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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Jedeye Sniv

I know life is shit and we all hate ourselves and want to die, but remote play at lunchtimes is heavenly. Diablo for half an hour with a coffee is just perfect. I love you Sony! I love you!

I guess it must be great to work somewhere with wireless internet :p

Can't even get wifi in this office dammit!


I know life is shit and we all hate ourselves and want to die, but remote play at lunchtimes is heavenly. Diablo for half an hour with a coffee is just perfect. I love you Sony! I love you!

psht remote play. I have Diablo 2 installed on my work computer on the off chance its quiet enough I can get away with playing it. God bless desks in the corner.


Knows the Score



formerly Oynox Slider
psht remote play. I have Diablo 2 installed on my work computer on the off chance its quiet enough I can get away with playing it. God bless desks in the corner.

Diablo 2! gawd grandad! Diablo 3 Reaper Of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition , get with it!


Headsick and rage warning

Am finding myself particularly wound up over trivial shit today, so like it or not I'm going to attempt to write it all down in an attempt to purge the poison from my system. In no particular order other than how I think of them (spoilered for those who don't want to deal with my shit):

Bored. So bored. A function, I guess, of having done the same job for 9 years means that I'm fairly efficient meaning that everything is covered in my office right now, leaving me with about 4 hours a day spent twiddling thumbs, which means I'm spending a lot (too much) time on the internet. Being on the internet is causing me to hate EVERYTHING.

I like to consider myself an enlightened, right on kinda guy. But fuck me am I sick of reading about feminism, racism, transgender issues and whatever else is flavour of the month right now. I WANT to be engaged, I WANT to care. But every essay, thread or article I read lately just makes my blood boil, either from the oversensitive nonsense in the original piece or from the endless legions of SHITCOCK wankers who take the opposing stance. Gamergate is disgusting and makes me want to nuke the whole internet, but it's exhausting to try and keep up with it, let alone form a coherent opinion on what is happening beyond "boys are shit". And yes, boys are shit, but all the handwringing editorials in the world aren't going to fix it. I feel a bit like these writers are King Knut on the shore trying to will the tide back. There are seven billion people on this planet, this is the way the world is. Learn to negotiate it for fucks sake.

I feel like everything I'm reading lately is "GROUP X suck because of this" or "Police shoot black person" or fucking "purple penguins" (cue the right wing legions saying the sky is falling). There's too much, I can't take it in any more, I can't care any more.

And fucking EE with their bullshit service where I can't get 3g or barely even Edge in my office, so I leave my office to be hit with half a dozen new txt messages, grrrrr! What the fuck am I spending my money on?

And every day I go to lunch at work the lunch lady and half the staff are giving me shit for not wanting extra peas or limp cabbage with my dinner. fuck off fuck off fuck off I don't want your piss weak veg and I don't care if I die when I'm 50 as long as you leave me the fuck alone to be who I am without saying the same shit every fucking day.

And people giving me crap for not driving. IF I WANTED TO DRIVE I WOULD DRIVE, FUCK OFF

Hmmm. I don't think that helped, I think I just engorged my rage boner some more.

He tried to will the tide back to prove he was just a regular guy and that such power was beyond him, not because he thought he could.


So yeah, that band Marmozets I've been wanking on about, their debut record is kind of splendid. They're a band positively brimming with ideas, dynamism and youthful exuberance :

Marmozets - Particle

Holy fuckballs, best track on there for me. The bluesy swagger of the final 30 seconds alone is the makings of a fantastic tune, let alone all the other brilliant riffs and contrasting styles sprinkled throughout.

Marmozets - Hit The Wave

Feels like the big "anthem" of the record; massive chunky riffs and soaring vocals, the chorus is just glorious. I love the squealing guitar solo just before the last chorus too.

Marmozets - Cover Up

A great tune to showcase their penchant for sharp dynamic shifts and unusual time signatures; she sings in a completely different time to the instruments and they switch styles up every 20 seconds or so. Marvellously mental.

And just for the wuts:

Marmozets - Vibetech

OK, they go a bit overboard with the "look how clever we are" thing here. It's just a bit of a mess; it's like they had a bunch of riffs and ideas left over and just said "screw it, just throw them all in there and Becca, go nuts, just scream your heart out". It was brief moments of genius, but it's a bit crazy for me.

"Cry" is a bit limp too though not a complete disaster, but those two tracks aside I fucking love it.


So yeah, that band Marmozets I've been wanking on about, their debut record is kind of splendid. They're a band positively brimming with ideas, dynamism and youthful exuberance :

Marmozets - Particle

Holy fuckballs, best track on there for me. The bluesy swagger of the final 30 seconds alone is the makings of a fantastic tune, let alone all the other brilliant riffs and contrasting styles sprinkled throughout.

Marmozets - Hit The Wave

Feels like the big "anthem" of the record; massive chunky riffs and soaring vocals, the chorus is just glorious. I love the squealing guitar solo just before the last chorus too.

Marmozets - Cover Up

A great tune to showcase their penchant for sharp dynamic shifts and unusual time signatures; she sings in a completely different time to the instruments and they switch styles up every 20 seconds or so. Marvellously mental.

And just for the wuts:

Marmozets - Vibetech

OK, they go a bit overboard with the "look how clever we are" thing here. It's just a bit of a mess; it's like they had a bunch of riffs and ideas left over and just said "screw it, just throw them all in there and Becca, go nuts, just scream your heart out". It was brief moments of genius, but it's a bit crazy for me.

"Cry" is a bit limp too though not a complete disaster, but those two tracks aside I fucking love it.

That first one sounds like something they would've had for a 'Manga' trailer back in the early to mid nineties.


That first one sounds like something they would've had for a 'Manga' trailer back in the early to mid nineties.
I know exactly the trailer you mean! And yeah, it does sound a little like it at the start. That's cool though, I loved that trailer.


Your boy Morrissey is a fan, he tweeted Josh from the band to tell him something along the lines of "beneath the noise and bluster there is actually a lot of intricacy and craft to the writing". I can't remember his post verbatim nor can I find it, but it was a long those lines.


Knows the Score
I know exactly the trailer you mean! And yeah, it does sound a little like it at the start. That's cool though, I loved that trailer.


Your boy Morrissey is a fan, he tweeted Josh from the band to tell him something along the lines of "beneath the noise and bluster there is actually a lot of intricacy and craft to the writing". I can't remember his post verbatim nor can I find it, but it was a long those lines.

Without clicking on anything I'm going to guess the track you're referring to is Fluke - Absurd : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAQISes7iXU
are they the band with the single where the lady says 'born young & free' about seven hundred times? it's a bit naff after you get over the initial shock of something gritty being played on radio 1 at 3 in the afternoon.
will give the rest a go, mind.


Without clicking on anything I'm going to guess the track you're referring to is Fluke - Absurd : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAQISes7iXU
No, but choon! Love a bit of Fluke ever since I first played Wipeout, Six Wheels On My Wagon is a quality album.

This is what I was thinking, and the similarities are definitely there, at least at the start:

Classic Manga Trailer

God, I saw this trailer so much in my yoof.
are they the band with the single where the lady says 'born young & free' about seven hundred times? it's a bit naff after you get over the initial shock of something gritty being played on radio 1 at 3 in the afternoon.
will give the rest a go, mind.
Yeah, that's them.

"Naff" though...


Ah well, I think they're great. Fuck y'all!




look, i said i'd give the rest a chance, jeez!

... *goes back to listening to covers of awful pop songs*
Haha, fair play! Everyone's got their musical vices chief.


Also, "gritty" and "naff" in the same description seemed like a bit of a contradiction in terms!

But at the same time, I find a lot of the same kind of music kind of cheesy, so I get your point.

so it was that one eh? Haha, I can totally see it. But they never stick with the same riff for long, so you might like what you hear 30 seconds later.

Aha, I'm mixing up classic manga with classic 90s trailer.
I basically watched Akira, Fist of the North Star, Wind of Amnesia and Project A-Ko (don't ask) on repeat as a kid. It all kind of blends into one.


My current jam is the Freestylers album 'Adventures In Freestyle'. All of it, from start to end. I'd forgotten how much I liked it until it came on at random the other week.

Jedeye Sniv

so i bought metal gear solid: ground zeros a few days back. is it any good? how cringe-worthy is it? was it silly me asking this after i bought it?

It's great, BGAF got all taken with MGS upon its release. Great graphics, new and improved sneaking. About 10 hours of play if you're so inclined (1 hour if you're not).


I agree with you too Jed. I think we are just getting old and this is what the young folk on GAF care about now. Getting old I guess...

Jedeye Sniv

I agree with you too Jed. I think we are just getting old and this is what the young folk on GAF care about now. Getting old I guess...

I think the young folk need to get out more, their reality has become warped and unhealthy. We're going to be the old bigots while they're using genderless pronouns, it's terrifying.


so i bought metal gear solid: ground zeros a few days back. is it any good? how cringe-worthy is it? was it silly me asking this after i bought it?

Didn't care for it the first time I played it, enjoyed it a bit more the second time but it still feels like a tech demo to make you go "phwoar, look how open this all is... okay now slowly rescue some P.O.Ws while avoiding the psychic guards"

still going to double dip on it when it comes out on PC though.


formerly Oynox Slider
I really enjoyed it personally. Worth every penny. I like having it on the PS4 HDD for a rainy day.

Plus, the choice to use 'Here's To You' was fucking inspired.

I think it was the song that sold me on the game. I kind of wish Kojima would dial back the MGSANITY in favour of more pseudo realism. The Guantanamo references in Ground Zeroes were so well done.

Skelly as a game it's fun. I got about 8 or 9 hours of fun from it and I don't really like stealth games. It feels waaay more fluid than the MGS games I'd played before.


formerly Oynox Slider

It's time for me to tell you about the games I'm playing because I have no-one outside of GAF that I can subject to this!


I'm finding Infamous: SS to be pretty good fun, actually, now I've learned to ignore the story as much as possible. It's got a really nice, light feel to the gameplay and it's fun just bouncing around the city. I do think the combat is a bit loose and the controls can be a bit inaccurate sometimes, but overall I'm looking forward to seeing it through - not sure about two playthroughs though, yet, anyway (provided Ninj doesn't take it back before then!).

Transistor is nice to play in bed before you go to sleep. It's not really my kind of game, but whenever I play it I find it quite thought-provoking. It's clearly written by people who care about telling an interesting (rather than copy-pasted) story and it has some really clever mechanics in there - the way that you need to switch skills to find out more about characters and the way that the combat is really fluid between turn based and real time is really cool. If I was into this kind of game, I'd probably be all B4ST GAM EVR!

I've come to terms with Diablo 3 - it's really good when I want to listen to an album or podcast and it's better in short bursts. In fact, it's better on the Vita - it is sooo the perfect handheld game because you can just do a bounty here and there and get lots of nice rewards. I'm baffled by how addictive people say it is though - I got that "digital crack" feeling from Destiny more than this, although it could be that's just because I prefer more arcade-y style gameplay.

Pix the Cat is a really great little game. It's actually funny in a really charming way and doesn't pretend to be anything it's not. It's like a really good phone game on a console. I don't really think it's a PS4 game so much, but on the Vita it's amazing for quick bursts here and there.

Futuridium is a bit disappointing. At first I was just in love with it, I put the music on really loud and just whizzed around loving the chromatic aberration, but there's not really a satisfying gameplay loop in there. It's a bit like Star Fox but without enemies and just static cubes to attack and with lots of small levels instead of bigger ones. Such a shame because the devs seem like nice people and there's a really nice style to it, it's just really shallow.

...and I've gone back to TxK to play it on the uber-you-are-masochist-survival mode where you only get 2 lives and no chance of any more. It's really good fun even though (a) I'm not that good and (b) I'm still bitter at Jeff Minter for not patching the bugs in the game. I bloody completed the Long March! It was my most amazing gaming moment ever! and the trophy didn't pop!!!

It's amazing what you can play when Destiny is hidden from you for a week :)

What are you all playing?


Knows the Score
I quite liked Infamous, the Neon power set is especially beautiful but it's a bit barren at times.And Delsin is a bit of a nob, particularly when being good.

Transistor isn't my kind of thing, the fighting is wonky and the main game too slow.

I've been playing Alien Isolation, it's amazing looking and deeply atmospheric due to attention to detail. Bit stuck just now due to some poor AI, I've just met up with Space Irvine Welsh and he tells me to turn off my flash light before falling through a door and getting shot to bits. Also I bought the camera as the game just isn't stressful enough.

Haven't tried Pix the Cat yet and I'd tend to agree on Futuridium, it's initially glorious but without the hacking minigame of the original it's all a bit too samey.


Alien Isolation mostly, took about 2 hours for the Alien to actually show up which is pretty good. Shame that when it did have its proper introduction you saw it walk out of a door which makes the Alien look goofy as fuck. Just have it crawl, seriously.

Other than that I'm looking at Grainger's stock checker and considering whether I want to actually go into a store and buy Akiba's Trip or just get it on PSN...


Currently grinding through the Adventure Map in Hyrule Warriors, almost unlocked all of the squares but not even close to getting all of the rewards yet. Getting the second Skulltula can be a nightmare on some maps. Really looking forward to all of the upcoming DLC.

As an on-and-off thing I'm also playing Smash 3DS - working my way through the challenges, haven't unlocked all of the characters yet, but I'm having fun with Smash Run even though most people in the Smash thread seem to hate it.


I'll be playing Akiba's Trip this weekend. Probably dip back into Rogue Legacy as well. I was going to pick up Driveclub but I think I might be a little busy at the mo, so I'll wait and see.

Apart from that, I'm debating dusting off the Saturn and Dreamcast, to play some shooters. Mars Matrix and Giga Wing 2 for sure. Cracking out the Saturn is dangerous though because entire afternoons fly by in the blink of a misty eye.

If I get banned in that Sarah Silverman thread I want you to know that I love you all.
Because of that thread, I figured I'd look for some information on the transgender wage gap.

I saw a trigger warning for 'economic violence'.

I decided I'd just talk about games instead.


You can borrow infamous as long as you want sploatee, I'm in no rush for it back.

I might start Tomb Raider this weekend as it's the only game I've got at the moment, but I'll probably end up doing something else like always. :/


You can borrow infamous as long as you want sploatee, I'm in no rush for it back.

I might start Tomb Raider this weekend as it's the only game I've got at the moment, but I'll probably end up doing something else like always. :/
I really enjoyed TR. Pretty sure I'll go back and do a 100% run at some point. Yeah, it's not doing anything new, but it just all hangs together really well.


I have been playing a lot of Dota 2 and Fifa 15.......

I haven't got the energy to sit down and invest in a 'proper' game at the moment. I really enjoy being able to have a 20-40 minute complete experience where everyone starts off of equal footing at the beginning of each match.


Finally completed VOG last night

Thanks to Dapper who came in with us, I'm shocked how quick we were.

Was a good laugh though, much banter in the Gorgon caves.

How's everyone's weekends shaping up?

Jedeye Sniv

I'm playing Xenogears on PS1 after having finished up FF7 last week. It's good, but it's pretty much a book with the occasional fight. But the fighting is kinda neat, and it has a batshit anime plot so I'm sticking with it until I either finish it or become so Japanophobic that I'm forced to delete it.


dota 2 etc terrify the hell out of me.

I've been playing MOBA's (hate that name) for years and it was a lot easier being new in the dota 1 days. No recorded stats = less rage. That and having a few friends to play with who are also new helps.

I wouldn't like to start learning the game now, although valve are making big efforts to make it more accessible and friendly, its still a bitch. But it's one of the most rewarding, deep and challenging games out there.
Was playing Destiny quite solidly till I hit 27 and got bored of strikes. Trying to get 5 people for daytime raids is like nailing jelly to a tree so I haven’t played for a while. Just had 5 days off work so I spent them watching movies and playing Shadow of Mordor. Not long til Evil Within and Farcry, still trying to decide which one to get.


I really enjoyed TR. Pretty sure I'll go back and do a 100% run at some point. Yeah, it's not doing anything new, but it just all hangs together really well.
Yeah, I played about a third of it on PS3, i thought it was excellent to be honest. As you say, it wasn't exactly breaking new ground, but it was fun, slick, controlled fantastically (best tuned aiming reticle this side of Vanquish) and looked gorgeous. I can only imagine it's even more sumptuous on the QuadBoxStation.
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