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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Man, I got about an hours sleep last night. I think the house and baby are playing on my mind. It's going to be a looooooong day :(

I don't give up my seat for pregnant ladies anymore after what happened last time. Put it this way, I'd rather see a pregnant lady standing up than a fat girl sitting down crying.
Ah, dude, you're killing me. It's too early in the day for laughter.


I woke up this morning and thought the heating had packed up. Nope, the landlord was just being dickish and had turned off the heating before going out meaning I'm sat here like a block of ice.

How are we all?



Exclusive content for Playstation platform you say?


Guess who isn't getting an Xbox One. Spring 2014 is gonna be sweeeeeet.

How are we all?

Pretty good today. Gym session tonight so I'm looking forward to that. Alice in Chains gig tomorrow and going back to the hometown to watch the UFC with friends on Saturday.



Exclusive content for Playstation platform you say?


Guess who isn't getting an Xbox One. Spring 2014 is gonna be sweeeeeet.

Pretty good today. Gym session tonight so I'm looking forward to that. Alice in Chains gig tomorrow and going back to the hometown to watch the UFC with friends on Saturday.

Join me, PS4 brother!

Looks like I might be getting an xbone too! My mum has been talking about wanting to get me something expensive for Xmas / birthday after the year I've had (also I spent like 300 on her for the past 2 xmases) and she keeps asking about consoles...

Gotta figure out something awesome for her this year, previously I've got her a kindle, a 3ds xl, an awesome jewelry box and a bluray player... Was thinking a tablet this year but she's not interested. Any ideas guys?
Join me, PS4 brother!

Looks like I might be getting an xbone too! My mum has been talking about wanting to get me something expensive for Xmas / birthday after the year I've had (also I spent like 300 on her for the past 2 xmases) and she keeps asking about consoles...

Gotta figure out something awesome for her this year, previously I've got her a kindle, a 3ds xl, an awesome jewelry box and a bluray player... Was thinking a tablet this year but she's not interested. Any ideas guys?

What sort of stuff is she into? What's your budget? A really nice piece of jewellery or an expensive handbag?


do you really want a xbox one? if theres no imemediate need your better telling her to wait for a price drop and getting her to spend it on other things. for example, a signed autograph from chinner will only set you back a measly fee of 350 pounds.
Join me, PS4 brother!

Looks like I might be getting an xbone too! My mum has been talking about wanting to get me something expensive for Xmas / birthday after the year I've had (also I spent like 300 on her for the past 2 xmases) and she keeps asking about consoles...

Gotta figure out something awesome for her this year, previously I've got her a kindle, a 3ds xl, an awesome jewelry box and a bluray player... Was thinking a tablet this year but she's not interested. Any ideas guys?

Spa treatment day + night in a decent hotel?


What sort of stuff is she into? What's your budget? A really nice piece of jewellery or an expensive handbag?

Budget of probably 100 to 150 for Xmas, she's not into much to be honest - spends a lot of time watching TV and doing little projects around the house, and she doesn't wear a lot of jewelry - the box was because nan buys her nice jewelry for birthdays and things so she wanted something nice to store it in .

She enjoys Disney movies, gardening (though she hasn't really had time to do any this year), going to the theatre and on holidays when she can, she fucking loves costa coffee... I'm thinking maybe taking her for a top meal somewhere but I feel like there's an amazing present out there if only I could think of it!!


I've bought two small gifts so far for my SS partner, although they're kinda jokey. I hope he/she appreciates the joke and doesn't get pissed off.


do you really want a xbox one? if theres no imemediate need your better telling her to wait for a price drop and getting her to spend it on other things. for example, a signed autograph from chinner will only set you back a measly fee of 350 pounds.

Need is a strong word, but I'd definitely see being able to play dead rising 3 and loco cycle as a huge win.

I can get an autograph from you whenever I want now that I have your address

Spa treatment day + night in a decent hotel?

This might be a plan. She never takes time out to treat herself!


do you really want a xbox one? if theres no imemediate need your better telling her to wait for a price drop and getting her to spend it on other things.

Yeah I agree. Maybe get an xbox one for Titanfall when that drops in the spring but if you're not interested in that then wait until a price drop.

She enjoys Disney movies, gardening (though she hasn't really had time to do any this year), going to the theatre and on holidays when she can, she fucking loves costa coffee... I'm thinking maybe taking her for a top meal somewhere but I feel like there's an amazing present out there if only I could think of it!!

Afternoon musical/theatre show (Lion King. Hit 2 birds with one stone there) in London followed by a decent meal at a good, local restaurant.


Yeah I agree. Maybe get an xbox one for Titanfall when that drops in the spring but if you're not interested in that then wait until a price drop.

Afternoon musical/theatre show (Lion King. Hit 2 birds with one stone there) in London followed by a decent meal at a good, local restaurant.

Anything other than lion king! we went to see it a few years ago and it didn't impress either of us.

Maybe war horse or something in Windsor - she loves going to Windsor


I've only ever seen Phantom Of The Opera and that was the one time I visited London. I want to come back and see the stage production of Les Miserables now.


I've never been to see a musical, I'm not sure it'd be my kind of thing. I've got this cynically clichéd picture in my head of camp show tunes and dudes with perpetually cheesy grins giving it jazz hands and shit.

I quite fancy The Book of Mormon though, that's meant to be excellent.
I've only ever seen Phantom Of The Opera and that was the one time I visited London. I want to come back and see the stage production of Les Miserables now.

Les Mis is fantastic, definitely one you have to see.

I've never been to see a musical, I'm not sure it'd be my kind of thing. I've got this cynically clichéd picture in my head of camp show tunes and dudes with perpetually cheesy grins giving it jazz hands and shit.

I quite fancy The Book of Mormon though, that's meant to be excellent.

I think traditional musicals are probably not your thing, but you would enjoy Book of Mormon, although it's probably got more cheese and jazz hands than the average musical.


Maturity, bitches.
I love musicals. Just a shame they are so expensive so I just have to make do with listening to them on CD.


Whaaaaaaa? It's amazing! Visually one of the best shows!

Visually it was oK, but the songs were no more impressive than the movie. It left me cold.

I've never been to see a musical, I'm not sure it'd be my kind of thing. I've got this cynically clichéd picture in my head of camp show tunes and dudes with perpetually cheesy grins giving it jazz hands and shit.

I quite fancy The Book of Mormon though, that's meant to be excellent.

I think you'd be surprised - as somebody who seems really positive and able to see the value in awesome things without judgement on how 'cool' they are I think you could really get into decent musicals.

I've only ever seen Phantom Of The Opera and that was the one time I visited London. I want to come back and see the stage production of Les Miserables now.

I really wanna go and see les mis, I hear great things


If it ain't The Rocky Horror (Picture) Show, I ain't interested.

Les Misérables reminded me of the way I parody shit musicals. People 'singing' the most mundane stuff. Hated it.


I think traditional musicals are probably not your thing, but you would enjoy Book of Mormon, although it's probably got more cheese and jazz hands than the average musical.
Yeah but I presume that is the source of much of the humour, lampooning people's misconceptions.

I remember watching Spinal Tap with some mates a few years back, one of the lads totally missed the joke. After half an hour, he turned to us and said, "these guys are fucking shit, turn this off!" He thought it was a genuine documentary.

I think you'd be surprised - as somebody who seems really positive and able to see the value in awesome things without judgement on how 'cool' they are I think you could really get into decent musicals.
To be fair, I did say I have a cynical view of them. I'm sure they have a lot more appeal than my limited experience would give them credit for!
If it ain't The Rocky Horror (Picture) Show, I ain't interested.
This movie was a source of great confusion for me as a teenager.


I've never been to see a musical, I'm not sure it'd be my kind of thing. I've got this cynically clichéd picture in my head of camp show tunes and dudes with perpetually cheesy grins giving it jazz hands and shit.

I quite fancy The Book of Mormon though, that's meant to be excellent.

You're not wrong there. As somebody that has been to more than their fair share of musicals (I used to work for a talent agency way back when), they're mostly boring, turgid shite. I tried my best to like them but they're just not for me.

Wicked has the honour of being the shittiest musical I've ever seen. Couldn't go one sentence without bursting into fucking song.


Budget of probably 100 to 150 for Xmas, she's not into much to be honest - spends a lot of time watching TV and doing little projects around the house, and she doesn't wear a lot of jewelry - the box was because nan buys her nice jewelry for birthdays and things so she wanted something nice to store it in .

She enjoys Disney movies, gardening (though she hasn't really had time to do any this year), going to the theatre and on holidays when she can, she fucking loves costa coffee... I'm thinking maybe taking her for a top meal somewhere but I feel like there's an amazing present out there if only I could think of it!!

Theatre voucher and Costa voucher. Gifts that say I care but not really.
I've never been to see a musical, I'm not sure it'd be my kind of thing. I've got this cynically clichéd picture in my head of camp show tunes and dudes with perpetually cheesy grins giving it jazz hands and shit.

I quite fancy The Book of Mormon though, that's meant to be excellent.

I'm very wary of musicals for similar reasons, I find it often treads too close to that patomime false-joy thing that has too many hardcore fans who've seen the same production 12 times.

That said I really enjoyed The Producers (the one with Spring Time for Hitler if you haven't heard of it.) It's very intentially OTT but also has some great dialogue between the songs.

I often find regular theater more difficult though, since often they aren't even visually or musically engrossing. I used to do drama at school and got taken to some incredibly dull plays. One I remember was by a guy called Harold Pinter who's supposed to be very famous and well respected in theatre circles. It was just two guys on stage, one a tramp, one a businessman, talking for two hours. I fell asleep in that one.

There was another one called The Glass Menagerie which was so excruciatingly tedious I just got bored and had a wank, right there in the theatre with like 800 people in the room. Got away with it too.

Which brings me back to my main point, which was: some musicals are good if you can get past the happy clappy stuff and pretend the others in the audience don't exist.


Have I ever mentioned how much I hate the late shift?

Although I sometimes hated the late/night shifts at work (especially during the cold winter nights), I found that working during those times were a lot less stressful. No higher-up managers meant that work colleagues and I (including team leader) would order a takeaway for dinner and watch The Office. Sometimes when it's really quiet we'd hook up an xbox and play SF4. Work-wise I hated that place (IT support over the phone with no remote access...ugh) but I'll never forgot how great my co-workers are.


FUCK the glass menagerie. I had to read that so many times in HS. What a shitty play.

Cs: i work till 1am every night. Late shifts suck.


FUCK the glass menagerie. I had to read that so many times in HS. What a shitty play.

Consider yourself lucky you didn't have to read Bold Girls during HS. Pretty much The Golden Girls meets Allo Allo all-female family drama BS set in Northern Ireland (I think) with IRA/UK soldiers zanyness happening in the background. The only redeemable thing about it was watching the hilariously bad TV movie that was shown to us the week before Christmas break. Never laughed so hard that day.


Although I sometimes hated the late/night shifts at work (especially during the cold winter nights), I found that working during those times were a lot less stressful. No higher-up managers meant that work colleagues and I (including team leader) would order a takeaway for dinner and watch The Office. Sometimes when it's really quiet we'd hook up an xbox and play SF4. Work-wise I hated that place (IT support over the phone with no remote access...ugh) but I'll never forgot how great my co-workers are.
We usually have the footy on and get a Domino's in but it's the team I manage are some of the most incompetent, immature bastards I've ever met. They never tidy up, they always make too much noise and they never get any work done, which means I get the bollocking come tomorrow morning. Still, only on until 10pm then it's back to work at 6am. Yay?


We usually have the footy on and get a Domino's in but it's the team I manage are some of the most incompetent, immature bastards I've ever met. They never tidy up, they always make too much noise and they never get any work done, which means I get the bollocking come tomorrow morning. Still, only on until 10pm then it's back to work at 6am. Yay?

Manage them, mane.


Knows the Score
and have a wank.

It's really going to depend on the musical though, at least the Rocky Horror Show is a bit saucy and at the very least you'll get to see Columbia's nipple but knocking one out to Willy Wonka or Matilda might get you thrown in jail.
Knack getting poor reviews, and Killzone at okay to good. Gaming side shall be draped in the blood of many dead accounts by sundown.

Edit: aw here it goes....
Well done Kotaku:



Hang on, we're really not going to question Dapper having a wank in the middle of the theatre??!!

Am I the only one baffled by a logistics of this, let alone the compulsion??
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