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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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That would be great actually, yeah thanks. Last BB ep should be just after Paramore so if you bring them then that works out pretty well!

Oh man, so jealous. You and Andy have so much goodness in store!
We get the A-Level and Pre U results tomorrow (for distribution on Thursday) and tbh I'm fucking terrified. I can't shake this horrible feeling that I've missed something somewhere and some kid is going to get an X for their result. Doubly scared because this is a posh expensive school, if I have fucked it up I'm fairly sure I'll be unemployed by the end of the week. Shhiiiiiiiiiiit.

On the plus side, in previous years at my last college, awarding bodies would call up to let us know if something was mega wrong. But what if I've missed something???

Man, gonna be a rough sleep tonight.
Ooh! Sounds bad Jed! I'd definitely say you are getting sacked tomorrow.

You'll be fine brah, I'm sure you had these feelings a few months back too, and everything was fine then. :)
Shit, I need to watch the new BB episodes already. :S
You really do Donkey. I said "Holy Shit!" out loud twice. It was just incredible.
We get the A-Level and Pre U results tomorrow (for distribution on Thursday) and tbh I'm fucking terrified. I can't shake this horrible feeling that I've missed something somewhere and some kid is going to get an X for their result. Doubly scared because this is a posh expensive school, if I have fucked it up I'm fairly sure I'll be unemployed by the end of the week. Shhiiiiiiiiiiit.

On the plus side, in previous years at my last college, awarding bodies would call up to let us know if something was mega wrong. But what if I've missed something???

Man, gonna be a rough sleep tonight.

Feels like a lifetime since I got my A-level results. One grade that completely changed where my life was for several years afterwards. Good luck tomorrow anyway!

Just passed a phone interview for another job. First one I've ever done, and I enjoyed it in some ways. Missed the body language though big time. I now have a final interview tomorrow, and a final interview for another position on Tuesday.

Still not seen new BB?!?!

You really do Donkey. I said "Holy Shit!" out loud twice. It was just incredible.

Shiiiit, will do will do. Probably won't watch it until later on this week, but...


Jedeye Sniv

Ooh! Sounds bad Jed! I'd definitely say you are getting sacked tomorrow.

You'll be fine brah, I'm sure you had these feelings a few months back too, and everything was fine then. :)

Yeah, a couple of months ago was when the exams were happening and it was like trying to catch the rain, so many things to remember, so many things forgetten. What if I missed something then (a Rumsfeldian unknown unknown) and it comes back to bite me now?

Honestly, if I have really fucked it I have no backup plan, it's terrifying. Fingers crossed all around!

Agh. Could really use some weed :p
i'll spare the detail because i know nobody really cares, but looks like i'll be back in england relatively soon.

Does that mean you'll definitely be coming to the Northern Meet in March?

Yeah, a couple of months ago was when the exams were happening and it was like trying to catch the rain, so many things to remember, so many things forgetten. What if I missed something then (a Rumsfeldian unknown unknown) and it comes back to bite me now?

Honestly, if I have really fucked it I have no backup plan, it's terrifying. Fingers crossed all around!

Agh. Could really use some weed :p

Aww chill dude, what's done is done, no point stressing about it now.


The BB episode yesterday was brilliant. But wth at the BB thread, it's just a show. Just now somebody has posted wall of text that I will never read.


I was in some intense pain earlier and I'm not really sure why. Walking through Tesco with my old man, getting some food, when suddenly my back started hurting a little bit. It was fine for a minute, but once we got into the world food section I was sweating and clenching my teeth in pain. By the time we'd got to the sauce aisle, I was walking slowly and I couldn't arch my back at all.

I think I'm going to do nothing but lie down today. :(

Jedeye Sniv

I was in some intense pain earlier and I'm not really sure why. Walking through Tesco with my old man, getting some food, when suddenly my back started hurting a little bit. It was fine for a minute, but once we got into the world food section I was sweating and clenching my teeth in pain. By the time we'd got to the sauce aisle, I was walking slowly and I couldn't arch my back at all.

I think I'm going to do nothing but lie down today. :(

Shit dude that sounds horrible. I've had some random back probs in the past too, no idea where they came from. Last time was almost exactly three years ago, I picked up a sign that couldn't have weighed more than 2kg and BLAMMO, my back locked and I couldn't move for about 2 hours. Then it got better. No idea what the fuck it was.

Backs are weird yo.


At least you've had a taste of it all, right?

yeah, probably. it's all a learning experience. we just need to get back to the UK relatively soon as we're worried about her mental health, i think in some regards we both realise we're more ready to settle down together than what we originally thought.


yeah, probably. it's all a learning experience. we just need to get back to the UK relatively soon as we're worried about her mental health, i think in some regards we both realise we're more ready to settle down together than what we originally thought.
Holy shit, sorry bud. I feel bad for making jokes now.



I rate some of Beyonce's stuff TBH. She has a wicked voice, and employs some of the best writers and producers in pop.

Deja Vu is banging! That bassline is cool as fuck, and the funky horn stabs are irresistible.


yeah, probably. it's all a learning experience. we just need to get back to the UK relatively soon as we're worried about her mental health, i think in some regards we both realise we're more ready to settle down together than what we originally thought.

We'll be glad to have you back, and kudos for putting the missus first.
yeah, probably. it's all a learning experience. we just need to get back to the UK relatively soon as we're worried about her mental health, i think in some regards we both realise we're more ready to settle down together than what we originally thought.

In that case drop it, and come back. You've had a great experience I'm sure of living abroad and an exotic country at that. It's not worth carrying on with though if you are going to compromise your/your missus' health in the process.


Holy shit, sorry bud. I feel bad for making jokes now.

eh, you know what i'm like, i know its a joke with no real aggressive intention behind it. i'm not iamchinnerside.
Is it the job? I remember you saying it was difficult at times.
job is partially the issue.. since i made that post, the kids have become pretty well behaved for me. i think it's a sexist issue. we're both capable teachers, but because she's a small white women they never really give her a chance. she's tried to cope with it by becoming detached, but it's coming to the situtation where she just doesn't want to go to work and she has anxiety over it. then we'll go away for a weekend, and when we're back and its time to go for work she's an anxious wreck almost in tears and i'm kind of forced just to leave her by herself in the flat while i go to school, feeling pretty shitty for abandoning my girlfriend in that state, trying to keep work relationships okay and cover her lessons while trying to hide the crack in the armour sort of speak.


bitch I'm taking calls.
i'll spare the detail because i know nobody really cares, but looks like i'll be back in england relatively soon.
lol you know that's bullshit.

EDIT: Caught up to the current posts.

Ultimately health and happiness are most important so if it's a step for the better in that direction I'd say it sounds like a good idea.
So I just got called a cuggy munt by an irate customer.

I died.
Also almost missed this, hahaha.


lol you know that's bullshit.

Don't spare the detail, what's happened?

sorry, just saw the latest picture of iammikeside and he looks exceedingly like otacon from metal gear solid. i want to slowly, but steadily, become his friend now so that we can cosplay as snake and otacon for the next big anime-con.

(bgbw can be pyscho mantis)
job is partially the issue.. since i made that post, the kids have become pretty well behaved for me. i think it's a sexist issue. we're both capable teachers, but because she's a small white women they never really give her a chance. she's tried to cope with it by becoming detached, but it's coming to the situtation where she just doesn't want to go to work and she has anxiety over it. then we'll go away for a weekend, and when we're back and its time to go for work she's an anxious wreck almost in tears and i'm kind of forced just to leave her by herself in the flat while i go to school, feeling pretty shitty for abandoning my girlfriend in that state, trying to keep work relationships okay and cover her lessons while trying to hide the crack in the armour sort of speak.

Sounds awful. It's the type of thing I wouldn't even think of when planning such a big move.

sorry, just saw the latest picture of iammikeside and he looks exceedingly like otacon from metal gear solid. i want to slowly, but steadily, become his friend now so that we can cosplay as snake and otacon for the next big anime-con.

(bgbw can be pyscho mantis)

Didn't Otacon get it on with his little sister?


lAlso almost missed this, hahaha.
It was a lot funnier when heard live on the phone. I had to put the customer on mute to try and sustain my laughter. I get called a muggy cunt on a near-daily basis by customers, but a cuggy munt is something new to me, haha.

Also, my promotion at work was made official today.
It was a lot funnier when heard live on the phone. I had to put the customer on mute to try and sustain my laughter. I get called a muggy cunt on a near-daily basis by customers, but a cuggy munt is something new to me, haha.

Also, my promotion at work was made official today.



I miss my long hair...
I just miss my hair...

In fact no I don't, it was always shit. My raging manly testosterone did my follicles a favour.
sorry, just saw the latest picture of iammikeside and he looks exceedingly like otacon from metal gear solid. i want to slowly, but steadily, become his friend now so that we can cosplay as snake and otacon for the next big anime-con.

(bgbw can be pyscho mantis)
I'd pay good money to see this!
I just miss my hair...

In fact no I don't, it was always shit. My raging manly testosterone did my follicles a favour.

I'd pay good money to see this!

I'm trying to imagine you with hair but can't.

You pull off the dazzlingly shiny hairless cranium nicely.

Some people can't. I think if I went bald one day people would assume I have a terminal illness


You have a fine bonce, sir.

I'm trying to imagine you with hair but can't.

You pull off the dazzlingly shiny hairless cranium nicely.

Some people can't. I think if I went bald one day people would assume I have a terminal illness
Thanks fellas! Being incredibly charasmatic, handsome and charming obviously helps. Dapper seemed to get a kick out of playing a bongo solo on my nut.

And less of the "shiny" Dapper!


I don't think I could live without my hair. It usually looks like shit, but when it's good it is VERY GOOD.

Plus I love it when people touch my hair to see how soft it is.
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