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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Man, I really fucking miss Big Pete. Life hasn't been the same since he went to Poland to try and cheat the benefits system. Apparently he got a job as a cleaner.
Yeah, shit turned sour after 'the incident'...

You could of at least notified me.


Ahh yes! I meant to ask you to remind me about the recommendation, actually. Cheers m'dear. Perfect timing on the links too, I'm on a kick to get some new tunes again (this seems to happen once a week recently)
Mate, don't get me started! I will spam. I've only recently dropped from the throne of shame.

Maybe we'll PM each other a tune a day, it can be like a thing.

(Go listen to some Faraquet Mike, A View From This Tower. I'm afraid I'll get stoned if I post any more YT links.)
Thanks Ninja, Jordan, shorty, Cyanide, Sovan and Son of D.

Just watched Man of Steel. It's pretty good.
Alright stranger!

Yeah, I want to see MoS, it looks like fun. Fuck the Snyder haters, embrace the slo-mo excess.

300 is poo though.
Ninj - Fuck the People is an absolute tune. Why wasn't this the first one you recommended? Ohhhhh it's gorgeous
Yup. Those marching drums on the intro, then the little whammy bar flourish into the main riff, love it.

Gypsy Death and You though, it's just a great little love song. The acquiescent inflection she gives the "if that's the way that you feel, well that's the way that you feel" line is, well, it gets me right there man.


You guys get along or I'll turn this thread around and there'll be no more pictures of huge titted popstars for anyone.

I fucking mean it.

(you don't want to be the one Dave turns to in anger when this happens)


As in "Heathcliff"
I apologized for getting involved but someone brought it to my attention.

I barely said anything that could have come back to you. I said hello then got banned.

He's right.

IH said you was trying to impersonate me grammatically and tried to pass off as being me.

I didn't said that. I said that he don't have your grammar so that's how I knew that it was not you.

Impersonate you grammatically.

Does he realise how paranoid that makes him sound?

Actually, I didn't say that but it's probably my fault that he misunderstood my english.
I loved MoS, one of my favourite superhero films of all time.

Well it wasn't perfect, there were a few things wrong with it, but it looked amazing and the action was superb. Also Cavill, Adams and Shannon were great casting.

Yeah, I want to see MoS, it looks like fun. Fuck the Snyder haters, embrace the slo-mo excess.

300 is poo though.

What. Seriously. 300 was amazing.

But yeah Man of Steel was good. I think I'm finally learning to stop going "BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!" When I watch comic book films. This is a big step for me.

I still can't forgive X-Men 3 though.


Well it wasn't perfect, there were a few things wrong with it, but it looked amazing and the action was superb. Also Cavill, Adams and Shannon were great casting.

What. Seriously. 300 was amazing.

But yeah Man of Steel was good. I think I'm finally learning to stop going "BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!" When I watch comic book films. This is a big step for me.

I still can't forgive X-Men 3 though.

I'll forgive Ian Watkins before I forgive X3. It surely ruined more childhoods.

Son Of D

I wasn't the biggest fan of MoS, but it definitely had some great casting. Cavill <3

X-Men 3 was just... ugh. Not quite Catwoman bad but shit, that was a mess of a film.


f0rk, I like Synder's movies, even Sucker Punch (bueno.jpeg), but I don't like 300. I dunno, it looks typically lush, I just found it really dull. It's not a trainwreck or anything, I just wouldn't choose to watch it.
I think I'm finally learning to stop going "BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!" When I watch comic book films. This is a big step for me.
Yeah, my mates often complain about authenticity issues and stuff. I usually have no frame of reference, ignorance is bliss!
f0rk[url said:
Soundcloud links too? Sweet, nice work man.
Too much Wolverine can spoil the broth, I agree, but The Wolverine was actually a decent movie. That is now, in my eyes, the Wolverine origins film and not the diabolical X-Men Origins one.

It's not that, it's just supposed to be Kitty Pryde. We had a real good chance to get a strong female led comic book film, and they just change it. Grrrrrrr.


f0rk, I like Synder's movies, even Sucker Punch (bueno.jpeg), but I don't like 300. I dunno, it looks typically lush, I just found it really dull. It's not a trainwreck or anything, I just wouldn't choose to watch it.

Yeah, my mates often complain about authenticity issues and stuff. I usually have no frame of reference, ignorance is bliss!

Soundcloud links too? Sweet, nice work man.
What in the actual fuck?! 300 was his only undoubtedly decent film. The rest have been poo to just below average.
Wow looks like I missed a lot since I was last in.

Happy Birthday Musha if it's not too late.

I don't know what an IRC is so you kids run along and have fun with it.


MoS could have been really good but the structure and pacing of that film is fucked.

Sucker Punch I only saw once with my mum while trying to hide the fact that I was really stoned. What a thrill. A week later I saw a trailer for the film and had no recollection of seeing anything from the trailer in the actual film.

300, pretty darn good.

Watchmen is my fav of his though, a genuinely decent adaptation save for the ending.


Musha, f0rk, jimbor, dapper and CHEEZMO, I will watch 300 again this week. I've only seen it once, maybe I just wasn't in the mood. But the vitriolic backlash has led me to believe I may have been too hasty.

I remember some of the fight scenes and the scene with the lady dancing in the smoke dress vividly, it looks incredible. I love his visual style.

Also, it took two watches before I really enjoyed Watchmen. It's a good movie, if a little meandering in parts.


I wouldn't say its amazing or anything I was just confused by someone saying fuck Synder haters and then not liking his defining film.
Although a lot of the style is more from Frank Miller.



Knows the Score
300 (The Movie) is very much 300 (The Comic) brought to life on the big screen. I'm not sure there's a more obvious storyboard adaptation out there. I felt his vision for Watchmen was all wrong, tonally it suited Rorschach (and the Comedian to some extent) but not really the others as the original was a mismatch of styles as opposed to one united one, IMO. I gave up with Man of Steel when the space dragon thing from Never Ending Story turned up.

Anyway, I feel the Incredibles was a far more accurate adaptation of Watchmen than we're ever likely to see.





Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member

Fights in MoS were incredible. Problem was that the only character I felt any sympathy for was Zod. I don't see what everyone's problem with him was. He had fairly good intentions barring a throwaway line. Lois Lane was awful, though... And I love a redhead!

Christ, don't get me started on Watchmen.

How was the Xmas meet up?


Maturity, bitches.
It's an IRC channel, does it really matter?
Well I wasn't going to say anywhing but since the topic came up I will. I lurk that chatroom since people pleaded to me to join it but I spend most of my time in another room. However yesterday I was booted out because apparently I've been leaking details to afoni such as when the room OP is not logged in. All this according to a "source" whose only bit of real info seems to be that afoni and I have met in RL.

Obviously the only thing I care about is why someone decided to drag me into this.

I don't know what an IRC is so you kids run along and have fun with it.
That means you're missing out on all the BritGAF IRC room fun like… erm…
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