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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Knows the Score
I hope you're all going to take photos for the unboxing. I'd like to see if everyone has the same expression when faced with an envelope full of pubes.
what the hell is it with people and football rivalries

how do you even form such silly things

loyalty is weird

It is weird, but it's fun! It's what makes it fun. If you weren't invested in the outcome, you wouldn't care - indeedy, there's a beautiful parallel to be drawn here with vidya games. When I was a kid we used to mercilessly play Mash Bros on my friend's N64. A group of about 8 of us would go round his house every weekend. Within the group, due to a million and one things (who was going out with who at school, who had stolen someone's curly wurly at lunch, who had just got a nice bike) caused little grievances and rivalries. Then you had the guy who was the best that everyone wanted to lose just because. It's what made it fun!


Maturity, bitches.
People give gaming fanboys/girls a lot of flak but at least all they do is argue online. Football fan rivals on the other hand beat each other up. That is far far worse.


bitch I'm taking calls.
People give gaming fanboys/girls a lot of flak but at least all they do is argue online. Football fan rivals on the other hand beat each other up. That is far far worse.
Show me a fan base and I will show you a fan who takes it way too far.

That being said, footy is more violent than most for various reasons.


Knows the Score
Football is probably the thing I hated most about Glasgow, saying the wrong thing would get you punched or stabbed.


Overheard a conversation about an attack on a bar in the Red Light District yesterday. Even went into conspiracy theory territory "You'd think that there would be police presence in that area but unusually there wasn't any that night. Very Strange isn't it?!". Was thinking perhaps a pimp went insane and started beating up people or something but then one of them mentioned something about a Celtic/Ajax game....oh.
When people get there anthrax I mean presents is the assumption that we just open them when we get them

Or are we all going to wait till they arrive and open on the same day?


I just noticed that your new tag got amended. That's incredibly specific, what were you doing?

Exploiting loopholes in the wording.

Goddamn Afonis tag is something else.

It's a thing of beauty.

When people get there anthrax I mean presents is the assumption that we just open them when we get them

Or are we all going to wait till they arrive and open on the same day?

I thought we were going to do the latter. In which case, we're going to need to gift wrap them so we know.


Maturity, bitches.
Watch it sunshine! One more bad word about Nintendo from your gabby lips and I'll deck you with my Nintendo Entertainment System Control Deck! The only thing your parents will be helping to hook up is a trip to the hospital.

Jedeye Sniv

Watch it sunshine! One more bad word about Nintendo from your gabby lips and I'll deck you with my Nintendo Entertainment System Control Deck! The only thing your parents will be helping to hook up is a trip to the hospital.

I only ever hit my friend twice in my life. Once was in year 5 at school and he purposely said that I had written a zero on my maths test when it was plainly a 6. The other time was because we were playing Goldeneye.
I've only punched two people in my life.

The first time was in primary school. Me and a friend were playing rock paper scissors and adding new cuhrazzy ones like volcano and rocket. We got into a disagreement about which trumped which and I punched him in the eye, then ran laughing in hysterical terror as a teary eyed friend chased me with the intention of getting me back.

The second time I punched my brother when i was 12. We were playing basketball with some other kids and I'd been arguing with him all day. A kid threw a basketball and it landed on my head. My brother asked if I was okay and I pretended I thought he'd done it and punched him in the eye.

I was a wierd kid.

Now I'm a wierd adult
It's fortunate that I've met most of you so I can sort of judge what you people might/might not appreciate. I reckon it'd be slightly tricky for those who haven't met their SS face to face

Also that's good to hear Tash, hope her time away helped
Was only able to order those Rokit speakers from the Walmart madness, but if they happen to show up at my parents' house later this month, I will be a happy camper. :D


The plan is that we all open them on the same day, I think - I definitely want unboxing photos/videos from as many people as possible - might as well make a fun event out of it!

I've hit people a few times in my life, but only a few.
The only time I've done it as an adult wasn't actually hitting them, I swung a fire extinguisher and broke the fucker's collarbone. He really did deserve it though - it was at Reading festival on Sunday night and they'd started a fire right next to my campsite where my girlfriend was sleeping in our tent - we tried to get them to put it out but they were being absolute tossers, so the fire marshall came over and this dickhead nicked the extinguisher from him - me and a guy I met at the festival grabbed him, I took the extinguisher and we pushed him to the floor.

He came up swinging for me and I slammed him with the base of the extinguisher before giving it back to the marshall.

The guy was out cold for a couple of minutes & his mates propped him up and took him to the A&E tent place.


Apart from a few serious fights with my brother, I've only been in one fight and it didn't end up too well.

I have lost my temper a few times whilst out in public and have walked away to calm down... Wouldn't like to see the outcome, judging by my build and height - it wouldn't end too well for me


That was the most bad ass non-Kentpaul thing I've ever heard from this thread Mike.


I felt really bad about it for a while, because I could've just knocked the guy back, but I was so fucking angry that he'd put Suzy in pretty serious danger of getting burned in her tent, so I really went for the guy.

Maybe I was channelling the spirit of KP that day, because I'm pretty meek and non-reactive usually.


Mine could quite possibly be the best gift going if it goes through... If it falls through, then it will be the worst - lastminute.com gift going.


bitch I'm taking calls.
All I'm going to say is, the Walmart pricing errors may or may not have influenced what my secret santa recipient everyone in my life gets for Xmas this year. I hope you bitches know how to swim.



Yeah, pretty nice Jordan. I liked that humming bass line and the rhythm has a nice head nodding cadence. Her voice is decent, but the vocal was a little cheesy/ polished for me, as nice and tuneful as it was. Good track though, I enjoyed it.

I was trying to think of something similar to post in response, but I don't listen to that much dubstep outside of Burial so I'm at a loss! So I'll just post some of the stuff I've been listening to tonight:

Skinnyman - I'll Be Surprised

The Black Keys - Sinister Kid

Justice - Waters Of Nazareth

Otis Redding - Scratch My Back


Yeah, pretty nice Jordan. I liked that humming bass line and the rhythm has a nice head nodding cadence. Her voice is decent, but the vocal was a little cheesy/ polished for me, as nice and tuneful as it was. Good track though, I enjoyed it.

I was trying to think of something similar to post in response, but I don't listen to that much dubstep outside of Burial so I'm at a loss! So I'll just post some of the stuff I've been listening to tonight:

Skinnyman - I'll Be Surprised

The Black Keys - Sinister Kid

Justice - Waters Of Nazareth

Otis Redding - Scratch My Back

I'm not hugely into Dubstep, I have a huge chillout playlist and it was on it as a random find.
Walked in to Gaming.

There's something incredibly tedious about this resolution stuff. Like, stuff looking good is important, but christ it's painful reading.
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