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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Kentpaul in BB would be a riot.

EDIT: aargh, top of the page. Oh well, E3 related image:-

Oh wow I though Jed was being sardonic when he said he'd be watching Big Brother but these posts...

Watching Big Brother in and of itself is a symptom of atrocious taste. Watching it after it was relegated to Channel 5 indicates only that you have been defeated by the universe.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry! I'm just in a foul mood. Rough weekend + lack of sleep + prospect of lugging suitcase from train to train over a four hour period = curses.

I did look at the Project Beast clip again, and it does look swish. Maybe it will be all good once I've got to the hotel, settled in, slept etc.

I will say that I am actually becoming good at a MOBA. Which makes me feel really good when you get meanies talking in weird MOBA text and complaining about noobs, only to quietly go about your business and do well. It's also very heartening to find random nice people yo counteract the life warriors. Helps that I actually like a character too!

See, I do like games!

Ah, that wasn't meant specifically at you! Just the general milieu in here when E3 gets mentioned. It's not like I'm going to watch a stream or nowt, I just like the news on lovely new games, whenever they may land. I want more reasons to get a PS4 other than MGSV. :)

Sorry to hear you had a shitty weekend. :( Hope this helps cheer you up:


Jedeye Sniv

That's such a depressing question.
Why is the assumption that you're gonna stew in front of the TV?

Assumption based on years of experience? We're not like you young crazy lovers. Home from work by 7, have a chat, make some dinner, watch something while we eat, bath then bed for 11. Sometimes sweet lovin. What would you do different?

Ain't like we're there all night, active TV watching is maybe 2 hours a night. I'm just as likely to be reading or playing something on my iPad. I figure that as long as my TV is active, ie I'm chosing something to watch rather than channel surfing then it's not so bad.

Jedeye Sniv

Oh wow I though Jed was being sardonic when he said he'd be watching Big Brother but these posts...

Watching Big Brother in and of itself is a symptom of atrocious taste. Watching it after it was relegated to Channel 5 indicates only that you have been defeated by the universe.

I know it's bad, but I've watched these shows half my life. It's my vice, my one concession to vapid modern pop culture. Plus occasionally there's a nipple, come on.


I know it's bad, but I've watched these shows half my life. It's my vice, my one concession to vapid modern pop culture. Plus occasionally there's a nipple, come on.

sigh, and all this time you shat on Metallica and Eminem while hiding your long admiration for Big Brother...I looked up to you like a father man :(

Jedeye Sniv

sigh, and all this time you shat on Metallica and Eminem while hiding your long admiration for Big Brother...I looked up to you like a father man :(

Two points:

1) I bring up BB every year but I don't think anyone was paying attention
2) BB is better than Metallica and Eminem combined because it's honest about its tackiness and how horrible the people are. I'm not watching it because it's aspirational after all - these are the ENEMY, I need to know how they think.


Assumption based on years of experience? We're not like you young crazy lovers. Home from work by 7, have a chat, make some dinner, watch something while we eat, bath then bed for 11. Sometimes sweet lovin. What would you do different?

Ain't like we're there all night, active TV watching is maybe 2 hours a night. I'm just as likely to be reading or playing something on my iPad. I figure that as long as my TV is active, ie I'm chosing something to watch rather than channel surfing then it's not so bad.

I don't mean it about you, rather about modern culture.
Even though I don't really watch TV like that, I still include myself in that.

We should all take life by the balls a little bit more day-to-day & vary our routines a smidge.


Nah, MCR are OK Jed, they're good fun. Plus, he really does write some fantastic lyrics, that surely can't be denied.

Nah, I can dig, I'm down with the scene kids.



(I'm posting a Marmozets thread later, I ain't even mad.)


formerly Oynox Slider
MCR are amazing. I will fight anyone who says otherwise. With my hands and feet.

Ouch. That hurt.

Eek I'm sorry! Was only messing about. You'll always be cool to me, BB or no BB.

And I can't talk anyway. I make out like I just watch QT, but I love Made in Chelsea. And I watched most series of BB until it moved to Channel 5. So many good moments! Vanessa Felt having a breakdown, Jade Goody being horrible, Kinda doing things in the garden with a bottle, racist Maxwell vs rapper Science, Nikki Grahame making me apoplectic with rage every time I saw her. Oh and George Galloway being the cat. Top TV imo!!

Edit- and thanks Meat, made me lol. If Ps3 had decent remote play I prob wouldn't gave gotten a PS4. But maybe Ps now will fix this. Come on soony!

Jedeye Sniv

I don't mean it about you, rather about modern culture.
Even though I don't really watch TV like that, I still include myself in that.

We should all take life by the balls a little bit more day-to-day & vary our routines a smidge.

Nah, never gonna happen. There are certain things that have to be done in the evening - dinner (which needs cooking, so there's an hour) and sleep by a reasonable time to ensure not wanting to die the next day. There are various extra curricular activities - wifey has skating (when she's not being a damn time thief), sometimes will go out to a gig or something. Otherwise I've had a long day, I have about 2 hours actual downtime and then it's bed. What else CAN you do of an evening? Watching a well made drama, or a poorly made reality tv show sounds fun. I also thoroughly enjoy The One Show too, suck it haters.

It reminds me of those inspirational posts on Facebook (usually by unemployed people with depression or stay at home parents, the lucky bastards) saying "GO OUT AND ENJOY THE SUNSHINE" "BE WHO YOU ARE AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS" "GET TO THE SEASIDE ASAP". I'd love to, that sounds fantastic. But who's going to pay my mortgage when I get fired for not coming into work for a week?

I think the way I live my life is pretty good really, and I think it's healthier than say, marathoning the new season of OITNB in two days or some other bizarre obsessive compulsive behaviour being championed on the internet today.

Contrary to what the content of my posts may be saying, in a fairly good mood today. The sun's got me feeling all amorous. That Natalie Dormer gif in the funny pics thread has a lot to answer for.

Jedeye Sniv

Nah, MCR are OK Jed, they're good fun. Plus, he really does write some fantastic lyrics, that surely can't be denied.

Nah, I can dig, I'm down with the scene kids.



(I'm posting a Marmozets thread later, I ain't even mad.)

I've only heard one Marmozets song but it was pretty dope. She skillfully avoids all the rock-girl-singer pitfalls of oversinging/sexing it up.
I don't mean it about you, rather about modern culture.
Even though I don't really watch TV like that, I still include myself in that.

We should all take life by the balls a little bit more day-to-day & vary our routines a smidge.

I did some ironing before I went to work this morning.

I might do some more when I get back.

The club can't even handle me right now.

I am still very disappointed in Jed


Nah, never gonna happen. There are certain things that have to be done in the evening - dinner (which needs cooking, so there's an hour) and sleep by a reasonable time to ensure not wanting to die the next day. There are various extra curricular activities - wifey has skating (when she's not being a damn time thief), sometimes will go out to a gig or something. Otherwise I've had a long day, I have about 2 hours actual downtime and then it's bed. What else CAN you do of an evening? Watching a well made drama, or a poorly made reality tv show sounds fun. I also thoroughly enjoy The One Show too, suck it haters.

It reminds me of those inspirational posts on Facebook (usually by unemployed people with depression or stay at home parents, the lucky bastards) saying "GO OUT AND ENJOY THE SUNSHINE" "BE WHO YOU ARE AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS" "GET TO THE SEASIDE ASAP". I'd love to, that sounds fantastic. But who's going to pay my mortgage when I get fired for not coming into work for a week?

I think the way I live my life is pretty good really, and I think it's healthier than say, marathoning the new season of OITNB in two days or some other bizarre obsessive compulsive behaviour being championed on the internet today.

Contrary to what the content of my posts may be saying, in a fairly good mood today. The sun's got me feeling all amorous. That Natalie Dormer gif in the funny pics thread has a lot to answer for.

I'm pretty much guilty of this every time I find a show/book/comic/band/activity I enjoy.
Again, it's a lack of variety. I'll find a vein of a good thing and keep mining it until it's entirely depleted, then move onto the next. Probably a different thing than the gogglebox-existence problem, but there you have it.

Jedeye Sniv

I'm pretty much guilty of this every time I find a show/book/comic/band/activity I enjoy.
Again, it's a lack of variety. I'll find a vein of a good thing and keep mining it until it's entirely depleted, then move onto the next. Probably a different thing than the gogglebox-existence problem, but there you have it.

See, throwing bricks in your glass house of shame!

I try to keep my shows on a rotation, take season breaks and all that. One episode a week, a different show every night. Right now am watching the Returned, Game of Thrones, Fargo, OITNB, Louie/Maron/Girls/Seinfeld in the comedy slot. Have Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Sopranos and the Tudors on a season break so I don't burn through them so fast.


Two points:

1) I bring up BB every year but I don't think anyone was paying attention
2) BB is better than Metallica and Eminem combined because it's honest about its tackiness and how horrible the people are. I'm not watching it because it's aspirational after all - these are the ENEMY, I need to know how they think.

MCR are amazing. I will fight anyone who says otherwise. With my hands and feet.

See, throwing bricks in your glass house of shame!

I try to keep my shows on a rotation, take season breaks and all that. One episode a week, a different show every night. Right now am watching the Returned, Game of Thrones, Fargo, OITNB, Louie/Maron/Girls/Seinfeld in the comedy slot. Have Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Sopranos and the Tudors on a season break so I don't burn through them so fast.

That's some bon merde right there.

I can't juggle shows like that, I think the most I've ever had on the go at once was GoT, Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead. The second I lose track of where I am in a show it's gone. I was watching Arrow but for one reason or another, despite enjoying it, I stopped and forgot which episode I was on. Now it's gone.
Candice if you're lurking I'm s-sorry.

I like to feel like there's a bit of progression in my life. I can roughly pin down the month it took me to watch the enitrety of Legend of the Galactic Heroes which spans over a hundred episodes.

Similarly when I think of LOST or Deadliest Warrior I can time travel in my mind back to that period of my life.


formerly Oynox Slider
I just can't take on TV shows. It's too much commitment and I get too involved. I'd rather put those hours into a game, especially if it involves some form of moderated social interaction where I can speak to people without having to speak to them. I'm not really into this being human business, I think life and people (present company excepted, obvs) are generally crap and we are all doomed to misery from birth. Games are nice because I don't have to confront the rising tide of shit. Ho ho ho I am in a good mood today. Blimey. Sorry!!

*sings Gangsta's Paradise*

*logs off work computer*

Jedeye Sniv

I think it stems from being a comics person - I can easily juggle 30-odd monthly books and keep them all separate and parallel in my mind, doing the same for TV has never been much of a stretch. I just like my stories :)

I tend to get burned out on things if I watch them too intensely, I feel like breaks help keep it all fresh.


No clue of how he died yet either, 56 is young.

I grew up on Bottom, first saw it on a school trip when I was 11, we essentially quoted it constantly through High School, the Live videos (well the first one, which was good) were passed around like porn.

Shame they got shit after that.



formerly Oynox Slider
Hi, I know I'm a miserable cow, but is there any way I could get an invite to whatever chatty place you are all E3 chatting in pretty please?
My mousewheel broke so I can only scroll down, not up. Now I keep scrolling down, thinking there will be a better thread further down the page. But then there isn't and I just reach the bottom. It's like a metaphor for life or something.


formerly Oynox Slider
Sorry I had to go, probably for the best.

Actually hoping for some nice news to wake up to. Come on soony!

All I want is immediate Destiny beta, Beast Souls to be this year, PS now to be this year with Shadow of the Colossus and Dark Souls and then I'm done. Oh and the Witness to be this year too. Please.


Watching Ubisoft presser.

Nip for a piss.

"Babe, was that a Rainbow Six title?"

"I dunno. Isn't it time for Rainbow 7? And that bird is on ketamine. She's fucked. Came out crying. She played Charlie on Friends you know. She's on ketamine".

"...so, was it the new Rainbow Six?".



Anyway nothing else much interesting that I can see. Glad to see the main villain in Farcry 4 is set to be on par with Vaas. Uncharted teaser, so thats exciting.

edit: and a bunch of ports cool.
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