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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Maturity, bitches.
This was in the early 90s so the NES wasn't even retro then. My mother understands the value of old things, it's just back then the world of gaming was new to both of us. For me it was just a cool electronic thing, I would only realise its true value years later.

She actually found a NES during her weekly jumble sale trips a few years back and got me it, so that old incident is water under the bridge now.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Nice! Maybe it's me and where I am but I had zero luck with video games when it comes to charity shops ever since I saw that NES.

Playground transactions were amazing! Managed to get Killer Instinct and The Jungle Book on Gameboy for pennies/free.

I don't usually go into charity shop due to the embarrassment but since i have no choice but to take their stuff to the skip due to a court order its not so bad. I even had a wonder around looking for more weights to buy. Its like a car boot sale inside a shop, Pretty awesome.

This was in the early 90s so the NES wasn't even retro then. My mother understands the value of old things, it's just back then the world of gaming was new to both of us. For me it was just a cool electronic thing, I would only realise its true value years later.

She actually found a NES during her weekly jumble sale trips a few years back and got me it, so that old incident is water under the bridge now.

my OG childhood nes is covered in graffiti and some guy who was up my mother attic sorting the water tank offered to buy it.


I don't believe in any gaming outside NEW VEGAS

Juicy Bob

So today, I have so far achieved nothing, aside from downloading Saints Row the Third, creating a female character with large breasts and running around shooting people naked.

What is my life.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
So today, I have so far achieved nothing, aside from downloading Saints Row the Third, creating a female character with large breasts and running around shooting people naked.

What is my life.

Could be worse man, You could be in solitary confinement in a random american prison with a life sentence.


So today, I have so far achieved nothing, aside from downloading Saints Row the Third, creating a female character with large breasts and running around shooting people naked.

What is my life.

Could be worse. You could be me who just graduated and don't know what to do next.


So today, I have so far achieved nothing, aside from downloading Saints Row the Third, creating a female character with large breasts and running around shooting people naked.

What is my life.
Sounds fucking great to me!

Wait until you're essentially invincible and you're spitting flaming bullets from twin machine guns that never need reloading. Badass.

Game of the generation.


Yep, I fucking loved Saints Row the Third.
Going to replay it a bit in prep for SR4. I've already got my new character made - super hipster Asian girl president is going to kick some ass

Jedeye Sniv

Yep, I fucking loved Saints Row the Third.
Going to replay it a bit in prep for SR4. I've already got my new character made - super hipster Asian girl president is going to kick some ass


Opening thesis: That game is shittacular


SR3 is balls-to-the-wall fun.
Everything in that game is there to be a blast.
Diving into cars through the windshield, throwing people off bridges, laying waste with a pixelated tank, stalking people in a VTOL, buddying up with a digi-voiced pimp, killin' zombies with Burt Reynolds.

Fuck there's so much I love about that game.
Jedeye, what the fuck are you thinking? Have you really given the game a fair chance? I honestly can't see what you don't like about it (and I thought SR1 and 2 were both fairly shit, to be honest)


Jed, you're wrong on SR3.

You aren't often wrong, but you are this time buddy.

"Press L2 to awesome" is the shit!


Saints row 3 was fine when it was not passing off side activities as main story missions. Even them was kinda eh at parts plus no Johnny Gat fuck that game

Jedeye Sniv

YOU are shittacular.

Try and refute that, Mr PoorTasteInOpenWorldGames.

Touche, sir.

But no, is ungood. Not funny. Bad shooting. Worse driving. FUCKING PURPLE EVERYWHERE. Horrible city design, where am I again? Oh I'm by the purple building.

I'm trying to play Sleeping Dogs as well atm and I'm experiencing similar levels of "I don't care about any of this"

I think I can only play Rockstar open world games. They're the only dev who can make realistic roads. All these otehr games, feels like the angles on everything is too sharp. Totally flat roads. Sharp buildings. Right angles on curbs. The beauty with the Rockstar games is that somehow they sanded these edges down - the roads have a gentle curve and bear the scars of roadworks hence, the pavements look walked upon. These other open world games feel airless and like they were purpose built, compared to GTA4's Liberty City which feels like it's been built on in layers over a hundred years.

Jedeye, what the fuck are you thinking? Have you really given the game a fair chance? I honestly can't see what you don't like about it (and I thought SR1 and 2 were both fairly shit, to be honest)

Gave it about 8 hours but everything annoyed me too much to carry on.
SR3 was one of these games where I kind of burned out on it and didn't go back

I probably should since the same thing happened to me with infamous 2 and I've been enjoying that recently.

I remember having a lot of fun with the insurance fraud thing

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Gym session wasn't bad, was really nervous but i got through it okay..

Yep, I fucking loved Saints Row the Third.
Going to replay it a bit in prep for SR4. I've already got my new character made - super hipster Asian girl president is going to kick some ass

I think the third was a pretty pathetic sequel to the second installation of the series, it did the Call of Duty move of "Oh? You liked this? WELL NOW THIS ONE HAS EVERYTHING THE SAME, BUT MORE OF IT"
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad and I have had hours of fun on it, but Yahtzee gave a pretty good description of it

Think back to the second when
The guy is getting dragged across the floor for miles attached to the van, and you try your hardest to save the dude, but you fail... YOU FAIL..AND IT BREAKS YOUR HEART
nothing like that in the third, just dildo weapons and a shotgun that summons sharks to do your bidding


Touche, sir.

But no, is ungood. Not funny. Bad shooting. Worse driving. FUCKING PURPLE EVERYWHERE. Horrible city design, where am I again? Oh I'm by the purple building.

I'm trying to play Sleeping Dogs as well atm and I'm experiencing similar levels of "I don't care about any of this"

I think I can only play Rockstar open world games. They're the only dev who can make realistic roads. All these otehr games, feels like the angles on everything is too sharp. Totally flat roads. Sharp buildings. Right angles on curbs. The beauty with the Rockstar games is that somehow they sanded these edges down - the roads have a gentle curve and bear the scars of roadworks hence, the pavements look walked upon. These other open world games feel airless and like they were purpose built, compared to GTA4's Liberty City which feels like it's been built on in layers over a hundred years.

I'm honestly surprised - you're usually such a chilled out, fairly easy to please gamer from what I've noticed.

I don't really see a problem with the city design in SR3. But then I didn't think LibCity in IV was all that hot either. San Andreas, on the other hand. I loved that place.
All these otehr games, feels like the angles on everything is too sharp. Totally flat roads. Sharp buildings. Right angles on curbs. The beauty with the Rockstar games is that somehow they sanded these edges down - the roads have a gentle curve and bear the scars of roadworks hence, the pavements look walked upon.

you should start a series on youtube called "Rainman Reviews..."


Ok Jed fuck you man

Dont put sleepy dogs ear SR3 shit

sorry for lashing out but Sleepy dogs shits on SR3 from miles high above the sky


Touche, sir.

But no, is ungood. Not funny. Bad shooting. Worse driving. FUCKING PURPLE EVERYWHERE. Horrible city design, where am I again? Oh I'm by the purple building.

I'm trying to play Sleeping Dogs as well atm and I'm experiencing similar levels of "I don't care about any of this"

I think I can only play Rockstar open world games. They're the only dev who can make realistic roads. All these otehr games, feels like the angles on everything is too sharp. Totally flat roads. Sharp buildings. Right angles on curbs. The beauty with the Rockstar games is that somehow they sanded these edges down - the roads have a gentle curve and bear the scars of roadworks hence, the pavements look walked upon. These other open world games feel airless and like they were purpose built, compared to GTA4's Liberty City which feels like it's been built on in layers over a hundred years.

Gave it about 8 hours but everything annoyed me too much to carry on.
Yeah?! Well so's your face?

You want to carry this on? I've got ammo for days and I haven't even reached into my 'your mum' bag yet.

(I do get what you mean, it just doesn't bother me. I'm fine with playing a videogame-ass videogame).


Gym session wasn't bad, was really nervous but i got through it okay..

I think the third was a pretty pathetic sequel to the second installation of the series, it did the Call of Duty move of "Oh? You liked this? WELL NOW THIS ONE HAS EVERYTHING THE SAME, BUT MORE OF IT"
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad and I have had hours of fun on it, but Yahtzee gave a pretty good description of it

Think back to the second when
The guy is getting dragged across the floor for miles attached to the van, and you try your hardest to save the dude, but you fail... YOU FAIL..AND IT BREAKS YOUR HEART
nothing like that in the third, just dildo weapons and a shotgun that summons sharks to do your bidding

But I didn't really like SR2. I though it felt empty & a bit like they were trying to emulate GTA too much.

Flash forward to SR3. GTA IV went mega-serious and people wanted something a bit more wacky, so they went in the opposite direction, which is exactly what I wanted.

SR3 is the game you play when you want to fire mind-controlling molluscs at people, bat them with a dildo and then throw them into oncoming traffic before escaping on your VTOL (which you summoned on your phone) and then heading back to your penthouse to change into a furry costume and dial up some homies to join you so you can all troll police then smash them into oblivion with your mega fists.

GTA IV is the game you play when you want to RIING RIING let's go bowling cousin.

I actually love GTA IV too, but it's just not the same thing. I'll play the shit out of both GTA V and SR4

Jedeye Sniv

I'm honestly surprised - you're usually such a chilled out, fairly easy to please gamer from what I've noticed.

I don't really see a problem with the city design in SR3. But then I didn't think LibCity in IV was all that hot either. San Andreas, on the other hand. I loved that place.

you should start a series on youtube called "Rainman Reviews..."

Maybe it's just because I killed all the pigeons, but I have so much respect for GTA4's city, it's a fucking masterpiece. It feels organic and the first place in a game to legitimately feel lived in. The roads are really what blows my mind - they're bumpy and curve off to the gutters, sometimes have chunks taken out of them and covered up by one of those big metal plates, and you can feel it as you go over them. It's this attention to detail that blows my mind, and it's something that jumps right out at me when I play other open world games now.

Ok Jed fuck you man

Dont put sleepy dogs ear SR3 shit

sorry for lashing out but Sleepy dogs shits on SR3 from miles high above the sky

And both of them are like hungry hungry hippos snapping at Rockstar's poopy offerings. SD is leagues better than SR, but it's still a very bland game. I played for two hours last night, and I was mad at myself after - wtf had I actually done? People criticise GTA for the 'drive around' missions, but SD is chock full of them - drive here. Cutscene. Drive here. Cutscene. Drive here, but do it quickly. Get out, shoot some guys. Yawn. The art of an open world game is to dress up all this busy work with context and motivation, but I can see right through it in SD.

I'm not even cranky today, in a perfectly good mood. I just like to get fighty about vidya games.


See noticed people who never played Or hated SR2 love 3 while people who loved SR2 tend to not like 3. 2 was great but SR series in general is going full retard it trying to hard be funny and different

Jedeye Sniv

Mikey, do you play on PS3? I might downlaod it again if you wanna do some co-op sometime. Then I can bitch in realtime, or you can try and convince me it's not shit.


I played for two hours last night, and I was mad at myself after - wtf had I actually done? People criticise GTA for the 'drive around' missions, but SD is chock full of them - drive here. Cutscene. Drive here. Cutscene. Drive here, but do it quickly. Get out, shoot some guys. Yawn. The art of an open world game is to dress up all this busy work with context and motivation, but I can see right through it in SD.

I'm not even cranky today, in a perfectly good mood. I just like to get fighty about vidya games.

You don't even get a gun until 4+ hours even then you don't use it that much. I never bothers over mission design for open world games because you always going have to travel before fucking stuff up. SD takes my love for Asian supercop jackie chan films mixes with infernal affairs and lets you loose.

Jedeye Sniv

You don't even get a gun until 4+ hours even then you don't use it that much. I never bothers over mission design for open world games because you always going have to travel before fucking stuff up. SD takes my love for Asian supercop jackie chan films mixes with infernal affairs and lets you loose.

I just did the Wedding last night, how far in am i?
Cutscene. Drive here. Cutscene. Drive here, but do it quickly. Get out, shoot some guys. Yawn.

This is one of things I'm most excited about GTAV for. It looks like the major missions actually require thought and that you have some choice about how you want to execute them. And the 3 Protagonists thing should add more depth to how missions play out: like in the trailer, fly in as trevor, switch to michael and absail down the skyscraper and kidnap the guy, switch to franklin to cover michael etc...

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
why you nervous? body conscious around the gym hermits or something?
nah, I'm not that self-conscious and I know you have to start somewhere.. it was
just because I knew I was gonna have to ask how to do some shit, the guy who showed me was a fucking tank but he was cool with it and told me how to use the machines and how to achieve better form

As soon as I walked in the first exercise fitnessGAF gave me (squats) I had no idea what machine to use so from the get-go I needed help, it was pretty quiet which helped... but I did it, so now I know what to do for the first few weeks, gonna get into jogging/swimming again and I might even use a few of the INSANITY workouts for cardio... feel like I'm back on track man



When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Sounds fucking great to me!

Wait until you're essentially invincible and you're spitting flaming bullets from twin machine guns that never need reloading. Badass.

Game of the generation.

The city feels so empty man, It's the worse sandbox game i have played.

No troll.
I don't like to use things like that.

You know those things that gets wrapped around your arm that tightens up then tells you your blood pressure?

Last time I did that I was told I was going to die.


nah, I'm not that self-conscious and I know you have to start somewhere.. it was
just because I knew I was gonna have to ask how to do some shit, the guy who showed me was a fucking tank but he was cool with it and told me how to use the machines and how to achieve better form

As soon as I walked in the first exercise fitnessGAF gave me (squats) I had no idea what machine to use so from the get-go I needed help, it was pretty quiet which helped... but I did it, so now I know what to do for the first few weeks, gonna get into jogging/swimming again and I might even use a few of the INSANITY workouts for cardio... feel like I'm back on track man
yeah lifting is awesome, glad your getting yo shit to the gym. you should learn the love the squat. i usually leave it last on a workout though because it ruins you. in a good way - as long as your form is good.

me you and kent can become the buff squad of britgaf
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