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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Morning all! Neil Young has the best electric guitar sound ever. I'm going to put the word FACT here to make it true.

Examples please. I only have the album with Cortez the Killer (Monte Zuma, I think?) and the Unplugged one (Like a Hurricane is beautiful).

That's exactly it, they're just kind of a meat and potatoes rock band; not particularly adventurous or exciting in terms of ideas, but pretty satisfying all the same.

Hopefully they'll be this year's gateway drug for some folk. I must say though, I'm surprised at how much they've taken off. Good marketing or good timing?
They're not amazing but it's nice to have something so clearly DFA1979- ite blow up the radio, rather than some more wishy-washy shit. That new Pulled Apart By Horses record is better, mind. If we're spending money on music again now for some reason (er, apart from giving Jed his well-earned money of course) that'd be my recommendation.

Rock isn't /back/ though, fuck that. This year alone there's been Cloud Nothings, Blood Red Shoes, Bob Mould, an actual new DFA1979 album, PABH, Merchandise, Against Me!, Courtney Barnett, The Men and probably a fucking load more that I haven't seen/listened to yet. Royal Blood just has a more likeable, immediate kick to it.
I am so super excited, although I hate the fact I'm going to a Game midnight launch.

Please don't be busy.... I just wanna get my game, not talk to anyone and fuck off home.


Me too. I don't like digital versions of big games (I'm getting the limited edition with extra goodies anyway) plus I don't trust Amazon or affiliated delivery companies to get the game to me on time. Had a bad experience with that once, was hyped to play something day one and got my heart broken 4 times as I rushed to check the mail every every morning.

The main thing I dislike about them is the overblown theatrics of Bellamy's vocal. He's actually quite adept technically but the tremolo is crazy, it sounds like someone is shaking him as he sings.

I remember you said the same thing about that bloke from the Dead Kennedys lol.

I agree with you about Bellamy and the theatrics though. You can belt out a good song without having to display your range like you're doing some kind of vocal triathalon.

As for Royal Blood I'm going to borrow the album of a friend, listen to it a few times and give it back then go back to listening to weird shit on youtube. I really don't care enough about the music industry to get excited or angsty about whether or not they're the NEXT BIG THING for rock music.
Although I don't think anyone said that I will say this: It isn't back... yet. Fashion goes in cycles, innit? We're due a proper 90s music comeback. It's been 80s nostalgia for far too long.

No-one in here said it, but I've seen it been thrown about elsewhere. Mostly by tossers.

I'm cynical about the whole 90s comeback thing, mind. Feel like it would have happened by now if it was going to happen. Besides, a 90s revival over here would mean Britpop 2.0 which no fucking thanks, mate


Coldman nailed it, Royal Blood aren't mind-blowing by any stretch, they just have that moreish immediacy about their sound; catchy riffs, simple verse-chorus-verse-chorus song structure and inoffensive vocals.

My flavour of the month is still Marmozets though. Deceptively inventive songwriting (they can sound a little safe on some tracks but look a little deeper and there are plenty of interesting ideas, shifting dynamics and loads of subtle little noodley riffs hidden amongst the noise and bluster), ballsy female vocals and they are a seriously talented set of musicians for a bunch of spotty teenagers.
Hopefully they'll be this year's gateway drug for some folk. I must say though, I'm surprised at how much they've taken off. Good marketing or good timing?
A bit of both I think. But yeah, a gateway band is probably a good description.

Edit: yeah daps, Jello Biafra's voice is off the wall! Mint name too.


formerly Oynox Slider
I don't get this Royal Blood thing. Had a listen last night. I'm probably going to make some enemies but it just sounds like hipster / Pitchfork rock to me (just like DFA1979 and all the rest). I did go through a phase of listening to that kind of thing, but it's too much style over substance. It never lasts. It's a feigned edge, not the real thing. Like jimbor said - it's just a style of dress.

To my mind, rock always has to be a bit unfashionable. It's inherently nerdy music (Led Zeppelin! Do you like my Mixolydian!? Let's do this bit in 7/8!). And the drummers need to be world-class or there's no point. It's all about the drummers. There are bazillions of decent rock guitarists.

Examples please. I only have the album with Cortez the Killer (Monte Zuma, I think?) and the Unplugged one (Like a Hurricane is beautiful).

Try this - but all of YouTube is your friend. He's at his best when he plays like he has five thumbs and does a 3 note solo.


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
No-one in here said it, but I've seen it been thrown about elsewhere. Mostly by tossers.

I'm cynical about the whole 90s comeback thing, mind. Feel like it would have happened by now if it was going to happen. Besides, a 90s revival over here would mean Britpop 2.0 which no fucking thanks, mate

Haha! I guess so.

I was hoping for more Nirvana/Goo or Dirty era Sonic Youth/tail end Pixies, to be honest. :D

I don't get this Royal Blood thing. Had a listen last night. I'm probably going to make some enemies but it just sounds like hipster / Pitchfork rock to me (just like DFA1979 and all the rest). I did go through a phase of listening to that kind of thing, but it's too much style over substance. It never lasts. It's a feigned edge, not the real thing. Like jimbor said - it's just a style of dress.

To my mind, rock always has to be a bit unfashionable. It's inherently nerdy music (Led Zeppelin! Do you like my Mixolydian!? Let's do this bit in 7/8!). And the drummers need to be world-class or there's no point. It's all about the drummers. There are bazillions of decent rock guitarists.

Try this - but all of YouTube is your friend. He's at his best when he plays like he has five thumbs and does a 3 note solo.


Sweet, I will do.

Also, that's a sterling assessment (although I'm not sure I'd describe RB as hipster).

A band is indeed often only as good as it's drummer (White Stripes are an anomaly).
I'll be in the crowd waving little Union Jacks

Long may our unborn overlord reign, fuck republicans


I don't know what flag the crowd will wave by that point

The divine feutus is what, fourth in line for the throne now? It might get to have a go in 70 years.


Maturity, bitches.
What we need to a good old fashioned uprising. Like the old days when multiple people fought for the crown. It would make for good entertainment watching different royals fight.

Obviously, it would be a pain for the BoE to keep printing new coins every time out ruler changed.
Prince William's wife is pregnant with another royal baby. In 9 months or so the country and a bit of the world will go ballistic meanwhile a handful of people will pout and make disgruntled noises because they don't like the monarchy.

I see. Well, I'll be on your side waving the union jack flag.
I always thought you were supposed to get over whining about the Royal Family when you hit 18. Not that I agree with the hullabaloo, but my disinterest will be quite and polite, in keeping with actual disinterest.
I always thought you were supposed to get over whining about the Royal Family when you hit 18. Not that I agree with the hullabaloo, but my disinterest will be quite and polite, in keeping with actual disinterest.

News relating to the Royals always gets this aggressive "I don't care! Nobody cares!" thing where people trip over themselves to declare their disinterest in the matter to the broadest possible audience.
News relating to the Royals always gets this aggressive "I don't care! Nobody cares!" thing where people trip over themselves to declare their disinterest in the matter to the broadest possible audience.

also it's kind of creepy to me how many people (rightfully) point out that it's just a woman giving birth, but in a tone that implies that's not a good thing

benefits jokes aside


formerly Oynox Slider
Uninterest. Not disinterest.

From the OED:

"Nowhere are the battle lines more deeply drawn in usage questions than over the difference between disinterested and uninterested. According to traditional guidelines, disinterested should never be used to mean ‘not interested’ (i.e. it is not a synonym for uninterested) but only to mean ‘impartial’, as in ‘the judgements of disinterested outsiders are likely to be more useful"

I'm anti royal (blood) anyway. I can picture the Torygraph and Daily Mail already. And the "commemorative" glossy magazine to celebrate the birth of another overprivileged child with a gilded lifestyle paid for by the taxes of the working class.

It's Monday, OK?
That word did always sound a bit off to me. Thanks sploat.

edit: wait, no, disinterest is correct. I was talking about impartiality. As much as you can be impartial about the presence of the royals, anyway.
Uninterest. Not disinterest.

From the OED:

"Nowhere are the battle lines more deeply drawn in usage questions than over the difference between disinterested and uninterested. According to traditional guidelines, disinterested should never be used to mean ‘not interested’ (i.e. it is not a synonym for uninterested) but only to mean ‘impartial’, as in ‘the judgements of disinterested outsiders are likely to be more useful"

I'm anti royal (blood) anyway. I can picture the Torygraph and Daily Mail already. And the "commemorative" glossy magazine to celebrate the birth of another overprivileged child with a gilded lifestyle paid for by the taxes of the working class.

It's Monday, OK?

I'm completely non-interested in dictionarey disputes

That baby is better than you get over it, peasant


I don't get this Royal Blood thing. Had a listen last night. I'm probably going to make some enemies but it just sounds like hipster / Pitchfork rock to me.
I dunno, I get it you aren't feeling them, but they seem too safe and by-the-numbers to be stuck with the "hipster/Pitchfork" tag to me.

It's all fairly crowd-pleasing and unpretentious.

("Hipster", urgh. I thought you were better than this sploatee!)
And the drummers need to be world-class or there's no point. It's all about the drummers. There are bazillions of decent rock guitarists.
Absolutely, I've always said drums and vocals man, everything else can kind of fit around those two components for me. That's why Tool are awesome, Danny Carey is actually a robot in disguise.

He's almost as talented as his cousin Mariah.
A band is indeed often only as good as it's drummer (White Stripes are an anomaly).
"She's not even the best drummer in The Beatles."

This is actually true, Jack's drumming for The Dead Weather is far better than Meg's ever was.
Ninja I am loving new the Hayley Williams avatar.


formerly Oynox Slider
Ah, please accept my formal and grammatical apologies.

It always struck me as an Americanism.

It doesn't bother me as much as the use / abuse of myself and yourself.

Poor literacy skills leave 1/5 of teenagers unable to do more than mumble their own name

Poor language skills mean an inability to think in anything other than monosyllables, right?

If you don't know lots and lots of words, you're basically untermenschen.

So, my conclusion for this Monday morning is that if you abuse 'myself' and 'yourself', you're basically subhuman and helping this country have no future.


Ninj, re hipster: I don't like hipsters, rockers, jocks, nerds or anyone else. I'm in a foul humour today. All humanity must die.

Daps, REMEMBER THE BASTILLE. We will rise again!


Ah, please accept my formal and grammatical apologies.

It always struck me as an Americanism.

It doesn't bother me as much as the use / abuse of myself and yourself.

Poor literacy skills leave 1/5 of teenagers unable to do more than mumble their own name

Poor language skills mean an inability to think in anything other than monosyllables, right?

If you don't know lots and lots of words, you're basically untermenschen.

So, my conclusion for this Monday morning is that if you abuse 'myself' and 'yourself', you're basically subhuman and helping this country have no future.


Ninj, re hipster: I don't like hipsters, rockers, jocks, nerds or anyone else. I'm in a foul humour today. All humanity must die.

Daps, REMEMBER THE BASTILLE. We will rise again!

My choice to abuse myself is nothing to do with you, Sploatee


Oh great, royal news that is going to dominate British channels for days. As if the Asyha King story didn't have enough unnecessary coverage already about every step of his way.


People in the Royal Blood thread keep saying they sound like Muse

I'm going insane

More people suck up to royal blood and leave Muse alone for next album I'm all for it.

Going to see Muse live been frustrating and amusing past few years as you can spot people who only know newest album due to dumb look on face when old songs played. Plus Bellamy keeps going on about going back to Origin of symmetry style is making me thirsty for it


Going back to this Diablo talk - part of the reason I'm excited for Destiny is that it has all of those customisation / levelling options (and mountains of loot) but the gameplay itself (at least from the alpha and beta) has a bit more depth to it. The story also appeals to me quite a lot. Amazon should be delivering my version tomorrow!

I am beyond super excited, I just tried switching region to see if it would unlock on xbox and to no avail :( this waiting is killing me slowly.


Me too. I don't like digital versions of big games (I'm getting the limited edition with extra goodies anyway) plus I don't trust Amazon or affiliated delivery companies to get the game to me on time. Had a bad experience with that once, was hyped to play something day one and got my heart broken 4 times as I rushed to check the mail every every morning.

See I get most of my games digital now on xbox as a friend and I have the home console swap so we only have to buy half the games we used to and the fact it's in USD makes me a lot more open to buy more games!

I am looking forward to the launch tonight, I just really want it to be a no drama affair I just want to get in and out as quick as possible.Previously they messed up with the way they did the orders ect, people had to go in pre 12am and pay for their stuff and after that you had to get into the queue again meaning people who hadn't already paid for their items post 12 were getting them before people that did that really bugged me.

I think my plan for today is go into Kingston (my local) and sit in the pub opposite game and wait for a while and get some drinks in... that way I can monitor the queue and quite possibly just take it in turns with my mates to run to the bar and get more drinks whilst queuing, I just really hope to god they don't fuck up and give my ghost edition to someone else, otherwise they'll be a murder, as I preordered it the day it got announced and before they even knew what the hell it was yet.... So had to call up head office just to get the SKU for it....

I am super excited though, I never get that nerdy over stuff, but bungie games have me always in some weird hyped geeky delirium.. I really wish I didn't take the day off, as it's making the day drag like a mother fucker.
More people suck up to royal blood and leave Muse alone for next album I'm all for it.

Going to see Muse live been frustrating and amusing past few years as you can spot people who only know newest album due to dumb look on face when old songs played. Plus Bellamy keeps going on about going back to Origin of symmetry style is making me thirsty for it

Really? He said that? Ok interest peaked. I've not liked the last couple of albums. Best Muse for me was first two albums, loved them then.
See I get most of my games digital now on xbox as a friend and I have the home console swap so we only have to buy half the games we used to and the fact it's in USD makes me a lot more open to buy more games!

I am looking forward to the launch tonight, I just really want it to be a no drama affair I just want to get in and out as quick as possible.Previously they messed up with the way they did the orders ect, people had to go in pre 12am and pay for their stuff and after that you had to get into the queue again meaning people who hadn't already paid for their items post 12 were getting them before people that did that really bugged me.

I think my plan for today is go into Kingston (my local) and sit in the pub opposite game and wait for a while and get some drinks in... that way I can monitor the queue and quite possibly just take it in turns with my mates to run to the bar and get more drinks whilst queuing, I just really hope to god they don't fuck up and give my ghost edition to someone else, otherwise they'll be a murder, as I preordered it the day it got announced and before they even knew what the hell it was yet.... So had to call up head office just to get the SKU for it....

I am super excited though, I never get that nerdy over stuff, but bungie games have me always in some weird hyped geeky delirium.. I really wish I didn't take the day off, as it's making the day drag like a mother fucker.

The worst people at midnight launches are the ones who can apparently only afford the game if they trade in like 12 Xbox 360 games. The sales assistant has to fuck about checking the quality of the disks and tallying up the value of each and deducting it from the new game that person is buying...

Why didn't that person trade them in before?! It's so selfish, I'd hate to be the guy working the till trying to do that as quickly as possible while 100 people are waiting impatiently behind him.

Also, my friends and I often pop into Kingston for a piss up. Not a bad place, apart from the airport security outside nightclubs.


formerly Oynox Slider
I am beyond super excited, I just tried switching region to see if it would unlock on xbox and to no avail :( this waiting is killing me slowly.

See I get most of my games digital now on xbox as a friend and I have the home console swap so we only have to buy half the games we used to and the fact it's in USD makes me a lot more open to buy more games!

I am looking forward to the launch tonight, I just really want it to be a no drama affair I just want to get in and out as quick as possible.Previously they messed up with the way they did the orders ect, people had to go in pre 12am and pay for their stuff and after that you had to get into the queue again meaning people who hadn't already paid for their items post 12 were getting them before people that did that really bugged me.

I think my plan for today is go into Kingston (my local) and sit in the pub opposite game and wait for a while and get some drinks in... that way I can monitor the queue and quite possibly just take it in turns with my mates to run to the bar and get more drinks whilst queuing, I just really hope to god they don't fuck up and give my ghost edition to someone else, otherwise they'll be a murder, as I preordered it the day it got announced and before they even knew what the hell it was yet.... So had to call up head office just to get the SKU for it....

I am super excited though, I never get that nerdy over stuff, but bungie games have me always in some weird hyped geeky delirium.. I really wish I didn't take the day off, as it's making the day drag like a mother fucker.

I was really excited too but Diablo has turned me into a zombie. The only emotions I can feel now are a slight bit of excitement when something legendary drops, apathy and an underlying hatred of human interaction. Nobody ever dropped a legendary from a conversation. Harrumph.

(I am quite excited though in all seriosity.)
I was really excited too but Diablo has turned me into a zombie. The only emotions I can feel now are a slight bit of excitement when something legendary drops, apathy and an underlying hatred of human interaction. Nobody ever dropped a legendary from a conversation. Harrumph.

(I am quite excited though in all seriosity.)

Well now I'm just offended.


Really? He said that? Ok interest peaked. I've not liked the last couple of albums. Best Muse for me was first two albums, loved them then.

I believe it when hear it he said that once before although this time seems hyped about it. He wants combine Stockholme Syndrome style heaviness with some electronic shit.
I'm sorry! I've seen you drop a few rares, but never a legendary.


As long as it wasn't level 1 junk that's not even coloured.

Jokes aside I was debating getting Diablo 3 for PS4 after hearing you talk about it but I think I'll pass. The more I think about that game the more I compare it to a shitty but addictive drug that devours all your spare time and never fully satisfies.


I was really excited too but Diablo has turned me into a zombie. The only emotions I can feel now are a slight bit of excitement when something legendary drops, apathy and an underlying hatred of human interaction. Nobody ever dropped a legendary from a conversation. Harrumph.

(I am quite excited though in all seriosity.)

Haha, Man Diablo has done that to me too, if I see anything below legendary I just look at it and go nahh not for me thanks and just leave it. I already have enough gold and more than enough parts to make awesome weapons, I just want that sort of grind to end for a bit, although I have bloody loved Diablo and wish it had come out in June as it would have made an amazing summer game!

What time you getting on Destiny tonight? Party up?

The worst people at midnight launches are the ones who can apparently only afford the game if they trade in like 12 Xbox 360 games. The sales assistant has to fuck about checking the quality of the disks and tallying up the value of each and deducting it from the new game that person is buying...

Why didn't that person trade them in before?! It's so selfish, I'd hate to be the guy working the till trying to do that as quickly as possible while 100 people are waiting impatiently behind him.

Also, my friends and I often pop into Kingston for a piss up. Not a bad place, apart from the airport security outside nightclubs.

I seriously hope that doesn't happen tonight, I even went to the store last week and changed my money into a game card so it would be even easier for them to do the transaction.

If I get stuck behind MR Trade In, I won't be amused. I think part of the thing I love about midnight launches are some of the super interesting people you meet there, you see people that like, shouldn't really exist in a normal world.

haha cool, I'm always out in Kingston so we may have bumped into each other lol

Yeah security is like that as in the last year alone there have been five seperate incidents of people stabbing each other, such a Jolly town ¬_¬, really it's just the people from the surrounding areas coming in and causing shit.
What time you getting on Destiny tonight? Party up?

I'll be on as soon as I get back from the launch as you'd expect but I might not party up straight away... you can do Story missions in party though, can't you? I'm leaning towards going solo for the first few missions just to get some of the initial storytelling out of the way.

I seriously hope that doesn't happen tonight, I even went to the store last week and changed my money into a game card so it would be even easier for them to do the transaction.

If I get stuck behind MR Trade In, I won't be amused. I think part of the thing I love about midnight launches are some of the super interesting people you meet there, you see people that like, shouldn't really exist in a normal world.

I actually just got a text from GAME telling me my copy is in store. In the same text they say "don't forget your trade-ins!" Actively encouraging this crass behaviour, smh

haha cool, I'm always out in Kingston so we may have bumped into each other lol

Yeah security is like that as in the last year alone there have been five seperate incidents of people stabbing each other, such a Jolly town ¬_¬, really it's just the people from the surrounding areas coming in and causing shit.

Yeah all the sexually frustrated chavs from shitholes like Ashford and Feltham head to Kingston on the weekend to get pissed and start trouble in Oceana/Prism. My friends and I usually end up in O'nealls because they tend to have bands playing there.


Obsidian fan
What we need to a good old fashioned uprising. Like the old days when multiple people fought for the crown. It would make for good entertainment watching different royals fight.

Obviously, it would be a pain for the BoE to keep printing new coins every time out ruler changed.

I'd be fine with the Dutch taking over again.


I'll be on as soon as I get back from the launch as you'd expect but I might not party up straight away... you can do Story missions in party though, can't you? I'm leaning towards going solo for the first few missions just to get some of the initial storytelling out of the way.

I actually just got a text from GAME telling me my copy is in store. In the same text they say "don't forget your trade-ins!" Actively encouraging this crass behaviour, smh

Yeah all the sexually frustrated chavs from shitholes like Ashford and Feltham head to Kingston on the weekend to get pissed and start trouble in Oceana/Prism. My friends and I usually end up in O'nealls because they tend to have bands playing there.

You can sort of do some story missions solo but then after a while you'll need to be in a fireteam, I did the moon bit solo so yeah it is possible! I also want to solo a lot, just team up later on, got a bunch of DestinyGAF stuff to do also, :\ so much work...

Alarmingly I haven't got that text message yet, I might panic and call the store, I'm not queuing for nothing. Ergh I cannot believe they do that, although hats off to them, they make an absolute killing doing that unfortunately even if we have to suffer!

TOTALLY! You know it friend, really hate it when I'm out with the GF as they see you being with a girl and my lord they don't like that...!Let me know when you're next out that way and if my buddies and I are I will say hey!

How in the hell have we never met, I am always in O'neils on friday and saturday as I work close by and it's a decent place that's open till late. either there or sometime I lower myself to bacs...
You can sort of do some story missions solo but then after a while you'll need to be in a fireteam, I did the moon bit solo so yeah it is possible! I also want to solo a lot, just team up later on, got a bunch of DestinyGAF stuff to do also, :\ so much work...

That burden of responsibility.

TOTALLY! You know it friend, really hate it when I'm out with the GF as they see you being with a girl and my lord they don't like that...!Let me know when you're next out that way and if my buddies and I are I will say hey!

How in the hell have we never met, I am always in O'neils on friday and saturday as I work close by and it's a decent place that's open till late. either there or sometime I lower myself to bacs...

We've probably passed each other like ships in the night a few times. Unless you have a big moustache we probably haven't spoken though.


formerly Oynox Slider
Haha, Man Diablo has done that to me too, if I see anything below legendary I just look at it and go nahh not for me thanks and just leave it. I already have enough gold and more than enough parts to make awesome weapons, I just want that sort of grind to end for a bit, although I have bloody loved Diablo and wish it had come out in June as it would have made an amazing summer game!

What time you getting on Destiny tonight? Party up?

Tonight! !>£!M£%! Don't you people have jobs!!?$$?%"

Sadly, I won't be on tonight :) It should hopefully arrive tomorrow at the office and I should hopefully be a bit better tomorrow and working from work. So maybe maybe tomorrow night! I'm not sure how it will all work with the story though. I suppose all will become clear soon....


As long as it wasn't level 1 junk that's not even coloured.

Jokes aside I was debating getting Diablo 3 for PS4 after hearing you talk about it but I think I'll pass. The more I think about that game the more I compare it to a shitty but addictive drug that devours all your spare time and never fully satisfies.

I can understand that. Building up multipliers, taking down big mobs, finding fancy things...all of these things are good fun. But my problem is that scaling up the difficulty (like you said before) just makes all of the numbers bigger and nothing else. It's a bit of a pointless game. So when I play it I enjoy it. R2 on this you buggers! Look at my 100,000! But then after a short while I feel like I should be reading a book or doing something a bit more useful with my life. It's the same reason I won't ever play WOW. Goodbye world!

(she says while blathering on about Destiny which is probably going to be such as evil. Activision's psychology team are probably rubbing their hands together with glee. "We've got them for life with this one! Loot AND a story!")
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