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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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I actually have a fedora, but its a wide brim (think Indian Jones) rather than the usual shape you see in all those images. Thing is I got this in like 2006, so long before fedoras became a thing, but now I'm really reluctant to wear it. :(

"I wore fedoras before they were lame"
I don't wanna burn down every copy of Nuts or Zoo etc. Although I would rather everyone just read the TLS instead.

I wish I read the TLS instead of GAF and IGN and Polygon. And easy on the compliments Sniv I don't likes em.

Maybe they should put the occasional bit of cleavage in the TLS
Eeek. Ummm. Probably something to do with tone. My head is scrambled eggs today but the best explanation I have is when we saw the new Transformers film. The camera lingers on the girl who is supposedly seventeen in this really leering way and you just imagine Michael Bay behind the camera drooling. Like with this, I just imagine the programmers all there going "phwoar" and drooling over the boobies they made. It just feels icky. That's probably a really bad argument but the best I've got atmo!

ahhhh the old male gaze!


at the end of this year i think there will be more games that i personally enjoy. GRANTED early next year i'll be missing out on bloodborne and the order 1888 so i'll probably have to start saving up again soon after christmas.
or sell my stupid shitty xbox.

Because I don't like low quality streaming. Bluray's always look better.

And how old are ya? I'm only 23 and I just opened up an account to rent movies last year.

ah good man! i just honestly didn't know of anywhere you can get physical disks, i assume this is through the mail right? i used to work at blockbuster so i can't imagine there's a brick store that still rents things out, right?
Oh god. Not LinkedIn training. We've had that. I'm not sure what the point of LinkedIn is unless you want to move jobs.

That's exactly what we all said! Turns out it can help in your present job too though. It's all about "keywords" and boosting your visibility to clients and prospects. We managed to keep it down to 40 mins by making sure everyone in our group was clear that no one asks any questions.

Linkedin training sounds like the worst thing ever, what can they teach you? How to spam everyone ever and dilute the potential interconnected usefulness of the site by saying you're a LION?

When you have senior directors who barely know how to use a pc the training is pretty necessary, showing them how to change their settings, custom URL, adding links and documents etc. Of course when you have IT people in the group it's kinda redundant though.


Knows the Score
When you have senior directors who barely know how to use a pc the training is pretty necessary, showing them how to change their settings, custom URL, adding links and documents etc. Of course when you have IT people in the group it's kinda redundant though.

Ahh, that's a good point. A few years ago a guy I know that worked for Google told me a tale of when Vint Cerf joined the company and had no idea how to use a laptop. He needed training in things like email and document sharing even though he invented most of the Internet.


Well, just finished ASM2...hooo boy, was that terrible. Rhino being a nothing character, despite how much Sony were advertising him being in it, the movie actually ends the exact same shot the trailers that it was advertising for, i.e., this.


The whole movie actually kinda feels like that. A movie that's little more that a marketing apparatus for Sony's upcoming Spiderman movies, told in an utterly haphazard way that actually doesn't make it feel like a movie at all, but a trailer. From the whole mystery of Peter's parents, to setting up future characters, there's very little the movie has on its own. It's just such an empty product of a movie.

That being said, the movie looks nice. Photographed very well with rich colours and well detailed faces compared to the darkened grey filter and textureless features that the last movie had. Probably aided by the fact that it was shot on 35mm film as well as a change in cinematographer. It's a shame though that for all it offers, the actual image is the movie's high point.

And I don't care what anyone says, Spiderman quipping just doesn't work on film. Any scene that has him doing it just comes off as irritating, which is why I'm glad that the Raimi trilogy kept that to an absolute minimum. Not that it matters anyway, since Pete himself seems to crack a few jokes out loud in the movie, pretty much meaning that he and Spidey are now basically the same character.

So yeah, my mini review of ASM2. I'm hoping to expand this out and incorporate the previous movie in a future review in which I'll look deeper in what those movies have to offer, but right now, all I can say about the new one is...I think it might just be worse than the last one.



Rami Spiderman makes me laugh because it like he just saw the moaning part of comics and ignored the fact Spidy never shuts the fuck up and is quite light hearted not whining every second over his life or mary jane. He repeats the same plot 3 times and even has Spidey lose his powers because he was emotional.

ASM nails Spidey from character to movement in fights but has no script to back it up which irritates me the most. Garfield is perfect but stuck in a film that is stuggling tell its story. The parents plot could easily work but they keep bringing it up a random times killing the pace of the films.

The Rhino part made zero sense as in interviews they kept saying he a joke and barely important then Sony being Sony made a big deal out it in trailers for some bizarre reason.

ASM2 is clunky bit a mess but it fun some cool scenes and I view it as part 2 to ASM1 (like LOTR style continue to story not sequel).

3 has more chance as new script writers but Sony not wanting it out for 4 years is a joke plus I just want see ASM Spidey vs 6 villains people forget Spidey eats multiple villains for snacks.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Transformers and ASM 2. You people sure are gluttons for punishment with bad movies.

No kidding. Don't know why people bother. The last couple of years has been rich with excellent blockbusters.

On another note, go see God Help The Girl, everyone. I saw it a month ago and it should be on general release now. There aren't many good musicals released and this one is a Belle and Sebastian musical, so even better...


Rami Spiderman makes me laugh because it like he just saw the moaning part of comics and ignored the fact Spidy never shuts the fuck up and is quite light hearted not whining every second over his life or mary jane. He repeats the same plot 3 times and even has Spidey lose his powers because he was emotional.

ASM nails Spidey from character to movement in fights but has no script to back it up which irritates me the most. Garfield is perfect but stuck in a film that is stuggling tell its story. The parents plot could easily work but they keep bringing it up a random times killing the pace of the films.

The Rhino part made zero sense as in interviews they kept saying he a joke and barely important then Sony being Sony made a big deal out it in trailers for some bizarre reason.

ASM2 is clunky bit a mess but it fun some cool scenes and I view it as part 2 to ASM1 (like LOTR style continue to story not sequel).

3 has more chance as new script writers but Sony not wanting it out for 4 years is a joke plus I just want see ASM Spidey vs 6 villains people forget Spidey eats multiple villains for snacks.
Tobey's Spidey worked because it showed that other aspect of what Spiderman is about. It's still about a young boy's life and how he has to deal with his own real life personal issues in between being Spiderman. Something that ASM2 barely scratches the surface of. I think the only part where there's a conflict between Spidey and Peter's life is when Gwen is accepted into Oxford University and Pete is willing to move with her and considers bringing over the Spiderman character (because why? Is there really that much crime in Oxford? Because it seriously cannot be more than New York). Speaking of which, much of his issues present in the movie only seem to be between him and Gwen, which is a relationship that goes so back and fourth within two hours, I wouldn't have been surprised if it became a master stroker for the Olympic games. Compare that to Spiderman 2 where Peter not only has to deal with Mary Jane, but his job at the Bugle, his strained friendship with Harry, college, paying the rent, Aunt May and admitting that he was the one responsible for Ben's death (which is something that the first ASM just glosses over 10 minutes after, without a conclusion, and is barely mentioned in the sequel other than saying that it was a thing that happened), the kid just has it rough. Which is pretty much why his subconscious is telling him to stop being Spiderman, until the fate of a loved one is in jeopardy and has to spring to action in order to save said loved one (and by the time Spidey 3 rolls around, he finally found that balance).

Which brings me to my other issue. Regarding Spiderman himself. I already made my point about his quipping, it should never have happened, but another that shouldn't have happened was the whole "destiny" thing. You see, rather than simply be an accidental everyman hero who just happened to be bitten by a spider, Peter Parker, on account of being the son of a man who coded the spider DNA to work only in his bloodline, now seems to be predestined from the get go to have these powers, which defeats the point as to what Peter Parker is. A nobody who became a somebody. It's that "anything can happen" moment from the comics that help resonate with so many people when he first came onto the scene in the '60's. But now take that away, make him the only person who could become Spiderman...and yeah. A cocky guy who was always going to be a somebody just doesn't work for me.

Oh, and one more thing. Frowny ghost Denis Leary was just funny as hell for all the wrong reasons.

Watched From Dusk Till Dawn this evening myself.

Clooney should have done more with Tarantino
I haven't seen that movie since I was a child. Man, that was an experience seeing the strip club and what resided in it.
Second time I've seen it.

One of the best twists ever in my opinion. I remember watching it the first time and knowing nothing about it and when everything goes to hell I was just like "wut."

Tarantino is really good in it too. There's something... disconcerting about how believable his performance as a twitchy pervert is.


Watched From Dusk Till Dawn this evening myself.

Clooney should have done more with Tarantino
Clooney is fantastic in that film, his tattoo is amaze as well.

The way he reacts when he gets back to the motel and finds out that
Richie has raped Gloria
is amazing. The editing in that scene is brilliant too. And his last line, the last line of the film after
he gives Kate half of the money

"I may be a bastard Kate, but I'm not a fuckin' bastard."

I've mentioned it a few times before, and maybe it's his delivery that sells it, but I really love that line.
Second time I've seen it.

One of the best twists ever in my opinion. I remember watching it the first time and knowing nothing about it and when everything goes to hell I was just like "wut."

Tarantino is really good in it too. There's something... disconcerting about how believable his performance as a twitchy pervert is.
I think the first half of the film is far stronger than the second. It turns from a really taut crime thriller into a kind of hammy vampire flick. I agree that it's a pretty unexpected turn of events, but I find the movie takes a dive once the fangs come out.

It's really cool that Kate's brothers band is called "Precinct 13" (his t-shirt bears their logo), which was Tarantino's nod to "Assault on Precinct 13", the Carpenter movie that the last half was clearly an homage to.

Based Tarantino.

It's easily his best collaboration with Rodriguez, even if the second half is a bit of a letdown.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
"Psychos do not explode in sunlight, I don't care how crazy they are."

I think the first half of the film is far stronger than the second. It turns from a really taut crime thriller into a kind of hammy vampire flick. I agree that it's a pretty unexpected turn of events, but I find the movie takes a dive once the fangs come out.

Not for me. The second half is so much fun!

"Come on, Sex Machine!"

Started recording our debut EP yesterday. All the instruments are down. Pre-mixing/mastering it sounds bloody epic. Today shall be spent mostly doing vocals and generally ruining all our hard woik.
So does anyone remember that I had an interview a few weeks back where I felt I'd be out of my depth at the company (in addition to feeling it generally not going great?) Well one of the Directors has been in touch asking for a second interview and to explore opportunities with them.

This had of course been eating away it me the past couple of days of my new Grad Scheme job!

Watched From Dusk Till Dawn this evening myself.

Clooney should have done more with Tarantino

Great movie. The dance by Salma Hyeck just tops it off nicely.
Man, TLOU on Grounded is perfect. It gives you basically no ammo or resources, I'm dying constantly but each time I get juuuuust far enough to make me think I could just about reach the next checkpoint.


Hey guys.

Got a P45 form to fill out in the post today from the jobcentre, I assume I give this to my manager at work right?

Sorry for the noob question, but what exactly is a P45?


Hey guys.

Got a P45 form to fill out in the post today from the jobcentre, I assume I give this to my manager at work right?

Sorry for the noob question, but what exactly is a P45?

You get a P45 when you leave a job, so I assume it was from your previous one. Otherwise, that's a rough way to find out you've been sacked.


You get a P45 when you leave a job, so I assume it was from your previous one. Otherwise, that's a rough way to find out you've been sacked.

I used to go to the jobcentre and got my new job (which is my very first one) recently.

I've never had a P45 before.


Nice one Messo, still need to pick it up. I love the cover art.

Need to grab the BANKS record and The Weird And Wonderful Marmozets at the end of the month too.

Great month for music releases, boom!
SO i am looking at maybe getting an iphone 6 in november when my contract runs out and i've been preparing myself for the extortionate price by looking at the current 5s prices/tariffs. i've noticed a considerable difference between 3 and EE, is there anything i should be aware of regarding 3's service? they look like they might be the better/cheaper choice.

Son Of D

It's going to take some time to get used to this flat. Or flat life in general to be honest.

Also, since I'm in London nowand if any London Gaf members would want to, feel free to contact me and try and arrange a mini meet sometime.
SO i am looking at maybe getting an iphone 6 in november when my contract runs out and i've been preparing myself for the extortionate price by looking at the current 5s prices/tariffs. i've noticed a considerable difference between 3 and EE, is there anything i should be aware of regarding 3's service? they look like they might be the better/cheaper choice.

Do you use a lot of Data? I am on three and my internet gets slower than dial up from 3pm to 12am.
I did tether 120GB data for 3 consective months though.

Never had an experience with EE but I think 3 is pretty good and they're providing free upgrade to 4G too.


A bit disturbed of off topic's lust for death on terrorists and the consequence of airstrikes on civilians, and ignoring potential rehabilitation of citizens second guessing their motives of joining such organisations. It's slightly ironic. It's also the reason why many of these people join such organisations, because of the constant bombardment, drone strikes and killing of what they call 'Muslim brothers and sisters', whether they are civilians or military. It's a never ending cycle.


Do you use a lot of Data? I am on three and my internet gets slower than dial up from 3pm to 12am.
I did tether 120GB data for 3 consective months though.

Never had an experience with EE but I think 3 is pretty good and they're providing free upgrade to 4G too.

Where do you live? I've only had trouble with my phone's service when I was living on the side of a hill in Sheffield, now I'm close to the centre of Manchester it works really well (198GB tethered within the last month or so).
Where do you live? I've only had trouble with my phone's service when I was living on the side of a hill in Sheffield, now I'm close to the centre of Manchester it works really well (198GB tethered within the last month or so).

Stoke. I was used to tether when I had no broadband, which was around a year ago but even now when I'm on their All you can eat Data, they still slow me down.


formerly Oynox Slider
Watched Captain America 2...finally, a Marvel movie that surpasses Iron Man as my personal best.

I must be an alien. Everyone likes that film but me. The only marvel films I properly like (as opposed to indifference) are the avengers, Thor 1 and Guardians of the Galaxy. With Guardians my favourite by a long way.


I must be an alien. Everyone likes that film but me. The only marvel films I properly like (as opposed to indifference) are the avengers, Thor 1 and Guardians of the Galaxy. With Guardians my favourite by a long way.

You have excellent taste. Although I did like Cap 2. Especially Nick Fury's parts.

Thor 2 bummed me out. The first Thor was so good. Grounded direction of Kenneth Branagh + emotive soundtrack by Patrick Doyle = greatness. Tom Hiddleston did his best, but Thor 2 is a long way off being as good as the first IMO.

Guardians is marvellous


I must be an alien. Everyone likes that film but me. The only marvel films I properly like (as opposed to indifference) are the avengers, Thor 1 and Guardians of the Galaxy. With Guardians my favourite by a long way.
You know, I still cannot see how people seem to like Avengers. It just feels so average, it hurts. And both Thor's were bhors.

Also, I don't get Loki's appeal. Jim Carey played a better Loki in The Mask.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Woah! Congratulations, sir!

If I may be so bold: the day is going to zip by at a rate of knots, so try and get a few moments with you and the wife to savour it.
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