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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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pls give me DQVII localised

No fucking chance. Supposedly Nintendo got to choose between that and Bravely Default For The Sequel. I say they chose wisely. It'd be nice if Squeenix gave a fuck about releasing products that don't have Lightning in them, but w/e.

I'm expecting... IDK. Pokemon Bank details. Um, maybe they'll finally announce Miiverse for 3DS. Um... a new Yoshi trailer.


Maturity, bitches.
oh and the launch games aren't going to bother the GOTY lists either, whodathunk
Well duh, they're not New Leaf.

Nintendo Direct soon too. So that means there will be two groups of disappointed people by this evening.

pls give me DQVII localised
Most people have taken the lack of JP Direct as a sign not to be overly hyped so hopefully expectations are in check… yeah right.


Most people have taken the lack of JP Direct as a sign not to be overly hyped so hopefully expectations are in check… yeah right.

at the moment that makes it even more exciting to me. Think of the possibilities! MonHun 4! DQVII!

They might even give a release date for Shin Megami Tensei IV
No fucking chance. Supposedly Nintendo got to choose between that and Bravely Default For The Sequel. I say they chose wisely. It'd be nice if Squeenix gave a fuck about releasing products that don't have Lightning in them, but w/e.

I'm expecting... IDK. Pokemon Bank details. Um, maybe they'll finally announce Miiverse for 3DS. Um... a new Yoshi trailer.

Someone Tweet Iwata-san that I won't pick up my XL tomorrow (HYPPPEE) unless he sorts out DQVII. It'll be all sorted in time for tea.

Well duh, they're not New Leaf.

Most people have taken the lack of JP Direct as a sign not to be overly hyped so hopefully expectations are in check… yeah right.

I can't tell if the people in the thread expecting Metroid, F-zero, and others are serious. New IPs too, hahahaha.


bitch I'm taking calls.
There's No Place Like London

Speaking of musicals, back in the day I went on a date with my first girlfriend to Sweeny Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. We both really liked it which I thought was awesome as I had yet to meet a girl into macabre and gore like that but afterwords we bonded over Edgar Allen Poe and some other things teenagers do. Also it was amusing because Todd's wife shares the same name as her.
Just got the lift up to the 4th floor. When the doors opened there was a shifty looking guy inside. He didn't get out and when I went to press 4, none of the buttons had been pressed.

What was he doing in there?
Hang on, we're really not going to question Dapper having a wank in the middle of the theatre??!!

Am I the only one baffled by a logistics of this, let alone the compulsion??

Mikeside please, this is a gaming forum, the convenient distraction of the PS4 reviews should take precedent.
And this is the part where BritGaf is frozen by the PS4 action in gaming side.

Future generations will look at these posts and think "wow, millions of seconds ago, people from the UK talked a lot of shite"


Maturity, bitches.
Man, that was clearly a spoiler filled Direct and I really don't want surprises spoiled for Zelda and Mario when they are releasing this month.

It's going to be an awkward time on Gaming Side.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Police rule death of MI6 spy found in a padlocked sports bag as "probably an accident".

Not like the public will ever find out what really happened, but what an asinine claim. Yes he just 'accidentally' somehow padlocked and zipped himself in, naked, from the inside of the bag, without leaving a trace of DNA or fingerprints on the padlock. I guess they just wanted to close the case without looking stupid, when the real answer is "we have no idea what happened and we probably never will".

EDIT: Here's another gem. "Dead MI6 Spy 'probably' killed unlawfully." You don't say?!


Police rule death of MI6 spy found in a padlocked sports bag as "probably an accident".

Not like the public will ever find out what really happened, but what an asinine claim. Yes he just 'accidentally' somehow padlocked and zipped himself in, naked, from the inside of the bag, without leaving a trace of DNA or fingerprints on the padlock. I guess they just wanted to close the case without looking stupid, when the real answer is "we have no idea what happened and we probably never will".

escapist stunt gone wrong



lol at beta testers. that's why I'm not getting one until spring.
I won't be getting one until Spring. 2015 maybe. I might have money by then.

London tomorrow! Got a celebratory lunch for a work type thing with "possible drinks after". Taking that as definitely drinks after. Might as well make a day of it.


Maturity, bitches.
While I think the PS4 looks quite nice from the front I'm not too fond of how it is also slanted at the back. Donno why.
jonathon become a games journalist, then cry on twitter and make cryptic tweets and maybe sony will give you one?

The last thing Sony sent me was a free PS Move as I was apparently one of the most influential playstation gamers in Europe

Never owned a PS console.

Plus it's all well and good doing the freebies and the fun of the trips but when you have to write 400 words on the Wii port of Sega Bass Fishing it's just not even fucking worth it
While I think the PS4 looks quite nice from the front I'm not too fond of how it is also slanted at the back. Donno why.

I like all dem grilles at the back.

but the slant is actually quite clever. it means you can push it right back against a wall while having room to tuck unsightly cables away

those japanese sure made a sexy slanty box


Jonathan could be our Britgaf representative to the gaming world. If you happen to meet Cliffy B, immediately slap him in the face for me and ask why there isn't a new Jazz Jackrabbit being made.


Well, work fucking sucked.

And I got a text from my landlord, asking me 'why the fucking heating is on' and demanding that 'if the heating bill is higher than normal, he won't be happy' - I pay fucking rent and the bastard said my rent covers gas, electric, water, etc. He can fuck off if he thinks he can talk to me like that. Prick.


And I got a text from my landlord, asking me 'why the fucking heating is on' and demanding that 'if the heating bill is higher than normal, he won't be happy' - I pay fucking rent and the bastard said my rent covers gas, electric, water, etc. He can fuck off if he thinks he can talk to me like that. Prick.
I left the heating on before I left for work this morning and I just got back in and it's like Satan's pit in here. I've turned it off now and opened a window or two but it's still boiling. I think I may actually melt.


But I had it on for a reason, as I have clothes I need to try for tomorrow for work and, as we don't have a tumble dryer, leaving them to dry on the heater was the next best bet. Like I said, whether I moan about it being on or off is irrelevant, my rent covers the use of heat so if I want to use it, I will.


BBC3 are geniuses! Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents, what an idea.

They haven't even got on holiday yet and I already hate this posh boy.
These are the biggest messes they've had on this program yet
BBC3 are geniuses! Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents, what an idea.

They haven't even got on holiday yet and I already hate this posh boy.
These are the biggest messes they've had on this program yet

I remember that show

One of my favourite episodes was the one where these boys go to somewhere like Magalouf and one of them simply will not stop paying for lap dances, he goes to cash point like over three times to draw out more money for lapdances.

His mum was a real retard as well. She asked him where he was at like midnight and he said the library. "The library? Do they even stay open so late?"


BBC3 should just be the dumping ground for sports so they don't interrupt the schedule on BBC1 and 2.
Naaa. Keep it the way it is as a dumping ground for the idiotic YOOF.

Except Family Guy and American Dad. They deserve a better Beeb channel.


BBC3 has always been hit and miss for me. It has amazing shows like Family Guy, American Dad and Good News but then there's shit like Snog, Marry, Avoid and I Married A Footballer Just So I Could Get My Cousin Jealous Enough So He Forcibly Rams His Cock Up My Ass So Hard I End Up Gagging On It IV.


The last thing Sony sent me was a free PS Move as I was apparently one of the most influential playstation gamers in Europe

Never owned a PS console.

Plus it's all well and good doing the freebies and the fun of the trips but when you have to write 400 words on the Wii port of Sega Bass Fishing it's just not even fucking worth it

how about we start a gaming site? we can call it gaming bros.

i will be the witty, hilarious, sharp, charismatic, good looking, intelligent, athletic knowledgeable one.

you can be the dr who fan.


you're gonna have a hard fortnight coming up

we would be playing the last of us

me: this apocalyptic setting is refreshing with naughty dog's art style, and while showing the destruction of civilization also shows us the joels inability to get over his daughters death.

jonathonex: wow this reminds me of season 4 episode 2 when david tennant's dr who briefly visits a rather moody looking field in wales.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I'd imagine a BritGAF gaming channel would take a turn for the worse the longer it went on kind of like Game Grumps which devolved into them both playing up to their wacky personalities (basically equal to shitty american radio DJs) and attempting various sound effects with their voices regardless of the game they're playing.


I'd imagine a BritGAF gaming channel would take a turn for the worse the longer it went on kind of like Game Grumps which devolved into them both playing up to their wacky personalities (basically equal to shitty american radio DJs) and attempting various sound effects with their voices regardless of the game they're playing.
it'd definitely become a little bit cliquey.
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