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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Im 50/50 with Dishonoured I love it because it a actual stealth game but goddamn it easy to break with Blink power upgraded. Ai can be super spotters sometimes but that is rare, it is a great game with lots of potential to use in sequel. Just a shame the game that inspired this game Thief is getting a weak looking reboot so far


So, I am now officially Jordan - fuck you all. This is how I roll.


Today, it's been quite strange today. I got offered a job without going to an interview - unfortunately, it's £2,000 less than what I'm on now and it's in Portsmouth. Feels quite nice to have someone chasing me for my knowledge.


Mopping up all the extra content in Gravity Rush right now. Haven't finished the main game, but man do I fucking love this little gem.

(this is a post to negate any or all sony negativity that may have come from the indie game showcase earlier)


Unconfirmed Member
Unless I manage to come into some money I wont be getting either at launch. PS4 is what I'll probably end up with in the end but I can wait. The exclusives for both aren't blowing me away, it the third party offering that's making the launch for both look sweet.


This evening I've mostly been listening to Deltron 3030, as recommended by Shorty. Am loving it, this may be the very thing to get me into hiphop a lot more. Any similar recommendations, you guys?

I've also been thinking about arranging a weekend break in the spring in Sark.
It looks like it'd be incredibly relaxing there. No cars and little enough light pollution that it's a Dark Sky Community - meaning you can see the stars like you absolutely won't here in South England.

Would anyone fancy it? I think one of my friends would come along if I asked, but I bet there's a few here who would enjoy it?


time to shell out that £396 for PS4+ BF4 in november,rather it was october for US and 15th november for UK only day after my b.day plus should know what launch issues the console would have.

LOL at Kotaku claiming Sony copied Wii U with its remote play (forgetting it was meant be in use during PSP+ PS3 era) and the comments been salty over that MS dig at end of show which was damn funny.


Unconfirmed Member
Just saw the KZ: Shadowfall multiplayer thing that was shown at the start of the show. Holy shit, that's great if it works as well as they showed.


Started planning a party/barbeque for a house-warming thing at my new place (landlord has already approved it) and so far, there's 20 people down from work to go already - to say that escalated quickly is an understatement. It's a good job it's BYOB.


The thread is worth it for Krilekk ( of all people ) getting destroyed. Alot of juniors in gaming side have been hostile and fanboy driven past month so tend just ignore some comments



that's one tango down.
how many wasps are left?

I actually had to destroy a wasp nest yesterday - Charlie, my dog, basically jumped into it on Sunday & got stung a bunch of times.

We gave him an antihistamine and watched over him - he wasn't particularly happy, had a lot of nasty swells & was woozy as fuck for a few minutes, but started recovering pretty quickly while we were trying to find a local vet to take him to. He slept like a baby on Sunday night (I didn't, was constantly up checking on him) and has been chipper as fuck ever since.

But yesterday I put my gas-mask on, covered myself up & went to fucking town on that nest with wasp foam. Gave it another coating of foam tonight & I'm going to dig out the nest tomorrow - it's only a small one, so I don't think it's going to be quite as hellish as the yellowjacket nest in the other thread.


This is so cool.
I actually had to destroy a wasp nest yesterday - Charlie, my dog, basically jumped into it on Sunday & got stung a bunch of times.

We gave him an antihistamine and watched over him - he wasn't particularly happy, had a lot of nasty swells & was woozy as fuck for a few minutes, but started recovering pretty quickly while we were trying to find a local vet to take him to. He slept like a baby on Sunday night (I didn't, was constantly up checking on him) and has been chipper as fuck ever since.

But yesterday I put my gas-mask on, covered myself up & went to fucking town on that nest with wasp foam. Gave it another coating of foam tonight & I'm going to dig out the nest tomorrow - it's only a small one, so I don't think it's going to be quite as hellish as the yellowjacket nest in the other thread.
Happy to hear your dog is okay. My cat was stung in the face by a bee recently and was freaking the fuck out for 15 minutes. Fortunately the shaking was just out of fear that something that small could hurt it, and not actual shock, he was completely fine within the hour.

That sounds fun as hell though, dismantling it.

Oh and music time.

Comso's Midnight - Phantasm

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Oh my fucking god I want to murder somebody right now, I cannot believe this shit, that girl my mate is seeing who works in one of the pubs wants to move in, I told charlie that I didnt want her too, she came round and just fucking shouted at me about how I am in the wrong and all this bollocks, i cannot cunting believe I have to deal with this shit

Now i have to go to a fucking meeting at 9:30am and I have nobody to talk to whilst matey and that bitch are all snuggled up most probably with her bitching about how much of a cunt she thinks I am, guys

I have no alcohol

I'm not going to sleep

help me ffs


Oh my fucking god I want to murder somebody right now, I cannot believe this shit, that girl my mate is seeing who works in one of the pubs wants to move in, I told charlie that I didnt want her too, she came round and just fucking shouted at me about how I am in the wrong and all this bollocks, i cannot cunting believe I have to deal with this shit

Now i have to go to a fucking meeting at 9:30am and I have nobody to talk to whilst matey and that bitch are all snuggled up most probably with her bitching about how much of a cunt she thinks I am, guys

I have no alcohol

I'm not going to sleep

help me ffs

I'm in a similar situation. Shit sucks SO BAD.

i am not in a similar situation and my sympathies are with you

Also, I just noticed something interesting on the PS blog. I guess it was true after all.

Jedeye Sniv

This evening I've mostly been listening to Deltron 3030, as recommended by Shorty. Am loving it, this may be the very thing to get me into hiphop a lot more. Any similar recommendations, you guys?

I've also been thinking about arranging a weekend break in the spring in Sark.
It looks like it'd be incredibly relaxing there. No cars and little enough light pollution that it's a Dark Sky Community - meaning you can see the stars like you absolutely won't here in South England.

Would anyone fancy it? I think one of my friends would come along if I asked, but I bet there's a few here who would enjoy it?

Yeah fella I'd be interested, I don't think I've ever seen the stars properly before.
So, I am now officially Jordan - fuck you all. This is how I roll.

Today, it's been quite strange today. I got offered a job without going to an interview - unfortunately, it's £2,000 less than what I'm on now and it's in Portsmouth. Feels quite nice to have someone chasing me for my knowledge.

That's awesome Jordan. You could take it and move in with Tash.

You know EviLore revealed that easter egg the day of the new layout. ;P

Clearly I did not know

I've also been thinking about arranging a weekend break in the spring in Sark.
It looks like it'd be incredibly relaxing there. No cars and little enough light pollution that it's a Dark Sky Community - meaning you can see the stars like you absolutely won't here in South England.

Would anyone fancy it? I think one of my friends would come along if I asked, but I bet there's a few here who would enjoy it?

Sounds awesome, I may be up for that depending when it is
Morning everyone, it's hump day!

I finally caved in and pre-ordered Grand Theft Auto 5, I'm now praying that I shouldn't have waited for the PC release.


Morning Guys!

Awesome sleep and I have that mid-week feeling. And it's bank holiday this weekend!

Aww yeah.
The servers on this site need reworking. We crash whenever big news happens. =P
Absence makes the heart grow fonder dude.
This evening I've mostly been listening to I've also been thinking about arranging a weekend break in the spring in [URL="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.uk%2Fmaps%2Fpreview%23!q%3DSt%2BJulian's%2BPier%252C%2BGuernsey%26data%3D!1m4!1m3!1d28300!2d-2.3635464!3d49.431217!4m10!1m9!4m8!1m3!1d7071!2d-2.5374682!3d49.4578642!3m2!1i1318!2i1047!4f13.1&h=TAQE_Fus9"]Sark.
It looks like it'd be incredibly relaxing there. No cars and little enough light pollution that it's a Dark Sky Community - meaning you can see the stars like you absolutely won't here in South England.

Would anyone fancy it? I think one of my friends would come along if I asked, but I bet there's a few here who would enjoy it?
It sounds great mate, absolutely up for that. Although, how about a non-FB link? I tried googling "Sark", "Sark UK" and stuff, but it's a bit ambiguous!
Oh my fucking god I want to murder somebody right now, I cannot believe this shit, that girl my mate is seeing who works in one of the pubs wants to move in, I told charlie that I didnt want her too, she came round and just fucking shouted at me about how I am in the wrong and all this bollocks, i cannot cunting believe I have to deal with this shit

Now i have to go to a fucking meeting at 9:30am and I have nobody to talk to whilst matey and that bitch are all snuggled up most probably with her bitching about how much of a cunt she thinks I am, guys
"If you havin' girl problems I feel bad for you son,
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one,"


What does the bossman think? Go and tell him she's a filthy thief, spread vicious lies about her.
Yeah fella I'd be interested, I don't think I've ever seen the stars properly before.
Sounds awesome, I may be up for that depending when it is


Acrid, that's some top tunage you just posted. I love People Under The Stairs, Digable Planets and Pharcyde.

Very cool choices buddy!

Have a nice day everyone.

Do something nice for a stranger today.


Morning Guys!

Awesome sleep and I have that mid-week feeling. And it's bank holiday this weekend!

Aww yeah.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder dude.

It sounds great mate, absolutely up for that. Although, how about a non-FB link? I tried googling "Sark", "Sark UK" and stuff, but it's a bit ambiguous!

"If you havin' girl problems I feel bad for you son,
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one,"


What does the bossman think? Go and tell him she's a filthy thief, spread vicious lies about her.




Acrid, that's some top tunage you just posted. I love People Under The Stairs, Digable Planets and Pharcyde.

Very cool choices buddy!

Have a nice day everyone.

Do something nice for a stranger today.

Sorry bud
Here ya go

I was tentatively thinking either in March or May bank holiday & we could go camping for a long weekend.


Today, I am getting paid to play football. I'm not very good at football, but it's a working day and I'm being paid to do so - so hallelujah. I also get free BBQ food and drink... Today theoretically sounds awesome, we shall see how the day progresses.


Seems everyone is moving at the mo! I feel a bit left out.

Congrats on the new pad Danj, housewarming party?

It doesn't have a living room as such (it's what the estate agent described as a "bedsit" room in a converted Victorian house). There's a communal kitchen and bathroom but not really anywhere you could have a party. Well, except out in the garden I guess.


I was thinking May would be better due to potentially decent weather, too!

So potentially we've got:
Shorty, Ninja, Musha, Jedeye & Mikeside

That's my kind of holiday.

I looked at hotels last night & it looks like we can get 2 twin rooms for 2 nights for £600 which isn't bad - obviously if there are 5 or more of us, it'll be more, but still expect about £150 per person, unless we go camping in which case it's £8 per person per night plus £1 per shower (water is expensive on Sark)

Edit: putting this here for top-of-page visibility

Also, I'm pretty much sorted for the Eurogamer Meetup thread (Musha has put me in charge, uh-oh! People who came to Regent's Park know why that might be dangerous, but hopefully after that slight hiccup, I'll be more efficient with this shit?)

But... I don't want to post it until we've got some more ideas floating about re: what we're going to do.

The expo finishes at 7pm, so I'm thinking we meet at the King's Head pub, which is just down the road & hang out there for an hour or so then move on. I have no idea where to yet.

Some people seem to be very pro-karaoke. To be honest, as long as there's gaffers, cheap alcohol and music (in that order), I'm going to have a blast. Is there anywhere that anyone has been dying to go? Put your ideas forward & I'll aim to have the thread up by Monday so we can start getting people involved!
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