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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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The manager at my local GAME says a 'definitive edition' of Skyrim is coming to PS4 and XBONE. Has this been confirmed or announced in any shape or form? I never really got round to completing Skyrim and after seeing how good Tomb Raider looks souped up for the next-gen, I'd be willing to give Skyrim a second shot.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
The manager at my local GAME says a 'definitive edition' of Skyrim is coming to PS4 and XBONE. Has this been confirmed or announced in any shape or form? I never really got round to completing Skyrim and after seeing how good Tomb Raider looks souped up for the next-gen, I'd be willing to give Skyrim a second shot.

He's wrong

Son Of D

Ah, hope more sweet than bitter.

Good, thanks. A lovely pampering day yesterday. Turns out my glasses prescription was way wrong and that's why I've been constantly dizzy for the last month. I bought some fancy new glasses and I can't wait to have them in a couple of weeks.

Emma was really bad on Friday but better this weekend, so actually been able to be "hang out" a bit more (not in that way). Umm. Watched a couple of films, played some games, done a bit of amateur painting and now trying to learn how to program, yet again, while listening to lovely music.

Not yet feeling the Sunday horror but it won't be long now, probably kick in about 8pm.

This song is how I feel on a Sunday night (it's an amazing song):


Was definitely sweet for the most part, but with a bitter end.

Sounds like a nice weekend. Good to sit back sometimes. Also, good choice of song. Always was a fan of Smashing Pumpkins.

The manager at my local GAME says a 'definitive edition' of Skyrim is coming to PS4 and XBONE. Has this been confirmed or announced in any shape or form? I never really got round to completing Skyrim and after seeing how good Tomb Raider looks souped up for the next-gen, I'd be willing to give Skyrim a second shot.

I recall a website listing Skyrim for PS4 and XB1 at one point. That's all I've heard about Skyrim: DE though.


While we're talking about various Steam-related games and such, did anyone here ever used to play a Half-Life mod called Day of Defeat?


CHEEZMO™;98548010 said:
I did play the shit out of the Source version. Not the original tho.
See, I'm the opposite. I clocked up so many hours on the original DoD but never the updated Source version. I must've spent a good 300+ hours on that game. Was part of a clan and everything. I'd love to see it ported to PSN or something.
See, I'm the opposite. I clocked up so many hours on the original DoD but never the updated Source version. I must've spent a good 300+ hours on that game. Was part of a clan and everything. I'd love to see it ported to PSN or something.

It must be 10 years old now, if you have any sort of PC it should be able to run it and there's more than likely more players than there would be of a PSN port.


It must be 10 years old now, if you have any sort of PC it should be able to run it and there's more than likely more players than there would be of a PSN port.
The laptop I have at the moment was powerful enough to play games on when I first got it, but now it overheats when I play games, even simple ones like Minecraft. I daren't try DoD on it.


The laptop I have at the moment was powerful enough to play games on when I first got it, but now it overheats when I play games, even simple ones like Minecraft. I daren't try DoD on it.

To be fair, Source games are far better optimized than Minecraft, that thing can cause gaming dedicated hardware to shit the bed due to it's shitty coding. I can run BF3 on my laptop pretty well and Minecraft drives the fans through the roof.

Blizzard and Valve / Source games tend to be optimized to the point they won't strain a toaster.

Give it a try perhaps?


I'll give it a whirl tomorrow morning then. If I can get it up and running, and if it plays at fairly decent settings, would anyone be interested in getting a weekly game going?


formerly Oynox Slider
I can't play this DoD thing (for starters, I don't know what it is), but if any ps4 CoD players fancy an easy opponent, I'm happy to oblige :)


I'll play
My man.


It's been a while since I played DoD so I'm really hoping it works so I can get back into the swing of things. Playing against BritGAF would be great, too, and hey, it gives you all a chance to kill me. I wonder if my sniping is as good now as it was back then. Love me some snipey snipey action.

On a sidenote, my Spotify is on point tonight. Been listening to the Doctor Who S7 OST and it now gives and plays suggestions based on what you've listened to, and I've had some of the God-tier X-Men: First Class OST mixed in with it all, as well as the Dark Knight trilogy OST and Man of Steel. Good job, Spotify.

Son Of D

I got into PC gaming quite late. I played a little Age of Empires 2 and Age of Mythology in 2011, but a chat with a friend and the Steam sales of 2012 and 2013 started convincing me. Funnily enough PC has been my most played platform of 2014. All I have is a laptop at the moment, but I am slowly getting parts for a gaming PC.


I used to play a lot of CoD 2 and DoD back in the day. My clan, Gunning For Glory, was pretty big on both games. Not known worldwide or owt but people recognised the clan tag [GFG] whenever we came online. I don't know if that was out of fear or what, aha. The only PC games I've played recently are Portal 2 and Minecraft. I only played Portal 2 because I got it free via Steamworks and wanted to build my own test chambers, and Minecraft - well, because Minecraft's awesome.

My favourite was a pure stealth/illusion build. Hardly killed anyone directly, I either had them kill each other or I just calmed them and walked past. It made the game quite a puzzle at times, at least before I maxed out all the illusion perks, then it became pretty trivial... Except, of course, when it came to dragons....

Are you me?

I turned Skyrim into a First Person Soother, wandering gracefully through bandit caverns telling everyone to chill, be cool, I got this, and going about my business.

Illusion was also the school of trolling magic, where you smash someone in the back of the head, have turn to swing then calm them. Rinse and repeat until defeat.

Made me feel sad that these bandits couldn't be bros normally


provides useful feedback
Going to a Fighting Game Tournament in Southampton today and was very pleasantly surprised to see Wiseblade there! Good times. His lot pretty much wrecked our SSF4:AE champion, though.

Jedeye Sniv

Catching up -

Never trust GAME about anything ever, those games hipsters know fuck all. The people in my shop have some awesome tattoos and ill-advised ear spacers but they couldn't even decipher Skyrim when a confused mum was asking for Oblivion 5. Eejits.

I used to play DoD back in the day but I sucked at it. Could never hit anyone ever with those guns. My favourite mod was Action Quake 2, it was revolutionary. First game that I can think of to have dual wielding, reloading, bleeding, broken limbs etc.

I've been hearing a lot about Rust lately, sounds hilarious fun. If my computer didn't have trouble running Firefox even I would jump into that shit in a heartbeat.

I spent about 20 hours this weekend playing Baldur's Gate 2, it was a fucking blast. I feel a bit weird being at work now. I should be on my sofa with my iPad on my lap, blankeyedly running quests. SOB

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Are you me?

Unless we've stepped into some weird Lynchian nightmare and you are sporting an uncanny rabbit's head, then no. However, I do want to be in you, but this neither the time nor place for that.

I turned Skyrim into a First Person Soother, wandering gracefully through bandit caverns telling everyone to chill, be cool, I got this, and going about my business.

Illusion was also the school of trolling magic, where you smash someone in the back of the head, have turn to swing then calm them. Rinse and repeat until defeat.

Made me feel sad that these bandits couldn't be bros normally

Genius! Although I never did the torture method. I'd run through a dungeon keeping everyone cool. If I came across a boss that needed culling, I'd run back through and get his minions to do the deed. I'll take every opportunity I can to keep my hands clean in ma vidya games.

Jedeye Sniv

I don't think I've ever used any charm skills in any RPG. I usually go big swinging dick battlemage, ball of fire in one hand a big fuck off sword in the other, complete with loads of hand crafted and enchanted armour.

I always tell myself I'll play another way in every game, never do. Same for playing evil, never brave enough to do it.


Knows the Score
I should gone to bed at a reasonable time instead of watching Filth and drinking Moscow Mules but when I noted one of the early scenes of the movie was filmed a little over 100 meters from my old house (just beside the Moss Heights in Glasgow) I was kind of drawn into watching the lot.


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think I've ever used any charm skills in any RPG. I usually go big swinging dick battlemage, ball of fire in one hand a big fuck off sword in the other, complete with loads of hand crafted and enchanted armour.

I always tell myself I'll play another way in every game, never do. Same for playing evil, never brave enough to do it.

I have a tendency to go for idiosyncratic play throughs. On MGO I played stun only to the chagrin of other players, whilst in MW2's multiplayer I only ever used knives. Ha.


I don't think I've ever used any charm skills in any RPG. I usually go big swinging dick battlemage, ball of fire in one hand a big fuck off sword in the other, complete with loads of hand crafted and enchanted armour.

This is me, too.

I always tell myself I'll play another way in every game, never do. Same for playing evil, never brave enough to do it.

This isn't. I love playing evil; most problems can be solved by killing whoever gets in your way. I even had a separate game save in Fallout 3 where I could blow up Megaton whenever I wanted. Good times.


I barely got any gaming time this weekend between visiting IKEA, visiting the in-laws and building purchases from said IKEA trip. I did get to pick out a sexy new smart TV that I go and pick up tomorrow though, so that was awesome. The fucking remote control blew my mind, it's like a remote and a Wiimote had a baby.

What gaming time I did get was split between Assassin's Creed: Pirates on iOS (cool little game, fucking bonkers graphics on my 5S) and Valhalla Knights 3 on Vita (boob slider). I'm ashamed to admit that I'm fucking loving VK3, even though I'm just grinding by killing rabbits at the moment.

I'm a 'badass armour and a big fucking sword' player, personally.

Blink Me

I was playing Final Fantasy 8 this weekend but got pissed off when I had to fight Seifers buddies so played One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 instead. Was going to finish Last of Us but couldn't be arsed.


Maturity, bitches.
Talking of iOS, what would be a good game for my mother for her iPad. She hasn't played like one single game in her life. I tried Tetris out and it was just a pain to play since tapping = rotate so when you tap to swipe a piece in one direction it will also rotate meaning you can have your plan completely messed up at the last moment. Damn shame I missed that Ghost Trick sale.
I don't think I've ever used any charm skills in any RPG. I usually go big swinging dick battlemage, ball of fire in one hand a big fuck off sword in the other, complete with loads of hand crafted and enchanted armour.

I always tell myself I'll play another way in every game, never do. Same for playing evil, never brave enough to do it.

In any game with a moral/kharma scale that judges you good or evil, I always go evil. Partly because I'm a bit of a bastard, but also it's a good way to judge a game's writing. A lot of games really struggle to provide convincing "evil" dialogue and characterisation. The first Knights of the Old Republic game had a bit where you speak to a group of aliens in a hideout. As a good player, you can persuade them to help you, as a bad player you can say"Time to die, bugface!"

Games like Skyrim give you the opportunity to be evil without it showing up on a scale. For example, in Skyrim, there's a quest where a kid asks you to kill this old woman who runs an orphanage and starves and abuses all the kids. I got creative:

I went in, used paralyze on her, and she falls flat on her back, immoblized for about 8 seconds. Which is enough time for my Khajit thief to go into sneak mode, become undetected and then, with max level pickpocket skill, steal her clothes. Paralyzed her again, teabagged a little, then, with paralyze in my left hand and a clenched fist in my right, proceeded to beat her to death as she lay immobilized in her under garments, staring up at me.

Jedeye Sniv

Talking of iOS, what would be a good game for my mother for her iPad. She hasn't played like one single game in her life. I tried Tetris out and it was just a pain to play since tapping = rotate so when you tap to swipe a piece in one direction it will also rotate meaning you can have your plan completely messed up at the last moment. Damn shame I missed that Ghost Trick sale.

Final Fantasy Tactics.

Or Cut the Rope.

Jedeye Sniv

I went in, used paralyze on her, and she falls flat on her back, immoblized for about 8 seconds. Which is enough time for my Khajit thief to go into sneak mode, become undetected and then, with max level pickpocket skill, steal her clothes. Paralyzed her again, teabagged a little, then, with paralyze in my left hand and a clenched fist in my right, proceeded to beat her to death as she lay immobilized, staring up at me.

haha amazing! I just hid in the shadows and merked her with a poisoned fire arrow in the throat. And then I sat there for a bit and watched all the kids and their surprising ambivalence towards her corpse.
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