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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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My car battery died last week, it was going to cost £90 to replace. Luckily my mechanic mate just told me he has a spare for me, bonus! Bank Holiday weekend is still on.

What are people up to? I can go out tomorrow like I'd planned now, probably just chill and have the lads over Sunday, then try and have a productive Monday job searching, doing laundry, all that dull life stuff.

Naff all here. Tomorrow I start covering the shifts of our cleaning guy in work (contracted out) whilst he's away on holiday, 7.30am start with only Monday off. It will go some way to making up for the crummy hours at my main job at least. Roll on new job in September!

Other than that fiddling with Nova Launcher on my phone, trying to organise some stuff with a friend before he moves overseas, gaming? Either way not much of remembrance!

Edit: Happy Birthday Cheezmo! I would pretend I did something fur related in honour of the day. But I can't think of anything! Soz.


Knows the Score
Happy Birthday CHEEZMO!

My day :
A customer enters a cable provider shop.

Mr. 8bit: 'Ello, I wish to register a complaint.

(The owner does not respond.)

Mr. 8bit: 'Ello, Miss?

Owner: What do you mean "miss"?

Mr. 8bit: (pause)I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint!

Owner: We're closin' for lunch.

Mr. 8bit: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this Cable Modem what I received not half an hour ago from this very vendor.

Owner: Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?

Mr. 8bit: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!

Owner: No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting.

Mr. 8bit: Look, matey, I know a dead Cable Modem when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.

Owner: No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful bandwidth!

Mr. 8bit: The bandwidth don't enter into it. It's stone dead.

etc etc.


formerly Oynox Slider
Happy Birthday CHEEZMO!

My day :

etc etc.

Sounds like fun :-/

I have done nothing but play vido gams today. People who said Trials was good were right. So funny. The poor little driving man. Gonna go to bed now and try and get a bit of mental strength back after a stressful day yesterday.

Night all!
Happy birthday Chez.

Ooh, another Bank Holiday. Not as needed as it's so soon after the last and I was just getting quite in to my current project at work, but time off all the same is good.

No idea what to do. Other than play games. Hmm.


bitch I'm taking calls.
My day :

etc etc.
Can't wait for the follow up where you're given the number "to corporate" which directs you through a series of increasingly obtuse phone menus which ask you to divide your customer ID by the square root of pie and multiply it by 5 if you are calling on a Tuesday and 6 if you are calling any other day, after which you will eventually reach a human sounding voice that is actually A.I. asking you to leave a message though after doing so it will explain the mailbox is full and to please call again.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I think John Cage used crazy scores too. Love that stuff!

Love a bit of John Cage. Guy's a genuine genius for the Prepared Piano alone.

If you like a good looking score you want to have a look at Penderecki.

Yeah, that's too random for me. Same with really loose freeform jazz, I just can't enjoy it.

I can understand that. At the moment, this is really more of a curiousity for me.

Like most music, the more you listen to it, the more you get into it's way of thinking. Saying that, this would take me a looooong time to get my head around.


Knows the Score
Can't wait for the follow up where you're given the number "to corporate" which directs you through a series of increasingly obtuse phone menus which ask you to divide your customer ID by the square root of pie and multiply it by 5 if you are calling on a Tuesday and 6 if you are calling any other day, after which you will eventually reach a human sounding voice that is actually A.I. asking you to leave a message though after doing so it will explain the mailbox is full and to please call again.

Ahh, it's not so bad now, we had cable from the local provider for ages, but they've gradually destroyed the service we had after getting an all in one media/phone/internet box thing so we've gone back to the phone company for DSL. However, the cable lot killed the box and sent a new cable modem to replace it earlier than expected otherwise we would have no internet. However, it was DOA. Also, I've grown tired of having to explain things like "the broken DNS entries on my media box are cached and I need you to expire authoritiative entries" in German to a helpdesk womble that is working through a script.

Anyway, here's a challenging track for you all. I love this but it's not easy going :


Terry Riley - You're No Good


My car battery died last week, it was going to cost £90 to replace. Luckily my mechanic mate just told me he has a spare for me, bonus! Bank Holiday weekend is still on.

What are people up to? I can go out tomorrow like I'd planned now, probably just chill and have the lads over Sunday, then try and have a productive Monday job searching, doing laundry, all that dull life stuff.

Sometimes, it depends what you're listening to. I can deduce a simple 3/4 4/4 or whatever but when it starts going into compound and fractional signatures I just have a brain fart.

I suppose it's easier when you actually play and write music though.

Been out for a burger with the missus tonight, going to a dog show consisting of rescued dogs over Hampstead Heath tomorrow morning, followed by a stroll on the Heath before going to a Mediterranean food hall so Maria can get the ingredients for dinner. Sunday down in Clacton, the gf meeting my pa and step ma, Monday helping gf's friend move.

A gf dominated weekend really.


Obsidian fan
Thanks for the wishes, everyone!

Happy Birthday Cheez!

Hope your day is furry and liberal and fashionable.



Dapperbandit A Million Miles Away is maybe my favorite new song out of all these playlists. That or Boris Bike Briefcase Man from Jed's.

Screaming Meat how about a hug eh?
i'm in sunday, was given today off for some reason. working retail sucks.

True, I'm glad I don't work retail. Even the worst day here is better than an average day in customer service. And I did get a 9 day weekend for Easter so I can't complain too much I suppose.

Will be worth it when I get my bike serviced and MOT'd with my overtime pay though!


formerly Oynox Slider
Ninj I nearly beat one of your times!

Every bloody race I watch NinjaBoiX go flying ahead. Every. Bloody. Race.
I just started watching South Park and watched the Scott Tenerman episode.... woah....

That's one of my favourite episodes. First time my jaw was on the floor and I thought fuck, Cartman's a fucking serious psychotic bastard!

Great start to the weekend for me. Went into town for Free Comic Book Day. Popped into Forbidden Planet first, got given a bag of free comics on the way in, had a browse and bought a few other comics. Then on to Orbital Comics were there was quite a hefty queue. Took us an hour to get to the front but was worth it, got to pick what comics we wanted.

Wandered around Covent Garden for a bit, nipping into the Oakley shop and the Disney Store (nearly bought everything in the shop again but managed to restrain myself). Went for a delicious burrito and a beer in Benito's Hat. Walked over to Gosh Comics but all their free comics had gone within about an hour of them opening. Bought a couple more things anyway.

Carried on up Berwick Street and went in a couple of 2nd hand music shops so Andy could browse, he bought a Fugazi CD and a couple of Rancid CDs. Mosied around Carnaby Street then made our way back to the tube to come home.

Tonight we're going to the pub to get sloshed, and tomorrow it's Star Wars day, not sure what we're doing in the day yet but the night is Age of Panic at Borderline which should be awesome.


Finally got back to Cambridge today after a week visiting my parents up north in County Durham. Annoyed that the local Sainsburys has no Grauniads left, going to check the other 2 in Cambridge after my grocery delivery arrives.

EDIT: whinging about stuff on twitter really works, not 5 minutes after I grumbled about the lack of Grauniads, Sainsburys have DMed me to say yeah there was a problem with the deliveries and can I DM them my address and they'll put a copy of the book in the post!

Jedeye Sniv

Finally got back to Cambridge today after a week visiting my parents up north in County Durham. Annoyed that the local Sainsburys has no Grauniads left, going to check the other 2 in Cambridge after my grocery delivery arrives.

EDIT: whinging about stuff on twitter really works, not 5 minutes after I grumbled about the lack of Grauniads, Sainsburys have DMed me to say yeah there was a problem with the deliveries and can I DM them my address and they'll put a copy of the book in the post!

I went into my local Sainsburys today and they had loads of papers but didn't know anything about the deal, bummer.


I went into my local Sainsburys today and they had loads of papers but didn't know anything about the deal, bummer.

Yeah there's actually quite a few people on twitter with that issue, just contact the @sainsburys twitter account and they'll sort it for you.


everyone's probably sick of lorde by now.
Nope, love that record. I ain't even mad.
Ninj I nearly beat one of your times!

Every bloody race I watch NinjaBoiX go flying ahead. Every. Bloody. Race.
Haha, you don't want to know how much I've played these bloody games!

I saw your previous posts laughing at the "little rider man" tumble around, lol. The ragdoll physics are hilarious, quality game.
Great start to the weekend for me. Went into town for Free Comic Book Day. Popped into Forbidden Planet first, got given a bag of free comics on the way in, had a browse and bought a few other comics. Then on to Orbital Comics were there was quite a hefty queue. Took us an hour to get to the front but was worth it, got to pick what comics we wanted.

Wandered around Covent Garden for a bit, nipping into the Oakley shop and the Disney Store (nearly bought everything in the shop again but managed to restrain myself). Went for a delicious burrito and a beer in Benito's Hat. Walked over to Gosh Comics but all their free comics had gone within about an hour of them opening. Bought a couple more things anyway.

Carried on up Berwick Street and went in a couple of 2nd hand music shops so Andy could browse, he bought a Fugazi CD and a couple of Rancid CDs. Mosied around Carnaby Street then made our way back to the tube to come home.

Tonight we're going to the pub to get sloshed, and tomorrow it's Star Wars day, not sure what we're doing in the day yet but the night is Age of Panic at Borderline which should be awesome.
Sweet bundle of comics Musha (saw it on what'sapp) and some fine music choices from the fella. Noice.

Everyone have fun during their various escapades this weekend!
hopefully not, i haven't been to the dentist in a while but every time i did he said i had a good, roomy mouth with lots of space for teeth, maybe a small family of immigrants, a pet or two etc.

Imagine if your dentist was from UKIP. They'd be denying there was enough room and whipping them out at the first opportunity!

My dentist said the same about my mouth, which is great because I've heard too many horror stories.


Sorry, I haven't managed to sit down and listen to it yet. I want to do each playlist in one go. It's on the cards for this weekend though!
That's not what I meant. I just wanted an honest to god man to man embrace.

Another beautiful day here, hopefully going to get out for some frisbee or something then watch my team lose tonight. :D


Maturity, bitches.
Whatever you do don't watch the banned BNP broadcast. It will make you weep that there are people who actually believe the things said in the video.
The singer kept going sharp on the chorus! That's no way to promote a Legitimate Political Party.

I can't even make out what she's saying there. Tell "our marshals" where to go??

I watched it the other morning over my honey nut cheerios, and milk came out of my nose at the bit straight after the cartoon where Nick Griffin appears and says "I'm sure you all enjoyed that"


So last night I had a dream, I'm at a Paramore concert, I'm in front, yelling and whatnot, Hayley then steps on, she's happy and full with energy, she starts looking at me, she then throws me a note saying; meet me backstage after the show.

I was like woah.

I'm now backstage and Hayley approaches, we start talking about stuff (?)

AND THEN OUT OF THE BLUE NINJABOIX SHOWS UP!, he whispers something to her, she then walks away.

I was like what the fuck dude?

And Ninja responded with; This Is Neogaf dude.

I then woke up furious and sweaty.

Weird dream man.

Thanks Ninja. :(


formerly Oynox Slider
I can't even make out what she's saying there. Tell "our marshals" where to go??

I watched it the other morning over my honey nut cheerios, and milk came out of my nose at the bit straight after the cartoon where Nick Griffin appears and says "I'm sure you all enjoyed that"


When I saw his squished up evil face in the animation I thought it was a parody. Took a while before I could accept its authenticity.
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