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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Son Of D

I've got at least 3 weeks until I get some work. Although I'm heading to Watford for New Years. I need to think as to how I should make the best of this time off. Probably could exercise a little more, or lock myself away for a day or two and finish writing this film idea. Maybe head out and film some test shots and do some recce.

Decisions decisions


I think Maykay from FLApes is one of my top unconventional crushes right now


It's mostly just that any girl in a band is alright by me, but yeah. Dayum
I've just remembered who she reminds me of, I couldn't put my finger on it earlier:


Alison Mosshart from The Kills/Discount/The Dead Weather

You should check The Kills out Mike, you mite rike. As I say, "Midnight Boom" is your best bet. "Keep On Your Mean Side" is maybe a bit lacking in ideas, it's striped back almost to a fault. I like it, but it's not a good introduction. "No Wow" is just pants, don't bother. I still need to check out "Blood Pressures".

Here's my favourite tracks from MB:

Cheap and Cheerful

Last Day of Magic

Black Balloon


If you can't really be arsed, at least check out the last one. It's less than 2 minutes, and one of my favourite tracks by them. It's just so manic, I love it!


Need advice guys, I think I made a bit of a twat of myself today at work. Well, maybe.

Today was an induction day. Standard boring health and safety stuff, but really positive impressions of the company. Got to the point of reading and signing contracts, and I was about to sign mine when one of the guys on the group pointed out that the contract was for a temporary position of which would be terminated at the start of March.

At that point, the room was divided - 6 of us who applied online via ourselves who up until that point thought it was a permanent position (including myself) and the rest who joined via an agency and knew it was only a temp job.

So, us six refused to sign the contract on the basis that 1. the job advertisement online said quite clearly it was a full time permanent position, and 2. We were never once told during the interview or induction that it was anything otherwise.

Eventually, the six of us ended up in a meeting with the HR manager and the manager who recruited us. I was quite vocal - I said that I applied for the job on the basis of it being a permanent career path, and I wouldn't have done so if I knew it was temporary as I need stability in my work career. I made it clear I wasn't happy, and I felt as if I was misled. Two of the guys stayed silent throughout, and the others were furious. One had just left his job, and stated that he's left a job that he could have had for another ten years with no worries for one like this.

Turns out that almost the entire workforce is on temporary contracts, purely so that the company doesn't have to go through extra work when getting rid of someone. At the end of each contract, they either renew them or send them packing.

All I'm worried about is now having a reputation as a person who makes a huge fuss and confronts authority. I did make it clear that I am still going to try my best and my goal is to be rehired. But still.

Not too happy, as I just think I gave off a really negative impression of myself.


I wouldn't see it like that, I'd see you as someone who is impressed by what they've seen and want's a secured position at the company. I really wouldn't look too much into being seen as 'the one who moans and belittles authority' as, quite honestly, you always get people who disagree with managerial positions. It's natural and happens everywhere.


bitch I'm taking calls.
They're fools if they see it in a negative light. You stood up for yourself and were firm about your goals in wanting to be with the company a long time. That shows initiative and proves you aren't there to screw around.


Need advice guys, I think I made a bit of a twat of myself today at work. Well, maybe.

Today was an induction day. Standard boring health and safety stuff, but really positive impressions of the company. Got to the point of reading and signing contracts, and I was about to sign mine when one of the guys on the group pointed out that the contract was for a temporary position of which would be terminated at the start of March.

At that point, the room was divided - 6 of us who applied online via ourselves who up until that point thought it was a permanent position (including myself) and the rest who joined via an agency and knew it was only a temp job.

So, us six refused to sign the contract on the basis that 1. the job advertisement online said quite clearly it was a full time permanent position, and 2. We were never once told during the interview or induction that it was anything otherwise.

Eventually, the six of us ended up in a meeting with the HR manager and the manager who recruited us. I was quite vocal - I said that I applied for the job on the basis of it being a permanent career path, and I wouldn't have done so if I knew it was temporary as I need stability in my work career. I made it clear I wasn't happy, and I felt as if I was misled. Two of the guys stayed silent throughout, and the others were furious. One had just left his job, and stated that he's left a job that he could have had for another ten years with no worries for one like this.

Turns out that almost the entire workforce is on temporary contracts, purely so that the company doesn't have to go through extra work when getting rid of someone. At the end of each contract, they either renew them or send them packing.

All I'm worried about is now having a reputation as a person who makes a huge fuss and confronts authority. I did make it clear that I am still going to try my best and my goal is to be rehired. But still.

Not too happy, as I just think I gave off a really negative impression of myself.

Your concerns are totally legitimate. You were right to air your opinion especially as you were told it was a full time, permanent position.

If they took a slightly negative view of you for standing up for yourself, then so what. After all, you have to look after number one.


Yeah. I just worry about bloody everything

The thing is, even if I don't keep the job after three months, I'll be back to earning a comfortable living off benefits. It's not like I'll be out on the street.

But I want a decent job, and a decent chance at a career. This company has higher ups who are earning six figures, and half of them started where I am.


formerly Oynox Slider
Yeah. I just worry about bloody everything

The thing is, even if I don't keep the job after three months, I'll be back to earning a comfortable living off benefits. It's not like I'll be out on the street.

But I want a decent job, and a decent chance at a career. This company has higher ups who are earning six figures, and half of them started where I am.

And I can guarantee you they won't have got there by being passive, wet fish who didn't stand up for themselves when they had to.


Yeah. I just worry about bloody everything

The thing is, even if I don't keep the job after three months, I'll be back to earning a comfortable living off benefits. It's not like I'll be out on the street.

But I want a decent job, and a decent chance at a career. This company has higher ups who are earning six figures, and half of them started where I am.

I'm a worrier too so I know what you mean. :)

If you show your worth then they will want you to stay and will forget all about what happened today.


provides useful feedback
...wait, there were posts after that Russian lady's picture? I hadn't even noticed.

Happy birthday Musha! Have a fine cake and a good rock out!

Also, I think I made a mistake. I don't suffer from epilepsy, but I just animated a special attack for our latest game and it's genuinely giving me headaches every time I check it. :x Might have to make it a little less vibrant. Ow!


Yeah. I just worry about bloody everything

The thing is, even if I don't keep the job after three months, I'll be back to earning a comfortable living off benefits. It's not like I'll be out on the street.

But I want a decent job, and a decent chance at a career. This company has higher ups who are earning six figures, and half of them started where I am.
Then show them what you're capable of, mate. You seem really keen on this job so show them how keen you are. They've already seen you have the attitude and determination to get the job, now show them you have the commitment and skills to keep it. If they were taken aback by your comments in the boardroom then any doubts they had will soon be put to the side once they see how good at your job you are.

It's how I got to where I am. I didn't have the 'rage' like you did but my contract only started out as a three-month temporary deal in a vein similar to what you're on now, but they were so impressed with what I'd done for the company, and what money I'd bought in for them, that they took me into the office, shredded my temporary contract and offered me a permanent one on the same day. I was surprised as, honestly, I didn't think I was that good but apparently my determination and drive really caught their attention. Now I'm a team leader, leading a group of ten members of staff, with responsibilities including meeting new clients and securing deals with them for the company. Something I'm not ashamed to admit I'm fucking boss at. My annual salary is decent, too, just shy of £18K. There's always room for me to go further and it's my intention to do so.

I'm sidetracking and making this about me, I'm sorry. I say go for it. Don't be afraid to show the boss(es) what you're capable of. If you believe you have it in you to go far in that line of work then show them just how goddamn far you can go. Don't just go in to work and do what you need to do, go in to work and do the best work they've seen. Knock them dead and show them that hiring you was the absolute best decision they've made in their business lives. Just don't be worried about you fighting for your position making a bad impression on them. If they have any sense, they'll be impressed by what you displayed in the boardroom as you're clearly showing signs of passion for the role.


Then show them what you're capable of, mate. You seem really keen on this job so show them how keen you are. They've already seen you have the attitude and determination to get the job, now show them you have the commitment and skills to keep it. If they were taken aback by your comments in the boardroom then any doubts they had will soon be put to the side once they see how good at your job you are.

It's how I got to where I am. I didn't have the 'rage' like you did but my contract only started out as a three-month temporary deal in a vein similar to what you're on now, but they were so impressed with what I'd done for the company, and what money I'd bought in for them, that they took me into the office, shredded my temporary contract and offered me a permanent one on the same day. I was surprised as, honestly, I didn't think I was that good but apparently my determination and drive really caught their attention. Now I'm a team leader, leading a group of ten members of staff, with responsibilities including meeting new clients and securing deals with them for the company. Something I'm not ashamed to admit I'm fucking boss at. My annual salary is decent, too, just shy of £18K. There's always room for me to go further and it's my intention to do so.

I'm sidetracking and making this about me, I'm sorry. I say go for it. Don't be afraid to show the boss(es) what you're capable of. If you believe you have it in you to go far in that line of work then show them just how goddamn far you can go. Don't just go in to work and do what you need to do, go in to work and do the best work they've seen. Knock them dead and show them that hiring you was the absolute best decision they've made in their business lives. Just don't be worried about you fighting for your position making a bad impression on them. If they have any sense, they'll be impressed by what you displayed in the boardroom as you're clearly showing signs of passion for the role.

Thanks! I admit, I'm confident I am going to be awesome at the job. It's basically perfect for me, a job where I just talk about tech all day. I see no reason why I won't be rehired

It was just a bit of a shock when I went in assuming it was a permanent position.


Rich, it's nothing to worry about. As others have said, as long as the situation was approached with considered restraint and professionalism, it can only reflect well on you as an ambitious employee displaying initiative and integrity.


Rich, it's nothing to worry about. As others have said, as long as the situation was approached with considered restraint and professionalism, it can only reflect well on you as an ambitious employee displaying initiative and integrity.

Pretty much word for word what my dad said, heh. Thanks.

If I'm asked about it by my training manager tomorrow I'll simply say that I view the job as a career path for myself, I want to progress as much as I can and the contract being temporary just shocked me as it wasn't what I was led to expect.


It was just a bit of a shock when I went in assuming it was a permanent position.
That wasn't your fault, though, the advert clearly stated (at least you're saying it did) that the position was permanent and you applied for the role under the pretense that it is. If they lied to you then the company are to blame, not you.


formerly Oynox Slider
Sorry, I realise my earlier post was a bit aggressive. I'm not very good at forums or social interaction generally, and I'm conscious I am virtually spamming this thread.

What I was trying to say was that I think you did the right thing. I've spent the last 3 years of my career being quite passive and 'following the leader' . This last year I've begun to stand up for myself more and now I might be in line for a chunky promotion and I just feel better.

I've learned the hard way that if you don't speak up when you know it's right, you'll end up running it over in your mind just as much, but with a creeping feeling that you know you should have said something. And it really doesn't help you or them.

If the HR person is good, they will feed back that they need to inform applicants of this next time to avoid their boss getting in trouble when an angry applicant instructs a lawyer to go through exactly how they mis-described the role, and how the applicant relied on that error to their own detriment. You did absolutely nothing wrong at all bringing it to their attention. I'm neither big nor important, but I am old and I do have junior people - the ones I always give work to are the ones who call me out if I've got it wrong. That's how a business improves.

You could always go and speak to them again and say 'hey, sorry if I came across as rude, I didn't mean to' .


I never found your previous post ill mannered - I found it hilarious. heh. Thanks for the advice in the last post though. Feeling a lot better now, but that may just be the southern comfort talking.

As a side note, remember when I was talking on GAF last night about a poster here in this thread being born on the same year Mario 64 released, making me feel old? At my job today in the cafe, I was on a table with three other guys who started today. We were talking about games, and it got to the topic of shooters, which led to a discussion about Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. We were talking about just how amazing complex was, how proximity mines were the shit, and then it led on to a discussion about the SNES, the Commodore 64 and the Amiga. All fond memories

we then realised one of the four of us wasn't adding anything to our discussion. We asked him if remembered any of those classics.

He was born in 1997. We were fucking stunned. I was playing Pokemon Red and fighting the elite four on my american import when he was one year old.


formerly Oynox Slider
Jesus. That's kind of sad. I think I feel about that the way that 70s people feel about music. I mean, everybody venerates the Beatles and Zep and so on but they're the people who say "I was there. "

It's great that younger gamers can go back and play everything and get inspired and enthused by the classics, but I'm sort of glad that I was able to experience them first time around - you know, like staying up all night with Ocarina of Time because it was the only N64 game out that year, or going round to a friend's house to see Shadow of the Beast on the Amiga. Those were the generations where all the groundwork was set - everything now pretty much operates within what those pioneers worked out by trial and error.

To go back to my bad analogy, it's like modern guitar-band music (probably all pop music)- even the shape of a band, the instruments that are there, the styles, the lyrics - all of it still works by reference to what happened in the 50s when the pioneers found out the boundaries of what you could do with the artform. I'm kind of happy about that. The only thing that's rubbish now is that I have a partner, a career, responsibilities that mean I can't always play everything that's out there. Well, those things aren't rubbish at all, but I guess that's what I'm kind of envious of all the school/ uni kids out there (although what is this electropop nonsense?!? Etc).


Knows the Score
I can't imagine having a proper job at 16.

Not to be the moaning old bastard again, but I actually started work at 15 as my birthday was in September but the apprenticeship started in August. My first wage was an untaxed 55 quid a week rising to 58.80 taxed 5 weeks later. This was 1987 though.


Anyway, rich, you're in the right. You were misled and if you hadn't stood your ground you'd likely be in a weaker position.


Sorry, I realise my earlier post was a bit aggressive. I'm not very good at forums or social interaction generally, and I'm conscious I am virtually spamming this thread.
Yeeeah, there's only room for one of us in this thread and, bitch, this throne has been taken.


Son Of D

I feel that I don't actually have much to contribute at times. That or I miss all the good topics :(.

Also, happy birthday Musha, didn't notice that until I saw a few posts.


"Rockefeller died of AIDS, that was the end of his chapter,
And that's the guy y'all chose to name your company after?
Put it together, I rock hoes, y'all rock fellas,
And now y'all try to take my spot, fellas?
Philly's hot rock fellas, put you in a dry spot fellas,
In a pine box with nine shots from my glock fellas,
Foxy got you hot 'cause you kept your face in her puss,
What you think, you getting girls now 'cause of your looks?"


"Rockefeller died of AIDS, that was the end of his chapter,
And that's the guy y'all chose to name your company after?
Put it together, I rock hoes, y'all rock fellas,
And now y'all try to take my spot, fellas?
Philly's hot rock fellas, put you in a dry spot fellas,
In a pine box with nine shots from my glock fellas,
Foxy got you hot 'cause you kept your face in her puss,
What you think, you getting girls now 'cause of your looks?"

If it was just about verses Nas would have paid his taxes


I feel that I don't actually have much to contribute at times. That or I miss all the good topics :(.

Also, happy birthday Musha, didn't notice that until I saw a few posts.

Never stops me posting.

Ninj, I'm working through those tracks you posted. Really gutsy, interesting stuff. Me likey. You told me to listen to these guys before, didn't you?


If it was just about verses Nas would have paid his taxes

Ninj, I'm working through those tracks you posted. Really gutsy, interesting stuff. Me likey. You told me to listen to these guys before, didn't you?
Ah cool, glad you like. Yeah, I was talking to you about them at Musha's. I just like how rough around the edges they are, really beat up sound. I mean, it's not hugely musical or anything, it's just him (Jamie Hince), her and a drum machine, but they've just got a nice bluesy vibe and nonchalant swagger about themselves.

A couple from "Keep On Your Mean Side" if you are in the mood broski (I posted a lot of these for Cyanide a few days back, but eh):

Cat Claw

Fuck The People

Gypsy Death and You
(Gypsy - so gorgeously simple, endearingly naive lyrics, goosebumps every time.)


Afoni, why did you access the SmashGAF IRC under my name?

Sorry, but man, that's rude. If you want to be unbanned, talk to IntelliHeath, do not imitate me.



Ah cool, glad you like. Yeah, I was talking to you about them at Musha's. I just like how rough around the edges they are, really beat up sound. I mean, it's not hugely musical or anything, it's just him (Jamie Hince), her and a drum machine, but they've just got a nice bluesy vibe and nonchalant swagger about themselves.

A couple from "Keep On Your Mean Side" if you are in the mood broski (I posted a lot of these for Cyanide a few days back, but eh):

Cat Claw

Fuck The People

Gypsy Death and You
(So gorgeously simple, endearingly naive lyrics, goosebumps every time.)

Ahh yes! I meant to ask you to remind me about the recommendation, actually. Cheers m'dear. Perfect timing on the links too, I'm on a kick to get some new tunes again (this seems to happen once a week recently)


Afoni, why did you access the SmashGAF IRC under my name?

Sorry, but man, that's rude. If you want to be unbanned, talk to IntelliHeath, do not imitate me.
I went in there to say merry Christmas to some people. I've gone in there as Coldman before. I just wanted to buy time before the ban with your username. Ask Escalario. I asked him to pass on the message when I got banned before I could. I have no interest in being unbanned and it wasn't an impersonation. It's Heath getting paranoid that I'm planning to overthrow his chatroom power.

I've got a new IRC home anyway.


Didn't think I'd see a band from Derry on NeoGAF, but there you go. Saw Fight Like Apes a few times at Glasgowbury.

They're one of my favourite bands right now. I mean, that doesn't count for much because my favourite bands change monthly, but Medallion has been on my 'most played albums' list for years now.

Ninj - Fuck the People is an absolute tune. Why wasn't this the first one you recommended? Ohhhhh it's gorgeous


Man, I really fucking miss Big Pete. Life hasn't been the same since he went to Poland to try and cheat the benefits system. Apparently he got a job as a cleaner.


I went in there to say merry Christmas to some people. I've gone in there as Coldman before. I just wanted to buy time before the ban with your username. Ask Escalario. I asked him to pass on the message when I got banned before I could. I have no interest in being unbanned and it wasn't an impersonation. It's Heath getting paranoid that I'm planning to overthrow his chatroom power.

I've got a new IRC home anyway.

You could of at least notified me.
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