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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Look, right, it's my best gaming side post ever. I'm posting it here because nobody in the thread will read it.

To me, Microsoft's problem is completely in their messaging. They speak to me as if I'm sat in a boardroom with their marketing team; so much of their language is couched in the kind of phrases I hear all day at work (I'm a lawyer) - bloated, distended sentences full of unnecessary words and hip, new neologisms to replace content.

They've woefully misjudged just how literate the 'core' gaming consumer is. It's frustrating - and I say this as a Sony fangirl - to see a company stumble so blatantly and so frequently over and over again in delivering what could be a competent product.

That's my moan.

As for solutions, Microsoft really need to work on promoting diversity in their games. I don't mean "more women in gaming"; I mean the types of experience. To my mind the Xbox is the place where 13-year old American boys play Call of Duty every night and call everybody "fag", while Sony is offering a diverse set of experiences for adults - Flower, The Last of Us, Journey, The Witness, No Man's Sky and so on. I'm aware that the Xbox does have a growing cadre of impressive and interesting smaller-budget games but the messaging is drowned out between the bad press and the lucrative Call of Duty tie-ins. I would therefore suggest that they work harder on this; drop the business-speak. We are not shareholders and we are just about the most informed consumers on the market. Be honest and direct and just show the games. Do some bloody outreach; not with your slick marketing directors who shine at investors' meetings but flounder when speaking to consumers but with developers, community managers; people who are passionate about the content and actually have real, relatable experience of it.

I'd like there to be more competition but I do wonder whether it's gone a bit too far now. Microsoft seems to be a company without a real purpose at the moment, perhaps even where Sony was before it began divesting large chunks of the company and scaling down. I think the answer would be to scale back the noise around the Xbox and for them to demonstrate some faith in the product themselves. As it is, they almost seem ashamed of it.

Spot on with Microsoft. Their trouble is they spent way too much time with IBM in their youth and they thought that was the way grown-ups talked. (And I've spent a hell of a lot of time in the past beating up IBM, even in their own boardroom).

As to diversity, that's why I was such a huge fan on the Wii and such a huge detractor of - er, well, Wii-detractors. Best chance ever for diversity in gaming and every single big developer muffed it and everyone blames Nintendo.


In other news, I'm now moving house for the third time in 12 months (this time because the landlady is selling out from under me). It is bloody irritating. On the upside the new place, so long as it goes through, is closer to work, closer to the sea, and bloody big - about three times bigger than the current one - so maybe even big enough for the odd GAF sleepover.
In other news, I'm now moving house for the third time in 12 months (this time because the landlady is selling out from under me). It is bloody irritating. On the upside the new place, so long as it goes through, is closer to work, closer to the sea, and bloody big - about three times bigger than the current one - so maybe even big enough for the odd GAF sleepover.

This is the most exciting thing I've read all day

Son Of D

There is no other alternative.


plus go super for 70p xtra obv

A wild Tashbrooke appears. Again.

Look, right, it's my best gaming side post ever. I'm posting it here because nobody in the thread will read it.

To me, Microsoft's problem is completely in their messaging. They speak to me as if I'm sat in a boardroom with their marketing team; so much of their language is couched in the kind of phrases I hear all day at work (I'm a lawyer) - bloated, distended sentences full of unnecessary words and hip, new neologisms to replace content.

They've woefully misjudged just how literate the 'core' gaming consumer is. It's frustrating - and I say this as a Sony fangirl - to see a company stumble so blatantly and so frequently over and over again in delivering what could be a competent product.

That's my moan.

As for solutions, Microsoft really need to work on promoting diversity in their games. I don't mean "more women in gaming"; I mean the types of experience. To my mind the Xbox is the place where 13-year old American boys play Call of Duty every night and call everybody "fag", while Sony is offering a diverse set of experiences for adults - Flower, The Last of Us, Journey, The Witness, No Man's Sky and so on. I'm aware that the Xbox does have a growing cadre of impressive and interesting smaller-budget games but the messaging is drowned out between the bad press and the lucrative Call of Duty tie-ins. I would therefore suggest that they work harder on this; drop the business-speak. We are not shareholders and we are just about the most informed consumers on the market. Be honest and direct and just show the games. Do some bloody outreach; not with your slick marketing directors who shine at investors' meetings but flounder when speaking to consumers but with developers, community managers; people who are passionate about the content and actually have real, relatable experience of it.

I'd like there to be more competition but I do wonder whether it's gone a bit too far now. Microsoft seems to be a company without a real purpose at the moment, perhaps even where Sony was before it began divesting large chunks of the company and scaling down. I think the answer would be to scale back the noise around the Xbox and for them to demonstrate some faith in the product themselves. As it is, they almost seem ashamed of it.

It pretty much sums up the issues there. There seems to be a fair bit of stumbling around with Xbox One. It's a shame since I think they have potential. They just squander it so much. Then again that can be said for all three console manufacturers.

Dunno if anyone has seen this May warrant it's own thread but I can't as I'm a lowly Junior

independent goes on about GTA Online "virtual rape"

I really have no words for this. Well tell a lie, I do have words. But I really don't want to go off on a rant about things. Not now anyway. But I will say that I'm with afoni:

i think i give up on the concept of 'gamers' ever being seen as positive because the people who form the culture of videogame communities are awful

nerd culture is a big joke


My Co-op store opens tomorrow, did a 12-hour shift today.

I have blisters on my blisters.
This is your life, and it's ending one second at a time.

(Buy better shoes.)
Lol @ Afoni calling anybody awful.

Lol @ afoni



Nobody is as good as Nintendo at this point.
Nintendo are a weird one for me. Despite how it seems, I do have a tremendous amount of respect for their software and I do think they're absolutely up there with the top devs in the industry. When they're on song, they can bring the joy like few others, to huge swathes of people.

For me though, they do nothing. They really do remind me of the olden days of gaming, and I'm glad I left those behind. I don't want mascot platformers and cart racers, I want Alan Wake and Gran Turismo. If I only had a Nintendo console for a whole generation, I'd probably find a different hobby.
I'm glad I waited a bit on the WiiU - if I genuinely mainly relied on that for a solid run of releases I'd be disappointed. But without going to a list, there's now enough great games for me to go back and pick up on my own time. Wii Fit U is getting a lot of use (mainly the other half) and I just this week got Mario 3D World which I am absolutely loving. But getting it away from the launch spotlight when stuff is over hyped and over expected has really helped my perspective on the console.


I agree Dave. EAD are one of my favourite devs, Super Mario Galaxy is videogame fun distilled, but Nintendo as a whole seem like a bunch of clueless chumps a lot of the time.

They develop a handful of truly exceptional games, but in the main they're kind of useless. They seem to make poor decision after poor decision, most of their first party software seems to be aimed at toddlers and their last few consoles have been woefully underpowered.


You should get Zombi U, Jonathan. It's a genuinely tense and exciting survival horror game.

I agree Dave. EAD are one of my favourite devs, Super Mario Galaxy is videogame fun distilled, but Nintendo as a whole seem like a bunch of clueless chumps a lot of the time.

They develop a handful of truly exceptional games, but in the main they're kind of useless. They seem to make poor decision after poor decision, most of their first party software seems to be aimed at toddlers and their last few consoles have been woefully underpowered.
Aye. It's odd that pointing out Nintendo skew towards children is so taboo on gaming forums. Even if you want to argue that they don't make games for toddlers, you can't argue that they make anything that isn't suitable for toddlers. Their entire first party output is deliberately tailored to 'everyone' whereas Sony and MS make (some) games that feel like they're tailored towards me as an adult.


Aye. It's odd that pointing out Nintendo skew towards children is so taboo on gaming forums. Even if you want to argue that they don't make games for toddlers, you can't argue that they make anything that isn't suitable for toddlers. Their entire first party output is deliberately tailored to 'everyone' whereas Sony and MS make (some) games that feel like they're tailored towards me as an adult.

Not really sure why Nintendo can't tailor some of thier first party IP to a mature audience. and I don't mean go overboard a la Conker's BFD but stuff like Metroid and...F-Zero?! Possibly Zelda?! nah, just Metroid I guess...


I think Metroid already is, as in its certainly a more sombre experience than everything else they make. Well Prime was at least, but alas.

The problem is that when people point out that Nintendo prefer to favour younger games, which is true, is that they seem to use at as some sort of weird attack towards Nintendo and their fans. Which doesn't really make sense when that person is likely to go off chug their mountain dew and teabag some teenager on CoD


I think Metroid already is, as in its certainly a more sombre experience than everything else they make. Well Prime was at least, but alas.

The problem is that when people point out that Nintendo prefer to favour younger games, which is true, is that they seem to use at as some sort of weird attack towards Nintendo and their fans. Which doesn't really make sense when that person is likely to go off chug their mountain dew and teabag some teenager on CoD

I dunno, I think it's a bit foolish of Nintendo to tailor pretty much everything towards younger audiences.

I'm not saying that audience isn't there (and lucrative at that) or that those games aren't great regardless of age, but I really WOULD love to see Nintendo open up a little. Even if it came to creating a new sub-brand for those more mature titles to fit into.

Jedeye Sniv

Results daaaaaaaay! Currently dealing with an avalanche of posh crying children while my colleagues get all the happy folks downstairs. Got a free bacon roll out of it though, can't complain.


I dunno, I think it's a bit foolish of Nintendo to tailor pretty much everything towards younger audiences.

I'm not saying that audience isn't there (and lucrative at that) or that those games aren't great regardless of age, but I really WOULD love to see Nintendo open up a little. Even if it came to creating a new sub-brand for those more mature titles to fit into.

I mean, I definitely agree and would like to see more mature stuff from Nintendo, they tried a bit on the GC and it was mixed but it did give us Eternal Darkness (but also Geist). And maybe Endless Ocean, but really I just want to see more Endless Ocean *sigh*

In other news changed our pallet haulier at work and everything is seeming much better, but gotta wait and see how it is when they actually deliver the pallets and hope they're not all smashed up.
Results daaaaaaaay! Currently dealing with an avalanche of posh crying children while my colleagues get all the happy folks downstairs. Got a free bacon roll out of it though, can't complain.

Oh god have you got the kids going through clearing or whatever it's called. Where they didn't get the grades to get into their uni of choice?


Maturity, bitches.
Nintendo sees games as toys whereas others see them as the next step in story telling. There's always going to be a clash. It's why some accuse Nintendo of holding back gaming because to treat them as simple playthings goes again this storytelling vision.

Also people tend have beef with those who say Nintendo games are for kids because often the comment is made with a mocking tone implying they are only for kids (kiddy) thus to enjoy them as an adult means there must be something wrong with you. No one would deny however that Nintendo games are suitable for kids. In fact, the horrible needy nature of the average 18-35 year old market has skewed games away form being for everyone so younger gamers in some ways are missing out, especially when games made for them tend to be crap licence based cash-ins. Just look at reactions to E3 when a game marketed for children comes up, the "gaming community" complains that one game out of the hundreds announced isn't aimed at them.

Oh god have you got the kids going through clearing or whatever it's called. Where they didn't get the grades to get into their uni of choice?
I had to go through clearing because two of my four result weren't released so the unis I applied for automatically rejected me. Silver lining meant I got to go to a better uni though since my results weren't bad. In fact the lady taking my call when I was applying to the uni I went to was kind of surprised that I was in clearing.
Oh god have you got the kids going through clearing or whatever it's called. Where they didn't get the grades to get into their uni of choice?

On my results day, a mate completely failed and his dad rang up clearing (or whatever) pretending to be him.

They asked him his date of birth.

He said he didn't know.

Jedeye Sniv

Oh god have you got the kids going through clearing or whatever it's called. Where they didn't get the grades to get into their uni of choice?

Almost, I'm the person they talk to just before then. I'm currently dealing with people getting their papers re-marked. The hardest question to answer "should I get this re-marked?" because the answer is very usually no but they're desperate. I nearly suggested to someone that they should have a time machine but I figure now is not the time for it.


Maturity, bitches.
Re-marking is such a con. You basically are trusting someone marked your paper fairly and then will do it again. I know logistically it is probably a nightmare, but papers should be returned so one can fairly assess if you think the paper should be remarked or not.

Jedeye Sniv

Hoping the store isn't too busy today. Don't want to be thrown into the deep end.

It'll be a clusterfuck of screaming and recrimination. Have you ever been to a shop on opening day? Ouch. Fat women as far as the eye can see, hunting for bargains and bogofs, yelling at their horrible piece of shit kids. Scumbags in hoodies trying to steal shit. Staff not knowing which way is up yet. Technical difficulties.

But dude, it's working in a shop not rocket science. If you struggle and can't do this then you may as well just give up on life.

Are you a stockroom wanker or a till mong? Working in the freezer is the apex of supermarket work. Freedom from customers, endless boxes, good times.

Jedeye Sniv

Re-marking is such a con. You basically are trusting someone marked your paper fairly and then will do it again. I know logistically it is probably a nightmare, but papers should be returned so one can fairly assess if you think the paper should be remarked or not.

Yeah man I agree. All papers are scanned and stored digitally too, all they have to do is have these available to download. But no, £10 a pop. Cheek of it.
On my results day, a mate completely failed and his dad rang up clearing (or whatever) pretending to be him.

They asked him his date of birth.

He said he didn't know.

"My name is Mr Burns. I believe you have a letter for me..."


I was pretty stupid back then. I'd put Portsmouth as my first choice and Leicester as my second. Leicester was the better university and required better grades (3 Bs as opposed to the 3 Cs Portsmouth required.) I only did that because after visiting both unis I preferred the look and feel of Portsmouth.

I ended up getting the grades to go to Leicester but never went. My life would probably have been quite different if I had.

I also found out on results day that I got a perfect score on one of my Philosophy modules.

*dusts shoulder*


Maturity, bitches.
Worst subject was ICT because you felt the examiners had no knowledge of computers so any correct answer not in the answer book would be marked wrong. Punished for having a wider knowledge of the subject. :|
"My name is Mr Burns. I believe you have a letter for me..."


Exactly! But it was doubly hilarious because it was something he really should have known...

I was pretty stupid back then. I'd put Portsmouth as my first choice and Leicester as my second. Leicester was the better university and required better grades (3 Bs as opposed to the 3 Cs Portsmouth required.) I only did that because after visiting both unis I preferred the look and feel of Portsmouth.

I ended up getting the grades to go to Leicester but never went. My life would probably have been quite different if I had.

I also found out on results day that I got a perfect score on one of my Philosophy modules.

*dusts shoulder*

I did a similar thing. Durham wanted ABB and St Andrews wanted BBB. But I only put St Andies as first choice because I didn't back myself to get the A. In the end I did get the A, but still went up to Scotland. I sometimes wonder how things would've turned out.


On my results day, a mate completely failed and his dad rang up clearing (or whatever) pretending to be him.

They asked him his date of birth.

He said he didn't know.
That's terrible. I'm not the most sentimental, family orientated man in the world, but your own son's DOB?

Weak son.
"My name is Mr Burns. I believe you have a letter for me..."
Haha, my first thought too, just couldn't remember the quote.
Hoping the store isn't too busy today. Don't want to be thrown into the deep end.
First shift for Trof tonight; Albert Hall, just bottles and mixers no cocktails or any of that nonsense, should be finished by midnight and get to see live music for free.

Jurassic Park!

(You'll be all good man, just get stuck in.)
First shift for Trof tonight; Albert Hall, just bottles and mixers no cocktails or any of that nonsense, should be finished by midnight and get to see live music for free.

You're working at Trof? Which one? I've only been to the one in Fallowfield but it's great. I think most of my appreciation for Trof is because a friend of mine came over from Japan to visit and played an acoustic set there, she's got a lovely voice and it was an amazing night in general.

I remember I somehow managed to get a B overall in French despite getting Ds for the A2 part of my A level.


I'm just at Albert Hall for now KillerMike, but Natalie reckons she'll give me shifts at Deaf Institute (fuck yeah, that place gets the best bands) when it opens again in October. She says I could get a supervisor role as she's taken on a lot of really inexperienced bar staff who need training and shit, which is pretty sweet. The odd shift at Gorilla might follow once my cocktails are up to scratch a bit more, but I could take or leave that to be honest. Kind of a pretentious wine bar, not really my thing.

Didn't know you were Manc too, we'll have to catch up for a beer sometime. We'll wait until showmeyourskeleton gets into town and introduce him to some cool bars innit.


Maturity, bitches.
Why do cocktail shaker makers feel the need to do a weird ritual dance when making one? I'd rather they took their time and measured things out properly without the need to splash everything everywhere. No need to do a step ball change with a 180 degree turn just to open a fridge door.


Why do cocktail shaker makers feel the need to do a weird ritual dance when making one? I'd rather they took their time and measured things out properly without the need to splash everything everywhere. No need to do a step ball change with a 180 degree turn just to open a fridge door.

I think you've been watching too many movies, I've never seen this happen in real life.


Why do cocktail shaker makers feel the need to do a weird ritual dance when making one? I'd rather they took their time and measured things out properly without the need to splash everything everywhere. No need to do a step ball change with a 180 degree turn just to open a fridge door.
It's called flaring and it gets you better tips innit. But if they're spilling shit everywhere then they likely have a broken Boston glass or are doing something stupid like shaking instead of tiling when mixing soda.

I just shakey shake a bit then strain, I'm nowhere near good enough for that other bullshit! But the amount of people you see doing pretty decent flaring, but forgetting to do simple stuff like shake with the glass facing towards you (in case it comes flying off and hits the customer), taste for balance before they pour, dress the glass with the correct garnish, etc. Show off charlatan cunts!
I think you've been watching too many movies, I've never seen this happen in real life.
You go to shit bars Mike.
I'm just at Albert Hall for now KillerMike, but Natalie reckons she'll give me shifts at Deaf Institute (fuck yeah, that place gets the best bands) when it opens again in October. She says I could get a supervisor role as she's taken on a lot of really inexperienced bar staff who need training and shit, which is pretty sweet. The odd shift at Gorilla might follow once my cocktails are up to scratch a bit more, but I could take or leave that to be honest. Kind of a pretentious wine bar, not really my thing.

Didn't know you were Manc too, we'll have to catch up for a beer sometime. We'll wait until showmeyourskeleton gets into town and introduce him to some cool bars innit.

Nice one, Deaf Institute is where it's at, many good times have been had there. I know what you mean about Gorilla, I've only been there for live events though so I've never been in the bar at the front.

Good luck with that supervisor role.

I'm only at uni there, but I'll be away on my year abroad for the next year so I won't be around til September 2015. If you're still up for a beer then, I'm always up for a beer.

Went to boardmasters to see snoop and he was good

next year is all about boomtown doe


My mate went to boomtown, he had a blast.
Yeah alot of my pals went but Snoop Dogg is just one of those once in a life time things amirite?

I guess so, but I don't think I'd pay much to see him now. If it was 20 years ago? It'd be worth it. Kinda like how I wouldn't pay a penny to Kanye now, but if it was just after Late Registration I would pay good money for a ticket.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Oi cunts, if any of you fucks have anything to post in my little OT somebody suggested to make you do it so I don't cry
I guess so, but I don't think I'd pay much to see him now. If it was 20 years ago? It'd be worth it. Kinda like how I wouldn't pay a penny to Kanye now, but if it was just after Late Registration I would pay good money for a ticket.

Well he was just a bonus, the whole festival was worth it, fuckin ace

He was doing a gig just down the road from me for £55 a ticket..

Boardmasters cost £45 for the day and I got to see many acts and just have some wicked adventures down in Newquay as well


Maturity, bitches.
It's called flaring and it gets you better tips innit.


You know the pourer they use for their liquids. Sometimes they like to flick it up a lot and as a result liquid flies, like say on to my shirt. Also for all the theatrics, most times I've been at a cocktail bar and observed people, most don't even pay attention. So it's a show with no audience. How tragic.


I'd pay to see Kanye perform but Snoop? Pffft no. Had a friend who went to his last Glasgow show and he told me that Snoop barely did anything on stage. The guy is done.


formerly Oynox Slider
I agree with everything said about Nintendo.

It feels kind of sad to me; I'm aware that they make wonderfully designed games, but I just find them so hollow these days. I think i got my Mario fix when Super Mario Allstars came out and got my Zelda fix with Ocarina of Time, so everything since then has just been variations on a theme.

And I'm sad that there are Manc things going on and I've not been invited. I thought people liked me:'( yes, I am feeling insecure at the moment. I'm convinced that the guinea pigs hate me at the moment too.

Back on topic though, I'd like for Nintendo to win me over again, but I think I've just grown out of their consoles. That might be sacrilege but it's also the truth. I'd rather spend time with something more visceral or something which will make me think / inspire me. I still love the Toads though. Ultra ultra cute.
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