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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Listen to this smooth jazz/soul thank you kindly.

I had a meeting tonight that I thought was a half hour later than it was. I got so many calls/texts/voicemails as I scrambled to drive there ASAP... -_- was 45 minutes late basically.

Ha sploatee I went to that graveyard first thing in dark souls as well.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah Meaty, in the main the hitboxes were pretty tight, but occasionally you'd get stung by a stray swing that was nowhere near you. But when a game is as punishing as DS, you can't help but feel jipped when you die through no fault of your own.

That's just it. I think I can categorically say that, apart from
Bed of Chaos
, whenever I died was my fault.


That's just it. I think I can categorically say that, apart from
Bed of Chaos
, whenever I died was my fault.

Didn't FromSoft come out and apologise for how shit that boss and its area was? That boss basically proves that the whole "Zelda should be like Dark Souls" argument is flawed as shit. That thing was a Zelda boss all over and it just didn't fly with Dark Souls.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
So I had a big shotty drama with my flatmates last night and I sent it this morning, I wish id proof read it but I won't bother writing it as you can get the gist of it

I've decided to let last night go, not because I want to but because I don't want to put anyone undeserving through hardships.

So instead I'm going to explain why I'm angry and justify my actions as a direct result. These can be put down by 8 very simple cause/effect points.

1. After returning home stressed from university, both Jordan and totty barged into my room unannounced slamming the door into my desk and interrupting a conversation. Then after Metcalf quite rightly told you to leave (perhaps not in the most courteous way, but it was warranted.) You then chirped up to him ruining a calm atmosphere he had helped me create to calm down after a bad incident at uni.

2. Next up either Jordan or totty, you decided after disturbing me once, when I was clearly in a bad mood, to knock on my window and get me out of bed. I don't think I need to explain why that annoyed me.

3. On having friends round your cocky demeanours became unbearable. There were several incidents where not just me confirmed you two had both been "showing off" in front of your guests, it either annoyed or made us feel uncomfortable. Me, tom and Christy all concluded this, so I would wager that you might want to rethink your position on this particular point.

4. This ones for totty exclusively, you brought up money. Money I owed to you, that we had agreed prior I was going to pay you back. When I sheepishly said in front of people to which you responded "oh you'd better pay me back" and in turn I challenged that frankly unnecessary comment you then retorted saying you'll fill in my other eye?
I don't know if you have understood how much this angered me. But I had to be calmed down.

5. Your incessant pissing contest. Your guests were loud, that's fine, I make noise and I'm content but both Jordan and totty, you constantly scream at each other whenever you guys are feeling hyperactive or when you are showing off to other people. Trying to hang out with Paddy having a chilled drink when suddenly every ten minutes or so we'd hear you either pointlessly screaming your heads off or directing negativity towards each other. It was embarrassing to see my friend look at me each time and shake his head.

6. Your inability to comply with simple requests. This night could have been lovely but you failed to stop being rude and annoying to any of us after constant request. I made it crystal clear I had had a bad day, as Liam had informed you of his intention to do work and Christy and Metcalf had both clearly conveyed that you were getting on their nerves (in reference to pt.3) So when you complained about our more aggravated and negative "GOD GUYS I UNDERSTAND YOU MIGHT BE ANGRY BUT THERES NO NEED 4 INSULTS LOL"

There was a conceited effort to be polite or at least civil, and you totally fucking ignored it.

8. Public bashing, this is for you totty. You were completely out of order, I genuinely like to back up what I say with constructive arguments and solid points. But I would love to see you come up with some form of counter-argument for bashing every single person in this flat ,bar Jordan, from the comfort of your sofa with all your buddies to back you up! Not only was it disgusting, arrogant, rude and childish. It was a serious display of your cowardice.

9. (BONUS ROUND) Now I'd like to address both of your points made that I haven't already. We'll start with the incident on Saturday. Neither of you attended and have no right to bring up the incident, maybe I was a dick, but you were not there. In terms of my drunken behaviour, both of you have done (and especially totty) pretty piss poor things when you've been drunk, you have no leg to stand on before you've even incorporated this into the justification for your behaviour last night. As for the mess left behind that you cleaned up totty, I have cleaned up the entire flat on countless occasions, its not an excuse for what was left. But it took you half an hour and minimal effort.. Picking up some glass and cans does not make you a saint. Sure it might have been a bit dickish, but there were no grounds for you to leave all your mess last night and actually order your friends to STOP clearing up, cunt.

As for the trust but cooler, I don't give a toss, grow some thicker skin. You are 100% the bitchiest person in this flat, fucking deal with it.

If you decide to ignore this, it means you genuinely have no reasoning to resolve this. But if you do read this and genuinely think something besides the last point is unfair then by all means message me in here or privately as I think everything I have done has been justified from the beginning and I see no reason for remorse or apologies, I do however welcome the fact that sometimes I get things wrong, so go ahead and tell me why.

On the subject of today, I'm seeing my girlfriend after a week of her being away so if you try anything whilst she is here I will hit the roof.

What do you think guys?

Actually, I think you'll find that it is the shopkeeper from the Mabe Village shop, which is from the game The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening for the Nintendo Game Boy. While most probably don't really think about shop keepers in games, especially in the old games where they just said one line and had zero personality, the Mabe Village shopkeeper is quite infamous amongst the Zelda fanbase. This is because one can actually steal from the shop, which is still a unique feature within the series, by running behind the shopkeeper so he faces away from the door while you leave. This will, however, lead to your name being changed to THIEF, which everyone will call you by, and, more importantly, you can't go back to the shop. Well you can, but upon your return the shopkeeper will be waiting for you and will shoot a magic spell which will kill you because as a penalty for not paying with rupees (that's the name of the currency in the Zelda games) you now have to pay with your life. Because you cannot escape this attack and it will take all your life, even if you heal during the attack, he is often considered, within the fanbase, as one of the most powerful forces in the series.

I hope you found this useful. :)

lol nerd

A* for effort and actually rather interesting

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Didn't FromSoft come out and apologise for how shit that boss and its area was? That boss basically proves that the whole "Zelda should be like Dark Souls" argument is flawed as shit. That thing was a Zelda boss all over and it just didn't fly with Dark Souls.

Well, they didn't apologise to me. *hurrumfph*


Tash: Cunts being cunts.

Some people get too engrossed in the UNI LAD thing, pissed me off too while I was there, got in a few arguments myself with housemates. People seem to think that because you are at uni, and away from your parents for the first time you can be an absolute tool.


That's just it. I think I can categorically say that, apart from
Bed of Chaos
, whenever I died was my fault.
Oh man, you got lucky. I have a fair few instances where I was like "What? How does that work?" Most of them down to the cheesy clipping.

The most erroneous example was the Knights in the hall before the Ornstein and Smough fight, huge 30ft axe swung horizontally clear through a 4ft thick pillar. Time after time, not some random glitch.


Edit: on the flipside I totally cheesed bed of Chaos, killed it first try.


Oh man, you got lucky. I have a fair few instances where I was like "What? How does that work?" Most of them down to the cheesy clipping.

The most erroneous example was the Knights in the hall before the Ornstein and Smough fight, huge 30ft axe swung horizontally clear through a 4ft thick pillar. Time after time, not some random glitch.


Roll mo'fo


Oh man, you got lucky. I have a fair few instances where I was like "What? How does that work?" Most of them down to the cheesy clipping.

The most erroneous example was the Knights in the hall before the Ornstein and Smough fight, huge 30ft axe swung horizontally clear through a 4ft thick pillar. Time after time, not some random glitch.


you gotta roll everywhere like you're sonic and you're about to miss your bus

you also need to learn invincibility frames so that you can dodge everything


Roll mo'fo

you gotta roll everywhere like you're sonic and you're about to miss your bus

you also need to learn invincibility frames so that you can dodge everything
I know this, I wasn't a complete chump at the game! I was actually fairly good at dodging and capitalising on the invincibility frames.

But still, the odd time I got caught by their swing pissed me off.

Same with the O&S fight, why are their attacks clipping straight through each other? Fair enough if they damaged one and other doing so, but no.

The clipping in that game is horrendous, absolutely awful. It's like half the assets in the game where mere spectres as far as the enemies were concerned.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Make sure you only set yourself a little bit on fire, otherwise you might not be able to make the thread.


...too much?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Damn, Tash, remind me to never piss you off.
You can remember that one yourself
Tash: Cunts being cunts.

Some people get too engrossed in the UNI LAD thing, pissed me off too while I was there, got in a few arguments myself with housemates. People seem to think that because you are at uni, and away from your parents for the first time you can be an absolute tool.
They're not lads though, they're sweaty nerds, this fat little hamster totty, actually tried to threaten me and I swear to god when he cry shouts all I see is red


You can remember that one yourself

Their not lads though, they're sweaty nerds, this fat little hamster totty, actually tried to threaten me and I swear to god when he cry shouts all I see is red

Fucking even worse. I had terrible house-mates in second year and spent most of my time round some friend's houses until I could move in with them for final year.


Is it the shop keeper from Zelda 4?

Actually, I think you'll find that it is the shopkeeper from the Mabe Village shop, which is from the game The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening for the Nintendo Game Boy. While most probably don't really think about shop keepers in games, especially in the old games where they just said one line and had zero personality, the Mabe Village shopkeeper is quite infamous amongst the Zelda fanbase. This is because one can actually steal from the shop, which is still a unique feature within the series, by running behind the shopkeeper so he faces away from the door while you leave. This will, however, lead to your name being changed to THIEF, which everyone will call you by, and, more importantly, you can't go back to the shop. Well you can, but upon your return the shopkeeper will be waiting for you and will shoot a magic spell which will kill you because as a penalty for not paying with rupees (that's the name of the currency in the Zelda games) you now have to pay with your life. Because you cannot escape this attack and it will take all your life, even if you heal during the attack, he is often considered, within the fanbase, as one of the most powerful forces in the series.

I hope you found this useful. :)


LOL! Sorry! I was catching up on the thread and replied without reading ahead. But I was right too ;)

I see you called it Zelda 4. Do you call all of the games by their numbers? Are you the same with Metroid? I find it odd when people do that, like when people number the Bond movies. I imagine for people like you, Final Fantasy XVI is more like Final Fantasy XXXVI.
I only call the first 4 Zeldas by their numbers because that's how it is on the carts. Once you get the N64 entries they stopped numbering them. But my Zelda 4 (IV) cart says it on the label.


Are you able to take pictures? I'd love to see, that sounds very interesting. It might be a bootleg, but it sounds like if you knew about the avatar, it's very close to the source.


I don't think I have ever come across a numbered ALLTP or LA cart, I agree with baofypie. I'd like some pictures posted since they could be 'bootleg'.


I thought ALTTP was numbered but looking it up I guess not, I'm sure people have referred to it as just Zelda 3 though, or maybe I'm thinking of Metroid I dunno.


No, it's not.

Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you were trolling me. Go away.

I thought ALTTP was numbered but looking it up I guess not, I'm sure people have referred to it as just Zelda 3 though, or maybe I'm thinking of Metroid I dunno.

Metroid is a funny one. Metroid Fusion is technically Metroid 4, but it came out on the same day as Prime, so it's kind of a strange thing with Metroid canon. Is Metroid Prime Metroid 4 too? Or is it Metroid 5? After Metroid Fusion, the canon of the series gets a bit weird both in-text and out of it.

It's really interesting!


Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you were trolling me. Go away.

Metroid is a funny one. Metroid Fusion is technically Metroid 4, but it came out on the same day as Prime, so it's kind of a strange thing with Metroid canon. Is Metroid Prime Metroid 4 too? Or is it Metroid 5? After Metroid Fusion, the canon of the series gets a bit weird both in-text and out of it.

It's really interesting!

Doesn't Sakamoto hate Prime though, so it's probably more like, Prime isn't numbered at all because Sakamoto is too far up his own arse.

I think it was Metroid, I'm 70% sure Super Metroid refers to itself as Metroid 3 during the opening.

Or maybe ALTTP does that... hrmmmmm
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