TV.

Just look at the brightside, at least you're getting the money back :) Being upset sucks you guys. Not worth it being down over the most mundane shit.


Neo Member
Was instructed to come here and say hi so hi, I shall now complete the entry form.

When's you Birthday: 12/07/84
Where do you live: London
Where are you from: Great Yarmouth
Occupation/University: Paraplanner for a financial advisers (numbers and shit innit)
Favourite Actor/Actress: Probably Leo and Carey Mulligan
Favourite Band/Artist: Deftones..... probably but I am one of those wierd people who rarely listen to much music.
Favourite TV Show: Black Books
Favourite Crisps: Flamin hot monster munch
Favourite Biscuit: Chocolate digestive
Favourite Pokémon: Psyduck
Ant or Dec: Mr Forehead
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Stalactites for sure

So that's that then.
Good day


Favourite Band/Artist: Deftones..... probably but I am one of those wierd people who rarely listen to much music.
Favourite TV Show: Black Books
Favourite Crisps: Flamin hot monster munch
Favourite Biscuit: Chocolate digestive
Favourite Pokémon: Psyduck


thats a good start also welcome
Was instructed to come here and say hi so hi, I shall now complete the entry form.

When's you Birthday: 12/07/84
Where do you live: London
Where are you from: Great Yarmouth
Occupation/University: Paraplanner for a financial advisers (numbers and shit innit)
Favourite Actor/Actress: Probably Leo and Carey Mulligan
Favourite Band/Artist: Deftones..... probably but I am one of those wierd people who rarely listen to much music.
Favourite TV Show: Black Books
Favourite Crisps: Flamin hot monster munch
Favourite Biscuit: Chocolate digestive
Favourite Pokémon: Psyduck
Ant or Dec: Mr Forehead
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Stalactites for sure

So that's that then.
Good day

Welcome Ollie!

Another Londoner, mwahahahaha, we shall reign supreme!

Also excellent taste in music.

Fancy coming to the next meet? Sat 28th Sept after Eurogamer.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Waiting on 1g of Lemon Haze. Really hope it comes tomorrow, although this mini-tolerance break is a good thing.

I had to go through yesterday with no weed at all and didn't fall asleep till 4am.. Get your dealer told yo. Hopefully i can smoke away the next few days and monday + GTA will fly in..


Neo Member
Welcome Ollie!

Another Londoner, mwahahahaha, we shall reign supreme!

Also excellent taste in music.

Fancy coming to the next meet? Sat 28th Sept after Eurogamer.


Yea I am thinking about it, that's actually how I was directed to this thread. Long time lurker... made an account a few months ago and yea thought I should finally start posting something.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I will quit life if anyone on this board gets the game before me! Can't wait guys, I'm going to fucking really enjoying the new GTA.


Probably going to go in store on Tuesday and hope Tesco still has copies. If not, I'll have to go to Stratford and check every single shop.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Probably going to go in store on Tuesday and hope Tesco still has copies. If not, I'll have to go to Stratford and check every single shop.

Best going to a midnight launch. Every gamer and their dog will be getting a copy, Ain't seen buzz like this since HALO 3


Fuck that noise, man. Gotta run in and grab a copy in the morning like a sane person and enjoy the game as a sane person too.


Neo Member
Do any of you have any experience of just saying fuck it and moving abroad, with no guaranteed job at the other end?

No but my girlfriend did it 7 years back (shes a dirty polack), she claims it was by far the best decision she ever made. I would love to do it one day but pretty sure I lack the necessary testicles to do such a thing.


Welcome Ollie! Bday in the OP fella, your initiation is complete. Enjoy the community.


Waiting on 1g of Lemon Haze. Really hope it comes tomorrow, although this mini-tolerance break is a good thing.
This Blue Jay (never heard of it) is wicked. I was so baked last night, and I have plenty for over the weekend.

I'm sorted, as it were.
I had to go through yesterday with no weed at all and didn't fall asleep till 4am.. Get your dealer told yo. Hopefully i can smoke away the next few days and monday + GTA will fly in..
The horror...
Probably going to go in store on Tuesday and hope Tesco still has copies. If not, I'll have to go to Stratford and check every single shop.
I'm just going to wait a week or so.



Good night last night. Tore up the dancefloor. No hangover. Good.times.

I was born Friday 13th so the date isnt a big deal to me really.


Neo Member
Mind if I ask how old she was at the time and if she had some specific education/experience? Or what she did when she got here?

23 years old and was a graduate (anthropology, ethnology to be precise......yea) which was basically useless. She had a small amount of money saved and stayed in really terrible cheap shared rooms for a while. Got a job as a nanny quite quickly... done that for maybe 5-6 months then worked for Cineworld for a while etc etc etc various other jobs in retail / temp office work.

Maybe 3ish years ago she managed to get a job for the Police in Scotland Yard doing background checks basically. Wouldn't say she loves her job but considering where she started she has done rather well, puts my lazy ass to shame anyway.
Yay, I have some shitty news that I also heard today!

My gaffer just rang to tell me that I'm getting shifted/shafted over to New Business, which means I'll be doing schools and stuff 24/7.


On the plus side Radders (the gaffer running that side) is cool as fuck. Especially compared to my current sad sack gaffer!

Swings and roundabouts innit.

I couldn't read this without thinking that you're boss was a poster on neogaf.

Good night last night. Tore up the dancefloor. No hangover. Good.times.

I was born Friday 13th so the date isnt a big deal to me really.

Clearly you're to blame for all of this!

Turns out I could get GTA V tonight, but already have a preorder with Amazon and wont be home until late. My patience is running thin right now.

Didn't even get it delivered to work, postie better not have any funny ideas when delivering the millionth DVD shaped amazon package on Tuesday.
£32.89 offer for GTAV from Flubit. In the grand scheme of things, it's a very good price....but I was hoping for £30.

I suppose the question is if I wait until I get paid and buy it then, will I be pissed off that I can't find a sub £40 price anywhere?


When does it launch properly? How different is it?

Home time in two hours too. My afternoon is turning out better than my morning!

18th is the official launch. It's quite different, assuming your eye sight is good I will show you some good shit that makes it look better.

Good purchases.
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