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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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I don't think I've ever attempted to seriously watch Dr. Who. Might have seen a single episode randomly. Mostly it's the fandom that has ruined any enthusiasm that I could have had. I'll give it a shot someday. Maybe.

I've never understood when anyone would be weary of something based on the reactions or attitudes of others. If they're annoying (and yes, they can be annoying) it's a bummer, but... you aren't going to magically become "one of them".

All fanatical love of a show has given me is crushing guilt for having never seen it. Sorry again, fans of BB, The Wire, The Shield, Mad Men, etc etc...


I don't think I've ever attempted to seriously watch Dr. Who. Might have seen a single episode randomly. Mostly it's the fandom that has ruined any enthusiasm that I could have had. I'll give it a shot someday. Maybe.

Surprisingly, I have no problem with the fanbase whatsoever and the show does have great writing from time to time. I'm just thinking that with all the money it generates I'm surprised the special effects and costumes still look so..B-Movie-y. Adds to the charm of the show perhaps?

I have to admit, thought it weird when I found out the show was huge in the US. Figured it would be one of those kinda shows where they just wouldn't get it.


Dr Who and Family Guy are both shite of the highest order. Anybody that enjoys either of those shows (or even worse, both!) is a complete and utter cunt.
I've enjoyed some of it. I'll definitely watch some episodes when Peter Capaldi takes the reins.

But I've seen some pretty shite episodes too, and it all had that low budget BBC 1 feeling to it that made shows like Merlin impossible for me to care about. The sets, the the way it's shot, the costumes, the CGI...don't get me wrong I wouldn't expect a show like Dr Who to be top notch in all categories but it does have that feel to it.


thanks jimbor just choked on my chewing gum


don't get me wrong I wouldn't expect a show like Dr Who to be top notch in all categories but it does have that feel to it.

Considering the show is being advertised as one of BBC's flagship TV shows around the world, I'd expect it to have top notch production. It's like if they're generating a shitload of money from Top Gear and every episode Jeremy Clarkson's driving a Matiz or a Smart car. Or if David Attenborough is narrating over nature video footage shot with a gameboy camera.
Surprisingly, I have no problem with the fanbase whatsoever and the show does have great writing from time to time. I'm just thinking that with all the money it generates I'm surprised the special effects and costumes still look so..B-Movie-y. Adds to the charm of the show perhaps?

All the merchandising money goes back into BBC Worldwide. Problem is, they aren't making the show - the tax-payer funded bog-standard BBC is. So now and then you'll get a big whizzy episode partially funded by Worldwide money, but for the most part they're working off of the money budgeted for all drama across the BBC. Eastenders and Who are both funded from the same pot, essentially. (Although Who likely gets the lion's share, grim dramas about domestics in Manchester obviously keep the costs low.)

There's talk that one day the show could be moved over to be produced completely under Worldwide. Worldwide exists to allow for merchandising of BBC properties, because the actual BBC aren't allowed to create anything bar, er, broadcasting, but it does produce shows already. This is what happened to Top Gear, which likely has a ludicrous budget for what it is. Who under Worldwide could be pretty insane.

FWIW I think the show doesn't look overly cheap nowadays. Ever since Tennant left the show has looked a lot better, and less like a Children in Need Eastenders sketch. But it's obviously not HBO quality.


All fanatical love of a show has given me is crushing guilt for having never seen it. Sorry again, fans of BB, The Wire, The Shield, Mad Men, etc etc...
Coldman, The Wire really is god tier television. It's basically televised literature, and superlative social commentary to boot.

Breaking Bad is superior popcorn drama. It's excellent, but it's not HBO quality.

The Shield is kind of trashy and about as subtle as a house brick, but wildly entertaining.

Mad Men is fo gurls tho.

You must watch The Wire, you should watch BB, you could watch The Shield.

Buy Mad Men for your mum.


Coldman, The Wire really is god tier television. It's basically televised literature, and superlative social commentary to boot.

Breaking Bad is superior popcorn drama. It's excellent, but it's not HBO quality.

The Shield is kind of trashy and about as subtle as a house brick, but wildly entertaining.

Mad Men is fo gurls tho.

You must watch The Wire, you should watch BB, you could watch The Shield.

Buy Mad Men for your mum.

There's a good argument to be made for The Shield being superior or at least on a par with Breaking Bad. As for The Wire, I frequently switch between that and The Sopranos as best tv drama ever. I'm happy to call it a tie, mostly. If you really pushed me I'd possibly just come down on the Sopranos side. Wire for scope, Sopranos for performance.
I think The Shield is probably the only one of those I'm likely to get round to, if only because I have a dumb monkey brain and so a show about violent cops is likely going to be the mostly immediately satisfying of the bunch

Jedeye Sniv

Coldman, The Wire really is god tier television. It's basically televised literature, and superlative social commentary to boot.

Breaking Bad is superior popcorn drama. It's excellent, but it's not HBO quality.

The Shield is kind of trashy and about as subtle as a house brick, but wildly entertaining.

Mad Men is fo gurls tho.

You must watch The Wire, you should watch BB, you could watch The Shield.

Buy Mad Men for your mum.

With you on the Wire and BB there, great stuff. Mad Men is pretty good too, and entirely worth it just for Christina Hendricks. We've all seen the pics of her on GAF, but walking and talking she is just something else. But mainly I watch it because the missus wants to, but I do enjoy it.


Karen Gillan is pretty cool. Can't fucking stand the inverness accent though, I just want to punch every invernesser in the face.
Karen Gillan is pretty cool. Can't fucking stand the inverness accent though, I just want to punch every invernesser in the face.

wonder if they'll let her keep that for Guardians of the Galaxy

having a crazy purple alien assassin with that accent might be cool

I think it's an unintentional marketing thing, Coldman. I'm not afraid of becoming "one of them" because there is no "them". Different people have different tastes in media, simple as that. But what does affect me is when certain things are unavoidable or go out of their way to grab my attention or make themselves known. It just turns me off. Dr Who could be a great show it's just low on my priority and radar because of how big a profile it has and how often people foam at the mouth about it.

But that's just the way I am. I don't like to be shoved into things, I'd rather discover and come to them on my own terms.It is absolutely huge over here. I've stumbled across more than my fair share of tumblr blogs that are almost nausea-inducing. But that can happy to any show, not trying to be unreasonable to Dr Who.

That's reasonable. I'd be lying if I hadn't experienced the phenomenon myself, although it's more of "well, I've already missed the boat now!" and I feel like I need the speculation and such to actually enjoy a show nowadays. Not true, obviously, I made my way through Orange Is The New Black alone, but with the larger shows it's definitely there. But yeah, when BB was ending I couldn't help feel a little like "nothing against the show, but why is this in my life".

I guess I'm mostly oblivious to how invasive a thing can be when I like said thing. I'm already going to consume most media or such regarding said thing so the size of a campaign or whatever is pretty much worthless to me. So I see where you're coming from.

It's good, anyway! Or I like it. Which may or may not be worthless to you.
Ughhhh maybe I just need to get into utter shit TV and music so I can relate to the wretched, vapid husks of human beings who seem to be in great supply.
I don't wanna stick my little guy in a fan of dr who, Miley Cyrus or Tim Burton tho :(

Wait a second, what's wrong with Tim Burton? Ok he can be a little samey, and not everything he does is great, but Batman? Nightmare Before Christmas? Edward Scissorhands? Beetlejuice? You can't be telling me you think they're shit?

There are Dr Who haters here?! Woah.

I don't hate it, I just don't watch it.

Dr Who and Family Guy are both shite of the highest order. Anybody that enjoys either of those shows (or even worse, both!) is a complete and utter cunt.

I hate you sometimes


There's a good argument to be made for The Shield being superior or at least on a par with Breaking Bad. As for The Wire, I frequently switch between that and The Sopranos as best tv drama ever. I'm happy to call it a tie, mostly. If you really pushed me I'd possibly just come down on the Sopranos side. Wire for scope, Sopranos for performance.
Good way of putting it, I agree. The Sopranos is more focused, and therefore takes the "Greatest show ever" prize from me. Amazing stuff.

The Wire is incredible, but unfortunately The Sopranos exists.

As for The Shield, I dunno man, it's just a bit corny. Stuff like Lem playing his shotgun like an electric guitar:


But it's a great show, no doubt, BB is just a classier production.
With you on the Wire and BB there, great stuff. Mad Men is pretty good too, and entirely worth it just for Christina Hendricks. We've all seen the pics of her on GAF, but walking and talking she is just something else. But mainly I watch it because the missus wants to, but I do enjoy it.
Yeah, I was being a bit facetious with Mad Men. It's really good, it just focuses too much on office politics, gossip and relationship guff for me.

Don Draper is super dreamy though. I'd have a slice of Hamm.
I think The Shield is probably the only one of those I'm likely to get round to, if only because I have a dumb monkey brain and so a show about violent cops is likely going to be the mostly immediately satisfying of the bunch
It is probably the most instantly gratifying of the bunch yeah.


It is absolutely huge over here. I've stumbled across more than my fair share of tumblr blogs that are almost nausea-inducing. But that can happy to any show, not trying to be unreasonable to Dr Who.Maybe someone should stop talking about television before their head gets kicked in.

That was the first time I came across Dr Who abroad (Pike Place Market) back around 2011 and I was like "wtf is this doing here?!"
Burton owes me two hours of my life back for Alice in Wonderland. Preferably in the form of something as good as Corpse Bride.

edit: seeing those cut-outs next to the BBT cut-outs makes me sooooooo depressed
Behind the scenes of a Tim Burton film I just imagine Mr Burton sat by the camera, furiously masturbating as he yells into a microphone "Be wierd for me Depp! OH! Oh yeahhh! You're so wierd, Johhny, be weird for me! Come on you can be wierder than that! Oh baby!"


Wait a second, what's wrong with Tim Burton? Ok he can be a little samey, and not everything he does is great, but Batman? Nightmare Before Christmas? Edward Scissorhands? Beetlejuice? You can't be telling me you think they're shit?

I don't hate it, I just don't watch it.

I hate you sometimes

Ok... I guess Beetlejuice is only bad, not utter shit but the rest is royal shit of the highest order. If those films were games they'd be sonic games circa 2006
I feel like he elevates it from "shit" to "shit but still fairly watchable despite how shit it is"

either way, the book still lacks a worthy adaptation
Still on for lunch tomorrow? ;)

Plus the fact that you have to go back that far to name check anything half decent from Burton kind of reinforces the point. He's a spent force.

Yeah I may hate you but in a good way :)

Ok... I guess Beetlejuice is only bad, not utter shit but the rest is royal shit of the highest order. If those films were games they'd be sonic games circa 2006

Wow. You think Nightmare Before Christmas and Edward Scissorhands are shit. I see you in a whole new light now Mike.


They were made for teenagers who think they're goth and interesting. I don't see a single validating aspect between them.
I'm surprises they've not been remade with Evanescence doing the soundtracks.
I think Nightmare Before Christmas is a bit naff too, but my god is it a looker. Oogie-Boogie is so gross! Love it.

I think pretty much every other spooky stop-motion film that followed is better, though. Coraline, ParaNorman, Corpse Bride, the lot.


Obsidian fan
Every Tim Burton film is the fucking same. You can spot it by a screenshot at 200 yards.

Get some new ideas you fuckin hack.


Scottish thing, it's like hating people from yorkshire.

I think Nightmare Before Christmas is a bit naff too, but my god is it a looker. Oogie-Boogie is so gross! Love it.

I think pretty much every other spooky stop-motion film that followed is better, though. Coraline, ParaNorman, Corpse Bride, the lot.
I thought ParaNorman was cool. I haven't seen any of his other stop motion stuff though, I should really watch TNBC and Corpse Bride.

Edward Scissorhands is a classic Mike. I don't even...


I think referring to Nightmare before Christmas a Tim Burton bit generous. Also meh to Who might watch few when Peter takes over for shits n giggles


Wrong. Nightmare Before Christmas is a kids movie and existed long before the retroactive Hot Topic fan base latched onto it and decided to claim it for themselves as they do many things that happened to exist around the time they were born in an attempt to achieve credibility through nostalgia. Nightmare Before Christmas also existed a full two years before the music group Evanescence was even formed.

If you're going to troll at least educate yourself with the particulars so you don't make a fool of yourself, son. Because what you're saying isn't even remotely accurate.

EDIT: You're actually forcing me to agree with Musha_Soturi about something. This is just wrong Mike.

Unsuccessful troll reels in a fish.


Wrong. Nightmare Before Christmas is a kids movie and existed long before the retroactive Hot Topic fan base latched onto it and decided to claim it for themselves as they do many things that happened to exist around the time they were born in an attempt to achieve credibility through nostalgia. Nightmare Before Christmas also existed a full two years before the music group Evanescence was even formed.

If you're going to troll at least educate yourself with the particulars so you don't make a fool of yourself, son. Because what you're saying isn't even remotely accurate.

Dude, you're taking it personally. Don't, it's my opinion and its only being displayed like this for comic argument.

I know it's not ACTUALLY aimed at wannabe goths, but that's who I see loving it, so I made a joke connection.

Evanescence are a wannabe goth favourite too, so I lumped them in.

I think the films are terrible, all the rest is hyperbolic ranting. Sorry if it came across any other way.
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