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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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formerly Oynox Slider
i uh. oh my. did it just get hotter in here? :x

... yeah it did because of global warming you fucking first world fucks.

This afternoon, I read a rather fascinating abstract of the IPCC's latest study on climate change. I can hereby confirm that the total aggregate sexual attractiveness of a particular human population has no bearing on the development or otherwise of climate change in that region.


Maturity, bitches.
Well was asked to help out with some interviews. Certainly an experience being on the other side of the table.

Jedeye Sniv

NOT THE SAME NOISE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!1!!!1

Ha ha. Ha. HA. HA @your first comment

But glad you liked it. Yes the weapon wheel annoyed me a bit too and probably cost me quite a few lives. I was really impressed with how well it balanced the serious
the prison camp, the asylum, the human experimentation
, the b-movie
the moon, the LOHN-DOHN MONITORR, Frau Engel
and the joyous blasting
the LKW!

Who did you save? I went with Fergus because I thought he'd be more useful in the escape, but I'm already wanting to go back for another playthrough for the other timeline, maybe put it on hard this time too. Although normal made me swear a lot as it is, I can't be doing with too much of a challenge in my shooters unless they're Halo. The CPM (cunts per minute) in my house rises exponentially with higher difficulty levels. Thinking about doing the boss again but this time harder makes me sweat a bit.

If you liked the prison stuff you might well like the Riddick game, it's by the same devs and I think that section was definitely an homage to that old game. It is also one of those games that is far better than it has any right to be. Or at least, it was when I played it last.

One thing I did love about the game was the irony of having the Nazis
using stolen Jewish technology
, I thought that was a funny little touch. I liked listening to the sciency conversations back at the base too, I thought they went surprisingly deep and long about the ethics of keeping the tech secret.

I was pleasantly surprised at pretty much everything in the game, it even ran well on PS3. Looked a bit poopy though, one of the few games where I noticed bad textures. Was still a right lark though.


formerly Oynox Slider
Who did you save? I went with Fergus because I thought he'd be more useful in the escape, but I'm already wanting to go back for another playthrough for the other timeline, maybe put it on hard this time too. Although normal made me swear a lot as it is, I can't be doing with too much of a challenge in my shooters unless they're Halo. The CPM (cunts per minute) in my house rises exponentially with higher difficulty levels. Thinking about doing the boss again but this time harder makes me sweat a bit.

If you liked the prison stuff you might well like the Riddick game, it's by the same devs and I think that section was definitely an homage to that old game. It is also one of those games that is far better than it has any right to be. Or at least, it was when I played it last.

One thing I did love about the game was the irony of having the Nazis
using stolen Jewish technology
, I thought that was a funny little touch. I liked listening to the sciency conversations back at the base too, I thought they went surprisingly deep and long about the ethics of keeping the tech secret.

I was pleasantly surprised at pretty much everything in the game, it even ran well on PS3. Looked a bit poopy though, one of the few games where I noticed bad textures. Was still a right lark though.

I saved Wyatt the first time round although I spent ages trying to avoid having to choose either of them. In the end, I thought Wyatt was a more sensible choice as he had more of his life left to live (I'm aware I'm thinking far too much about it). Second and third times around I chose Fergus because I prefer his swearing and health upgrades > armour upgrades.

I found it more of a challenge first time round on normal than I did on my uber playthrough. I think once you know the nooks and crannies and also which weapons work best for which enemies (if in doubt, LKW everything) it's a fairly straightforward ride (apart from the final boss who remains an utter bugger unless you use the sneaky exploit).

Some of the diagetic conversation (is that the right pretentious word?) was astounding - especially
in the camp and in the Kreisau hideout
. The biggest thing I liked about it though was just how much fun it was to play. It's even better once you've got all your perks and health upgrades and just double-shotgun everying, everywhere.

The characters too...
Caroline Becker was a total bad-ass and my favourite female character for aaages, the Klaus / Max Hass plot was a bit cheesy but still worked and B.J?! Crazy to actually play as a 'dudebro' protagonist who is likeable, sympathetic and intelligent and also gets some killer funny lines (Fuck the Moon).

Yes. Big big love for Wolfenstein. Not sure if it really justifies a PS4 or anything, but it's great.


Knows the Score
What's the exploit for the boss? I'm just at that bit and found it frustrating to point of shouting last night.


formerly Oynox Slider
What's the exploit for the boss? I'm just at that bit and found it frustrating to point of shouting last night.

Ditto. Talk about a difficulty spike.

if you youtube Wolfenstein deathshead it should take you there. The trick is to not collect any health at all until you go in the basement. You then collect the health up top and below so you're overcharged to about 700+ health. Then just double rocket until he falls over.
One thing I did love about the game was the irony of having the Nazis
using stolen Jewish technology
, I thought that was a funny little touch. I liked listening to the sciency conversations back at the base too, I thought they went surprisingly deep and long about the ethics of keeping the tech secret.

Spoilers relating to your spoilers. Possibly being controversial here.

The Da'at Yichud secret society thing made me a little uncomfortable. I mean, Nazi persecution of the Jews (and a big part of modern anti-semitism) was informed by the rhetoric that Jews control disproportionate wealth and influence and attained and maintained that power through secrecy and conspiracy. In Wolfenstein, that's Da'at Yichud is/used to be a powerful Jewish secret society that built super weapons. To me it came a little too close to giving that classic superstition actual basis in the game's world.


Summer dresses ahoy BritGAF:

You raise a very good point. I can't say I'm not enjoying the new sightseeing tour right now when walking round. Sometimes I think it'd be quite nice to wear a summer dress in this weather.

...just me?
You raise a very good point. I can't say I'm not enjoying the new sightseeing tour right now when walking round. Sometimes I think it'd be quite nice to wear a summer dress in this weather.

...just me?
nah, definitely thinking about it. i have cracking legs too.

so yesterday i fought tooth and nail for a destiny code only for them to make it public today. fuuuu.


I thought they wore dresses no matter the weather up north.
"Look here comes a Ford Mondeo,
Isn't he Mister Inconspicuous?
He didn't even have to say 'owt,
She's in the stands ready to get picked up,

Bet she's delighted when she sees him,
Pulling in and giving her the eye,
Because she must be fucking freezing,
Scantily clad beneath the clear night sky,
They're tough stuff in the winter,"

Arctic Monkeys - When The Sun Goes Down
Good morning BritGaf and happy Friday!

What's everyone's weekend plans?

I'm out drinking with friends tonight. Tomorrow we're going to a Star Wars day in Romford where I will be in full Jedi outfit, then starting off a new tradition of Champagne Saturdays. Sunday will be either mountain biking or longboarding.
After work drink with budddddies this evening, then either a leaving do for my housemate or clubbing on Saturday. Yet to see Planet of the Planet of the Apes 2, could be a hungover Sunday thing.

I also made the mistake of mentioning to my Welsh housemate (an avid gamer) that I browse Neogaf. He knows my PSN name, it's only a matter of time before he joins the dots and discovers my awful post history.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Good morning BritGaf and happy Friday!

What's everyone's weekend plans?

I'm out drinking with friends tonight. Tomorrow we're going to a Star Wars day in Romford where I will be in full Jedi outfit, then starting off a new tradition of Champagne Saturdays. Sunday will be either mountain biking or longboarding.

Sounds fun packed. Which Jedi are you going as, Darth Musha or Obi-Wan Soturi?

Tonight, Matthew, I will be going to see a two-piece disco/punk band called That Fuckin' Tank, who are playing my local. I will then be drunkenly playing Destiny till the wee hours.

Tomorrow I shall be waking up with the lil un and being all fatherly until the missus and her go out bowling and what-not, then I'll be Destiny-ing it up for most of the rest of the day. Finally, I'll be playing the closing set of a local festival (at midnight, no less) with the Black Light Brigade. Unfortunately, we are following my old band's awesome new band called whitedevilwhitedevil, which is a hideously scary proposition because a) they rehearse and have actual songs, whereas we are blaggers and charlatans who make shit up as we go along and b) they are really fucking good at what they do and c) it's my old band.

Sunday, I shall be variously rehearsing with my band proper, looking after the lil un, and playing Destiny till the whole thing shuts down. Not all at the same time though.

Eat Snacky Smores.


Good morning BritGaf and happy Friday!

What's everyone's weekend plans?

Happy friday Britgaf campers! :D

Got a wedding reception to attend tonight. One of the baseball colleagues got married so I'll be tagging along with the rest of the team to show support for a couple of hours. Maybe head to a ceilidh with the GF after that. Lebanese restaurant reservations tomorrow and Sunday is chill/video games day.

Jedeye Sniv

Spoilers relating to your spoilers. Possibly being controversial here.

The Da'at Yichud secret society thing made me a little uncomfortable. I mean, Nazi persecution of the Jews (and a big part of modern anti-semitism) was informed by the rhetoric that Jews control disproportionate wealth and influence and attained and maintained that power through secrecy and conspiracy. In Wolfenstein, that's Da'at Yichud is/used to be a powerful Jewish secret society that built super weapons. To me it came a little too close to giving that classic superstition actual basis in the game's world.

Ah very interesting point! Totally get where you're coming from there.
Ah very interesting point! Totally get where you're coming from there.


I thought I'd managed to kill the thread with that post last night. Still, great game, up there with Half Life 2 in terms of characters and narrative in my opinion. From the sounds of things the new DOOM is going to be a very old school shooter as well, very gory, no regenerating health, etc.

At this point all we need is a new Quake and a new UT and your revival of classic FPS is more or less complete.
Kind of getting into Destiny now, just wish there was more of the city and the tower to explore, I still don't have a connection with the place I'm meant to be protecting?

Gun mechanics are solid, and the ai runs to cover when I shoot from a distance, which doesn't happen enough in shooters!

Jedeye Sniv

Tomorrow I shall be waking up with the lil un and being all fatherly until the missus and her go out bowling and what-not, then I'll be Destiny-ing it up for most of the rest of the day. Finally, I'll be playing the closing set of a local festival (at midnight, no less) with the Black Light Brigade. Unfortunately, we are following my old band's awesome new band called whitedevilwhitedevil, which is a hideously scary proposition because a) they rehearse and have actual songs, whereas we are blaggers and charlatans who make shit up as we go along and b) they are really fucking good at what they do and c) it's my old band.

Sunday, I shall be variously rehearsing with my band proper, looking after the lil un, and playing Destiny till the whole thing shuts down. Not all at the same time though.

Eat Snacky Smores.

You have recordings and didn't pimp them to us like a shill? For shame! Really liking your stuff - horribly abrasive and droning and self indulgent as it is. It's lovely :) We shall totally have to play together sometime soon, will fit very well I reckon.


I thought I'd managed to kill the thread with that post last night. Still, great game, up there with Half Life 2 in terms of characters and narrative in my opinion. From the sounds of things the new DOOM is going to be a very old school shooter as well, very gory, no regenerating health, etc.

At this point all we need is a new Quake and a new UT and your revival of classic FPS is more or less complete.

Yeah I was thinking as I played it that it was very HL2 in its vibe, that whole angular concrete aesthetic is strong throughout.

Speaking of UT, I really liked UT3 when that came out near the start of last gen but nobody every played it. Was such a great, tight, fast shooter. I'd really missed that style of gaming. Run shoot explode respawn run shoot jump die respawn. So much fun. I think that era is still dead for a little while though, it seems this generation of whippersnappers are more into army shit than green blob guns still. The pendulum swings...

Just started a new playthrough of wolfie last night on hard. I can do this, I can do this.


The AI is surprisingly good, but I agree with the complaints with the story. I have little idea what I'm doing in these mission (apart form the redundant objective descriptions) in the winder story arc and redundant NPC's in the Tower. I'm not sure about the Gun mechanics, because they feel 'Haloish', in which i didn't enjoy Halo 1 and 2 much, not to say they aren't fun. But there's something about this that makes the package fun for me, a hidden quantity. Perhaps its the production values and the Borderlands MMO feel, I'm not sure.

I agree with UT3, sunk 40 hours into that mutiplayer one summer, but not enough people were playing on servers. I got quite good at to top people on the deathmatch servers and be a key player on the Onslaught and mutators DLC modes. Now I can't shoot for the life of me in twitch shooters.

UT4 will be glorious.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
You have recordings and didn't pimp them to us like a shill? For shame! Really liking your stuff - horribly abrasive and droning and self indulgent as it is. It's lovely :) We shall totally have to play together sometime soon, will fit very well I reckon.

Haha! I'm sure I have, man. It's an uh acquired taste. I like to think of it as everything nobody asked for in a rock band. But yeah, let's sort something!

When my band finally gets a recording done, I'll be Bishop Don 'The Magic' Juan all over GAF, believe me. :)
I never played UT3 but I remember when I was younger I was flicking through PC Gamer and found a preview of it and thought the graphics look absolutely incredible.

How times change.
The dancing is the best part.

Or trying to jump onto the docking ships.

They should put a lore library in the tower, which initially comes with some data logs to read. Then as you progress you can scout other further tomes and nuggets of history which are added to the collection, as well as other main characters adding to it. Each person can access the same room, but the content available to access within depends on where the player is within the story.
The Tower is fun. When I was playing with Sploat and Mikeside there was a big purple ball people had found and were were all jumping at to bounce it and keep it in the air. As I said at the time it was like people had degenerated into cats, in a good way. I was very pleased with myself when I got the ball and bounced it off the edge of the tower into the abyss, ruining everyone's fun, it was great.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Unreal Tournament: what a great series. I remember the brilliant rivalry between it and Q3 Arena. Both were phenomenal but Two Worlds? Unbeatable. The Flak Cannon and the Shock Rifle were some of the best guns around.

That Test Your Accent thread is really great. It is incredible how varied people can be in saying the same words. People are weird and great.


I was just playing some Destiny and went through the Hove cave due to a mission. I took a wrong turn and ran through a cave full of level 20 enemies. On the other side, I realised I took the wrong turn and decided to explore this area. I didn't get too far, there were other level 20 enemies and weird enemies called Spritzers. Unless they are going to open up one Moon mission, I think I'm done with the game. The minor explore missions aren't too great and i've done a large amount of them.


Any PS4 Britgaffers on Density tonight? The gf has gone away for the night with some friends, leaving me a flat to myself and many packets of biscuits.
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