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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Walrus, eh? You must give GOOD HEAD.

See what I-- You remember th--- with the--- and we---

I'll get me coat...



Blimey, I'd think you'd be sick of me by now with all these meets happening.

I'll take a look at what gigs are happening - early to mid February sounds grand to me.
Where'd you want to look at? Your place, down here or somewhere in-between?

I haven't given it much thought mate. A gig and general frolicking sounds like the way forward though. I just know that we need to intersperse the main meets with this little impromptu mini meets.

Three months without seeing my peeps (read: Musha_Soturi) is unthinkable. She'll definitely be up for a double birthday celebration for her two favourite boys!


I am the Walrus

Coo coo cachoo.

Cool, just checked that Eurogamer is at the end of september so it should be fine.

Probably going to move somewhere around Nov time frame.

Ah, that's a shame dude. I hardly knew ye!


I haven't given it much thought mate. A gig and general frolicking sounds like the way forward though. I just know that we need to intersperse the main meets with this little impromptu mini meets.

Three months without seeing my peeps (read: Musha_Soturi) is unthinkable. She'll definitely be up for a double birthday celebration for her two favourite boys!

Sounds good. I'll take a peek when I get home and see if there's anything interesting coming up!

I'll probably be dragging my mates with me to the eurogamer meet, but it's cool, they're sound lads.

That's awesome - a few of my buds will probably tag along to at least the first pub, as they're all coming down for the Saturday.

My buddy Kev (the one that had the bike accident) really wants to come to a gafmeet to make sure you guys are actually real. (He's also jealous of how awesome londongaf nights out are) I'm assuming that'd be cool with everyone?


OK to be fair you'd be a very useful person to bring camping. I just bring a tent and a sleeping bag and then live like an animal for a weekend. Your way of doing things sounds much more sensible.

Consider me the Bear Grylls of the trip, all the gear but lacks the simplicity of Ray Mears and his "little knife, fuck all else" approach.
Three months without seeing my peeps (read: Musha_Soturi) is unthinkable. She'll definitely be up for a double birthday celebration for her two favourite boys!


Awwwwwww. So. Goddam. Cute.

And yeah, of course I'll be there to celebrate with you guys.

My buddy Kev (the one that had the bike accident) really wants to come to a gafmeet to make sure you guys are actually real. (He's also jealous of how awesome londongaf nights out are) I'm assuming that'd be cool with everyone?

Hang on, is Kev the one who made me pancakes, or am I getting confused?


I'm ray mears. Give me a knife and maybe a hatchet and we're sorted.
Ray is my TV hero. What a guy.
Of course I'll be there to celebrate with you guys.

So Coldman,

I was looking for some more avatar pics/perving over Teh Williams last night, when I found this:


I figure it may bring you round to understand the appeal of The Little Lady.

Also, Body Music has barely been off in the van this week. "Diver" is my new favourite:

Alunageorge - Diver
(fucking weird mix, and it's cut short, but you get the idea! They have their stuff locked down tight on YT)

And for anyone who missed it, and needs a smile on their face:

Too much "dawww" for one thread!

Nearly home time, aww yeah. "Lates Week" lol.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Coldman, are you bringing the purple sleeping bag or the red one on Friday? I want to make sure we have this right for the sleepover.

There are two or three more people coming than I initially planned so if we have to double up and be bag buddies you should bring the purple one.

Still planning to go ahead with the chili cook-off, but Chinner has had a bad fat week so we might have to bring someone else in to be a judge.

Also don't forget the hot sauce you brought the last time, I forget what kind it was but it was in a green bottle and was spicy as the dickens.
Coldman, are you bringing the purple sleeping bag or the red one on Friday? I want to make sure we have this right for the sleepover.

There are two or three more people coming than I initially planned so if we have to double up and be bag buddies you should bring the purple one.

Still planning to go ahead with the chili cook-off, but Chinner has had a bad fat week so we might have to bring someone else in to be a judge.

Also don't forget the hot sauce you brought the last time, I forget what kind it was but it was in a green bottle and was spicy as the dickens.

Aww someone's feeling left out. Poor thing.

Where abouts are you based Jackben?


Coldman, are you bringing the purple sleeping bag or the red one on Friday? I want to make sure we have this right for the sleepover.

There are two or three more people coming than I initially planned so if we have to double up and be bag buddies you should bring the purple one.

Still planning to go ahead with the chili cook-off, but Chinner has had a bad fat week so we might have to bring someone else in to be a judge.

Also don't forget the hot sauce you brought the last time, I forget what kind it was but it was in a green bottle and was spicy as the dickens.

Sounds like a blast!
Who won the last chili cook-off?

Aww someone's feeling left out. Poor thing.

Where abouts are you based Jackben?

He's in the States somewhere, I think?

Jedeye Sniv

Coldman, are you bringing the purple sleeping bag or the red one on Friday? I want to make sure we have this right for the sleepover.

There are two or three more people coming than I initially planned so if we have to double up and be bag buddies you should bring the purple one.

Still planning to go ahead with the chili cook-off, but Chinner has had a bad fat week so we might have to bring someone else in to be a judge.

Also don't forget the hot sauce you brought the last time, I forget what kind it was but it was in a green bottle and was spicy as the dickens.

Jackben, you should live in England so you can join in on the meety fun. Or start a USGAF community maybe.

PS - attention GOT :p
Think I'm on the verge of some satisfying change. Things haven't gone as I'd have liked recently (although there's a slim chance they might yet), but now I'm feeling proactive and slightly more ready to get my shit in order.

Time to flip a few birds and make some lemonade. #vagueness


Missouri...I think.

Oh and good luck with the move Darren. The last meetup will probably be the last time we'll talk F2F but we'll probably meetup in some random city in the distant future :)

Who knows. Up in the air at the moment. Started a thread HERE about traveling south america. So I will probably do that then head to Asia or Aus. Looking into visas for both now.

Otherwise I will be back in London since my visa is good for 3 years here.


Laying in the bath and couldn't be bothered to quote. I am officially fucked - nothing prepares you stamina wise for football. Good day nonetheless, I'm sunburnt to shit, but I did two hours nonstop work - job after job and then prepared to play.

We won our first game 7-1 and lost the other two, to the two people in the final out of 8 teams so that weren't too bad. One of the chauffeurs stomped on my foot which fucking killed but I'm impressed how long my knees lasted before giving way (undeveloped muscle around knee) and I had a lot of fun so overall good day. They had a massive BBQ going with loads of food which was nice and lots of people from our office, London office and Manchester office so I met a few new people, put names to faces (corr at some of the ladies)

I'm probably not going to take the job in Portsmouth yet, I know it will be an offer that's around for a while, but I'm just settled in here and the job offered to me is less dough and not really set on my actual role - but it would mean learning new stuff. I told him before I'm happy to help in the evenings but we will see.

How's everybody's day been?


Who knows. Up in the air at the moment. Started a thread HERE about traveling south america. So I will probably do that then head to Asia or Aus. Looking into visas for both now.

Otherwise I will be back in London since my visa is good for 3 years here.
The world is your lobster fella! Go nuts.

I know it's "oyster", I just say lobster. I'm not even sure why.
I am tired as fuck

gonna leave work early tonight if it's quiet, aint nobody got time for that
That's what I did.

Sneak out in a cardboard box

Actually, speaking of which, who would be Solid Snake in this thread? Tash'd prolly be Johnny Sasaki


He smokes spliffs to detect laser beams and sneak better and shit.

I've had a great day all told Jordan, thanks for asking. My apprentice got called away for the day, so I got to take the piss and come home for most of the morning. Tidied my room, had some tasty scran, and got some washing done. Exciting stuff.

I'm heading over to see a pal I haven't seen for years at 7 too, I bumped in to him at the weekend. He was pretty cool but a bit edgy back in the day. He's all married up and stuff now though, so hopefully he'll just be cool!

Jedeye Sniv

Scrolling down and seeing a big pic of my freckly mug is never not deconcerting.

Mrs is out tonight, so trying to decide between reading a big stack of comics or play video games. Choices!

Jedeye Sniv

Not so much lately :(
Tash is too busy for me :( :(

Awww bro. Our little man has all growned up...

I actually have the right hair to do that cosplay right now.

Need a youtube of you doing you best Jennifer Hale impression, stat.

I bagsy Big Boss circa Outer Haven.

I was thinking Revolver Ocelot for you. Sometime antagonist but his heart's in the right place, and he makes every game better by his presence.

Kentpaul is Vulcan Raven because he's full-on.
CHEEZMO is Vamp.
PhiSheep is Major Campbell

-- actually I scrub my nom for Johnny, Ninj and musha are Johnny and Meryl, it's so obvious.

I want to be Drebin's monkey, there you go. That works for me.

Sadetar was Rose.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Nooooo, the smoldering corpse of my travel thread, too long between updates. I'll keep trying ;b


Maturity, bitches.
If I linked what I'm listening to right at this moment I would be escorted out of the thread. So don't feel ashamed to post what you're listening to!
I've probably posted worse (based on the opinions of others), though I don't feel any shame having done so.


I've probably posted worse (based on the opinions of others), though I don't feel any shame having done so.

At the time I was singing along quite loudly to Jessie J... I have recollection of singing some NSync on skype to TLoU lot...
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