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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Cy, I hear that Royal Blood are the new hot shit with guys who have embarrassing haircuts and wear glasses with empty frames, and they seem to be selling well on the pop-pickin' iTunes hit parade chart show thingy which I'm led to believe means they're amazeballs.

(But seriously, they're a pretty good bluesy two piece from Brighton, the album is pretty short and full of chunky riffs and catchy hooks. It's fun, easily digestible poppy rock, worth a whirl.)


Mikeside's Recently Endorsed Bands
Wolf Alice
Field Mouse
Delta Sleep
Frightened Rabbit
The National
The Front Bottoms
Gerard Way
Band of Skulls

I do like MS MR. Their first LP was slightly on the weak, but I liked the promise of their EP songs. I should join in the music discussion here more often, since a lot of it is Indie.


I do like MS MR. Their first LP was slightly on the weak, but I liked the promise of their EP songs. I should join in the music discussion here more often, since a lot of it is Indie.

I've only heard Secondhand Rapture, which I think is fantastic.
Will have to check the EPs out.


formerly Oynox Slider
I've just seen the trailer for Jurassic World. 😢

Why is this being made? Apart from $$$ , of course. It looks so pointless.

Oh and reading those band names made me feel quite snarky so here's a list of other great indie bands

The Log Cabins
Marble Madness
Tricycle Sweater
Kitchen Kabinet
Fridge Forecast
I Heart Urban Outfitters #IRONIC
The 1987


I've just seen the trailer for Jurassic World. 😢

Why is this being made? Apart from $$$ , of course. It looks so pointless.

Oh and reading those band names made me feel quite snarky so here's a list of other great indie bands

The Log Cabins
Marble Madness
Tricycle Sweater
Kitchen Kabinet
Fridge Forecast
I Heart Urban Outfitters #IRONIC
The 1987

The movie looks like fun to me & you'd probably like some of those bands, snobface


formerly Oynox Slider
The movie looks like fun to me & you'd probably like some of those bands, snobface

Snobface, moi?

My mind closed sometime back in 2011 when I accepted that I was a 60 year old trapped in a 30 year old's body and decided I'd prefer to sit at home in a rocking chair than go to another gig. I envy you open-minded folks. I hope you have endless happy new experiences. I intend on retreading every experience I've had over and over again until I can make something good out of it.

*whisks out of room using cloak*


Oh god, Kitchen Kabinet and Fridge Forecast...


Thanks sploatee, I'll probably be laughing sporadically for about half an hour as I try and fall asleep now. Damn you woman!


formerly Oynox Slider
Feels like when I joined GAF last year all over again.

Yep. Female, just. Great big (small) queer / weirdo. Solid performer, could move up the ranks if turned up to work on time / dressed more smartly. Northern supremacist. Room for improvement 7/10 with potential to get to 8/10 if concentrate more.

Son Of D

You know, I don't remember thinking that Sploat was male. Either it was such a short time that I forgot I even thought that or I just knew somehow that she was female... Or maybe I came in at a point where she said that she's a female.

Feels like when I joined GAF last year all over again.

Yep. Female, just. Great big (small) queer / weirdo. Solid performer, could move up the ranks if turned up to work on time / dressed more smartly. Northern supremacist. Room for improvement 7/10 with potential to get to 8/10 if concentrate more.

You forgot talkative* as well.

*Basing this on Monday.


I've just seen the trailer for Jurassic World. 😢

Why is this being made? Apart from $$$ , of course. It looks so pointless.

Oh and reading those band names made me feel quite snarky so here's a list of other great indie bands

The Log Cabins
Marble Madness
Tricycle Sweater
Kitchen Kabinet
Fridge Forecast
I Heart Urban Outfitters #IRONIC
The 1987

Before Mike realised you were joking, he was desperately looking for torrents, terrified that you were listening to new bands he'd never heard of.


Ugh, made a bit of a tit of myself last night. My heads throbbing. Some things just never changes, eh? Sploatee, I'm genuinely sorry if I offended you somehow.


Wait, sploatee is a git big lezzer? What is life? What does it all mean?

Here sploatee, bewbs and phwoar and common interests and all that eh?


I would totes go lesbian for Radeo...
She is? Oh. I always, wrongly, assume everyone on here except Musha is male.
Koriandrr is also one of those lady thingies, but she very rarely posts.


Cy, just chill mane! You didn't offend anyone or say anything that could be construed as such.

sploatee is an excellent lesbian and has a great sense of humour.



Maturity, bitches.
Wow. Someone texted Radio 6 telling them they are now considering paying their licence because they enjoy the show. What an idiot!


Maturity, bitches.
To be fair you only have to pay it for watching TV, but yes, an idiot for not considering it worth doing so before.
While true, it's a bit idiotic to tell the BBC you're enjoying their services without one. I mean technically via iPlayer you could enjoy their TV programmes without one since it's not a live broadcast but they are not exactly going to be on your side if you tell them that.


This isn't even about you. It's about ethics in games journalism. Goddamnit.
There you again with the hostility. Your words cut deep, Mike.


You know, I've just realised what a typical back country village I live in. A small health centre full of old peiple, a village bakery, a newsagents where they know everything about everyone, no cinema or any other means of entertainment, and the only form of public transport is a rickety old bus. I do like the P&Q but, damn it, its like living life out in Emmerdale. Just with less plane crashes and hostage situations.


formerly Oynox Slider
Dammit guys. I don't identify as lesbian. I identify as queer. Can we read polygon more now pls.

but I am excellent oho. And talkative. And offended!


Interstellar in IMAX soon.....

Mush E likes Chris P too. I guess I'm just jaded. I really, really hope the Star Wars trailer is good.
Dammit guys. I don't identify as lesbian. I identify as queer. Can we read polygon more now pls.

but I am excellent oho. And talkative. And offended!


Interstellar in IMAX soon.....

Mush E likes Chris P too. I guess I'm just jaded. I really, really hope the Star Wars trailer is good.

E has excellent taste :) I think J World was certainly cheesy and stupid, but I love that shit.

Star Wars trailer had better blow my mind or I will be writing a strongly worded letter to Mr Abrams
The Force Awakens is a kind of rubbish name.

My theory is that general expectations will be so low that the film surprises everyone with how good it is.


formerly Oynox Slider
I sort of trust Abrams. I really liked both of the new Star Treks and I thought Super 8 was good. Who else is there to direct big films these days? There's umm Michael Bay? I think the guy who did Guardians of the Galaxy would've been great but he was probably busy making that / not known enough.


I think Star Wars will probably be decent, I like JJ "Stretchy Lights" Abrams style and thought his two Star Trek movies were surprisingly entertaining. I know nothing of the canon because I never watched the show, so I don't care if Spock had one ear slightly pointier than the other or whatever, it was a fun sci-fi movie.

Jurassic World trailer was a bit meh, got a strong "corny, redundant rehash" vibe from it. It'll probably be fun to be fair, but I wasn't hugely excited by the trailer.


Star Trek was brilliant, and a great way to introduce someone to the Star Trek universe. The film was fun, sexy, clever, action-packed, and the special effects were superb. Abrams continued this over to Into Darkness which, honestly, is one of my favourite films of the decade so far. I have no doubt in him when it comes to Star Wars. His approach to the series can't be any worse than Episodes 1-3, at any rate. The only way to tell is to wait for the trailer.

As for Jurassic World? Well, it looks fun, but its not really worthy of being part of the Jurassic Park canon. The CGI looks a bit meh in places and the whole raptor whisperer thing is crazy and removes any threat the raptors posed. I got a strong Resident Evil vibe from the trailer. Whether that's a good thing or not remains to be seen.
Star Trek was brilliant, and a great way to introduce someone to the Star Trek universe. The film was fun, sexy, clever, action-packed, and the special effects were superb. Abrams continued this over to Into Darkness which, honestly, is one of my favourite films of the decade so far. I have no doubt in him when it comes to Star Wars. His approach to the series can't be any worse than Episodes 1-3, at any rate. The only way to tell is to wait for the trailer.

As for Jurassic World? Well, it looks fun, but its not really worthy of being part of the Jurassic Park canon. The CGI looks a bit meh in places and the whole raptor whisperer thing is crazy and removes any threat the raptors posed. I got a strong Resident Evil vibe from the trailer. Whether that's a good thing or not remains to be seen.

The same canon that includes JP2, where a little girl kicks a raptor through a window using her gymnastics powers? How bad is it?!


The same canon that includes JP2, where a little girl kicks a raptor through a window using her gymnastics powers? How bad is it?!
Hey, I never said JP2 was canom. Although, to be fair, apart from the girl booting the raptor in the face, the movie really isn't that bad. Now, Jurassic Park 3 on the other hand? Well, I pretend that shit never happened in the first place. I don't know what they were thinkong when they made that atrocity.


A Michael Bay Star Wars would be incredible. Whiny Skywalker. R2-D2 and C3PO doing dub step noises. Princess Leia in a crop top and hot pants. Han Solo wearing a #SWAG t-shirt.


formerly Oynox Slider
The Michael Bay Star Wars film would have the Empire being in Eye-ran.

I thought Into Darkness was great, too. Really fun and exciting. I love how both Star Treks have a proper heroic score too. You never hear those anymore.

Sat in the IMAX by myself. First time I've been to cinema without E for erm 8 years??


I don't think I'd like a Bay Star Wars film. Leia in a crop top and Luke in a transforming X-Wing? No, thank you. I'd quite like to see a Star Wars film with Zack Snyder at the helm, though.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Into Darkness was a bit pants for me:

Started making one point about following the rules and ended on a completely different one; a trite 9/11 analogy, no less... I mean, come on America, get over it already; pointless flab that dragged in the middle and showed a fundamental lack of ideas (that torpedo scene... Why?!), the introduction of a completely pointless female character (Bikinis! In space!), a phenomenally stupid plan by a supposedly super-intelligent baddy (Cumberbatch was good, mind), and a really stunningly obvious reliance on an action scene/quiet scene structure that (unusually) dragged me out of the film.

I'm normally quite receptive to a well made blockbuster - I liked the first, for instance - but Into Darkness bored me to tears.

*Apologies for the parentheses heavy post.

Son Of D

A Michael Bay Star Wars would be incredible. Whiny Skywalker. R2-D2 and C3PO doing dub step noises. Princess Leia in a crop top and hot pants. Han Solo wearing a #SWAG t-shirt.

Don't forget the racist droids, a shot of Leia's ass as she bends over to fix an X-Wing and the third act randomly going into the Star Wars equivalent of China.
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