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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Maturity, bitches.
I've been put in charge of the company website. Thing is that almost all the backend is controlled by a third party host so I can't change anything in terms of looks just the content on the pages we have. I asked about changing the link colours and apparently that's a 15 minute job on their end. I stuck a style command at the top of the page in a minute and solved it myself.

The WYSIWYG editor they have inserts so much junk code. Been cleaning it up so I can actually read what the hell it is I'm editing. I'm talking <span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span> for no reason whatsoever!
I've been put in charge of the company website. Thing is that almost all the backend is controlled by a third party host so I can't change anything in terms of looks just the content on the pages we have. I asked about changing the link colours and apparently that's a 15 minute job on their end. I stuck a style command at the top of the page in a minute and solved it myself.

The WYSIWYG editor they have inserts so much junk code. Been cleaning it up so I can actually read what the hell it is I'm editing. I'm talking <span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span> for no reason whatsoever!

span spam

Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Life is an XL bacon double cheeseburger

went for the 'LONG RODEO' which is apparently a bbq rodeo burger laid flat. two prince-sized burgers-pucks decked in onion ring bling, bathing in bbq sauce and entombed in a long coffin of a bun. lovely stuff. had a shake as well because y'know what, fuck my cholesterol.

told my estate agents we're off. I BID YE SHACKLES FAIR WELL. now to move some books off of a shelf of books and into boxes. of books. packing yay.


went for the 'LONG RODEO' which is apparently a bbq rodeo burger laid flat. two prince-sized burgers-pucks decked in onion ring bling, bathing in bbq sauce and entombed in a long coffin of a bun. lovely stuff. had a shake as well because y'know what, fuck my cholesterol.

told my estate agents we're off. I BID YE SHACKLES FAIR WELL. now to move some books off of a shelf of books and into boxes. of books. packing yay.


Those must ban been some tiny burgers.
Man, something weird happened to me today.

- This morning I left my laptop in a cafe.
- Half an hour after getting into work, I still didn't realise I'd actually left it there. I got an email from someone called Kieran saying that I'd left my laptop in the cafe. I assumed he'd opened it up, seen my emails (and thus seen my address) and sent me an email from work/his phone. I replied thanking him and meant to go back in later to pick it up.
- I go to lunch in Charing Cross. Whilst there, I get 3 emails from someone called Ms Dewsnapp (?!) within the space of 5 minutes, with the first two saying variants of "Lost laptop, call this number or it'll be lost" and the 3rd saying "Short film - I have an idea and funding for a short film and wondered if you'd be interested in working on it?" At this point I have no idea what's going on.
- I get a missed call from my old HR person at my old job, who then WhatsApps me saying that the only member of our old company still there had just got a call from a GUY saying that he found my laptop in a pub and left his contact details so I could get back to him.
- At this point I obviously have no clue what the hell's going on, as I thought my laptop was safe and sound behind the counter in the cafe.
- I cycle over the cafe after lunch and find that the guy DOES have it behind the counter - but he said that in the morning when someone pointed it out to him he left it on the table so that the person who lost it - me - could come back in and find it. He also said that a woman had been waiting there for FOUR HOURS hoping I'd come back to get it?!

Now I have my laptop, and when I opened it up, not only had they clicked on a thread on GAF OT about famous dogs, but they'd also opened a new email and put a phone number in the "To" box (and nothing else).
At east you have it back and with all your stuff untampered with, CR.

Someone crueler and more familiar with neogaf might have gone into a thread pertaining to something controversial and murdered your account.

Needless to say, I had fun with uni mates who left unlocked laptops lying around.


i think i give up on the concept of 'gamers' ever being seen as positive because the people who form the culture of videogame communities are awful

nerd culture is a big joke

Jedeye Sniv

i think i give up on the concept of 'gamers' ever being seen as positive because the people who form the culture of videogame communities are awful

nerd culture is a big joke

"Gamers" is far too wide a net to be useful anyway, it's like a subculture called "readers". Hardcore, casual, dudebro, indie, weeaboo, obsessed with one franchise, only plays FIFA... there are so many boxes you could put yourself in. But "gamers" much like "music fan" is meaningless until you start drilling down into what the person actually likes.


"Gamers" is far too wide a net to be useful anyway, it's like a subculture called "readers". Hardcore, casual, dudebro, indie, weeaboo, obsessed with one franchise, only plays FIFA... there are so many boxes you could put yourself in. But "gamers" much like "music fan" is meaningless until you start drilling down into what the person actually likes.

I only play japanese dating sims and dress up games, what does that make me?


Maturity, bitches.
Please. I play dress off games.

Also people compare video games to other mediums, but the true reality is they are like super markets. First party = own brand goods, third party = other goods and both have strong brand loyalty. Like a Waitrose/Marks n Sparks shopper wouldn't be seen dead in a Lidl.


Everytime I see this online or as a facebook cover photo I cringe.

Mine is a framed puzzle we found in the uni house shed when we were high as shit.

Taking pride in playing videogames is so stupid though. I love videogames and I can't see myself stopping any time soon, but the people who represent the communities that play them are fucking detestable more often than not.

Especially the fucknuts who draw webcomics.
Please. I play dress off games.

Also people compare video games to other mediums, but the true reality is they are like super markets. First party = own brand goods, third party = other goods and both have strong brand loyalty. Like a Waitrose/Marks n Sparks shopper wouldn't be seen dead in a Lidl.

Fuck those Tesco fanboys, everyone knows they treat their devs like crap and their First Party Poultry is always rushed and riddled with bugs. They only got where they are because their game is affordable but now they're sea-salty as shit because Asda are cheaper and have a have better syngergy with indie farmers.


Man, something weird happened to me today.

- This morning I left my laptop in a cafe.
- Half an hour after getting into work, I still didn't realise I'd actually left it there. I got an email from someone called Kieran saying that I'd left my laptop in the cafe. I assumed he'd opened it up, seen my emails (and thus seen my address) and sent me an email from work/his phone. I replied thanking him and meant to go back in later to pick it up.
- I go to lunch in Charing Cross. Whilst there, I get 3 emails from someone called Ms Dewsnapp (?!) within the space of 5 minutes, with the first two saying variants of "Lost laptop, call this number or it'll be lost" and the 3rd saying "Short film - I have an idea and funding for a short film and wondered if you'd be interested in working on it?" At this point I have no idea what's going on.
- I get a missed call from my old HR person at my old job, who then WhatsApps me saying that the only member of our old company still there had just got a call from a GUY saying that he found my laptop in a pub and left his contact details so I could get back to him.
- At this point I obviously have no clue what the hell's going on, as I thought my laptop was safe and sound behind the counter in the cafe.
- I cycle over the cafe after lunch and find that the guy DOES have it behind the counter - but he said that in the morning when someone pointed it out to him he left it on the table so that the person who lost it - me - could come back in and find it. He also said that a woman had been waiting there for FOUR HOURS hoping I'd come back to get it?!

Now I have my laptop, and when I opened it up, not only had they clicked on a thread on GAF OT about famous dogs, but they'd also opened a new email and put a phone number in the "To" box (and nothing else).

sounds to me like the girl put her number in the email & waited because she wanted you to penis her.

Call the number, I bet you get some weird, crazy action from a girl who waited 4 hours for a date with you.


formerly Oynox Slider
i think i give up on the concept of 'gamers' ever being seen as positive because the people who form the culture of videogame communities are awful

nerd culture is a big joke

Are you trolling?

Soooooo new Tomb Raider isn't a proper exclusive now? WTF is going on with this shit?

Microsoft's PR team. Again. This is why I just can't get an xbox. At least Sony pretend to be nice.


Microsoft's PR team. Again. This is why I just can't get an xbox. At least Sony pretend to be nice.

MS PR was improving but fucked up with this announcement.

Nothing tops MS talking about always online XBOXone "if you don't have internet we already give a option it's called Xbox360"


formerly Oynox Slider
MS PR was improving but fucked up with this announcement.

Nothing tops MS talking about always online XBOXone "if you don't have internet we already give a option it's called Xbox360"

The disabled story was pretty good. "Oh. You're in a wheelchair? Sorry, it's upstairs. No, there's no lift. "


formerly Oynox Slider
Look, right, it's my best gaming side post ever. I'm posting it here because nobody in the thread will read it.

To me, Microsoft's problem is completely in their messaging. They speak to me as if I'm sat in a boardroom with their marketing team; so much of their language is couched in the kind of phrases I hear all day at work (I'm a lawyer) - bloated, distended sentences full of unnecessary words and hip, new neologisms to replace content.

They've woefully misjudged just how literate the 'core' gaming consumer is. It's frustrating - and I say this as a Sony fangirl - to see a company stumble so blatantly and so frequently over and over again in delivering what could be a competent product.

That's my moan.

As for solutions, Microsoft really need to work on promoting diversity in their games. I don't mean "more women in gaming"; I mean the types of experience. To my mind the Xbox is the place where 13-year old American boys play Call of Duty every night and call everybody "fag", while Sony is offering a diverse set of experiences for adults - Flower, The Last of Us, Journey, The Witness, No Man's Sky and so on. I'm aware that the Xbox does have a growing cadre of impressive and interesting smaller-budget games but the messaging is drowned out between the bad press and the lucrative Call of Duty tie-ins. I would therefore suggest that they work harder on this; drop the business-speak. We are not shareholders and we are just about the most informed consumers on the market. Be honest and direct and just show the games. Do some bloody outreach; not with your slick marketing directors who shine at investors' meetings but flounder when speaking to consumers but with developers, community managers; people who are passionate about the content and actually have real, relatable experience of it.

I'd like there to be more competition but I do wonder whether it's gone a bit too far now. Microsoft seems to be a company without a real purpose at the moment, perhaps even where Sony was before it began divesting large chunks of the company and scaling down. I think the answer would be to scale back the noise around the Xbox and for them to demonstrate some faith in the product themselves. As it is, they almost seem ashamed of it.


Look, right, it's my best gaming side post ever. I'm posting it here because nobody in the thread will read it.

To me, Microsoft's problem is completely in their messaging. They speak to me as if I'm sat in a boardroom with their marketing team; so much of their language is couched in the kind of phrases I hear all day at work (I'm a lawyer) - bloated, distended sentences full of unnecessary words and hip, new neologisms to replace content.

They've woefully misjudged just how literate the 'core' gaming consumer is. It's frustrating - and I say this as a Sony fangirl - to see a company stumble so blatantly and so frequently over and over again in delivering what could be a competent product.

That's my moan.

As for solutions, Microsoft really need to work on promoting diversity in their games. I don't mean "more women in gaming"; I mean the types of experience. To my mind the Xbox is the place where 13-year old American boys play Call of Duty every night and call everybody "fag", while Sony is offering a diverse set of experiences for adults - Flower, The Last of Us, Journey, The Witness, No Man's Sky and so on. I'm aware that the Xbox does have a growing cadre of impressive and interesting smaller-budget games but the messaging is drowned out between the bad press and the lucrative Call of Duty tie-ins. I would therefore suggest that they work harder on this; drop the business-speak. We are not shareholders and we are just about the most informed consumers on the market. Be honest and direct and just show the games. Do some bloody outreach; not with your slick marketing directors who shine at investors' meetings but flounder when speaking to consumers but with developers, community managers; people who are passionate about the content and actually have real, relatable experience of it.

I'd like there to be more competition but I do wonder whether it's gone a bit too far now. Microsoft seems to be a company without a real purpose at the moment, perhaps even where Sony was before it began divesting large chunks of the company and scaling down. I think the answer would be to scale back the noise around the Xbox and for them to demonstrate some faith in the product themselves. As it is, they almost seem ashamed of it.

drop in the Grand Master Flash Bish thread in gaming it about MS and your views on how they doing

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Look, right, it's my best gaming side post ever. I'm posting it here because nobody in the thread will read it.

To me, Microsoft's problem is completely in their messaging. They speak to me as if I'm sat in a boardroom with their marketing team; so much of their language is couched in the kind of phrases I hear all day at work (I'm a lawyer) - bloated, distended sentences full of unnecessary words and hip, new neologisms to replace content.

They've woefully misjudged just how literate the 'core' gaming consumer is. It's frustrating - and I say this as a Sony fangirl - to see a company stumble so blatantly and so frequently over and over again in delivering what could be a competent product.

That's my moan.

As for solutions, Microsoft really need to work on promoting diversity in their games. I don't mean "more women in gaming"; I mean the types of experience. To my mind the Xbox is the place where 13-year old American boys play Call of Duty every night and call everybody "fag", while Sony is offering a diverse set of experiences for adults - Flower, The Last of Us, Journey, The Witness, No Man's Sky and so on. I'm aware that the Xbox does have a growing cadre of impressive and interesting smaller-budget games but the messaging is drowned out between the bad press and the lucrative Call of Duty tie-ins. I would therefore suggest that they work harder on this; drop the business-speak. We are not shareholders and we are just about the most informed consumers on the market. Be honest and direct and just show the games. Do some bloody outreach; not with your slick marketing directors who shine at investors' meetings but flounder when speaking to consumers but with developers, community managers; people who are passionate about the content and actually have real, relatable experience of it.

I'd like there to be more competition but I do wonder whether it's gone a bit too far now. Microsoft seems to be a company without a real purpose at the moment, perhaps even where Sony was before it began divesting large chunks of the company and scaling down. I think the answer would be to scale back the noise around the Xbox and for them to demonstrate some faith in the product themselves. As it is, they almost seem ashamed of it.
I read this whole thing and I liked it



Maturity, bitches.
Microsoft's big problems are
1. It's not as good as Nintendo
2. They made Clippit
3. No Ski Free sequel
4. They are reluctant to fix serious bugs in the server software

That's why the XBox One is doomed.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Microsoft's big problems are
1. It's not as good as Nintendo
2. They made Clippit
3. No Ski Free sequel

4. They are reluctant to fix serious bugs in the server software

That's why the XBox One is doomed.
Two biggest offenders right there.

I want a Ski Free sequel where you play the role of the yeti.
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