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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Don't forget to threaten to quit!

Put your finger in it.

That is a horrifying thought. When I took my bandages off in the bath last night the doctor had actually stuffed it with gauze and it had coagulated a bit so was stuck in there. Pulling it out was really painful and when I finally had it out there was this massive hole and it turned the bathwater brown from all the blood. I nearly passed out, it was freaky.

So no, I'm not putting my finger in it LOL!
sploat you're a lawyer, can the queen be tried if she murdered someone?
sploat you're a lawer, can the prime minister be tried if s/he murdered someone?
sploat you're a lawer, can the prime minister make up a law that benefits him or her directly?

i don't know where laws come from.

edit: i think one of my team roleplays on a little pony chatroom. hmm. i can discipline him for this right? this is fireable right?


Drinking alone in the hotel bar. Awesome.

All right guys, I figure I need to get into THE NEXT GENERATION, and I'm not sure what I should immediately save up for. I figure I'll probably go the nice PC and a Wii U route, due to my old-fashioned tastes for the latter and the seemingly obvious superiority and cost efficiency of the former.

Anyone built a PC recently? How little do you think I could get away with spending for a decent gaming PC nowadays? Something that'd run, say, AssCreed Unity rather well.

Basically I want to be playing Just Cause 3 by year's end and I want it to look nice.


All right guys, I figure I need to get into THE NEXT GENERATION, and I'm not sure what I should immediately save up for. I figure I'll probably go the nice PC and a Wii U route, due to my old-fashioned tastes for the latter and the seemingly obvious superiority and cost efficiency of the former.

Anyone built a PC recently? How little do you think I could get away with spending for a decent gaming PC nowadays? Something that'd run, say, AssCreed Unity rather well.

Basically I want to be playing Just Cause 3 by year's end and I want it to look nice.

About £5000
its terribly optimized

all in all with monitor/kb&m/speakers/headset/ you can get a high end machine for ~£1000, mid range for about £7-800
Society in general. People are judgemental dickheads.

I think the worst thing about society is that they're never really thinking about you/me anyway. Most people you see in a day barely even register that you exist beyond the time you've spent in their presence. I think it's not that people are judgmental, but more that they're crushingly indifferent to you, and that indifference reads as callousness.

Which is why I choose not to engage with broader society.


I hate the way how there's such a stigma around depression. I'm still a human, for fuck sake, treat me like one.

My main issue with depression being diagnosed as a medically defined affliction is how unquantifiable it is. Maybe everyone is a bit depressed, maybe it's a sliding scale, maybe some people can simply regulate and subsequently process their emotions better than others.

I'd certainly be very reluctant to go to a doctor for pills because I feel sad. But then I'm reluctant to take medication full stop, I'd rather just try and deal with things on my own.

(I am in no way attempting to trivialise the issue by the way, apologies if it seems that way. I know some peeps in here are/have been really struggling with it. I just find it hard to wrap my head around it as a treatable illness sometimes. But then again I have very little experience with mental health problems. I'm just putting across my honest opinion is all.

Also, I'm a cold, heartless bastard at times!)
This is one of my favourite ads of all time.

That'd be great, thanks! I did hear about ACU running like poop on, well, everything, it was just the first game that came to mind (and I didn't hear much about the PC version), haha.


bitch I'm taking calls.
The GAF PC thread was instrumental as a reference guide for when I built my first PC a few years ago. Read up, figure out exactly what games and software you want to be able to access, and pick your parts. It really is a lot easier to put shit together than it seems and you save a lot of cash by doing it yourself.



My main issue with depression being diagnosed as a medically defined affliction is how unquantifiable it is. Maybe everyone is a bit depressed, maybe it's a sliding scale, maybe some people can simply regulate and subsequently process their emotions better than others.

I'd certainly be very reluctant to go to a doctor for pills because I feel sad. But then I'm reluctant to take medication full stop, I'd rather just try and deal with things on my own.

(I am in no way attempting to trivialise the issue by the way, apologies if it seems that way. I know some peeps in here are/have been really struggling with it. I just find it hard to wrap my head around it as a treatable illness sometimes. But then again I have very little experience with mental health problems. I'm just putting across my honest opinion is all.

Also, I'm a cold, heartless bastard at times!)
I agree, depression is one of those things that is hard to diagnose, even if the ailments are there. I think that's part of the reason why there's such a stigma regarding it. Regardless, though, depression is an illness - though not in the same context as a cold or flu - and should be treated as one. It doesn't make me alien, it doesn't mean I'll kill you just by looling at you. It just means I analyse and handle everyday scenarios differently to how you would, and in a more negative way.

I was reluctant to go on medication when I was first diagnosed, my opinion influenced by everything I read up on them. I gave it a go and, honestly, I hated it. The medication, if anything, worsens how I feel both physically and mentally. Nausea? Suicidal thoughts? Headaches? It's all there! It has improved somewhat slightly over the past ten years but not enough to warrant me saying medication is the way to go.

And, I agree with you on the last part.
You certainly are a cold-hearted bastard, Jon Snow.

Sorry if I'm dragging the lightheartedness of BritGAF down.


Depressions seems like such a taboo subject in general society.
It is. What doesn't help is that the two main British media outlets (BBC, ITV) do very little to raise awarness and lift the taboo of depression. Coronation Street has Steve suffering from it, but it's not a main storyline. It's shoved to the back as a sub-plot. More needs to be done.
The GAF PC thread was instrumental as a reference guide for when I built my first PC a few years ago. Read up, figure out exactly what games and software you want to be able to access, and pick your parts. It really is a lot easier to put shit together than it seems and you save a lot of cash by doing it yourself.


Ahh, of course there's a helpful GAF thread for this sort of thing. Thanks everyone.
It is. What doesn't help is that the two main British media outlets (BBC, ITV) do very little to raise awarness and lift the taboo of depression. Coronation Street has Steve suffering from it, but it's not a main storyline. It's shoved to the back as a sub-plot. More needs to be done.

I suppose that's the problem though isn't it. To you it's your main plot, to everyone else it's just a subplot and they're wrapped up in their own a-stories.

What I always wonder is "how should I engage with this depressed person? Should I, even? What do they want from me? What should I be able to do to help?" But I guess it's often very hard for people to diagnose and put into language how emotions make them feel, so even when a depressed person might be asking for help, the rest of us don't understand what we can actually do.

And sometimes I think depression reads as selfishness to other people and it can be hard to sympathise with someone whom you perceive to be selfish.


My doctor diagnosed me with depression quite early this year and put me on medication.

I took it for about a month and a half and I wasn't really feeling any effect. I stopped taking them and felt immediately better.

I'm very uncomfortable with the idea that all I had to say was those specific things (which I was feeling) to the doctor and he immediately put me on medication and sent me on my way.

It's very hard to describe depression to people without them thinking "oh so you feel a bit sad? Cheer up then!"

It's absolutely not that easy. I could be having the loveliest time, or the loveliest day, and I feel miserable. I feel anxious about having to interact with people, anxious about what's going to happen in my future. Lots of things, and if you let it control you it ruins you.


Roundabout, people with depression just wanted to be treated like a normal person. As you would a colleague or a friend, people who are depressed are no different to people who aren't. They might show to be uncomfortable, but if they've come to you for a conversation regarding whatever subject they want to talk about, then don't think "Oh, this person's depressed - he's definitely going to be a miserable cunt, so no jokes here."

I find it strange that depression is linked to selfishness, suicide can be linked to selfishness. I worked in a school where a teenage boy hung himself - the last things he said to anyone was a text message of his school username and password as he had written everyone a personal note about how much he liked them and appreciated everything that had been done for him. Whilst the whole situation was very sad, I overheard a few comments about how this boy had been selfish because he didn't think about the outcome that committing suicide would have on people around him, his family, his friends, the teachers. Whilst I agree with them on some point, I also understand that sometimes people who are depressed get to a point in life where they can't take any more and don't want to breathe any more.

You don't hear about depression on British media because people do not want to talk about depression. People with depression will most likely try hard to not let people know they're depressed, they don't want people prying into their lives. If someone with depression does confide in you, that normally means that they trust you or they're at the point of not giving a fuck any more.

I'm currently in the midst of an argument about medication to deal with depression. Part of me, after x amount of days feels worse from taking tablets, part of me just wants to feel better. Whilst I'm more towards the side of severe anxiety, the tablets have brought depression closer to home than I personally wanted.



Brilliant post, Jordan. I couldn't of put it any better if I tried. I did have a reply to roundabout's post but it really wasn't worth posting. So pissed off I was that I had to go take a break outside, heh.


Why are you getting pissed off?

You want people to understand depression, then explain it to them. Don't lose your shit over someone who doesn't know how to do something.

That's like losing your temper at a child because they can't do something. You show them how and then assist them in it and eventually they understand.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I don't think roundabout meant any harm, and he even described in his post about how he wonders how he can help. I have gone through depression myself and there really are separate worlds of advice when it comes to being depressed or being the one trying to help the depressed.

For the outside looking in, I would advocate a simple approach of treating people like fellow human beings (which I think is the point of Musha's comic and general comments about treating it as an illness like any other, which it truly is). Also keep in mind I don't think it can really be cured in the traditional sense of the word, and certainly not solely by the actions of an outside person. It's a long process and involves a lot of factors, not all of which are even in anyone's control!

Be a friend. Be patient. Be forgiving. Don't be aggressive. Be yourself. Those are the main tips I can think of when it comes to socializing or trying to help with someone who is depressed.


My doctor diagnosed me with depression quite early this year and put me on medication.

I took it for about a month and a half and I wasn't really feeling any effect. I stopped taking them and felt immediately better.

I'm very uncomfortable with the idea that all I had to say was those specific things (which I was feeling) to the doctor and he immediately put me on medication and sent me on my way.
This is exactly what I mean, people are so quick to label things and medicate problems away these days.

"So you've been feeling really down lately huh? Well that's not good, maybe it would help if you found the root cause of the issue and tried to resolve it that way?"

"That's just it doc, I don't know the cause. I just feel kind of sad lately."

"Oh, OK. Well I dunno then, um, pills?"

It similar to when people are off work with "stress". Don't get me wrong, it's often a genuine affliction, I know people personally that have been crippled by it. But I also know people who have been quite open about the fact that they simply went to the doctors and said they were stressed, purely to toss it off for a few months.

But again, it's the sliding scale thing to me; everyone gets stressed, obviously to varying degrees, some people just seem more able to deal with it than others.

The human brain is a curious thing.
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