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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
IamMikeside was a cluttered mess looking back on it. I approve of the change, Browsing this thread with mikes new name is like starting up your pc the day after clearing the desktop.

A nice tag would be the cherry on the cake.


A nice tag would be the cherry on the cake.

BritGAF, a hypothetical. If I were to offer you a meal and the only thing I have evidence of having cooked is this:


Would you accept my offer of a meal?
It looks like someone melted a fry up.


I'm spending my Sunday night watching Road Trip while eating a bacon sarnie and enjoying a bottle of Magners. All is well in the world.


An onion, chopped
Garlic clove, chopped
Tinned Tomatoes

Pre-cooked and then thrown in the oven to bake with eggs on the top. It may look like an aborted baby, but it tasted pretty good.

Sounds good, but throw some fried green peppers in there, swap the onion for a red onion & add some butter beans to the mix & you've got a taste sensation I used to cook all the time


Sounds good, but throw some fried green peppers in there, swap the onion for a red onion & add some butter beans to the mix & you've got a taste sensation I used to cook all the time

We only had red onions, so we just used those. We're probably going to make it again, so I'll keep those recommendations in mind.


We only had red onions, so we just used those. We're probably going to make it again, so I'll keep those recommendations in mind.

Red onions are like a party in your mouth.
The kind of party where you meet a bunch of awesome people for the first time, get pretty drunk and end up in some random club doing the Michael Scott dance until 3 in the morning.
Then the next day you don't even have a hangover? Sweet.


Never been a fan of red onions. I love me some peppers, though, and I'm partial to the odd tomato, too. All this talk has made me want to make a killer omelette tomorrow.


Red onions are like a party in your mouth.
The kind of party where you meet a bunch of awesome people for the first time, get pretty drunk and end up in some random club doing the Michael Scott dance until 3 in the morning.
Then the next day you don't even have a hangover? Sweet.

A true poet.


Playing my vita a bit more, don't think I can be bothered with Nintendo's peasant hardware now the oled is too good.
Face it, you're the only one left who doesn't love the Vita.
And even you're gonna have to buy one for Tearaway.
Dave's legacy lives on!! MUAHAHAHAHA

Alas, my love of the Vita can never truly blossom whilst I have yet to own one. *single tear rolls down face, violin plays*

I got home from work on Friday to find that the rabbit had escaped and nearly suffocated herself by squeezing down the side of the bookcase.

Last night was even more bizarre.

My missus woke up to go to the toilet, she heard a strange noise in the living room and she discovered that somehow the hamster had escaped from his cage, fell down the bookcase into the rabbit cage where he was walking round like he owned the place. The rabbit was scared shitless and didn't know what the fuck to do.

I can't understand how the hamster survived the fall on to or in to the rabbit cage as he must have fallen over a metre.
Morning all. Currently stuck in the mother of all traffic jams as a 'security alert' has closed the motorway into Belfast. Seems this is a weekly Monday morning occurrence now. Took me nearly 3 hours last week to do a 40 minute trip.

Welcome to Northern Ireland. Where even getting to work is a chore.


Happy Birthday Juicy Bob!

Man, it was so hard to get out of bed this morning. General Monday blues, rain on the window, nice and warm in bed while it's freezing when I stick a foot out, urgh.

Plus I just watched the first disc of Battlestar Galactica season 2 last night, I forgot how good that show is and I'm not even really into sci-fi that much. I could've quite happily nerded out in bed with a BSGfest today.

Fuck it, I'm here now. I'm gonna crack on and get a load of my shit done and try to get an early finish. And book next Wednesday off after Arctic Monkeys. Aww yiss!


Maturity, bitches.
So I was on the bus with my 3DS plugged into a boombox pumping out the music from Pokémon X when someone came up to me and asked me to turn it off! Why are some people so inconsiderate?
It really is such a happy place. At the very least they should be considerate and let everyone know in advance and allow people a few extra hours in bed.

I was up to get the 7.05am bus, saw the news and thought I'd hold off because the motorway opened last week just after 9. Not today. I'm still sitting here going backwards, taking the scenic route.
Almost lost the daily battle with the snooze function this morning.

You ever get it where you're physically really tired but your brain is still spinning, keeping you up? To try and counter that I tried a new sleeping method which I'm calling "the hotdog". On a doublebed, lie on top of your duvet, open to the night, then fold half of the duvet over yourself so that you've got a layer of duvet over and beneath you. Comfy as fuck.

Or it would have been if I hadn't had some really messed up dreams, like, incredibly violent imagery.

Oh well. It's occurred to me now that I have The Walking Dead, Arrow and new South Park to look forward to weekly all the way till November.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I feel like I've just lost all of this motivation, might go to the doctors

Getting zombied up on meds will not help at all. I suggest two cans of rockstar and some good music. I heard on whatsapp your a great guy, you shouldn't beat yourself up.


What a tune guys, So fucking good. This entire album is the best thing i have heard since kendrick dropped his second.


I feel like I've just lost all of this motivation, might go to the doctors

You can't just be defeatist about it, man. It'll just make it worse. The best thing you can do is force your way through it. It may sound like shit, but it's better than getting drugged up on pills that'll do nothing but make you docile. Just ride on through the negativity and things will become breezy much quicker than if you were on meds because of it. Just do stuff that makes you feel good, taking the extreme route of going to the doctor won't help you much.

We could do some BritGAF TLOU tonight? Cheer you up?

Who's up for it?


You can't just be defeatist about it, man. It'll just make it worse. The best thing you can do is force your way through it. It may sound like shit, but it's better than getting drugged up on pills that'll do nothing but make you docile. Just ride on through the negativity and things will become breezy much quicker than if you were on meds because of it. Just do stuff that makes you feel good, taking the extreme route of going to the doctor won't help you much.

We could do some BritGAF TLOU tonight? Cheer you up?

Who's up for it?



When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Anti depressants suck, When your having sex on them your cock will go all numb and you might not even be able to cum.

Blasting Pusha T's new album.


Shit's fucking amazing, I wish i had a big black jeep to drive around in blasting this fine shit.

Long letters how the streets got the best of you
Telling all your cellies how come I ain't sitting next to you
Yeah, see I can read between the lines
So it's awkward when you call and I gotta press 5
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