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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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When's you Birthday: 4th August
Where do you live: Belfast
Where are you from: Northern Ireland
Occupation/University: Psychologist
Favourite Actor/Actress: Sam Rockwell (at least right this very second anyway)
Favourite Band/Artist: David Bowie
Favourite TV Show: The League
Favourite Crisps: Steak McCoys
Favourite Biscuit: Tunnocks Teacakes...they count right?
Favourite Pokémon: Haunter
Ant or Dec: Dec
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Stalagmites...always stalagmites mostly because of the slightly inappropriate rhyme I was taught to remember which is which.
Beano or Dandy: I preferred the Beano

Man do I feel inappropriate posting this menial nonsense after the last post...


My sister tried to kill herself a few months back, she's suffered with depression for the past year or so, she was getting better and now she's doing shit again. My dad, who can't afford to not work, is not working to make sure she's okay and a family friend is also helping, she's not allowed out on her own right now

Over the past few days I have been having some mediocre bullshit arguments with my flatmate which now seem pretty meaningless

I have had one HELL of a day though, 4 hours sleep and a 14 hour day. I got up early so I could fit in the gym, went to a staff meeting so I could be moaned at for things that didn't apply to me in the slightest because I'm not an incompetant fuckwit. Got the call about my sister during the meeting, destroyed me, went upstairs, balled my fucking eyes out, 15 minutes later I went to work, had an hour break and went to another pub for the other shift.Finished work..tired but happy, walked home, some drama had occurred at my pub but whatever that's what happens sometimes, drunk people fight sometimes.

Whilst we're all talking my flat mate who had gone outside returns in tears, walks to the door to go upstairs and can't open the door because he is too drunk and emotional

He had broken up with his fucking girlfriend



So he goes outside and a fellow bro is trying to talk him down a bit for being such an emotional prick, I walk outside and he lunges at me, i brush him off easy because I'm not a drunken mess and return to the inside of the pub because I can't help, his now EX-girlfriend is outside making him worse..Without going into too much detail he:

  • Threw an empty barrel of beer at his girlfriend
  • Assaulted me
  • Made a stupid amount of noise on the property, which could get the licensee (my boss) in the shit
  • Threatened a neighbour who was in their own house
  • He's also lost his keys, which just happen to be the most im-bloody-portant thing he owns
  • oh and he punched the neighbours car

almost all of this in front of our boss

So, all of this shit I have to deal with and I have this holiday with my sister booked off, just a gig in London, John Mayer.. I was really looking forward to it

and now I can't go and see him with her (there is a small chance, but I doubt it)

my god I hope he gets fired, same for his gf

I've had enough of this crap.

Bed time.

Dude, it sounds like you've had a rough fucking day.
Give me a call tomorrow, OK?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Climbing the Meikle Bin today, Since i stay in scotland i may as well be an outdoors man.

Distance 10km/6.25 miles Time2 - 3 hours

Ascent397m (Profile )Grid RefNS672858

Nothing to extreme but there is a loch at the very top that looks like the most remote shit on earth. I will grab a few snaps for you guys. I am fucked from monoblocking all yesterday but my body will form into a better body with all this shit i will put it through.

Being a man isn't just a gender its a way of life.


Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Haha don't worry about it. Welcome

Tash you have some strange friends. I hope your sister holds it together.
They aren't friends, they're people I live and work with and thankyou, so do I
Dude, it sounds like you've had a rough fucking day.
Give me a call tomorrow, OK?
The sister bit sucks but other than that I'm fine mate, just gonna kick back and watch films until my colleague turns up for work with gta, then im going to play that shit all day without leaving my bed, thank god he has a 12 hour shift..

With the flatmate I am glad, I hope he gets fired, he's caused nothing but problems recently, he got the whole pub involved with his personal life, he hasn't done any work towards his apprenticeship, after working at the pub he's meant to be looking after (for the first time yesterday), it turns out he's a shit worker.. He made out he practically runs the place

The cellar was in terrible condition, I mean filthy (Technically Food safety laws actually apply to cellars the same way they apply to a kitchen, I mean it's not like they are as clean but you should still make every effort to maintain it to a high standard), the stock room was even worse, shit was all over the place (There were boxes all over the place with no sort of organisation, I found bottles all mixed in with others and some other brands had a few boxes open so there was no real organisation when you sell what's going out of date first.. so I cleaned that shit up, it took me half an hour to do each and he works there every day. Then there is the bar and upstairs where his girlfriend lives is filthy, she's a fucking tramp.

This all meant that my boss got in shit when he had a surprise inspection from the company that own it, and boy did he get a bollocking

I reckon this is enough to get the flatmate fired and maybe the girlfriend

Christ I'm feeling ranty today


Weather is garbage. Fuck going to Newcastle.

Vidya gaemz today methinks. I'll drag my sorry ass to the gym later.

"Bright and early", lol.

Climbing the Meikle Bin today, Since i stay in scotland i may as well be an outdoors man.

Distance 10km/6.25 miles Time2 - 3 hours

Ascent397m (Profile )Grid RefNS672858

Nothing to extreme but there is a loch at the very top that looks like the most remote shit on earth. I will grab a few snaps for you guys. I am fucked from monoblocking all yesterday but my body will form into a better body with all this shit i will put it through.

Being a man isn't just a gender its a way of life.


Looks lush Kent! I request a mean looking selfie with the loch in the background. Enjoy mate.

Tash, chin up buddy.



Nice Kent!

I'm actually doing the three peaks in about two weeks. Ben Nevis, Snowdon and scafell pike.

Starting Friday the 25th we're doing one a day and driving between them after. It's about a 10-12 hour day with the hike and drive.


Ah yes, just noticed your new moniker. Let down that you haven't found God brah. I was hoping you could tell me where he's hiding.

So yeah, podcast! Def need to find some good mics, although tbh I listen to stuff with a very wide spectrum of sound quality and it rarely bothers me. You could probably record that shit on a phone and it'd be fine! But some nice mics would rock.

I've always thought that as a UK-based non-pro podcast that you can't compete on news and the latest reviews, so it comes down to (for a gaming show) whatchabeenplaying which is fairly evergreen, news 'analysis' but only if the hosts have suitably strong opinions about the news because otherwise it's just reading GAF.

And something like a retro or gameclub feature. Personally, I adore those kinds of podcasts and would love the idea to really dig deep and have some proper arguments about classic games. We could play Pokemon for instance, that would be hilarious. I like the idea of 'having' to play an old game, and sharing thoughts with others who've done the same. It's so rare that you get to have a good talk about a game that isn't brand new, whereas the real legs of game criticism are later down the road when there is some context to pull from.

i think that if you're talking old games, then personal references and history is always quite interesting - a podcast is as much about the hosts as it is the games, and so talking about your ten year old impressions of Mario World as as interesting as talking about the game itself IMO.

Also, off topic but I've had an idea involving interviewing people about losing their virginity for the longest time. I think that would be a fascinating podcast (or even series), but obviously is a bit weird for what you were thinking.

Maybe even broaden it out from games specifically to make it about alt. culture instead so then you can talk about music and films and all that good stuff.

Bagsy being 'the cunt' on the show. If you thought my Pokerant was bad, just you people wait until you hear me really get into the flow :p

So yeah, was thinking about all this on my ten min walk earlier :)

I would be up guest cunt appearances. Maybe.


What a relief. 11+ results came for my son today and he passed, ranked 13/818. No break though, my youngest does it next year so another year of effort!

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
When's you Birthday: 4th August
Where do you live: Belfast
Where are you from: Northern Ireland
Occupation/University: Psychologist
Favourite Actor/Actress: Sam Rockwell (at least right this very second anyway)
Favourite Band/Artist: David Bowie
Favourite TV Show: The League
Favourite Crisps: Steak McCoys
Favourite Biscuit: Tunnocks Teacakes...they count right?
Favourite Pokémon: Haunter
Ant or Dec: Dec
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Stalagmites...always stalagmites mostly because of the slightly inappropriate rhyme I was taught to remember which is which.
Beano or Dandy: I preferred the Beano

Man do I feel inappropriate posting this menial nonsense after the last post...

I like you already. Welcome to the Monkey House.


did you catch Snorlax

I underestimated the strength of my Pancham and had to reset a complete of times

also my Combusken is levelling like a MOTHERFUCKER, slow down you crazy chicken

Yeah, I caught it. I'm rocking a Braixen, Vivillon, Pancham and Floette team right now. I have no idea who will be staying.

I just want to customise my character with Japanese heart-throb clothes.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
My sister was taken into hospital last night because my dad's too scared to leave her alone, he just told me she's checking into some facility on monday

I feel like I want to die right now


My sister was taken into hospital last night because my dad's too scared to leave her alone, he just told me she's checking into some facility on monday

I feel like I want to die right now

It could be the bes thing for her right now. Positive thoughts, mane.


bitch I'm taking calls.
My sister was taken into hospital last night because my dad's too scared to leave her alone, he just told me she's checking into some facility on monday

I feel like I want to die right now
Is this a ploy so you can get checked into the same facility as your sister, meet her on the inside, and then break out to see John Mayer? Also please tell me it was your sister's idea to see him because otherwise your music cred just took a serious hit. In all seriousness, don't let yourself despair about her getting taken to hospital. She will likely get the help she needs there to start on the road to recovery.

And I'm not just talking out my ass, my sister had similar issues when she was younger and hospital always helped her settle into a better place. They really do have resources and people trained to help with these kinds of things.


Goddamn Forbidden Planet sometimes go in to buy latest Hawkeye issue and they have a sale on Deadpool and some Batman volumes. Spent way more then should have today still not even got my work money sorted


Goddamn Forbidden Planet sometimes go in to buy latest Hawkeye issue and they have a sale on Deadpool and some Batman volumes. Spent way more then should have today still not even got my work money sorted
Only ever been to Forbidden Planet once. It was awesome but it sucked as the only money I had on me (cash and cards included) was the money I needed for my weekend up Cardiff. I'll have to pop in soon, have a good look around.
Yeah, I caught it. I'm rocking a Braixen, Vivillon, Pancham and Floette team right now. I have no idea who will be staying.

I just want to customise my character with Japanese heart-throb clothes.

Are you being strictly Gen VI Pokemon or something? Because I'm kinda spoilt for choice over here with the amount of different species to catch. Only just got my second badge, but I'm currently using a rotating team of Frogadier, Ivysaur, Combusken, Vespiquen, Kadabra, Floette, Pikachu, Tyrunt and Pancham. Plus I've got a Sandile and a Drifloon in the daycare, and I just caught a Golett and another awesome Pokemon I won't spoil because it's an awesome surprise.

These graphics, man.
Just got past snorlax on Pokemon X, so far so good. kiiiinda just want to get to the next gym now though

Gap between gyms 1 and 2 is super fucking long. Personally I like it, but I was starting to wonder when the fuck I'd reach gym 2.

helps buff the leader's levels a bit though, innit


Two girls I know have both just bought butt plugs that are, like, tails.

Is this 'furrie' thing catching on or something? Because if so, well, I don't want to live in a world where its considered normal to have tails rammed up your ass.


Unconfirmed Member
The lower left hand corner of my laptop screen (the bezel) is magnetic for some reason. Just found out today even though I've had this laptop for a few years.


CHEEZMO™;85815880 said:
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I'm all for watching a girl go wild with a butt plug but when it's designed to look like a fox tail, no, it's just wrong. I've seen photos on my Tumblr dashboard of girls with the butt plugs in so they can look all cute and shit with their tails.


Unconfirmed Member
Whether or not i support butt plug tails depends entirely on how attractive the girl is. So, are these girls hot?


Whether or not i support butt plug tails depends entirely on how attractive the girl is. So, are these girls hot?
The ones I know or the ones I've randomly seen on Tumblr. The ones I know are close friends of mine so I don't really see them that way but they are highly attractive, yes, easily an 8 or 9. The ones on Tumblr, well, they're your usual Tumblr girl.


I'm all for watching a girl go wild with a butt plug but when it's designed to look like a fox tail, no, it's just wrong. I've seen photos on my Tumblr dashboard of girls with the butt plugs in so they can look all cute and shit with their tails.

I agree that it's wrong. If you want a fake tail you'd be much better off with some sort of belt or something


Unconfirmed Member
The ones I know or the ones I've randomly seen on Tumblr. The ones I know are close friends of mine so I don't really see them that way but they are highly attractive, yes, easily an 8 or 9. The ones on Tumblr, well, they're your usual Tumblr girl.

I support their actions 100% and I think it's awful that you don't. Shame on you. Should they want someone to comfort them and help them pick future tails out, please send them my details.
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