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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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I may have to do some research on it before I consider buying it. I'm that hard-strapped for cash this month that I've had to trade in 90% of my PS3 games, including TLOU and DmC. I'm left with two games, FIFA and Blops 2. Only got £40 for the games, urgh.

The first Payday is available for free on PSN right now if you're a Playstation Plus subscriber.
My god, I can't wait for GTA Online. So many hours of fun are going to be had.

I can't believe it comes out in about 5 weeks- it feels like yesterday since it was delayed. Not sure I'm going to get it near release, I've got bucket loads of stuff to play. Then again the buzz post release might get to me.


I can't believe it comes out in about 5 weeks- it feels like yesterday since it was delayed. Not sure I'm going to get it near release, I've got bucket loads of stuff to play. Then again the buzz post release might get to me.

Are you fucking serious? 5 weeks?

Holy shit, where is this year going?


Decided to go into OT Discussion and saw the 'Show off your significant other' thread... Well that's put me on a downer. I know I'm still young and what not, but the life plan really isn't going as I have planned it and I guess realisation of that has just slapped me in the face and there's only a short amount of time to get it back on track to what I had originally planned.


Not sure if this is the right spot but I'm head to England for the first time later this month and looking for some recommendations. I'm spending 2 nights in Nottingham and 2 nights in London. It's a work trip but nights are free and I have 1 free Sunday in London. In London I'm staying between Paddington Station and Hyde Park. Any must see neighborhoods or places in either City outside the normal tourist stuff that shows up online? I love history and would like to see more then just the outside of some buildings. I'll be traveling with some fashionable girls so any shopping areas to checkout that aren't just chain stores?

Jedeye Sniv

Oh does that carry over? That's not so bad then.

Jedeye on Sleeping Dogs, did you grow up watching many Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee movies? Sleeping Dogs is one of my favorite games from this generation because I felt it was such a great love letter to that genre. I really liked the world too, but you're right it wasn't vertical at all. Then again Saints Row 4 is out soon and that will be divine.

Yeah, I quite enjoyed the milieu of the game, that Kung fu and John Woo influence was neat, but the story itself was fairly dry and predictable, very low on the wacky fun times. Still, it wasn't terrible and that's a bonus.

Actually enjoying SR3 a lot more on this restart than before. It's no GTA but it'll do for the time being.
Hey LondonGAF

Any basketball players? I'll be visiting your city next week and as I love basketball, I was wondering if you had
1/ playgrounds open for random players? (I'm not sure how popular is this sport in England)
2/ if you play, would you be willing for a session on say Sun. morning?

I'm not particularly good but I enjoy playing (power forward, 1m92/95kg and been playing on and off for the past 13 years).


Finished S4 of Breaking Bad about 20 minutes ago.


Netflix free month is fucking go. Gonna catch up with S5 and hopefully I'll be completely caught up by morning. So fucking hype for it.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I see the troubles in ireland are back, Still can't belive NI is part of the UK, its fucking embarrassing.


Finished S4 of Breaking Bad about 20 minutes ago.


Netflix free month is fucking go. Gonna catch up with S5 and hopefully I'll be completely caught up by morning. So fucking hype for it.

Yeah, sorting Netflix out today ready.

"last chance to look at me Hector"......



Not sure if this is the right spot but I'm head to England for the first time later this month and looking for some recommendations. I'm spending 2 nights in Nottingham and 2 nights in London. It's a work trip but nights are free and I have 1 free Sunday in London. In London I'm staying between Paddington Station and Hyde Park. Any must see neighborhoods or places in either City outside the normal tourist stuff that shows up online? I love history and would like to see more then just the outside of some buildings. I'll be traveling with some fashionable girls so any shopping areas to checkout that aren't just chain stores?

London is one of the worlds fashion hubs. They'll love it lol. Also chock full of museums, imperial war museum is amazing.


Maturity, bitches.
Hey LondonGAF

Any basketball players? I'll be visiting your city next week and as I love basketball, I was wondering if you had
1/ playgrounds open for random players? (I'm not sure how popular is this sport in England)
2/ if you play, would you be willing for a session on say Sun. morning?

I'm not particularly good but I enjoy playing (power forward, 1m92/95kg and been playing on and off for the past 13 years).
Parks with sports facilities are often a good bet and they are usually open to all.


Morning chums.

Sitting on the train heading home after another great London excursion. Fun night out on Friday (pointless, sobering hour long walk aside), meet some cool new peeps (Evi, Seanspeed, Eggybob and Screaming Meat are my kind of people) and did some dad dancing with the lads in a scummy rock club, what more could you want?

Then had a right laugh watching Billy Ocean at the open air concert yesterday with Musha, jimbor and his mental pals (Fumi is crazy!), then an Indian and a flick last night.


Borrowed some graphic novels from Musha too, I think it's about time I got into this stuff. I might start one right now actually.


Did she give you a shot of "The Boys?"


I was supposed to go cinema last night we two friends of mine, and one of their parents said no (she has a kid) so I was a little pissed off with having to sit in. Another friend text me at like 10.30 asking me if I wanted to come over in like an hour or so - was a great night, left hers at like quarter to three in the morning, had such a laugh. I need to be more sociable because things like that are just amazing and always puts me in a good mood.

I feel a little awkward going out in big groups because I always feel like I'm being ignored, but when there's only two or three of you it's pretty awesome because you know that everybody is paying attention to everybody.

Parents weren't too happy with the fact I was going out at 11.30 and getting in at 3 but I really don't care anymore. Sticking to my 'Fuck it, why not?' rule and I am loving every single minute of it :)


Neo Member
Happy birthday, jonathan.Welcome, friend. How do you like your job? A few IT minded folk in here, I know mikeside currently does a lot of stuff in the field. I'm currently working on some qualifications as well. Any advice for newcomers to the field looking to break into the jobs market?

Hey Mate,

I'm not sure I can help here. From my point of view, it's been luck for me. It took me a year after leaving a tech school in Oz, to get a job as a sys admin for a small company, so I do understand the struggle. That was over 10 years ago now, so I'm a bit out of touch with what's going on now.

I've hired a couple of junior guys, so here's the knowledge that would help:

Networking - understanding IP, subnets, firewalls. Cisco is the way to go here.Once you know this stuff you realise it's all the same of all the companies. you'll be able to configure pretty much any router or switch. it's only the syntax the slightly changes.

Windows - Active directory and group policy. Those are honestly the only 2 things I use in our windows environment. This is not including Hyper-V. If you can get a cheap computer that has a processor that supports vitrualisation, get it and install Hyper-V. It's free and supports heaps of Linux distro's (I usually use Centos)....which brings me to the next point

Linux - Learn it. Networking, packages, compiling from sources, how devices work, troubleshooting, Bash.

A scripting language - I use Bash, Python and Powershell. It's another one of those things where know 1 and you have the fundamentals to use any of them. (Bash technically isn't scripting, but can be used that way...still handy to know)

Reading up and understanding virtualisation and cloud. All the different services out there. Maybe even rent a virtual box from Amazon just to test it out and see their interfaces and things...and practice Linux :) A lot of my friends are developers and they usually use hosted/managed boxes to dev on. I also have a few.

As far as breaking into the job market, that's a lot more difficult and I think that's were my luck (or personality depending on who you ask) comes in. But, happy to give my story or chat about that too.


lmao that's hilarious. What other COMIC BOOKS did she lend you Ninj?
Yeah, sorry Shorty, it seemed very unlike you to ask such a sordid question, it's more like something Jed would've come out with. ;)

She literally just handed me three comics, I put them in my bag. I didn't even really look at them! :/

She lent me Wanted, I Kill Giants and Awesome Bewbs.

Jedeye Sniv

Yeah, sorry Shorty, it seemed very unlike you to ask such a sordid question, it's more like something Jed would've come out with. ;)

She literally just handed me three comics, I put them in my bag. I didn't even really look at them! :/

She lent me Wanted, I Kill Giants and Awesome Bewbs.

heh naw boi I'm classy innit :) IKG and Wanted are great, you shall enjoy. I've only seen the cover to Awesome Bewbs but they looked interesting.


Happy birthday, jonathan. Welcome, friend. How do you like your job? A few IT minded folk in here, I know mikeside currently does a lot of stuff in the field. I'm currently working on some qualifications as well. Any advice for newcomers to the field looking to break into the jobs market?

Sorry fella, I didn't see this until today.

I managed to get into IT by doing an apprenticeship and sticking up with shit wages for a very long time. A lot of the things I know is self taught from just running shit on a computer at home or whilst being at work just making use of the equipment available to me. What sort of IT job are you looking at getting into? There are hundreds of jobs that are to do with IT and the best thing to do is just pinpointing what it is exactly you enjoy about computers/technology and sticking with it. There's no harm in knowing other areas of IT, as it will always look good on your CV.

My CV lists knowledge as:
My CV said:
Infrastructure & Systems
Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7, Microsoft Windows 2003-2008R2, Active Directory, Group Policies, DCHP, DNS, WSUS, WDS, Exchange Server 2003-2007, IIS, VMWare Server, Symantec Backup Exec, Cisco Unified (VoIP)

This is now probably quite out of date as this was written nearly three years ago but in all fairness I am a technical monkey and I'm the type of person that would work at a call centre or just a helpdesk job - very sociable (unlike me, but you know) and you always find new issues/problems - I enjoy that about IT.

I wish I had a stronger knowledge in networking, but in my current role and previous role I have no need to actually know or use any skills in this. I have the beginning introduction to CCNA and I wish I could afford to finish it, but it's just a ridiculous course. Qualifications aren't necessarily always the way to go, but if you are dead set on qualification then I would definitely recommend some of the Microsoft Server and Desktop qualifications and definitely CCNA because it shows that you are willing to learn something quite difficult (unless your mind works in the way that you can understand it easily)

I have very little qualifications when it comes to IT but I seem to be doing okay for myself, - I only have: CCNA Discover 4 and NVQ Level 3 as an IT Practitioner. I tried badgering my last place for some exams/qualifications but they pretty much told me to go fuck myself.


heh naw boi I'm classy innit :) IKG and Wanted are great, you shall enjoy. I've only seen the cover to Awesome Bewbs but they looked interesting.

I think I'll start with I Kill Giants, I really like the art, and it has a cool name. Her collection is pretty crazy, I was kind of overwhelmed! Hopefully The Boys should float my boat, Preacher was wicked.

But I think I'll get my head down till I get home, I'm clearly not 100% compos mentis at the minute!

Cool weekend.

Big Love BritGAF.


Yeah I did :)


Ace choice! Such a humorously dark comic book :)

Yeah, sorry Shorty, it seemed very unlike you to ask such a sordid question, it's more like something Jed would've come out with. ;)

She literally just handed me three comics, I put them in my bag. I didn't even really look at them! :/

She lent me Wanted, I Kill Giants and Awesome Bewbs.

haha, no worries Ninja. Was wondering why you posted the De Niro gif there for a sec. But yeah, The Boys is a great read :)

Watching Eastenders for the first time in 5+ years. Alfie got that Tom Cruise secret juice. Fucker hasn't aged a bit.


I thought "the boys" were tits...
Exactly! Then paired with, "a shot of" and it's easy to get confused, especially tired as hell. Ah well, NVM eh!

Just pulling into bonny Newcastle in the next few minutes, I can't wait to get back home. I need to unwind and chill. I'm going to make myself the strongest coffee in the world too, I need a kick up the arse.

I'm in such a good mood right now; I still have nearly half the money I brought with me, a load of cool memories of the weekend running through my head, and ma boys waiting to have a catch up when I get home.

Aww. Yiss!


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Exactly! Then paired with, "a shot of" and it's easy to get confused, especially tired as hell. Ah well, NVM eh!

Just pulling into bonny Newcastle in the next few minutes, I can't wait to get back home. I need to unwind and chill. I'm going to make myself the strongest coffee in the world too, I need a kick up the arse.

I'm in such a good mood right now; I still have nearly half the money I brought with me, a load of cool memories of the weekend running through my head, and ma boys waiting to have a catch up when I get home.

Aww. Yiss!

Will you be buying GUNCRAFT when you get in bro ?

So i went to a strip club for the first time yesterday

Tashbrooke is the new brit gaf mafia boss.


Just grabbed my 3DS XL. Feels like a much better fit than the OG 3DS.

I'll register it as soon as I get home so I'd much appreciate that AC code if the offer it still open Mike.

Not sure if this is the right spot but I'm head to England for the first time later this month and looking for some recommendations. I'm spending 2 nights in Nottingham and 2 nights in London. It's a work trip but nights are free and I have 1 free Sunday in London. In London I'm staying between Paddington Station and Hyde Park. Any must see neighborhoods or places in either City outside the normal tourist stuff that shows up online? I love history and would like to see more then just the outside of some buildings. I'll be traveling with some fashionable girls so any shopping areas to checkout that aren't just chain stores?
In Nottingham, you'll want to take the girls to Bridalsmith Gate in the city centre, that's where most of the fashion happens. It's just round the corner from the Nottingham Contemporary that sometimes has a decent exhibition on. The Lace Market is a nice area for drinks & shopping. I can't think of anything historic that Google wouldn't tell you about, but I'll think on it some more.

You bringing the bike? I'm guessing no, but you never know!

Edit: Bridlesmith, not Bridalsmith. Got weddings on the brain.
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