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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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So the girl I was given a second chance of having a first date just flaked on me. She was ready to come round mine for a glass of wine and a film, hopped in the shower as I'm getting ready then messaged me on Facebook saying she had to cancel as something had come up. She was 'gutted' about it but, yeah.

This has put me in a shit mood.


So the girl I was given a second chance of having a first date just flaked on me. She was ready to come round mine for a glass of wine and a film, hopped in the shower as I'm getting ready then messaged me on Facebook saying she had to cancel as something had come up. She was 'gutted' about it but, yeah.

This has put me in a shit mood.
Was this the one you started your thread about or somebody else? Also, who has a first date in their house, sounds more like a hook up.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
No, it's not that. It's the fact that my parents are constantly banning me from going out because I lack any communication. I'm also not from London, I've been here for like 5 months, I know almost nothing. If I was to go somewhere, it'd be utterly blind, which gives them even more reason to forbid me to go out, unless it's on a rare occasion where I have to sponge off my friend's phones.

It's pretty impacting on my social life if I'm not allowed to go anywhere. I've tried to get a job to pay for one, but can only do part-time at my dad's like once a month which is useless. I don't even get £10 a month allowance to by myself a cheap PAYG phone, otherwise I would. :v

My main point is that I was promised a phone and I'm just waiting for it. :p

If you understood my dad's mentality, you might understand some more.

Hi SuperSah, don't think we have conversed before.

Hadn't read enough of the thread to pick up the parental stuff there.

Even so, I'd suggest (because there's a flavour from what you say that maybe you're not getting a phone because you are considered to be safe where you are since you are not going out) that you buy yourself a map, get out of the house and damn well go exploring somewhere. Only so far as you are comfortable of course.

If your Dad questions it, show him you've got a map and that you know how to use it - and then ask the phone question. These things need pushing sometimes.

But don't just hang around waiting, because chances are it will not happen.

I've been there and done that. Been the wayward kid, been the nervous kid, been the troublesome kid; been the protective father, been the pushy father, been the let-it-go father. Met a bunch of other parents as well and some of them are definitely strange, but mostly nowhere near (by at least an order of magnitude) as strange as their children make them out to be.

Main thing is "I don't have a phone" isn't the important point. The important point is "I'm not allowed out unless I have a phone and I don't have one and have been promised one blah blah ...."

It's the not allowed out bit that worries me. Not the phone bit.

Focus on that.


Was this the one you started your thread about or somebody else? Also, who has a first date in their house, sounds more like a hook up.
Nope, I haven't spoke to her since that thread funnily enough.

Its not a hook up. We kinda drifted apart since something happened but I think she likes me more than she lets on as she's wanting to give me another chance. Tonight was just a casual second ice-breaker then next week we're going to the German market together.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I've always thought London to be quite straightforward, last time I was there I was wandering unknown backstreets with a Brazilian friend with no real purpose other than finding another pub.

First time I was in London was with the Cub Scouts, I was probably about 8 or 9. We were in the minivan and the leaders were driving around Soho with 15 or so young boys in Cub Scout uniforms. I'm sure we would have been responsible for many furtive erections from dirty glances that night.

For a moment I thought you were maybe as old as me. But we were still called "Wolf Cubs" then. Same experience though, in all respects.

Indeed, my father even got his Gilwell Woggle. Which is apparently a pretty high favour in the cubs or scouts or whatever they are these days.


Nope, I haven't spoke to her since that thread funnily enough.

Its not a hook up. We kinda drifted apart since something happened but I think she likes me more than she lets on as she's wanting to give me another chance. Tonight was just a casual second ice-breaker then next week we're going to the German market together.
If she liked you that much she wouldn't have flaked at the last minute. Just sayin'


Knows the Score
For a moment I thought you were maybe as old as me. But we were still called "Wolf Cubs" then. Same experience though, in all respects.

Indeed, my father even got his Gilwell Woggle. Which is apparently a pretty high favour in the cubs or scouts or whatever they are these days.

Haha, wow I haven't heard of that in some time. It would have about 79/80 I first visited London so I think I'm a little younger that you.

Why do you think I feel so shit?

Don't sweat it, sometimes things do come up unexpectedly. You might hear from her tomorrow.
Don't know what my christmas present to myself should be. A 3DSXL with 3D Land, Pokemon and Zelda or a MtG deck. The Magic cards are more expensive lol

Tough choice. Don't Magic decks eventually become unplayable though, due to bans and new sets coming out? I've only ever played with friends decks and a bit of the Duels of the Planeswalkers series so I don't quite get it.

I'd probably go for the deck myself, you can use that now and the 3DS won't be going away any time soon. I do regret not buying the XL they had in the Xtra-Vision that closed down near here a few months back. Was €100 I think.

I don't understand

It happens, it's definitely what I'll be doing. My family have decided we're only buying presents for the children this year. We're all grownups with our own money and we'd basically just be exchanging either money (which is pointless when you all end up giving each other roughly the same amount), gift vouchers for stores that will more than likely close down before they can be spent or trying to buy gifts that people don't really want. Probably sounds Scrooge-esque but we're a big family and we're all stretched quite thin at the moment. I ended up cancelling my PS4 last week because I couldn't justify spending all that money at the moment. I think I made the right decision, I've no time to play the thing anyway.

Not sure what I'm going to get myself, don't really need anything at the moment and I ordered the Hawkeye hardcover awhile back. I'd like the Uncanny X-Force omnibus but that's not out 'till March.


Got a bit desperate looking at Netflix so I'm watching the first episode of Gossip Girl cos I thought it might be funny... rich people rape in the first episode wtf now I've got to watch more to see what happens to this serial rapist

I don't understand

As a responsible adult with a job it is my way of budgeting dumb expensive stuff I can afford but don't really need.
Tough choice. Don't Magic decks eventually become unplayable though, due to bans and new sets coming out? I've only ever played with friends decks and a bit of the Duels of the Planeswalkers series so I don't quite get it.

I'd probably go for the deck myself, you can use that now and the 3DS won't be going away any time soon. I do regret not buying the XL they had in the Xtra-Vision that closed down near here a few months back. Was €100 I think.

The biggest format has cards that rotate, the deck I want to buy is for the Modern format which doesn't rotate so the cards are always playable. It also means a lot of the cards were printed a while ago and our very good so they are more expensive.
People have become far to dependant on technology these days.

I used to come up to London to visit my brother, then sister, when they first moved here. I think I was 15/16. No mobile phone, just an A-Z and some common sense, and change for a phone box if I needed to get hold of anyone. Yes I got lost a couple of times, but used my map to find my way and eventually get to my destination. Simpler times.

But yeah, if you're that worried about not being able to get hold of people, buy a cheap £10 phone from tesco, as many people have already suggested.

Kids these days eh.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Kids these days eh.

Yeah, the whole lot of you probably. What is the world coming to?

Joking, by the way. The world is what it is. But on the other hand, where's the freedom gone all of a sudden? That worries me. Not for my own children, who are now grown-up and making their own way and spectacularly well, but for your children. How's it going to work, I have no idea.


But yeah, if you're that worried about not being able to get hold of people, buy a cheap £10 phone from tesco, as many people have already suggested.
To be honest, if my iPhone hasn't arrived by the 5th, I'll probably just zip to O2 and find a cheap phone that accepts micro-SIMs and buy that. I have some of your numbers saved from WhatsApp so, if needs be, I could always text for directions, ha.
To be honest, if my iPhone hasn't arrived by the 5th, I'll probably just zip to O2 and find a cheap phone that accepts micro-SIMs and buy that. I have some of your numbers saved from WhatsApp so, if needs be, I could always text for directions, ha.

There we go, some sensible thinking! Wasn't that hard was it. Don't stress so much about the little stuff, the big stuff is bad enough.


To be fair, I'm fucked without a sat nav, access to emails and a web browser.

I realise this is pathetic, but I like to think of myself as a modern guy. Not a useless one. Which is probably the reality of it.


There we go, some sensible thinking! Wasn't that hard was it. Don't stress so much about the little stuff, the big stuff is bad enough.
You forget who you're talking to.

So, now that's out the way, I have to decide between taking the train or taking the Megabus. Megabus takes three hours and is cheaper but the train takes just over an hour or so.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
To be fair, I'm fucked without a sat nav, access to emails and a web browser.

I realise this is pathetic, but I like to think of myself as a modern guy. Not a useless one. Which is probably the reality of it.

Actually you aren't all that fucked without them..

Instead of the SatNav, stop by the side of the road and ask someone which direction.

Instead of emals, just tell all your contacts you are out of touch for a month and then bugger off and do whatever you want to.

Instead of a browser, talk to people.


Jimbor said:
Um, why would you guys fretting about London not research where you've got to go first? You know the meet is at Big Red, head to fucking Big Red.

Go to Holloway Road tube station. Do a left and keep walking until you come to big red. Less than ten minute walk from the station.

Quoting myself for the out of towners. It's easy, mane.


Actually you aren't all that fucked without them..

Instead of the SatNav, stop by the side of the road and ask someone which direction.

Instead of emals, just tell all your contacts you are out of touch for a month and then bugger off and do whatever you want to.

Instead of a browser, talk to people.

These are all alien concepts & I'm fairly sure you're either a witch, a heretic or possibly both.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
These are all alien concepts & I'm fairly sure you're either a witch, a heretic or possibly both.

If you wish to categorise Mike, then it is probably all three. That'll do for now.

But if you wish to have Jedeye splayed out and things with candles and knives and so on, count me out.

Meanwhile Mike, lay down on this couch and tell me your deepest thoughts ....


If you wish to categorise Mike, then it is probably all three. That'll do for now.

But if you wish to have Jedeye splayed out and things with candles and knives and so on, count me out.

Meanwhile Mike, lay down on this couch and tell me your deepest thoughts ....

This just got weird, but OK.

I've been having a weird thought that's recurred over the past year or so.
It starts by noticing that two things are the total opposite of each other, this is a startling realization to me. I then think about all the times I've not noticed that, which is the opposite to having just noticed it. Then I get obsessed with other cyclical things like inhaling/exhaling, doing/not doing, believing/not believing, opposites/exacts.

It usually ends when I get to living/dying or existence/non-existence and I freak out a little bit.

(posting it here is, in it's way, the opposite of all the times I've NOT posted in here)


This just got weird, but OK.

I've been having a weird thought that's recurred over the past year or so.
It starts by noticing that two things are the total opposite of each other, this is a startling realization to me. I then think about all the times I've not noticed that, which is the opposite to having just noticed it. Then I get obsessed with other cyclical things like inhaling/exhaling, doing/not doing, believing/not believing, opposites/exacts.

It usually ends when I get to living/dying or existence/non-existence and I freak out a little bit.
This just got weird, but OK.

I've been having a weird thought that's recurred over the past year or so.
It starts by noticing that two things are the total opposite of each other, this is a startling realization to me. I then think about all the times I've not noticed that, which is the opposite to having just noticed it. Then I get obsessed with other cyclical things like inhaling/exhaling, doing/not doing, believing/not believing, opposites/exacts.

It usually ends when I get to living/dying or existence/non-existence and I freak out a little bit.

(posting it here is, in it's way, the opposite of all the times I've NOT posted in here)

I haven't come to a conclusion yet over whether there is a tormenting beauty in what you just spoke of, or just the first steps towards madness. Until then:

I need to find a site with New Girl on, E4 is too slow.


I haven't come to a conclusion yet over whether there is a tormenting beauty in what you just spoke of, or just the first steps towards madness. Until then:

I need to find a site with New Girl on, E4 is too slow.

I'm pretty sure it's the beginning of my descent into madness, but that's OK.


To be fair, I'm fucked without a sat nav, access to emails and a web browser.

I realise this is pathetic, but I like to think of myself as a modern guy. Not a useless one. Which is probably the reality of it.
It's rare that I have a day where my laptop isn't turned on with me gawking at the screen for at least an hour.

Living without these things would terrify me.


I remember when I made a geocities page about God much I loved Pokemon and my sister helped me make it.

Woah, man.

fuck off tom
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