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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Cyanide, I'm only catching up on this now, but I'm going to be completely open and honest with you in response to all the stuff going on with your posts lately.

I hope you understand that I'm doing it because I see a hell of a lot of my teenage-self in you. So much it almost hurts. I've got no problem with you other than issues I've been wrestling over with myself since I was 15 years old. I think you're a good guy, I hope you stay as a part of our community here & I hope you really think about what I'm saying to you & ask yourself why I'm willing to say them.

I was thinking of PMing you instead, but I feel like the point I'm making has a lot more weight if I'm willing to be honest and open about where I'm coming from.

Please read this with an open mind and really have a long think about how it relates to you before you reply.

I hope you also realize that by opening up to you like this on a public forum, I'm also exposing myself to criticism and showing a side of myself that I'm obsessed with hiding from people because, as I suspect much like you probably are, I'm really fucking terrified that if people get to know who I am underneath the conversations I have with them, the banter, the masking jokes and what I actually share with those around me, that they won't like me and they'll reject me. I'm opening up like this because I think it's worth you hearing & I want the best for you - I wish somebody had been so candid with me.

So here's the thing:

I don't believe a fucking word of it.
I don't think you got a blowjob at the Christmas party and I don't think you're involved with all these girls you're supposedly completely in love with. Especially the one you made the thread about.
There's even a part of me that doesn't believe you have a daughter.
These things might have happened, I could be entirely wrong, but even if I am wrong and this is all true, I think it's worth exploring why I would think that it's bullshit.

Let me explain;
I think you're a massive attention-seeker.
As somebody who has been a long history of attention-seeking behaviour and has been struggling with (and learning to accept & deal with) borderline and histrionic personality disorders for a long time, I've told a lot of lies in my time.

I've invented stories, I've dressed up things that have happened to me, twisted facts & just outright bullshitted to people. I did this because I wanted their attention, I wanted them to like me and I wanted them to remember me.

To put us on even ground, here's a pretty big lie I told.
I was feeling sexually inexperienced and inadequate in a relationship (she was much more experienced than me and I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to bring her to orgasm) so I told my new girlfriend-at-the-time about a one night stand I had (read: invented) a few months prior with two dutch girls. The (invented) sex lasted for two hours, they both came multiple times, blah blah blah.
I was so committed to this lie, because I thought it made me sound experienced/interesting/whatever that even when it started to cause the relationship to deteriorate (she was incredibly insecure, so ANY story about an ex would have fucked things up), I stuck to it.

That's really fucking pathetic. I'm incredibly embarrassed about it & utterly ashamed of myself.
I think you're the same - I think you just want people's attention. You don't care if it's positive or negative because either way you're getting something out of it. Attention. You feel special because of it.

That's why you share these stories publicly, that's why you constantly invite criticism and that's why you never leave when you say you're done with it.

You're getting off on this shit. I get it - I get off on that attention too, because in a small way it proves that you matter to somebody, even if just for the time it takes for them to make a snide remark or to call you a shitty father.

Know this, though: You matter to me. I bet you matter to a lot of other people in this thread and in your actual offline-life too.

I really hope you can learn that it's OK to be a face in the crowd, because that's a really fucking awesome crowd. I mean that about this thread & the people in it (and I would struggle to describe just how much these people genuinely matter to me. Yourself included) and also about the people you choose to have in your life. If those people aren't an awesome crowd, then find people who are. You deserve to be around people who you don't need to be fake to matter to. Those decent people deserve to have you in their lives. But you owe the people in your life your honesty.

We all have achievements, problems, things we say & do and all manner of other moments where we're noticed, even if we're not the star of the show. Just because it's not all about you doesn't mean it's not also about you.

This is something that took me years of self-reflection, counselling and a strong support network to figure out. Even then, I'm not entirely there yet.

I privately shared this following thing with Musha, because I think we're pretty close & she's somebody I can open up to without feeling judged. I wasn't planning on sharing it openly, but to (hopefully) help you out, I will. Christ that sounded self-important.

I had an anxiety attack at the last GAF meet. I actually hid in the disgusting toilets at Borderline for what felt like ages. I feel pretty self-conscious about it. It's something that used to happen to me weekly at college & at work when I was at Tesco. Almost always around people. I think my anxiety attacks were caused by feeling judged, by not fitting in with others & feeling like a constant outsider.

It doesn't happen anywhere near as much anymore, but it happens - because I'm not actually there yet. I still think I stick out like a sore thumb.

You just have to learn how to accept who you are, then you can start dealing with your shit honestly, you can start being honest with those around you & hopefully you can stop seeking attention.

Take the first step, man. Be honest with yourself & really think hard about the kind of person you want to be.

Brave post, you're a better mane than I.


i've got it figured out, cyanide's daughter is actually a ghost that only he can see. she haunts him in his dreams along with pat sharp.

or cyanide is a ghost.

in-fact, everybody is a ghost.
Meus Renaissance and I went on a date to go see Gravity at Odeon West End. The movie itself was disappointing (3D was pointless, Sandra Bullock's character was too annoying for too long to care about her later on, very silly one-liners and action), but we had a lot of fun getting to know each other. Me being in psychology, and him being a teacher made for a lot of cross-discussion of related subjects :) Told him about the meet up.

Brown-on-black love.



Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Fuck me I missed a good night on this thread

Good shout Mikeside, bad shout Cyanide.

Mikeside, I want you here

not right now, but soon
CHEEZMO™;89167774 said:
I went to Manchester today



If you think I'm going to read all of that Mikeside you've got another thing coming
lol again
Meus Renaissance and I went on a date to go see Gravity at Odeon West End. The movie itself was disappointing (3D was pointless, Sandra Bullock's character was too annoying for too long to care about her later on, very silly one-liners and action), but we had a lot of fun getting to know each other. Me being in psychology, and him being a teacher made for a lot of cross-discussion of related subjects :) Told him about the meet up.

Brown-on-black love.



I hate you, you're beard is too fucking good

you don't deserve it, I deserve it

give me your beard
Another budding bromance begins to form in BritGAF I see. Who bought who flowers?

I did. Over at Leicester Square, there are east european beggar ladies with flowers. We were just talking outside the Odeon and she comes up, wouldn't leave, so I paid her. Funnily enough, another eastern european lady (with no flowers, what a free loader!) pops up right after and I pay her too. Then we quickly ran off to get a funny pic.

I think Meus might still have the flower. Pulling each petal right now to see if I really love him or not.


I've taken everything on board that Mike has said. I've responded privately, though, as I feel something like this needs to be discussed in private and personally. I appreciate everything everyone has said. I now see what effect I have on people and, for that, I apologise.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Glad you have levelled up and Mikeside has agreed to teach you his secret techniques.

Let's not have an encore though as I'm tired of this story arc. Do this again and you won't need to ask to get banned. If you'd like to know what that means you can ask Meadows.
Let's put this whole affair behinds us, eh?

In order to get over it, I'm now in Heathrow awaiting a flight to San Francisco. I'ma try not to get shot whilst I'm over there.
Let's put this whole affair behinds us, eh?

In order to get over it, I'm now in Heathrow awaiting a flight to San Francisco. I'ma try not to get shot whilst I'm over there.

Can I ask what's the reason for going over there?

Keep a knife handy on you, go for the neck. So even if they get a shot on you, they'll have a more painful death. Watch out for them LA gangs, but don't join in one!


Have fun Cyclops! If you ever get the chance to visit LA then take the chance to walk the streets and take in the atmosphere. Lost count the number of times I overheard the most hilarious conversations.

Going to see Gravity at some point today but Messo saying it's weak has somewhat dampened my expectations. Also, how did you get a date with Lupe Fiasco? So jelly!


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Way to man it up Mikeside!

Will keep fingers etc crossed for you Cyanide.

Meanwhile, nice bright sunshine here - unfortunately loads of back-office work to do, dammit.


Maturity, bitches.
OK I will admit that I was getting a bit bored of the story so I just scrolled to the bottom of the page.

But I decided to scroll back up again and read all of Mike's response and would also like to give major props to it.

The last bit was extremely surprising because I admit I often find myself going out in the smoking area for a breather and hoping to see you there because you're such a great conversation starter with anyone, a skill I severely lack.


Had an engagment party last night (belated), roll up in here and it's like catching up on a Hollyoaks omnibus!

Credit to Mike for dropping the honesty bomb, I like the bit about the threesome, bigger the lie the more they beleive it ;)


OK I will admit that I was getting a bit bored of the story so I just scrolled to the bottom of the page.

But I decided to scroll back up again and read all of Mike's response and would also like to give major props to it.

The last bit was extremely surprising because I admit I often find myself going out in the smoking area for a breather and hoping to see you there because you're such a great conversation starter with anyone, a skill I severely lack.
True story.

Mike is the most warm and open of peeps, I always find his company very calming and comfortable.

Just simple things like making sure people aren't excluded from conversation, remembering to ask about significant events in his mates' lives, offering advice to those that seem to need it.

Mad props to Mikeside, I love you man. Sincerely, you're a proper top dude.


I appreciate all the responses here so much you guys.
Really genuinely.

It's hard to express this to a lot of people at once and still sound genuine, but you guys (and girl) really are all true blue. I've never known a group of such fun, fantastic people with open arms. It's very easy to be myself with all of you guys.

BGBW, the feels, man - I'm always disappointed when I get on the dance floor and you're not there.

Anyway, enough of this supportive feelytime, it's dropping our streetcred.


There's a fucking marching band playing outside of my house. I'm trying to enjoy an early afternoon cigarette here you bastards.

I'm off to sink some beers and play Metal Gear Rising.

so many posters on that tree
Seriously. I've watched it for ten minutes now and they're still going.
True story.

Mike is the most warm and open of peeps, I always find his company very calming and comfortable.

Just simple things like making sure people aren't excluded from conversation, remembering to ask about significant events in his mates' lives, offering advice to those that seem to need it.

Mad props to Mikeside, I love you man. Sincerely, you're a proper top dude.

Fucking this times a thousand. Mike is a legend. Always makes everyone feel included at meet ups and a genuinely good person all around!

Jedeye Sniv

Holy shit I missed a lot last night. I watched Our Idiot Brother and Teh Matrix, both of which were gud. I also had the greatest orgasm of my life but that's neither here nor there.

My advice to Cyanide - the key is that you're not affecting us with your behaviour at all really. In fact it adds rather to the soaply operatic nature of forum life. You've played centre stage in a fun little weekend diversion but it's all fine really. Just live a positive life, laugh off the bullshit and carry on carrying on.

And Mike, I want to give you a massive hug and arrange a free blowjob for you, I heart you so. If anything, I really do hope that your central and much loved role in BritGAF is helping your anxiety, because to me it seems like a whole bunch of people really like you and always want to be in the Mike Gang at the meets. And know that if you are judged, it's only because people think you've even more awesome than you maybe feel.

Also, you wrote 1136 words there, I hope you can chop that up and use it as dialogue :)


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Just read my college magazine. Apparently it is now 40 years since women were first admitted to (what were previously) men's colleges at Oxford.

That makes me feel old, as I got in only one year later. Now, of course, it is nothing unusual - but then it was.

There's a bunch of things make me feel old, but that one is near the top of the tree.


One and a half hours later, the PS3 still hasn't been turned on.

Fucking Puzzle and Dragons, why must you taunt me to take one more go?!


I've officially reached the point where teenage me would hate modern me. Started playing Rising, couldn't remember shit from the tutorial (I played the first couple of missions the other night). Started fighting the blade wolf thing, died four times, said 'fuck this' and started again on easy. I don't play console games for the challenge, I play 'em for the spectacle. Getting stressed at a blade wolf is not the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
I've officially reached the point where teenage me would hate modern me. Started playing Rising, couldn't remember shit from the tutorial (I played the first couple of missions the other night). Started fighting the blade wolf thing, died four times, said 'fuck this' and started again on easy. I don't play console games for the challenge, I play 'em for the spectacle. Getting stressed at a blade wolf is not the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

There is a satisfaction for trial-and-error and finding the right way to solve a problem in a game, but no one should look down on you for wanting to play a game on easy. Not even teenage SmokyDave.


I've officially reached the point where teenage me would hate modern me. Started playing Rising, couldn't remember shit from the tutorial (I played the first couple of missions the other night). Started fighting the blade wolf thing, died four times, said 'fuck this' and started again on easy. I don't play console games for the challenge, I play 'em for the spectacle. Getting stressed at a blade wolf is not the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

maybe angry birds is up your alley?


There is a satisfaction for trial-and-error and finding the right way to solve a problem in a game, but no one should look down on you for wanting to play a game on easy. Not even teenage SmokyDave.
I still get that satisfaction from some mobile and Vita games (especially shmups), but there's something different about the way I play modern console games. I'm the guy that gaming GAF hates. I want the Hollywood experience. I want to be wowed by spectacle and set pieces, but I don't want to be retrying any sections over and over. I want the story to flow nicely and I want to be a badass. There's nothing badass about a game over screen.

maybe angry birds is up your alley?
Maybe it is. I know I had more fun playing Puzzle and Dragons than I did playing Metal Gear Rising.

Teenage me would be disappointed, but not surprised, by present me. I'd beat teenage me up.
Yeah, I think teenage me would probably understand that I have a lot less gaming time nowadays, so I just want to cruise through and check shit out, rather than bash my head against obstacles.

I don't know who'd win in a fight though. Modern me is a lot bigger and stronger, but teenage me didn't give a fuck about pain. It'd be an ugly fight.


I still get that satisfaction from some mobile and Vita games (especially shmups), but there's something different about the way I play modern console games. I'm the guy that gaming GAF hates. I want the Hollywood experience. I want to be wowed by spectacle and set pieces, but I don't want to be retrying any sections over and over. I want the story to flow nicely and I want to be a badass. There's nothing badass about a game over screen.

Maybe it is. I know I had more fun playing Puzzle and Dragons than I did playing Metal Gear Rising.

Yeah, I think teenage me would probably understand that I have a lot less gaming time nowadays, so I just want to cruise through and check shit out, rather than bash my head against obstacles.

I don't know who'd win in a fight though. Modern me is a lot bigger and stronger, but teenage me didn't give a fuck about pain. It'd be an ugly fight.

are you on iOS or Android?
if iOS, check out Sword and Poker (or the sequel)

so much fun, I seriously am thinking of buying an ipod touch just to play it again
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