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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Can I ask what's the reason for going over there?

Keep a knife handy on you, go for the neck. So even if they get a shot on you, they'll have a more painful death. Watch out for them LA gangs, but don't join in one!

Holiday! There's also an animation expo on in LA for a few days, but mostly just holiday!

Just got to our apartment in SF, now going out for some burritos. weooo.
Man after reading the 3DS thread I want one too. New Zelda and Yoshi's Island sounds nice. But the PS4 takes priority.

thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=712441

Yeah I've been reading/posting in that thread myself. A year ago I couldn't have imagined buying one, now I'm extremely excited to with the fabulous first party line up. There's about 15 first party games I'm interested in- amazing for a 30 month old system!

I can heartily recommend a 3DS XL. Some excellent games on there.

Fire Emblem alone is worth the price of admission

I've never played a SRPG before, so I'm looking forward to grabbing that one day!

EDIT: can I play Mario 64 DS using the analogue stick??? Please say yes someone?


Yeah I've been reading/posting in that thread myself. A year ago I couldn't have imagined buying one, now I'm extremely excited to with the fabulous first party line up. There's about 15 first party games I'm interested in- amazing for a 30 month old system!

I've never played a SRPG before, so I'm looking forward to grabbing that one day!

EDIT: can I play Mario 64 DS using the analogue stick??? Please say yes someone?

you're in luck
Holiday! There's also an animation expo on in LA for a few days, but mostly just holiday!

Just got to our apartment in SF, now going out for some burritos. weooo.
Ah mad jelly! I'd go straight to Fisherman's Wharf and scarf down all the seafood. Got less than a month before I head back home to LA for some vacation. Eat everything over there!

Also just booked a weekend holiday with Notts lass to Cologne right after I get back. Gonna eat all the German doner kebabs again and get drunk off glugwein :D

Oh nice! Animation expo as in more the tech side or just a place like comic con but for animated movie fans?

It's not really like comic con as it's professionally focused, but with that said its more on the artistic side - art direction, character design, visual development etc. which is much more my girlfriend's thing - I'm in the technical side of animation, so I'm really there as an interested observer as opposed to clamouring for a job!

So far, San Fran is very cool! Hilly. And donkey show, I think we are heading to Fisherman's Wharf on Tuesday but - to the horror of everyone we tell - we aren't all that big into sea food! But hey, when in Rome...


Is it normal for Paypal to 'hold' on to a sum of money before releasing it in to your account? I have £395.99 pending and Paypal have emailed saying they have money on hold. I never heard of this before but the email looked legit so I just proceeded as normal. Delivered the item, got a reference number and send it back by replying to aforementioned email. But that was Saturday and I ain't heard owt since. Have I just been ripped off?


Phone call last night out of the blue, bro is coming down with the missus today, aww yeah!

That means a half day and early afternoon drinking, what a turn up for the books on a Monday!


Edit: Cyanide, it's quite common for paypal to hang on to funds over a certain amount. Don't worry about it man, unless you still haven't heard anything by the end of the week.


Is it normal for Paypal to 'hold' on to a sum of money before releasing it in to your account? I have £395.99 pending and Paypal have emailed saying they have money on hold. I never heard of this before but the email looked legit so I just proceeded as normal. Delivered the item, got a reference number and send it back by replying to aforementioned email. But that was Saturday and I ain't heard owt since. Have I just been ripped off?

That's happened to me before too - there should be a release date for the funds where they'll be released into your account.

Give Paypal an email asking if it can be released early if you've got tracking numbers and everything & they should be able to sort for you.


Three key steps to a top steak:

- Allow it to reach room temperature beforehand. This aids even cooking. Never cook a steak straight from the fridge

- Leave it open to the air for a few hours before you cook it. This concentrates the flavour and tenderises the meat

- Turn it regularly. Like every 20 seconds. This again aids even cooking, as both sides are effectively cooking at all times as the residual heat will continue to cook the top side for half a minute or so

Of course, you should allow it to rest for a few minutes before serving as well, to allow the tissues in the meat to relax after getting all tense in the pan. It also aids fluid retention so you get a nice juicy bite. Yum.

Boom, primo steak.

The closest to mine. Pan as hot as possible, no oil or butter. Rub the steak with salt and pepper just before putting in the pan, turn every minute. Leave to rest for a few minutes after.


That's happened to me before too - there should be a release date for the funds where they'll be released into your account.

Give Paypal an email asking if it can be released early if you've got tracking numbers and everything & they should be able to sort for you.
That's the thing. I emailed them Saturday with the reference/tracking number for the delivery and they've still yet to get back to me and there's no date mentioned for the funds being released.
So far, San Fran is very cool! Hilly. And donkey show, I think we are heading to Fisherman's Wharf on Tuesday but - to the horror of everyone we tell - we aren't all that big into sea food! But hey, when in Rome...

Haha fair enough. If you do get adventurous, head down to Sabella & LaTorre over there. Their clam chowder is mad delicious. Also, if you want some amazing pancakes, head to Sears Fine Foods in Union Square. The pancakes are angelic.


So guys, about the secret santa gift. Are we all planning to send it on the 6th Dec or are we suppose to receive our gifts in the mail by the 6th (i.e. send it way beforehand)?


So guys, about the secret santa gift. Are we all planning to send it on the 6th Dec or are we suppose to receive our gifts in the mail by the 6th (i.e. send it way beforehand)?

I think it'd be best that people aim to ship by Dec 6th, but so long as we've all got our prezzies to open on the 21st, it shouldn't matter too much, right?


MYSTERY PACKAGE CAME IN THE POST. How very curious. I'll just store it somewhere safe for now and assume BritGAF Santa came early this year.

Edit: better idea will confirm via the wishlist


I think it'd be best that people aim to ship by Dec 6th, but so long as we've all got our prezzies to open on the 21st, it shouldn't matter too much, right?

ah cool. That's fine then. I misinterpreted it as "get it to the person by the 6th" so I already got it ordered ha. No harm in shipping early I suppose. Hopefully the person will keep it aside until xmas day.

In other news, just got my xmas holidays booked and sorted from work. 2 weeks of being lazy at home with the family but I'm tempted to travel somewhere for new years to cheer myself up...probably just end up going to some party in the hometown ha.

BBC News said:
It was also announced today Glasgow will host the 2014 MTV EMAs. It is part of 'Homecoming Scotland' which sees a number of major events being held in the country.




I went into my wishlist on drawnames and asked if the package I got was Santa or not.

My second package of the day though, Christ.


Knows the Score
ah cool. That's fine then. I misinterpreted it as "get it to the person by the 6th" so I already got it ordered ha. No harm in shipping early I suppose. Hopefully the person will keep it aside until xmas day.

In other news, just got my xmas holidays booked and sorted from work. 2 weeks of being lazy at home with the family but I'm tempted to travel somewhere for new years to cheer myself up...probably just end up going to some party in the hometown ha.



Miley's gonna drink a bottle of bucky and get into a knife fight.


I still have no idea what to get for my SS partner.

I guess if you're stumped then pick a confidanté who knows them and ask for advice?

ah cool. That's fine then. I misinterpreted it as "get it to the person by the 6th" so I already got it ordered ha. No harm in shipping early I suppose. Hopefully the person will keep it aside until xmas day.

In other news, just got my xmas holidays booked and sorted from work. 2 weeks of being lazy at home with the family but I'm tempted to travel somewhere for new years to cheer myself up...probably just end up going to some party in the hometown ha.



I've already ordered my SS gift and will be shipping it as soon as it arrives, so you're not alone!

NYE always ends up being a bit crap, don't put too much pressure on it!
Travelling somewhere cool sounds like fun for it, though. Any initial ideas?

I went into my wishlist on drawnames and asked if the package I got was Santa or not.

My second package of the day though, Christ.

How will anyone respond to that without giving themselves away? :p
(If Afoni's santa wants to, they can PM me and I'll tell him whether to open the packages he's got or not)


How will anyone respond to that without giving themselves away? :p
(If Afoni's santa wants to, they can PM me and I'll tell him whether to open the packages he's got or not)

There's the ability for a Santa to ask a question on the wishlist. They could respond with that, but your way is cool too.

Jedeye Sniv

I fully gave up on NYE last year. My friends are all so flakey, my best mate with whom usually I'd get out of my face with went to his GF's parents (wtf), other people went abroad, others went to a shitty pub. So me and the mrs went out to a movie, got some chinese on the way home and had a grand old time of it. Maybe the most fun NYE ever, and I didn't feel like utter shit the next day. WIN.
I always stay in on NYE. Sometimes have people over, play games and get shitfaced.

If anyone has no plans for New Years you're more than welcome to join us.


Talks of Christmas plans depress me. For the last couple of years, I've spent Christmas morning and NYE alone. Looks like it will be the same this year.


NYE always ends up being a bit crap, don't put too much pressure on it!Travelling somewhere cool sounds like fun for it, though. Any initial ideas?

Flights anywhere fancy are astronomical considering I left it last minute and it's obviously holiday season. Heard Berlin does a great New Years or so I'm told...I dunno. Would probably pounce if I found a good deal...or perhaps explore the UK a bit more and stay at a city overnight. It's all cloud talk atm. Jedeye's right about new years. You always get hyped up and want to have an incredible night and the plans you originally had falls apart and you end up at home. Thing is, sometimes that works to your advantage when you get a random call asking if you're up for a spontaneous night out.


Flights anywhere fancy are astronomical considering I left it last minute and it's obvious holiday season. Heard Berlin does a great New Years or so I'm told...I dunno. Would probably pounce if I found a good deal...or perhaps explore the UK a bit more and stay at a city overnight. It's all cloud talk atm. Jedeye's right about new years. You always get hyped up and want to have an incredible night and the plans you originally had falls apart and you end up at home. Thing is, sometimes that works to your advantage when you get a random call asking if you're up for a spontaneous night out.

I say we take Musha up on her offer (which she'll live to regret :p)

Talks of Christmas plans depress me. For the last couple of years, I've spent Christmas morning and NYE alone. Looks like it will be the same this year.

I've had the exact same outlook on Christmas this year - it's not going to be the same without family around and everything.
As it is, I had a whinge about it and people have been pretty epic - I've got nights out in London coming up every Saturday in December, I'm going to take a trip down to Portsmouth to spend a day or two with my intimate lover, Tashbrooke (maybe see if no angel is about for that too) and I'm going to have a few brews with Jed at t'local because he's a diamond like that (maybe see if we can rope Jordan and Quiche along to the pub too?)

Do you have any local buddies who might let you orphan-boy your way into their xmas plans? People are usually more than happy to open up if you ask them :)
I say we take Musha up on her offer (which she'll live to regret :p)

I think you totally should. And I wouldn't.

Watching music tv and Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball just came on.

I really like it guys, I think it's a genuinely good song.

She has morphed into Bieber though.


"Well there's this thing called the internet where we take turns trying to make Cyanide Strike cry..."

edit: here's a happy song that I'm listening to right now - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Nl30OXrM8M

This goes back to our discussions on how long it takes to explain internet jokes/memes to non-internet people.

The response is usually "so, it's purely funny because you've seen it a thousand times...but it's sort of ironic? You're an idiot."
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