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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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DAMMIT, you two clearly don't understand the emotion I felt when Tugg Speedman's character gave for his friends in the Tropic Thunder film adaptation!



C'mon man, don't go full retard on us

Oh boy. Well uhh... I'll have to get back to you on that.

Anyway, started watching Arrow at last, the first three episodes. Not a bad start so far, going to be keep watching and see how it continues.

Oh my god it gets SO MUCH BETTER. When I look back at the beginning of S1 now I just think how cheesy and kinda lame it was. You have such good things in store my friend.


Oh boy. Well uhh... I'll have to get back to you on that.

Anyway, started watching Arrow at last, the first three episodes. Not a bad start so far, going to be keep watching and see how it continues.

Wait until episode 9-11 on season 1. You won't be able to stop.
Oh yeah Jedeye I'm really sorry but I won't be able to make it to your gig on 18th now, I'll be flying back from Glasgow that night. Soz bro, I'll try and come to another.
There was something odd in Transformers 4 (yes aside from every criticism that I've seen levelled at it). That was the undertone of "omg big guvernunt, CIA=bad, army=good, black ops are cuming for our land and our guns, lol incompetent WHITE house & Obama, stupid surfin liberal dies" in the first half of the film especially.

That's probably the deepest analysis of a Michael Bay film ever done by anyone. Ever.


There was something odd in Transformers 4 (yes aside from every criticism that I've seen levelled at it). That was the undertone of "omg big guvernunt, CIA=bad, army=good, black ops are cuming for our land and our guns, lol incompetent WHITE house & Obama, stupid surfin liberal dies" in the first half of the film especially.

That's probably the deepest analysis of a Michael Bay film ever done by anyone. Ever.
Well there's this.


And regarding the man himself.

But I also have undeniable evidence that we, the people, are the cause of climate change. You gonna strike that down too?

God & Jesus gave us this green Earth to do as we please with. Don't come in here with your New World Order shiz trying to put carbon taxes on my right to pollute!

Ahem. Anyway. So what's new with you guys?


Ahem. Anyway. So what's new with you guys?

I'm in a slow downward spiral of being more and more late for work. It doesn't matter what time I have left home for the past 2 weeks, there is always something on the roads which makes me late.

Its like I'm living in the worst episode of twilight zone ever.


Nothing much. Just watching Captain Phillips.

I really need to get round to watching that, seemed to get a lot of positive buzz around its release!

I'm in a slow downward spiral of being more and more late for work. It doesn't matter what time I have left home for the past 2 weeks, there is always something on the roads which makes me late.

Its like I'm living in the worst episode of twilight zone ever.

How long are you having to leave? And the more depressing question, how long do you reckon that run would take outside of rush hour?

Going on a little holiday to Cardiff next month, which should be fun. Yay for a break.

Sounds good indeed! I wonder if there's a tour for seeing all the locations used for filming Dr Who?


How long are you having to leave? And the more depressing question, how long do you reckon that run would take outside of rush hour?

It should take 30 minutes if people followed the speed limit, took me an hour today....

Its 1 lane country roads the whole way where old grannies are going 25mph in a 60 zone! And braking EVERY time a car goes by! DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE TRACTORS OR THE ROADWORKS.

Edit: omg I'm turning into an old man.
Sounds good indeed! I wonder if there's a tour for seeing all the locations used for filming Dr Who?

There's a walking tour but I don't think it'll be on when I'm around, although I'm incredibly sad and would. I'm going cos I've got tickets to the premiere, will probably pop by the Experience too. The GF says Cardiff's a great place so should be nice.

Jedeye Sniv

It should take 30 minutes if people followed the speed limit, took me an hour today....

Its 1 lane country roads the whole way where old grannies are going 25mph in a 60 zone! And braking EVERY time a car goes by! DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE TRACTORS OR THE ROADWORKS.

Edit: omg I'm turning into an old man.

Oh man my bus has to go down these kinds of roads, it's horrifying some days. Some people are so overcautious that they actually make life harder for themselves, and some people are utter psychos and zoom past with inches to spare. I fear for my life on the regular.

Today I begin my new summer status quo of working from home. At this time of year there's little doing other than answering some emails and making some calls, so my boss has kindly offered me to stay at home instead of the hour commute each way. I feel like the dog who chases his own tail and has finally caught it. All that time fantasizing about what I'd do with all this spare time at home, and now I don't know what to do.

All I do know is that I need to keep my hands outta my pants, this could get dicey.


Maturity, bitches.
My bus went on diversion and then terminated while on diversion i.e. not on the route I need to go. I first thought it would be fine since I get off at the final stop any way so no matter the diversion it should eventually reach the final destination but nope, told to get off in the middle of nowhere (well not quite nowhere, but not a place I needed to be). I was major late.


Oh man my bus has to go down these kinds of roads, it's horrifying some days. Some people are so overcautious that they actually make life harder for themselves, and some people are utter psychos and zoom past with inches to spare. I fear for my life on the regular.

Today I begin my new summer status quo of working from home. At this time of year there's little doing other than answering some emails and making some calls, so my boss has kindly offered me to stay at home instead of the hour commute each way. I feel like the dog who chases his own tail and has finally caught it. All that time fantasizing about what I'd do with all this spare time at home, and now I don't know what to do.

All I do know is that I need to keep my hands outta my pants, this could get dicey.

Oh man, livin' the dream. I would totally turn into a coffee shop hipster, sitting in town watching the world go by, while working
Oh man my bus has to go down these kinds of roads, it's horrifying some days. Some people are so overcautious that they actually make life harder for themselves, and some people are utter psychos and zoom past with inches to spare. I fear for my life on the regular.

Today I begin my new summer status quo of working from home. At this time of year there's little doing other than answering some emails and making some calls, so my boss has kindly offered me to stay at home instead of the hour commute each way. I feel like the dog who chases his own tail and has finally caught it. All that time fantasizing about what I'd do with all this spare time at home, and now I don't know what to do.

All I do know is that I need to keep my hands outta my pants, this could get dicey.

Excessive solo hanky panky can lead to friction burns and fires stay safe jed please
It should take 30 minutes if people followed the speed limit, took me an hour today....

Its 1 lane country roads the whole way where old grannies are going 25mph in a 60 zone! And braking EVERY time a car goes by! DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE TRACTORS OR THE ROADWORKS.

Edit: omg I'm turning into an old man.

I hate when all the drivers are different extremes, it just adds to the chaos.
If this was GTA, I'd suggest just firing your assault rifle in the air, causing people to panic and speed off, thus clearing the traffic.Or y'know just drive through the traffic, and swap your car for an undented one at the end.

There's a walking tour but I don't think it'll be on when I'm around, although I'm incredibly sad and would. I'm going cos I've got tickets to the premiere, will probably pop by the Experience too. The GF says Cardiff's a great place so should be nice.

I definitely will go on that tour if the stars align! Cool, is the premier in a cinema I take it?

Today I begin my new summer status quo of working from home. At this time of year there's little doing other than answering some emails and making some calls, so my boss has kindly offered me to stay at home instead of the hour commute each way. I feel like the dog who chases his own tail and has finally caught it. All that time fantasizing about what I'd do with all this spare time at home, and now I don't know what to do.

All I do know is that I need to keep my hands outta my pants, this could get dicey.

Living the dream man. Do you plan to put games/films/tv shows on in the background to fill out your time?

Jedeye Sniv

Excessive solo hanky panky can lead to friction burns and fires stay safe jed please

It's an everpresent concern. Once I got a friction graze from too much onanism. Funny when you're 15, less impressive when you're 29 and married...

Living the dream man. Do you plan to put games/films/tv shows on in the background to fill out your time?

I'm really not sure tbh, my backlog is fairly light right now so I'm a little bit light on pointless crap to keep me busy. Always have GTA to play, I'm right near the end of Baldur's Gate 2 but it's really hard and stressful. And the trouble with being parasitically attached to another human is that you have to watch TV as a unit, if I watched a show I would only be forced to watch it all again if it turned out to be good.

Maybe I should work on that novel I have in my brain.

hahahahahahaha who am I kidding?


Possibly NSFW but fucking hilarious.

Jed, you'll like this mate:

Man Rings Up Late Night Camgirls Chat To Talk About Biscuits

"You sound bored Joe, I think you need some excitement in your life."

"Yeah, I'm not getting enough biscuits am I."

Hello BritGaf!

Sorry for the disruption, but we need a few folks from across the pond to fill out our Gaf international scavenger hunt team and make it more international.

Do you enjoy randomness? Have no shame? Willing to do insane things for a chance to win a trip to 'Kings Landing'? Enjoy doing random acts of kindness? And lastly, would you rock a suit made entirely out of cheese? Then join team GAFWHES!


This sort of thing is right up my street and normally I'd be well up for it, but unfortunately I know I'm going to be really busy with work around that time so I must decline. Maybe next year.


Manchester Update for my BritGAF buddies:

The house is looking just swell now we have new beds and curtains, given the place a good spruce and hung some pictures. It basically doesn't look like an abandoned youth hostel anymore.

I just sold the car which was costing me way too much for how little I used it, saving me £350 a month. Will get a refrigerated van for the business in a few months most likely.

Speaking of which, the business is going really well. Hosting a massive BBQ for 200 peeps at Manchester Digital next Thursday on top of all the usual stuff we have going on. Got work coming out of our ears!

Got a job interview for Blue Bar at 4pm today (must shave) another for Mint Lounge at 11am tomorrow morning and a trial shift at Dusk Till Pawn in the Northern Quarter tomorrow night.

Aside from that, just had a load of class nights out, eaten loads of great food and met some wicked peeps.

Basically I'm just a big ball of buzz at the mo.




Nice one mate, didn't know you had already moved. Been a bit out of it as it was my stag do this last weekend (Thursday till Sunday in Brussels).

What's the business, you catering?


Yeah, I've been here nearly two weeks now Steve. LovingMad for it mate.

How did your stag go? I'd love to see Brussels at some point. You'll be all married up soon enough chief.

Yeah, me and Ross are running a catering business, got regular work with Atlas, Proof and Violet Hour at the minute with plenty of others asking for work from us. Just don't want to run before we can walk and drop a bollock, a reputation is hard to earn and easy to squander innit!

We'll have to get another minimeet sorted in the next month or so, haven't seen you and cheez in a while. Get sploatee and E out, try and get LoM and Hystzen out too.

Yup yup.


You still having a house warming? ;)

Nice work, what sort of catering? Atlas is just near my office by the way.

Brussels was awesome, although we realised that drinking 10.5% beer all day and then trying to go out till 3am (3 nights in a row) is hard when you hit your 30's.


Haha, getting old fella. I know the feel.

It's all kinds of catering really; wine tasting nights, various theme nights, BBQ's, canapés, tapas, pickles and sauces, bar snacks, pretty much anything. He also does consultancy work for various kitchens and stuff. Fingers in all kinds of pies mate.

Yes, a house warming is def on the cards. Got some big events coming up over the next few weeks and want to get the flat fully sorted before having a crowd over. I'd say some time in August, maybe even September, as long as we don't clash with sploatee's do!
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