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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
You have a 360 yet you played RDR on PS3?

Turbo pleb indeed. :p

(The PS3 port of RDR was poo.)

You see, I'm not half as fussy with that stuff as most of GAF are. I had a whale of a time regardless of the lack of vegetation.

Look, I had a 360, it died; I got a fat PS3 for MGS4, it died. Now I got a 360 again and it's getting ready to die. I've never had two consoles at once, that boggles my mind. Well, except I've still got my slim PS2 knocking about.

Oh well at least you intended to own one, was it the original fat one that bricked?

Fat, I think. Cheapest option at the time.
You see, I'm not half as fussy with that stuff as most of GAF are. I had a whale of a time regardless of the lack of vegetation.

Look, I had a 360, it died; I got a fat PS3 for MGS4, it died. Now I got a 360 again and it's getting ready to die. I've never had two consoles at once, that boggles my mind. Well, except I've still got my slim PS2 knocking about.

Fat, I think. Cheapest option at the time.

Screaming Meat: where consoles go to die


Somewhat regretting that I didn't get GTA V for PS3.

I'm on my second 360 and PS3. Still got my Wii from launch. Nintendo make top quality products.

Jedeye Sniv

Am I coming across as such? Oh dear. Guess turning 26 did change me.

You see, I'm not half as fussy with that stuff as most of GAF are. I had a whale of a time regardless of the lack of vegetation.

Look, I had a 360, it died; I got a fat PS3 for MGS4, it died. Now I got a 360 again and it's getting ready to die. I've never had two consoles at once, that boggles my mind. Well, except I've still got my slim PS2 knocking about.

Fat, I think. Cheapest option at the time.

I'm the same - I had a 360 for the entire generation and then literally just as I get Mikeside's castoff fat PS3, my 360 chokes on it's last dick and dies. Great timing.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Screaming Meat: where consoles go to die

Haha! Fuck "Turbo Pleb" gimmie that as a tag.

Also: Kebabs.

He should get a Vita. Vita means life.

It would turn to dust as soon as I touched it.

I'm the same - I had a 360 for the entire generation and then literally just as I get Mikeside's castoff fat PS3, my 360 chokes on it's last dick and dies. Great timing.

The tragedy is, I went back to 360 to play with my RL friends and... they never play anymore.


Look, I had a 360, it died; I got a fat PS3 for MGS4, it died. Now I got a 360 again and it's getting ready to die. I've never had two consoles at once, that boggles my mind. Well, except I've still got my slim PS2 knocking about.
I look at owning multiple consoles like owning multiple pairs of trainers; variety is the spice of life and you spread the wear and tear as a bonus.

It's a win win situation.

So in short, buy more trainers and a PS3 to improve your life in 2014.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I look at owning multiple consoles like owning multiple pairs of trainers; variety is the spice of life and you spread the wear and tear as a bonus.

It's a win win situation.

So in short, buy more trainers and a PS3 to improve your life in 2014.

I've only ever owned one pair of trainers at a time, soooo.... (I'm like the scruffiest human being alive)

I'm definitely thinking of going PS4 next. I just wish the exclusives were more interesting...

From the sounds of things it would soon become a Playstation Mortem.



Maturity, bitches.
Somewhat regretting that I didn't get GTA V for PS3.

I'm on my second 360 and PS3. Still got my Wii from launch. Nintendo make top quality products.

I once pulled the controller cable on my Wii and knocked it over (those GCN controller cables are bloody short). Game was still running and the only bit of damage was the memory card flap snapped off, which was easily fixed with some glue.

If that had been a 360, not only would my game have been scratched, the machine would have likely blown up too.

Son Of D

Only one console/handheld of mine has broken. That being my Vita. Genuinely surprised at that, especially seeing that I've modded the crap out of my Wii and PS2 and so many times I thought that I had fucked them up by doing something wrong.

As for ports, only one bad port has bothered me and that's the PS3 port of Bayonetta.


If that had been a 360, not only would my game have been scratched, the machine would have likely blown up too.

truuuue dat. Thankfully I never suffered through that whole Red Ring ordeal but I was once playing Mass Effect 2 on a flat horizontally placed 360 and after 20 minutes there was a loud churning sound from the disc drive. I was like "wtf?!" so I went out of the game into the xbox main menu, opened up the disc drive and found circular scratches on the top of the disc. Furthermore, the whole console stopped reading any kind of discs. Boots up fine but just won't play discs. Called up MS and they were like "Doesn't sound like an issue that's covered in our extended 3 year warranty and looks like your initial 1 year warranty is up. Sucks to be you right now haha". At least EA were kind enough to replace the disc even though it was evidently MS's fault.
Only one console/handheld of mine has broken. That being my Vita. Genuinely surprised at that, especially seeing that I've modded the crap out of my Wii and PS2 and so many times I thought that I had fucked them up by doing something wrong.

As for ports, only one bad port has bothered me and that's the PS3 port of Bayonetta.

I owned an original Xbox and a while back the disk drive broke. Irritating because KotOR 2 one of my all time favourites is now trapped inside it. Not that I would buy a new one simply to play it but it still irks me. Aside from that, I've never owned a console that broke. Controllers have worn out, I'm currently on my third Dualshock 3, my Gamecube controllers both got some wierd defect with the right analog stick and the wierd tamagotchi thing that went into the Dreamcast controller got corrupted.

I heard Bayonetta had some glaring problems on PS3 but for the most part, a lot of differences between the multiplats are only noticeable in a direct screen to screen comparison, minor graphics issues like less foliage and what not never bothered me.


formerly Oynox Slider
What happened to us, Sploat? We used to be tight, man.

I'm sorry, Meaty.

I just like the idea of you being a sort of deathbringer to games machines. Maybe, you know, listening to Burzum and wearing corpse paint and just turning them to dust on contact. That kind of idiom.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm sorry, Meaty.

I just like the idea of you being a sort of deathbringer to games machines. Maybe, you know, listening to Burzum and wearing corpse paint and just turning them to dust on contact. That kind of idiom.



Actually, I can get behind this; mostly because it isn't too far from the truth (although I have no idea what a Burzum is).

As you were, then...

Son Of D

Well fuck. Don't know how but a small fire started up downstairs. Thankfully we've been able to put it out before it spread. Shit ton of smoke here now though, been coughing a lot for the past 10 minutes.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Can you leave for a minute and get a cup of coffee or something? Probably isn't good to sit in smoke like that. Also some of your clothes might stink of smoke, could do a laundry trip and get some fans or a candle.
Happy Monday BritGAF.
Here's some of that fancy electric music to start your day.

Vehl: Kidnap Kid ;


Animal Collective: My Girls ;


Deadmau5: Invaderoids (from Sound Shapes) ;

The video for Kidnap Kid was gorgeous, also very chill tunage for a Monday afternoon. @3:17 is the sexiest way to smoke up, also recycles the high so nothing goes to waste. Animal Collective was great as per usual, especially like the lyrics in that song.


I can't wait to get back to my hotel room and play through Broken Age.

I haven't played any video games in fucking ages.

Gonna be hitting you guys up for some gtao at the weekend.


That Kidnap Kid tune is quite marvellous.
The better half is in York on the 22nd Feb doing wedding stuff, Manchester mini meet: confirmed.
Good stuff mate. That's you, me and Sploat for definite. I'm sure CHEEZMO will come with some gentle persuasion, maybe Little Old Man too. Who else in BritGAF is a Manc?
Sup guys.

We all had a great first day on the slopes. Everyone picked it back up pretty quickly and had some good runs. And although we were forecast snow all day we had quite a lot of sunshine which was great.

Gopro day tomorrow so hoping we get some good footage. Hope everyone is having a good start to the week!

Cy how did you enjoy Frozen?

Jedeye Sniv

I can't wait to get back to my hotel room and play through Broken Age.

I haven't played any video games in fucking ages.

Gonna be hitting you guys up for some gtao at the weekend.

Broken AGe? The double fine thing? And it's on iOS as well?? Ohhhhhhh

And yay to GTA. If you play then people will come. Because they love you


Cy how did you enjoy Frozen?
We postponed it until tomorrow evening after the little one has finished school. She wasn't feeling too good on Sunday so we stayed in and watched Tangled and Rise Of The Guardians instead. I'm not complaining as they're both brilliant films in their own right.

Let's make this a thing.

GTA PS3 crew, assemble on Sunday for antics!
I'll dust off my ol' PS3 and get it hooked up. I'm down for some antics in sunny Los Santos and I'm quite eager to see just what lengths Jedeye is prepared to go to to piss me off, aha.

Son Of D

Safe to go back in the house now. Definitely need to get this smell of smoke off my clothes now.

Also, what gaming platforms do people here own? Is it majority PS3, 360, PC etc.?
PS+ just ran out and the PSN store is offline.


I thought I'd got some kind of freaky code that wouldn't run out since I only used a month-long code when I got the PS4 in November but I guess the actual console comes with a free month or sumfink


Safe to go back in the house now. Definitely need to get this smell of smoke off my clothes now.

Also, what gaming platforms do people here own? Is it majority PS3, 360, PC etc.?
Sony bias in this thread. Nintendo is better but nobody here will admit that.


formerly Oynox Slider
Safe to go back in the house now. Definitely need to get this smell of smoke off my clothes now.

Also, what gaming platforms do people here own? Is it majority PS3, 360, PC etc.?


I have a Ps4 and a Vita. I will again cry out for any CoD buddies. *Wail*

I have a non-gaming laptop which just about managed to run Gone Home.
Re: RPGs, my preferred role goes in this order (using D&D terms because you kids and your Skyrim):

1: Wizard/Sorcerer: There's nothing to beat a fully-prepared wizard. With the right spells, you can do anything. Favourite thing to do in D&D is Stinking Cloud -> Force Cage. Or anything with Time Stop and metamagic fireballs (preferably Enlarged and then Empowered or Maximized). Can be tricky to multiclass with since I hate giving up caster levels. Gishes/battlemages fall under this category too.

2. "Tank" - I love being the Fighter and keeping the squishier members of a team alive. Ideally I'd be a Paladin since the high CHA makes them a good face for the party. My favourite character ever though was a Warforged (basically a magic robot) Warblade. Warblades are kind of like wuxia-style fighters, they have stances and maneuvers. I had an Attack on Titan hook/harness thing so I could swing from bulilding to building, and because I had high INT from being a Warblade I had loads of skill points so I could run up walls no problems.

3. Ranger - Love playing these, but need the right flavour to be interesting. Favoured enemy bonuses are always nice later in a campaign. I get bored with archery though, I like to pick Two-Weapon Fighting when I can.

4. Cleric - Depends on the setting really, always wanted to play a warpriest type character, worshipping someone like Tyr. Don't like being a healbot though.

5. Rogue/Thief - I'll only play this role if I absolutely have to. Don't like sneaking, too many enemies are immune to crits/sneak attack and hate "I check for traps 20 times."


I prefer rpgs where I manage a party of different classes rather than being a lone ranger with a single class.

Basically, fuck WRPGs and table top


bitch I'm taking calls.
I prefer rpgs where I manage a party of different classes rather than being a lone ranger with a single class.

Basically, fuck WRPGs and table top
Sounds like someone hasn't played a lot of PnP / table top RPGs. There are a lot of modules and systems, including DnD, where you can multi-class or even control multiple PCs and/or NPCs.

Heck, if you are talking about video games stuff like Dragons Dogma, Dragon Age, Baldurs Gate even Mass Effect & KOTOR allow for that.


Unacceptable, soldier.

Now follow me and shoot those damn commies on my go! I've got a solid box on my 6!

lame attempt at humour

You don't understand how much willpower it took for me to not buy it at launch.
I was so close to starting my PS4 adventure with 100% of the games released for the system.
I'm still not far off. Goddamit, I need help. The only non-phone games I've played in 2014 are Assassin's Creed IV, Resogun and Godus.


Listening to the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack in the flat. Man, this place turned all classy and shit. All that's missing is light dimmers, sheepskin rugs and a fireplace.


i'm thinking of opening a new current account as i'm with HSBC which is basically doing nothing for me. does any one know any of the best deals going around at the moment? i know halifax are giving you a 100 quid if you transfer over this month and you get a fiver a month if you get 750 quid in a month.

anyone know anything good going at the moment?


Received my final pay packet today from work, a mere £500. I've paid my rent and CSA, but I'm screwed for the remainder of the month. I won't be able to pay my phone bill and I have my credit card I need to pay off. January sucks, mane.


Unconfirmed Member
Capaldi looks pretty cool as the new Doctor. Don't watch it but he looks good in the promo images.


formerly Oynox Slider
You don't understand how much willpower it took for me to not buy it at launch.
I was so close to starting my PS4 adventure with 100% of the games released for the system.
I'm still not far off. Goddamit, I need help. The only non-phone games I've played in 2014 are Assassin's Creed IV, Resogun and Godus.

I've not played Godus, but AC and Resogun are great. What's the problem? You didn't buy Knack did you?


Capaldi looks pretty cool as the new Doctor. Don't watch it but he looks good in the promo images.
I'm a huge Smith/Eleven fan and was really skeptical about Capaldi as the Doctor when they first announced the news, but the last part of Time Of The Doctor and today's promo image has restored a little faith. I still need to see him in a full episode before I can make any sort of judgment. That said, I was the same about Smith when Ten regenerated.


I'm happy with Ghosts and Black Flag, but I also have RESOGUN and Don't Starve from PS+ - which reminds me, the new game, Outlast, goes up in the next few days. Been waiting for this game for what seems like a lifetime.
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