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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Right so, erm, I join this thread and within an hour or so I've become a fly on the wall in a psychiatrists room.

Im just gonna switch my phone off and watch Hollyoaks instead.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
So I wanted to make this post on Sunday, but I've been pretty busy.
Also lazy.

OK, mostly lazy.

It's about Jedeye's band, Parachute for Gordo & their gig on Saturday night.
I'm going to sound like a total fanboy here, so please forgive (and Jedeye, temper your ego)

I've been to see them about 10 times now, I think & I'm obviously a big fan.
The first gig I went to was also the first time I properly met Jed & I walked in half-way through the set. It was refreshing to see a local band with obvious post-rock influence & I enjoyed what I heard but every gig I've been to has been an improvement on that first gig in one way or another.

Saturday night was honestly something else.

It helps when you've got a good sound engineer working & the guy on that night was pretty fantastic - it sounded great in the room - a lot of energy coming from all over & great clarity of sound (in a venue that usually sounds like muddy shit in my experience to boot)

They've got some butt-kicking tracks, too & the set was a fantastically paced one. Hog in the Trough is a great opener that feels like a pacey introduction to the band & this was probably their best performance of it that I've heard - it's a track that feels very fast and loose but critically isn't.
Jed, you guys need to open with Hog every time, it's the perfect mood setter.

The only other track I'm going to mention is Labrador Deceiver/Labradoodlebug (which I will forever call The Labrador Saga, because it sounds awesome), because it's the best example of what I'm really loving about where this band is going.

So many ideas crammed into a 2-part track which, admittedly, lasts for about 15 minutes. The important thing is, against all odds, how well it all gels together & creates a really strong and dynamic atmosphere. There's a little bit of everything I love about the band in this track. I seriously can't wait for Labrador to be recorded so I can really pick it apart.

I'm going to cut this off here, but they're playing again on the 12th November in Guildford and I really think anyone local should consider coming to it, because fuuuuuuck is this band exciting right now.

I want to see them. JED! Talk to me about playing sunny Medway!


jesus all i said is that i dont see the point it, not that im against it. its just a little outdated thats all. dont need you guys going all Freudian on me saying my gf and i are not going to work because i have an anal fixation.

Oh, man. I hope I didn't give you the impression I'm criticizing you on this, I'm just saying that for people who ARE strongly against, they shouldn't be pushed into it.

Funnily enough, my wife and I have fundamentally different world views, yet we're perfect together. No idea why, but we are.

Christ alive, I couldn't imagine being with anyone who would agree with my Burroughs inspired bleak world outlook, they'd have to be some kind of twisted sociopath...

No, of course you don't want somebody entirely like you, but somebody you can agree with about marriage and kids, surely? As they're the two things you should either do together, both hands and feet fully in, or not at all?


I keep finding people on the Miiverse! This time it's Jedeye!



show me a woman full of courage, surrenders unconditional love to all her 9 children but a little more for her husband. show me a woman that is fearless and prestigious..she is the woman that gave birth to me. I love her more than anything this world and certainly couldn't ask for anything more. but in life everything comes with a disadvantaged or simply speed bumps preventing you from being your best. my mom is great person but i think my dad is preventing her from being an even better momma to us all. i never liked my dad, a mean he was never physically abusive towards her but verbally he EXHAUSTED her and would say some say really hurtful words that always ended up in her crying. my father has his good side and always strive to ensure our happiness but would treat my mom awfully at times and she would just say ''parents argue''.

now I sit back and see all my siblings and even me once talking to her disrespectfully but children do grow what they learn and adopt the actions surrounding them. whenever i find i talk to her awful i go apologize IMMEDIATELY and i ended up crying cause i hate that everyone feels the need to disrespect her. my older brother who's 23 is a HS drop out and he basically turned to drugs and he rebelled when he fond out that my dad abused me and my older sister..he was always disrespectful and would always blamed my mom cause he said she should've left him. my oldest brother who so far is the most successful child.. lives on his own but visits on weekends. he is a good brother but me and my other siblings hardly likes him because he is too strict and acts like our father. he would get upset and smack us for silly things but especially if we failed a test or had a bad report so basically he was our dad. but ever since i turned 18 i decided i wasn't gonna take any crap from him and decided if he ever lay a hand on me i leave and go my own way. I love my family but they can be a pain in the *** at times ESPECIALLY my dad and oldest brother. everyone see my older brother(23) as an outcast, even my parents and a mean he is constantly disrespectful but he has his reason and i still believe no matter what you should maintain respect to your parents especially if you are of age and still residing in their house. i maintain a good relationship with my brother nevertheless and he loves me and my older sis the most out of all.

I wish my mom would stop taking the constant disrespect from him and stop allowing him to be superior over her. whenever he gets mad at us she always takes his side and i know that its cause she fears his response. seeing what my mom has endured and is enduring all my life has shape me into the vile and heartless individual i am towards men who is abusive. I DESPISE them in every way and wouldn't ever allow myself to be stuck in such a situation. I just want want to say to all the women out there in any form of abusive relationship that it is important to accept who you are as an individual and love yourself first before you love anyone else. you deserve to be treated as wonderfully as you were created. my mom has gone through so much but still stands strong and is always there. my mother, may I inherit half her strength. she is a space lizard

I can kind of relate to this.

Most recently I was basically forced to leave home by my mum's partner who is someone she hasn't loved for fourteen years but sneakily put only his name on the house I used to live in while my mum was busy settling the divorce with my father. Getting the house in his name only basically meant he had total control and what he said goes and she's been trapped that way ever since. Legally he is the only owner so everything went his way for years.

Any confrontation about his awful behaviour led to threats to throw me and my brother out, essentially emotionally blackmailing my mother into colluding with him. My brother left after he had a violent disagreement with him a few years ago, and I left in September after he walked free from a crown court case accusing him of abusing my mother.

I spent six months dreaming up dark shit I could do to him. Now I almost feel sorry for him since he's a childless 63 year old who's only ever loved one person and that person has declared she doesn't want to live with him for a second more and is packing her bags, determined to sell the house despite him begging her not to throw the relationship away. And there's no force he can apply to the situation now that both me and my brother have left and her number is connected to a rapid response police team.

There are deplorable humans out there, worthless wretches, poor excuses for human shit and there are people who carry so much on their shoulders yet strive to do well by you.

/confessional venting moment
I'm pretty happy with my relatively cheap 32" HDTV. That's just the way it is. Ever since BritGAF posted their ridiculous battlestations I've learned that I live pretty frugally, making responsible purchases instead of going all out on technology.


I've got a 32'' TV myself, though it wasn't cheap when I bought it which was nearly five years ago. Never felt the need to upgrade until I tried to read the text in GTA V. Couldn't upgrade if I wanted to anyway, had to buy so much shtuff for college. I think I almost wept openly when I bought that SLR.

Apparently I'm meant to live in Iceland according to my internal values.

I got Denmark. My friends always talk about moving to a Scandinavian country, I suppose I agree with them deep down.

Personally, I'm entirely open to marriage, though I'm skeptical of meeting somebody I could spend my entire life with.

I'm skeptical too (of myself I mean, not you Mike). I'm too damn old and women just confuse me. The best way I can describe it is that the last time I felt attracted to someone, my body had a panic attack on the scale of the Narada attacking the Kelvin in Star Trek '09. The fact that I used a Star Trek reference should indicate my general skill level with the opposite sex.

this is BritGAF in a nutshell really

BritGAF |OT5| - Just Switch Your Phone Off and Watch Hollyoaks Instead
I love how all fighting game rosters operate on a slot system in the minds of fans, even when the final number is usually odd (like in Brawl)


I'm skeptical too (of myself I mean, not you Mike). I'm too damn old and women just confuse me. The best way I can describe it is that the last time I felt attracted to someone, my body had a panic attack on the scale of the Narada attacking the Kelvin in Star Trek '09. The fact that I used a Star Trek reference should indicate my general skill level with the opposite sex.

Don't believe you'll never find somebody else - there's always somebody out there, it's just having the confidence, the time & making the effort to put yourself out there and find them.

There are girls out there who would appreciate a Star Trek reference.

My skepticism is more based on finding somebody who I would want to be with for 10, 20 or even 30 years. It'd be amazing, but I'm not sure I'm built that way.

I can kind of relate to this.

Most recently I was basically forced to leave home by my mum's partner who is someone she hasn't loved for fourteen years but sneakily put only his name on the house I used to live in while my mum was busy settling the divorce with my father. Getting the house in his name only basically meant he had total control and what he said goes and she's been trapped that way ever since. Legally he is the only owner so everything went his way for years.

Any confrontation about his awful behaviour led to threats to throw me and my brother out, essentially emotionally blackmailing my mother into colluding with him. My brother left after he had a violent disagreement with him a few years ago, and I left in September after he walked free from a crown court case accusing him of abusing my mother.

I spent six months dreaming up dark shit I could do to him. Now I almost feel sorry for him since he's a childless 63 year old who's only ever loved one person and that person has declared she doesn't want to live with him for a second more and is packing her bags, determined to sell the house despite him begging her not to throw the relationship away. And there's no force he can apply to the situation now that both me and my brother have left and her number is connected to a rapid response police team.

There are deplorable humans out there, worthless wretches, poor excuses for human shit and there are people who carry so much on their shoulders yet strive to do well by you.

/confessional venting moment

Dude, that's some fucked up shit, but it sounds like there's hope on the horizon?
Really sorry you've had to go through that, man. If you ever need to talk about it BritGAF is here & you've got my number, of course. Honestly, give me a call if you need to have a vocal vent.

show me a woman full of courage, surrenders unconditional love to all her 9 children but a little more for her husband. show me a woman that is fearless and prestigious..she is the woman that gave birth to me. I love her more than anything this world and certainly couldn't ask for anything more. but in life everything comes with a disadvantaged or simply speed bumps preventing you from being your best. my mom is great person but i think my dad is preventing her from being an even better momma to us all. i never liked my dad, a mean he was never physically abusive towards her but verbally he EXHAUSTED her and would say some say really hurtful words that always ended up in her crying. my father has his good side and always strive to ensure our happiness but would treat my mom awfully at times and she would just say ''parents argue''.

now I sit back and see all my siblings and even me once talking to her disrespectfully but children do grow what they learn and adopt the actions surrounding them. whenever i find i talk to her awful i go apologize IMMEDIATELY and i ended up crying cause i hate that everyone feels the need to disrespect her. my older brother who's 23 is a HS drop out and he basically turned to drugs and he rebelled when he fond out that my dad abused me and my older sister..he was always disrespectful and would always blamed my mom cause he said she should've left him. my oldest brother who so far is the most successful child.. lives on his own but visits on weekends. he is a good brother but me and my other siblings hardly likes him because he is too strict and acts like our father. he would get upset and smack us for silly things but especially if we failed a test or had a bad report so basically he was our dad. but ever since i turned 18 i decided i wasn't gonna take any crap from him and decided if he ever lay a hand on me i leave and go my own way. I love my family but they can be a pain in the *** at times ESPECIALLY my dad and oldest brother. everyone see my older brother(23) as an outcast, even my parents and a mean he is constantly disrespectful but he has his reason and i still believe no matter what you should maintain respect to your parents especially if you are of age and still residing in their house. i maintain a good relationship with my brother nevertheless and he loves me and my older sis the most out of all.

I wish my mom would stop taking the constant disrespect from him and stop allowing him to be superior over her. whenever he gets mad at us she always takes his side and i know that its cause she fears his response. seeing what my mom has endured and is enduring all my life has shape me into the vile and heartless individual i am towards men who is abusive. I DESPISE them in every way and wouldn't ever allow myself to be stuck in such a situation. I just want want to say to all the women out there in any form of abusive relationship that it is important to accept who you are as an individual and love yourself first before you love anyone else. you deserve to be treated as wonderfully as you were created. my mom has gone through so much but still stands strong and is always there. my mother, may I inherit half her strength. she is a space lizard

I'm never sure if you're being serious, but the same goes for you, man. If you ever want to discuss this stuff, I'm more than happy to talk about it.

Jedeye Sniv

I want to see them. JED! Talk to me about playing sunny Medway!

I don't even know that's a place :D we MIGHT be doing some kinda tour next year with our mates though so if we can get down your neck of the woods then certainly will do.


I totally opened myself up for that, Chin, m'boy, but yeah, wanted to gush a bit and this is really the only place I can do taht.

I love "Monkey Doo", it's gorgeous.

"Utopia Long" is great as well, quite surprising when it's starts rinsing out with that jungle beat! The start totally reminds me of "Butterfly Caught" by Massive Attack:

Massive Attack - Butterfly Caught

That soundcloud is a mix of official and work-in-progress stuff, the Utopia song is sampling the TV show of the same name and is an idea that Johnny's working on. Served somewhat as inspiration for the second part of Labrador (which you all can hear when we record it at the end of the year, recording on 08/12, very exciting).

The first record itself is up at parachuteforgordo.bandcamp.com

Thanks for the support guys, it genuinely means a massive amount to me. We work super hard on the music and I'm probably our harshest critic (and biggest fan), so it always feels nice when people see what I see in it.

i guess i need to take a long hard look at my life.

We all do, Chin-chan, we all do. Every day we give birth to our new selves. Ommmmmmmmm.


I don't even know that's a place :D we MIGHT be doing some kinda tour next year with our mates though so if we can get down your neck of the woods then certainly will do.

Keep me posted on this. Depending what the logistics of it are, I might be up for doing some roadie work, should you need it :p


Junior Member
show me a woman full of courage, surrenders unconditional love to all her 9 children but a little more for her husband. show me a woman that is fearless and prestigious..she is the woman that gave birth to me. I love her more than anything this world and certainly couldn't ask for anything more. but in life everything comes with a disadvantaged or simply speed bumps preventing you from being your best. my mom is great person but i think my dad is preventing her from being an even better momma to us all. i never liked my dad, a mean he was never physically abusive towards her but verbally he EXHAUSTED her and would say some say really hurtful words that always ended up in her crying. my father has his good side and always strive to ensure our happiness but would treat my mom awfully at times and she would just say ''parents argue''.

now I sit back and see all my siblings and even me once talking to her disrespectfully but children do grow what they learn and adopt the actions surrounding them. whenever i find i talk to her awful i go apologize IMMEDIATELY and i ended up crying cause i hate that everyone feels the need to disrespect her. my older brother who's 23 is a HS drop out and he basically turned to drugs and he rebelled when he fond out that my dad abused me and my older sister..he was always disrespectful and would always blamed my mom cause he said she should've left him. my oldest brother who so far is the most successful child.. lives on his own but visits on weekends. he is a good brother but me and my other siblings hardly likes him because he is too strict and acts like our father. he would get upset and smack us for silly things but especially if we failed a test or had a bad report so basically he was our dad. but ever since i turned 18 i decided i wasn't gonna take any crap from him and decided if he ever lay a hand on me i leave and go my own way. I love my family but they can be a pain in the *** at times ESPECIALLY my dad and oldest brother. everyone see my older brother(23) as an outcast, even my parents and a mean he is constantly disrespectful but he has his reason and i still believe no matter what you should maintain respect to your parents especially if you are of age and still residing in their house. i maintain a good relationship with my brother nevertheless and he loves me and my older sis the most out of all.

I wish my mom would stop taking the constant disrespect from him and stop allowing him to be superior over her. whenever he gets mad at us she always takes his side and i know that its cause she fears his response. seeing what my mom has endured and is enduring all my life has shape me into the vile and heartless individual i am towards men who is abusive. I DESPISE them in every way and wouldn't ever allow myself to be stuck in such a situation. I just want want to say to all the women out there in any form of abusive relationship that it is important to accept who you are as an individual and love yourself first before you love anyone else. you deserve to be treated as wonderfully as you were created. my mom has gone through so much but still stands strong and is always there. my mother, may I inherit half her strength. she is a space lizard

I love my parents.

My younger brothers disrespect them at times. My middle bro, who is 19, shouts at my mum and even my grandmother at times. I've kicked the shit out of him so many times but it appears his behaviour never, ever changes.

When I look at the way my younger brothers behave, it makes me think 'I don't want kids. Nope. NOPE'.

This is why I feel parents should be allowed to hit their kids. I assure you, if all of you guys witnessed how my brothers behave at home, you too would want to hit them. My other brother is 16 but behaves like a 9 year old. He grew up on Spongebob Squarepants. I think I'll ban that show in my household.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Wow this is the craziest celebrity encounter ever. One of my friends who is a law graduate met up with Coolio randomly as he walked home from Tesco in Preston. Coolio went with him and cooked dinner for him and his family and jammed out to acoustic Gangsta's paradise with them. Apparently this is likely in promotion of a cook book or something he's doing but it's still random as fuck but really cool.


This is also the same jammy git that got on the Weakest Link and won the whole damn thing! Irish bastard has all the craziest luck in the world.


guys its been real but i gotta bounce

for real this time, sorry - measures have been taken

i appear to no long have edit rights on my own googledoc which is odd so could green scar or whoever else had edit privileges please remove my entry from the "usernames and shit" spreadsheet

in the unlikely event rockstar ever fix gta online you might find me in the crew



guys its been real but i gotta bounce

for real this time, sorry - measures have been taken

i appear to no long have edit rights on my own googledoc which is odd so could green scar or whoever else had edit privileges please remove my entry from the "usernames and shit" spreadsheet

in the unlikely event rockstar ever fix gta online you might find me in the crew


Umm... what the fuck?
What's happened buddy?


Anyone here have any experience sending a Sony phone in for repair? I know they received it because I sent it Special Delivery and Royal Mail have confirmed receipt, but it's still not showing up on their system.
guys its been real but i gotta bounce

for real this time, sorry - measures have been taken

i appear to no long have edit rights on my own googledoc which is odd so could green scar or whoever else had edit privileges please remove my entry from the "usernames and shit" spreadsheet

in the unlikely event rockstar ever fix gta online you might find me in the crew


Have MI5 been snooping on you again?
Wow, I missed a lot.

There's no way I'm discussing my family in here, no one wants to hear about all that fucked up shit.

PfG are totally awesome, and if I can make 12th Nov I shall do my best.

Suairyu, where you going? Don't leave us! We need the good duck to balance out the bad duck! (Only joking Chinner, loves ya really)

I think when it comes to your other half you don't have to have everything in common, but for me at least I think agreeing on the big stuff matters. I couldn't be with someone who was overly religious for example, because we wouldn't agree on how to raise our kids. And I definitely want kids and marriage, so I couldn't be with someone who definitely didn't want those things. But if there's room for compromise without either side giving up something that really matters to them, it can work out.
Anyone here have any experience sending a Sony phone in for repair? I know they received it because I sent it Special Delivery and Royal Mail have confirmed receipt, but it's still not showing up on their system.

I sent mine back to HTC a few weeks ago, their tracking was all over the place and phone was returned before their system had updated to say it was fixed. Didn't even tell me what they did, I think I have a refurb back. Sony are probably the same, how long ago did they receive it?


Wow this is the craziest celebrity encounter ever. One of my friends who is a law graduate met up with Coolio randomly as he walked home from Tesco in Preston. Coolio went with him and cooked dinner for him and his family and jammed out to acoustic Gangsta's paradise with them. Apparently this is likely in promotion of a cook book or something he's doing but it's still random as fuck but really cool.


This is also the same jammy git that got on the Weakest Link and won the whole damn thing! Irish bastard has all the craziest luck in the world.

Actually thought the person in the pic was Anderson Silva before I read the post. That's pretty cool Jackben! Used to know a female journalist friend who interviewed him for a magazine. It was just after his stint on celebrity big brother and she interviewed him in the VIP area of some Glasgow club while he was watching the superbowl.
I wouldn't have a clue who Coolio was. Id have to sneak off and wikipedia him for ten minutes before returning to the kitchen.

"Gang-star rapping and hippity hop music sir? Jolly good!"


Argh, what a busy day. I've never stopped this morning, and this afternoon is even more packed! Had to back heel loads of planned work, but never mind eh? Time flies when you're busy.

Suairyu, I hope you're ok man. Your coded message sounded like you were under duress! Post "the frog in a bow tie croaks loudly at the moon" if you require assistance. The SWAT teams are on standby.

Jed, I don't think I can make it to Guildford next month buddy. I just checked trains prices and stuff, wallet am cry. I def want to see you guys though, I'll make a concerted effort to see you guys next year some time.


I sent mine back to HTC a few weeks ago, their tracking was all over the place and phone was returned before their system had updated to say it was fixed. Didn't even tell me what they did, I think I have a refurb back. Sony are probably the same, how long ago did they receive it?

They got it on Monday according to Royal Mail... their website claimed that they do repairs within 5-7 days so I was hoping to get it back this week (I have this week off work, which is why it was least inconvenient to send it back now). It only wants the rear camera module replacing, that shouldn't be too hard should it?


Really tired. Didn't have too much sleep.
That sucks, man, how come?

Tired, Monster is my friend today.

And I wonder why I'm having dental work tomorrow.
Monster is amazing stuff, although I can't have it too often due to my damn diabetes. The important question is what flavour is your poison?

Pretty damn good actually! Feeling quite chipper, not getting too much grief in work right now, got a nice weekend to look forward to. Life is good my friend.
Good to hear! What you got planned for the weekend?

Argh, what a busy day. I've never stopped this morning, and this afternoon is even more packed! Had to back heel loads of planned work, but never mind eh? Time flies when you're busy.
I prefer busy days to lazy days. Nothing worse than being sat in the office with fuck all to do. Luckily, I'm up to my eyes in work at the moment (well, not at this precise moment) with signing up new clients and getting a skydive organised so s'all good for Cyanide at work.

Question for all you peeps; whats the policy regarding username changes? I want the space in my username removed but I'm not sure what the rules are. Anyone care to aid me?
They got it on Monday according to Royal Mail... their website claimed that they do repairs within 5-7 days so I was hoping to get it back this week (I have this week off work, which is why it was least inconvenient to send it back now). It only wants the rear camera module replacing, that shouldn't be too hard should it?

Id give them till early next week, and if it hasn't updated give them a ring / email. Keep your proof of postage!!
Good to hear! What you got planned for the weekend?

Going out for drinks on Friday (possibly on to a club, if I can be bothered and funds allow).

Saturday I'm taking Andy to a medieval banquet for our 7 year anniversary.

Sunday is our actual anniversay, might go out on the bikes, then band rehearsal, haven't rehearsed for aaaaaages so it'll be good to get back behind the mic.
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