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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Thanks for the belated wishes Screaming Meat, dapperbandit and Smoky.

Just found out my team leader is off sick today, mood has slightly improved.

I've been such a right grumpy fucker lately. Not like me at all. Need to do something.





Has anyone been to Gamescon? Me and a friend are looking at going next year, arriving on the 13th and leaving on the 18th.

Is it worth going for the entire weekend?


I love a redhead!
Good man.


(I love that gif! Any excuse.)
How was the Xmas meet up?
Really good mate, loads of fun. Much randomness too; crazy lucky dip with really good prizes (Eggybob spent £20 and left with a box full of stuff), dapperbandit got punched for hitting on some dude's missus, a woman had a seizure in the smoking area, Tash and Musha tinkled the ivories while Tash sang like Micky Bubbles and Coldman nearly got stabbed on the bus home. 'Tis the season!

If you download the 12 Days of Christmas app from the App Store, there is a gift today which is Lorde - No Better

Seems like your sort of song.
Yeah mate, I like what I've heard from her, she's pretty cool. She was on the TV the other day and my mate had just walked in:

"Is that the bird that sings that Royals song? Aye, I'd rattle the granny out of that like."

"Dude, she's 16."

"So, I'd still smash it."


I'm pretty sure he was joking.
I've been such a right grumpy fucker lately. Not like me at all. Need to do something.
Yeah, I miss chipper Musha. I'm sure next weekends festivities will cheer you up. Then Crimbo innit.

Smile Soturi!


provides useful feedback
The fuck is with that halal discussion? Why should it matter to them that the food is muslin-friendly? I bet they're all Daily Mail readers too.

So what is everybody's family choice of Christmas movie to watch? My sister has insisted on me bringing over Avatar to watch, so I think that is going to become a regular thing now. Snowman, Wizard of Oz and Santa Claus the Movie... And possibly the umpteenth watching of Batteries Not Included too.


Really good mate, loads of fun. Much randomness too; crazy lucky dip with really good prizes (Eggybob spent £20 and left with a box full of stuff), dapperbandit got punched for hitting on some dude's missus, a woman had a seizure in the smoking area, Tash and Musha tinkled the ivories while Tash sang like Micky Bubbles and Coldman nearly got stabbed on the bus home. 'Tis the season!

Whoa, what? Is this true? That's news, spill the beans!


The fuck is with that halal discussion? Why should it matter to them that the food is muslin-friendly? I bet they're all Daily Mail readers too.

They are nasty, disenfranchised white people who blame all their problems on people less enfranchised than them. Any concessions to people of "brown" faiths (despite there being millions of white Muslims) are evil in their eye and one step towards stoning's in Trafalgar Square.


Maturity, bitches.
To be fair some people are not a fan of the halal way of slaughtering animals. No idea how this effects beans mind (ignorant me didn't even realise you could get halal beans)


This makes no sense

Man, you like 300?! You 90s hatin' xenophobic motherfucker.

lmao, baked beans as halal. Reminds me of that one time I found a food stall abroad selling steamed corn and it had a halal banner on it. Nobody understood why I was laughing so hard. I'm easily amused :S


Knows the Score
To be fair some people are not a fan of the halal way of slaughtering animals. No idea how this effects beans mind (ignorant me didn't even realise you could get halal beans)

As I understand it the beans are considered to be in line with Halal wishes as they're not animal based. I posted the image as I thought it kind of an absurd concern about foods. It's not that I feel that Beanz means Sharia law.

IIRC there's a weird Pythagoras sect of followers that hate beans but I doubt they're a threat to anyone.
So what is everybody's family choice of Christmas movie to watch? My sister has insisted on me bringing over Avatar to watch, so I think that is going to become a regular thing now. Snowman, Wizard of Oz and Santa Claus the Movie... And possibly the umpteenth watching of Batteries Not Included too.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Muppet's Christmas Carol
Santa Claus: The Movie
Die Hard
Nightmare Before Christmas


No idea how this effects beans mind (ignorant me didn't even realise you could get halal beans)

To be fair, I've been told that the "halal" sticker is sometimes used as a marketing ploy...which probably explains why it appears on non-meat products.

SovanJedi said:
So what is everybody's family choice of Christmas movie to watch?!

Usually it's a war/western film at my household. After 30 mins my sis and mom would walk away while my dad and I are chillin in front of the TV.

Films we have watched during xmas holiday period:-

Die Hard
Enemy of the State
A Spaghetti Western
Thin Red Line (watching that this weekend)
Apocalypse Now
Black Hawk Down

Very Chrismassy :)


Whoa, what? Is this true? That's news, spill the beans!
Well, I exaggerated ever so slightly.

Basically, on the way back to Musha's this dude was playing obnoxiously bad Grime music through his phone really loudly. Grime sounds woeful at the best of times, but for over half an hour this dude blasted that garbage out of his tinny little phone speaker.

Me and Andy we're sat right in front of him, and were deciding wether to turn around and ask him to turn it off, but we just left it.

Then just as we got off, Coldman flipped and shouted at the dude "Oi, dickhead, turn down your shit music" or words to that effect. Turns out he was getting off at the same stop. Luckily Andy calmed the dude down then scolded Coldman for putting him in that position. Was awkward!

Nah, it was all good. Apologies were made and all was forgotten. Sill, kind of random!


Well, I exaggerated ever so slightly.

Basically, on the way back to Musha's this dude was playing obnoxiously bad Grime music through his phone really loudly. Grime sounds woeful at the best of times, but for over half an hour this dude blasted that garbage out of his tinny little phone speaker.

Me and Andy we're sat right in front of him, and were deciding wether to turn around and ask him to turn it off, but we just left it.

Then just as we got off, Coldman flipped and shouted at the dude "Oi, dickhead, turn down your shit music" or words to that effect. Turns out he was getting off at the same stop. Luckily Andy calmed the dude down then scolded Coldman for putting him in that position. Was awkward!

Nah, it was all good. Apologies were made and all was forgotten. Sill, kind of random!

I found that quite hilarious as I could just imagine Coldman doing so and then cowering in the corner (sorry bro)


Maturity, bitches.
Coldman has done what I've always wanted to do.

Of course being a Londoner I know best not to talk to anyone I don't know while outside.


formerly Oynox Slider
I was going to go on a posting diet for a while so o could shut up for a bit.

But I am having such a frantic day I just need somewhere public to say ASGSGDJSLSHEGWJBIEYVML SHSOEN OWOEGAL DJEIWLWNGYZXXJDKXXKXXXJXCBV?!?!?!!?

Seriously cannot wait till Christmas break.


formerly Oynox Slider
It's Christmas, mane, everyone's allowed to over-indulge at Christmas.

Don't encourage me. I'm on here far too much as is. It's my office support crutch.

But srsly SJDBRISGJE HEBEKPAYG SKDBRIK! City types are bonkers. I'm quite a mellow, tolerant, ambling, spread the love type gal but when you're dealing with people in a state of permapanic its infectious. Horrible infectious. Like poison ivy. Or that thing in Contagion that kills most of the world.


Don't encourage me. I'm on here far too much as is. It's my office support crutch.

But srsly SJDBRISGJE HEBEKPAYG SKDBRIK! City types are bonkers. I'm quite a mellow, tolerant, ambling, spread the love type gal but when you're dealing with people in a state of permapanic its infectious. Horrible infectious. Like poison ivy. Or that thing in Contagion that kills most of the world.

Over indulgence of britgaf happens to the best of us. I reckon I'd be PM by now if it weren't for this thread.


Don't encourage me. I'm on here far too much as is. It's my office support crutch.
You'll find that a lot of officeGAF use NeoGAF during the working day. Hell, I'm in my office now on NeoGAF, just to give me something to do inbetween filing paperwork. It's a boredom buster, that's for sure.


People who are perma panicmode are fun. I'm usually cool as a cucumber in the situations where others would be cacking themselves. Usually the one handing out cool headed and calm advice too.

I'm usually screaming on the inside though, but they don't know that.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Good man.


(I love that gif! Any excuse.)

She's on the list.

Really good mate, loads of fun. Much randomness too; crazy lucky dip with really good prizes (Eggybob spent £20 and left with a box full of stuff), dapperbandit got punched for hitting on some dude's missus, a woman had a seizure in the smoking area, Tash and Musha tinkled the ivories while Tash sang like Micky Bubbles and Coldman nearly got stabbed on the bus home. 'Tis the season!

Haha! You can't have a good night out without someone nearly getting stabbed; it would be bloody un-British.


Sharp knees yadda yadda yadda, but I really don't get the appeal of huge bazooka tits like these. Anything too big and those things are just flopping around like somebody jogging whilst holding a couple of Tesco carrier bags.

Those are never flopping around, never ever.
Don't encourage me. I'm on here far too much as is. It's my office support crutch.

But srsly SJDBRISGJE HEBEKPAYG SKDBRIK! City types are bonkers. I'm quite a mellow, tolerant, ambling, spread the love type gal but when you're dealing with people in a state of permapanic its infectious. Horrible infectious. Like poison ivy. Or that thing in Contagion that kills most of the world.

You're a girl?


I'm also one of those weird things - an actual Zac Snyder fan.

MoS was awesome - I'm not wedded to comic canon, especially when it comes to movie versions, so AFAIC it was a great rebooting and Shannon was a surprisingly sympathetic Zod,
especially in his final scene where I had lots of realisation feels for him and the whole Brave New World determinism.
I also liked the insane levels of destruction involved, and this is how I imagine a city would look at 2 super-beings go at each other - altho the small-town fight is easier to follow.

Watchman was, for me, nigh-on perfect
(I in fact prefer the nuke NY story more than the psychic octopus in the comic)
, especially the Directors Cut and the two shorts covering off Under The Hood and Tales of the Black Freighter. What I found interesting about those who criticised it for being too violent, is that there was nothing in the movie that wasn't imaged in the comic - just goes to show the different impact moving pictures have.

Sucker Punch - all a bit weird and pervy really, but for two things:

It looks amazeballs - one of the most amazing visual spectacles in modern cinema
It passes the Bechdel test for the script, something loads of people overlook

300 - most awesome boy-film. Butler is perfectly cast in it, and there are so many brilliant bloke-moments ('THIS! IS! SPARTA!' and 'SPARTANS! WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION?'). Brilliant aesthetic too.

Dawn of the Dead - scared the crap out of me with RUNNING FUCKING ZOMBIES.
Dumb idea sounding board time! Site that combines Upworthy style headlines and spam advert/email titles.

You Won't Believe How This Will Save Your Life And Redeem Your Faith In Humanity By Losing 50 Pounds In A Week With A Simple Trick. Etc.

I think I may only have that one, though.


To be fair some people are not a fan of the halal way of slaughtering animals. No idea how this effects beans mind (ignorant me didn't even realise you could get halal beans)

I'm pretty certain that like kosher for Jewish people, halal/haram refers to all food products being approved or not for consumption by Muslims.


People who are perma panicmode are fun. I'm usually cool as a cucumber in the situations where others would be cacking themselves. Usually the one handing out cool headed and calm advice too.

I'm usually screaming on the inside though, but they don't know that.

Really depends on how much I care to be honest. If it's something I really want to get a good result at then I'll be thinking about every single aspect of it making sure I don't forget something important etc. Darting around the place and seeing it through until the bitter end. Otherwise, I'd just be like "lawl, whatevs"


I'm also one of those weird things - an actual Zac Snyder fan.


Dawn of the Dead - scared the crap out of me with RUNNING FUCKING ZOMBIES.
I've yet to see this, but I really fancy it. It was never released on bluray in the UK for some reason, so I'll have to import it.

But yeah, Snyder's meticulous eye for that quintessential Americana visual style and predilection for slo-mo would seem to be the perfect match for this movie.

Plus, Sarah Polley and Ving Rhames? Sold.
Yes. Not a very girly one, mind.
Tomboys are awesome.
Yes. Not a very girly one, mind.

Holy shit.

I just read back through your posts and it totally makes sense, don't know why I didn't see it before!

Please please please please please stay and hang out in here, I'm not a very girly girl either but sometimes it just turns into an absolute sausage fest! We've had the odd girl pop in but they always leave in the end. At this point I'd even have Sadetar back.

We really need more girls in here to balance things out. Please stay. Please.

Was that a little too desperate?
Wow, Mr. Coldman. Such a violent young man. Good thing he didn't get dapperbandito'd!

To be fair I'd be pretty pissed off too if this had happened to me on public television.

dapperbandito'd is my new favourite phrase

Has anybody seen Crank 2: High Voltage? Watched it again last night, solidifed it's position as one of my favourite movies ever. Such an insane film.

As for Christmas movies, it's got to be Jingle All the Way.

Although the Harry Potter movies have the right amount of cozyness


formerly Oynox Slider
You'll find that a lot of officeGAF use NeoGAF during the working day. Hell, I'm in my office now on NeoGAF, just to give me something to do inbetween filing paperwork. It's a boredom buster, that's for sure.

When my head hurts from some techy point or from other people, I turn to GAF. Also when my desk neighbours / partner get tired of me ranting at them about games, music and films. This happens often. They just don't care! How can they not care!!!???!?!? WHY LORD WHY!?!!!!!
I remember Sadetar and her homemade reaction gifs. She seemed to disappear as soon as I turned up. I had nothing to do with it.

Wasn't she from somewhere like Norway or Finland?


I like this new girl. She seems cool. Plus she adds another scout badge to BritGAF's social tolerance sash.

Suck on that one, AusGAF.


Knows the Score
Has anybody seen Crank 2: High Voltage? Watched it again last night, solidifed it's position as one of my favourite movies ever. Such an insane film.

The first one was a pretty dumb, inoffensive popcorn movie but the second is really something else. When it got to the power station fight that I couldn't believe quite how gloriously stupid it was.
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