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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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One last question remains from my UK experience:

Why do your cooks hate salt so much?

Depends where you go. If you go to decent restaurants, the salt quotient is a lot higher. For decent restaurants you'd probably have to leave Newcastle/the north.



Salt makes your body hold on to water. Too much salt and the extra water raises your blood pressure. Too high blood pressure = strain on your heart, arteries, kidneys and brain.

This can lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia and kidney disease.


Over salty food kills other flavours.
Plus it's like crazy bad for you

Of course. But literally everything that wasn't some kind of ethnic food was underseasoned. Even fucking McDonald's fries.

Anyhow, I enjoyed my visit a lot. Lots of pretty things to see, lots of fun things to do, nice people, even the weather was pretty good.


Salt makes your body hold on to water. Too much salt and the extra water raises your blood pressure. Too high blood pressure = strain on your heart, arteries, kidneys and brain.

This can lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia and kidney disease.

Once again, wrong. No hard evidence that salt raises blood pressure in healthy people, certainly not in the amounts that the average person eats, which is way above the laughably low 6g RDA. If you already have high blood pressure then you should be cautious.


Of course. But literally everything that wasn't some kind of ethnic food was underseasoned. Even fucking McDonald's fries.

Anyhow, I enjoyed my visit a lot. Lots of pretty things to see, lots of fun things to do, nice people, even the weather was pretty good.

This definitely isn't true.

McDonald's fries are salty as fuck.


McDonald's fries are indeed salty as fuck.

Me and my parents are confused as to how they can legally sell them in the kid's meals. Just shameful.




I liked it as a whole, but some tracks are hit n miss. Give it another go

I listened to it and actually found a lot of the rest to be pretty decent.

I will say that the opening track is the worst song ever to open an album on.

If it wasn't for people telling me to go back I wouldn't have.

I am so tired slept awfully last night due to kittens deciding to head butt me all through the night for cuddles, I love the little guys, but jeeez come on I need my sleep.

I'm off tomorrow though so pretty happy about that!


I despise Leigh Alexander. She's the only gaming 'personality' that I have any feelings about whatsoever.

Doesn't help that my only experiences of her are drunken belligerence on Giant Bombcasts, and hostile obnoxious articles where she pits herself against the evils of the world. Also known as people that don't agree with her.

Worst thing is, you can't dislike Leigh Alexander, because that makes you a mysoginist. Ugh.


Maturity, bitches.
Apart from Matt Castlevania of former IGN fame, I don't really know the names of any of the gaming outlet peeps so most of the controversies that happen fly over my head.

Well I know NGamer magazine writers, but magazine stuff tends to stay in the world of magazines so doesn't really cause any controversy...

...until they start posting stuff online and then it explodes like when Official Nintendo Magazine started berating Senran Kagura for no reason.


As far as games press go, the only one I really dislike is Kuchera, to make consistently bad articals is bad enough but easily ignorable, to act like a massive baby if you ever get called out on it and resort to insults or passive aggressive tweets is just terrible. Oh but don't forget as he'll remind you, that he's the big grown up.

The guys high horse is so tall he'd be able to invade troy with it.


As far as games press go, the only one I really dislike is Kuchera, to make consistently bad articals is bad enough but easily ignorable, to act like a massive baby if you ever get called out on it and resort to insults or passive aggressive tweets is just terrible. Oh but don't forget as he'll remind you, that he's the big grown up.

The guys high horse is so tall he'd be able to invade troy with it.

Gies and Kuchera are so bad it's hilarious - Kuchera with Mario Chart (despite not actually writing the article) and Gies pussying out of a $10 bet on GAF.

Jedeye Sniv

Headsick and rage warning

Am finding myself particularly wound up over trivial shit today, so like it or not I'm going to attempt to write it all down in an attempt to purge the poison from my system. In no particular order other than how I think of them (spoilered for those who don't want to deal with my shit):

Bored. So bored. A function, I guess, of having done the same job for 9 years means that I'm fairly efficient meaning that everything is covered in my office right now, leaving me with about 4 hours a day spent twiddling thumbs, which means I'm spending a lot (too much) time on the internet. Being on the internet is causing me to hate EVERYTHING.

I like to consider myself an enlightened, right on kinda guy. But fuck me am I sick of reading about feminism, racism, transgender issues and whatever else is flavour of the month right now. I WANT to be engaged, I WANT to care. But every essay, thread or article I read lately just makes my blood boil, either from the oversensitive nonsense in the original piece or from the endless legions of SHITCOCK wankers who take the opposing stance. Gamergate is disgusting and makes me want to nuke the whole internet, but it's exhausting to try and keep up with it, let alone form a coherent opinion on what is happening beyond "boys are shit". And yes, boys are shit, but all the handwringing editorials in the world aren't going to fix it. I feel a bit like these writers are King Knut on the shore trying to will the tide back. There are seven billion people on this planet, this is the way the world is. Learn to negotiate it for fucks sake.

I feel like everything I'm reading lately is "GROUP X suck because of this" or "Police shoot black person" or fucking "purple penguins" (cue the right wing legions saying the sky is falling). There's too much, I can't take it in any more, I can't care any more.

And fucking EE with their bullshit service where I can't get 3g or barely even Edge in my office, so I leave my office to be hit with half a dozen new txt messages, grrrrr! What the fuck am I spending my money on?

And every day I go to lunch at work the lunch lady and half the staff are giving me shit for not wanting extra peas or limp cabbage with my dinner. fuck off fuck off fuck off I don't want your piss weak veg and I don't care if I die when I'm 50 as long as you leave me the fuck alone to be who I am without saying the same shit every fucking day.

And people giving me crap for not driving. IF I WANTED TO DRIVE I WOULD DRIVE, FUCK OFF

Hmmm. I don't think that helped, I think I just engorged my rage boner some more.


I share the bulk of your grievances there Jed.

I always pull back from the brink by remembering that 99% of internet fuckery has absolutely nothing to do with the real world around me, and that nobody I know is sweating any of this shit*.

It sometimes feels like talking to robots dissecting an 'ideal human life instruction manual', rather than actual people with any degree of life experience. Or, being stuck in a lift with 15 first year sociology students. Or, listening to a blind man describe colours.

Don't let it grind you down, man.

That said, the US police stories are fucking nuts. I really want to start a 'Is the US the most racist place in the western world' thread. It sounds so crazy over there.


Maturity, bitches.
Dying in a car crash that someone else caused truly sucks. You live life perfectly only for it to be ruined in the worst possible way by Mr Stupid.


It sometimes feels like talking to robots dissecting an 'ideal human life instruction manual', rather than actual people with any degree of life experience. Or, being stuck in a lift with 15 first year sociology students. Or, listening to a blind man describe colours.

That sounds like it would be quite interesting tbh. Red is how you feel when you're hurt or angry, blue is how you feel when you're wet and so on. Reminds me of a story about the guy who could hear colours - C# was a yellow melody while A minor was green or something like that.


That sounds like it would be quite interesting tbh. Red is how you feel when you're hurt or angry, blue is how you feel when you're wet and so on. Reminds me of a story about the guy who could hear colours - C# was a yellow melody while A minor was green or something like that.
Surely you'd need to have seen colours in order to have any reference point for 'em though.

....let's find a blind dude and ask.

Jedeye Sniv

That sounds like it would be quite interesting tbh. Red is how you feel when you're hurt or angry, blue is how you feel when you're wet and so on. Reminds me of a story about the guy who could hear colours - C# was a yellow melody while A minor was green or something like that.

I've got a friend who can see and paint sounds, she has my favourite superpower hands down.


Surely you'd need to have seen colours in order to have any reference point for 'em though.

....let's find a blind dude and ask.

They wouldn't be able to differentiate between visuals obviously but if we asked them what they thought of when they heard the word 'red' or 'blue', they'd probably respond with a type of feeling or sound.

Any Brailleians in GAF?

I've got a friend who can see and paint sounds, she has my favourite superpower hands down.

That's awesome, d'you know what sounds corresponded to which colours?


formerly Oynox Slider
Aw Jed.

Charles Baudelaire was synaesthetic I think. I think I'm mildly synaesthetic although it might just be that I like to close my eyes and let the music do the psychedelic thing.


formerly Oynox Slider
I know life is shit and we all hate ourselves and want to die, but remote play at lunchtimes is heavenly. Diablo for half an hour with a coffee is just perfect. I love you Sony! I love you!
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