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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving



My eyes shoukd've been intrigued by what exactly you're designing, but instead they went straight to the whiskey. Now I want whiskey. I have no whiskey. This is not fair.


Drinking alone in the hotel bar. Awesome.
Don't knock it. When I worked at Premier Inn, I'd serve and get chatting to some really interesting people. Like mentiomed above, a hotel bar is the one place you can drink alone in and not look weird. Shame about the lack of jazz music, though.


formerly Oynox Slider
Sorry, a Dark Souls post (again) (you can't blame me, I've been waiting to play this for ages!)

I'll spoiler tag it, even though it's probably only 0.00001% through the game.

So I left the asylum and had a little wander around. I met a man and joined his covenant. I met some skeletons that were not friendly and killed me, until I learned their attack patterns and patiently lured them out to a nice place and killed them. Then I went a bit further into a graveyard and a giant skeleton said hello and killed me. This all took me an hour and a half. I did manage to level up my strength by one point and find a falchion, though. Which means I now do 12 of damage instead of 11! this game is too easy!

Ooo, I've got to say that it's also a really nice counter-game to Bayonetta 2. Both involve lots of dodging and counterattacking but one is very methodical, grim and taciturn and likes to think about the hopelessness of all existence, while the other is super fast, happy and camp and really, really likes boobs and bums.


Obsidian fan
you're not really meant to go into the graveyard until much later into the game. The skeletons being so hard is the games way of telling you this


Speaking of tea.. how do people personally brew up? I thought my way was normal but I keep getting funny looks/remarks when I do it.

I put the tea bag in and any sugar/sweetener. Add the boiling water to 3/4 of cup. Let the tea bag get soaked up for a bit and then bin it. Add milk till the colour looks right. Hey presto.

But I hear people leaving the tea bag in entirely, putting milk in first (dafuq?) and other stuff as well so.. something.


I put the teabag in, add boiling water, leave it a bit, squeeze the teabag a little with a spoon then put it in the bin, add milk (and sugar/sweetener if any) and stir.

Your way sounds normal to me apart from putting the sugar/sweetener in first. I think putting the milk in first started off ages ago so the boiling water wouldn't crack the cup.


Sorry, a Dark Souls post (again) (you can't blame me, I've been waiting to play this for ages!)

I'll spoiler tag it, even though it's probably only 0.00001% through the game.

So I left the asylum and had a little wander around. I met a man and joined his covenant. I met some skeletons that were not friendly and killed me, until I learned their attack patterns and patiently lured them out to a nice place and killed them. Then I went a bit further into a graveyard and a giant skeleton said hello and killed me. This all took me an hour and a half. I did manage to level up my strength by one point and find a falchion, though. Which means I now do 12 of damage instead of 11! this game is too easy!
I get the feeling it's a bit of a chore for you. Just stop now mane! Take this as someone who wasted a significant portion of last year playing this game, it ain't as good as people will try to tell you. It's really not.

It's got the basis of a fantastic game, but it's shoddily constructed, cheap, refuses to follow it's own rules and is ultimately not worth the constant "NO! DO IT AGAIN YOU CRETIN!"

Seriously, I feel really strongly about warning innocent fools off this game! I though embarrassing bouts of controller snapping anger were behind me. This game isn't good for your constitution mane.

Go play some Mario Kart and smile instead.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I get the feeling it's a bit of a chore for you. Just stop now mane! Take this as someone who wasted a significant portion of last year playing this game, it ain't as good as people will try to tell you. It's really not.

You stop that. It's every bit as good as everyone says.


Sorry, a Dark Souls post (again) (you can't blame me, I've been waiting to play this for ages!)

I'll spoiler tag it, even though it's probably only 0.00001% through the game.

So I left the asylum and had a little wander around. I met a man and joined his covenant. I met some skeletons that were not friendly and killed me, until I learned their attack patterns and patiently lured them out to a nice place and killed them. Then I went a bit further into a graveyard and a giant skeleton said hello and killed me. This all took me an hour and a half. I did manage to level up my strength by one point and find a falchion, though. Which means I now do 12 of damage instead of 11! this game is too easy!

Ooo, I've got to say that it's also a really nice counter-game to Bayonetta 2. Both involve lots of dodging and counterattacking but one is very methodical, grim and taciturn and likes to think about the hopelessness of all existence, while the other is super fast, happy and camp and really, really likes boobs and bums.

you started dark souls by going into an area you're not supposed to go to until later

i am proud


Sorry, a Dark Souls post (again) (you can't blame me, I've been waiting to play this for ages!)

I'll spoiler tag it, even though it's probably only 0.00001% through the game.

So I left the asylum and had a little wander around. I met a man and joined his covenant. I met some skeletons that were not friendly and killed me, until I learned their attack patterns and patiently lured them out to a nice place and killed them. Then I went a bit further into a graveyard and a giant skeleton said hello and killed me. This all took me an hour and a half. I did manage to level up my strength by one point and find a falchion, though. Which means I now do 12 of damage instead of 11! this game is too easy!

Ooo, I've got to say that it's also a really nice counter-game to Bayonetta 2. Both involve lots of dodging and counterattacking but one is very methodical, grim and taciturn and likes to think about the hopelessness of all existence, while the other is super fast, happy and camp and really, really likes boobs and bums.

Dark Souls isn't quite the counter to one of those things.

[Amazing chest ahead]


formerly Oynox Slider
I get the feeling it's a bit of a chore for you. Just stop now mane! Take this as someone who wasted a significant portion of last year playing this game, it ain't as good as people will try to tell you. It's really not.

It's got the basis of a fantastic game, but it's shoddily constructed, cheap, refuses to follow it's own rules and is ultimately not worth the constant "NO! DO IT AGAIN YOU CRETIN!"

Seriously, I feel really strongly about warning innocent fools off this game! I though embarrassing bouts of controller snapping anger were behind me. This game isn't good for your constitution mane.

Go play some Mario Kart and smile instead.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you (yet), but I enjoyed my time with it last night. It felt like a NES game in a good way.

you started dark souls by going into an area you're not supposed to go to until later

i am proud

Shh! No wikis, no clues!

Dark Souls isn't quite the counter to one of those things.

[Amazing chest ahead]



Off to Leeds today for a team-building day (which I understand involves jigsaws). At least it's casual dress.


You stop that. It's every bit as good as everyone says.
Let me be bitter and wallow in my own failure OK! It is cheap and does refuse to play by its own rules though. For example:

Oh, your weapons clank off the walls rather than clipping through, that's cool attention to detail!

Oh, the enemies just clip straight through because "challenging" and stuff.


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Let me be bitter and wallow in my own failure OK!

Haha! Don't pull Sploat into your FILTHY SHAME POOL just yet. She's only just started!

It is cheap and does refuse to play by its own rules though. For example:

Oh, your weapons clank off the walls rather than clipping through, that's cool attention to detail!

Oh, the enemies just clip straight through because "challenging" and stuff.

Nah, that is a bit shit, but once you know you just get on with it, innit? Off the top of my head, I can't think of any other times where that happens. The game is pretty fair on the whole. Brutal, but fair.

Also, I'd avoid DS2 if I were you. That'd make you scream (and realise how well put together DS1 actually is).


Let me be bitter and wallow in my own failure OK! It is cheap and does refuse to play by its own rules though. For example:

Oh, your weapons clank off the walls rather than clipping through, that's cool attention to detail!

Oh, the enemies just clip straight through because "challenging" and stuff.


This post is baffling. Of all the things you can criticise Dark Souls for, you chose the idea that enemies can have their weapons clip through walls and you also think it was a conscious decision to make the game more difficult.

How far did you even get?


Knows the Score
I didn't really gel with demons souls, I know it's a roguelike and all that but it just wasn't for me.


Maturity, bitches.
Your mum.
Actually, I think you'll find that it is the shopkeeper from the Mabe Village shop, which is from the game The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening for the Nintendo Game Boy. While most probably don't really think about shop keepers in games, especially in the old games where they just said one line and had zero personality, the Mabe Village shopkeeper is quite infamous amongst the Zelda fanbase. This is because one can actually steal from the shop, which is still a unique feature within the series, by running behind the shopkeeper so he faces away from the door while you leave. This will, however, lead to your name being changed to THIEF, which everyone will call you by, and, more importantly, you can't go back to the shop. Well you can, but upon your return the shopkeeper will be waiting for you and will shoot a magic spell which will kill you because as a penalty for not paying with rupees (that's the name of the currency in the Zelda games) you now have to pay with your life. Because you cannot escape this attack and it will take all your life, even if you heal during the attack, he is often considered, within the fanbase, as one of the most powerful forces in the series.

I hope you found this useful. :)


My only problems with dark souls were:

That one boss near the start, seriously fuck that guy

The game has amazing sound and animation for heavy armour but I have no idea how you're expected to actually play using it.


formerly Oynox Slider
Umm two more things-

I'm still playing MK8 - it's not an either / or. Theres room for everything!

And MK is one of the most unfair games ever. Doing well, player? Blue shell red shell red shell green shell. And for you? A coin.

And and on the clipping thing - that's just the way it's always been. I was playing Super Ghouls and Ghosts yesterday and enemy bullets went through walls while mine didn't. It's comforting to me. Feels like being a child again 😄


My only problems with dark souls were:

That one boss near the start, seriously fuck that guy

The game has amazing sound and animation for heavy armour but I have no idea how you're expected to actually play using it.

Up your load bearing limit and wear rings.


I'm yet to play either Demon Souls or Dark Souls.
Play Demon's Souls first, you get +10 nerd cred points.
Also, I'd avoid DS2 if I were you. That'd make you scream (and realise how well put together DS1 actually is).
I was actually thinking about getting the PS4 version when it comes out! But yeah, not sure that's a good idea...
This post is baffling. Of all the things you can criticise Dark Souls for, you chose the idea that enemies can have their weapons clip through walls and you also think it was a conscious decision to make the game more difficult.

How far did you even get?
I played for about 60 hours, went through all the DLC too, got right up to the end but got bored after about 30 attempts to beat Gwyn. (I suck at parrying.)

There are plenty of other things that pissed me off, wonky collision detection where your hitbox seemed to be twice as big as your character model sometimes, checkpoints/bonfires that forced you to trek for miles after each defeat (I get that this was a conscious design decision but still), shitty camera, no pause, yadda yadda.

But the inconsistent clipping was the biggest frustration for me. I remember finally getting past the archers in Anor Londo, getting into the main building where the next bonfire is, and getting stabbed with a lance CLEAR THROUGH A SOLID BRICK WALL before I had the chance to save.

Fuck you From, seriously, fuck you!

Edit: also, I'm not suggesting the clipping thing was a choice to make things more challenging, it was more a commentary on the general difficulty of the game, and that it's seen as the main attraction for the series.


Umm two more things-

I'm still playing MK8 - it's not an either / or. Theres room for everything!

And MK is one of the most unfair games ever. Doing well, player? Blue shell red shell red shell green shell. And for you? A coin.

MK is the dark souls of racing games.


Edit: also, I'm not suggesting the clipping thing was a choice to make things more challenging, it was more a commentary on the general difficulty of the game, and that it's seen as the main attraction for the series.

people who go into dark souls with bravado and think they're the shit because it's the hardest game of all time shouldn't even be worth listening to

there are better reasons to play souls

dark souls 2 was one of the easiest games i played this year


I played a handful of hours of Demon's Souls. I can see the appeal, but it didn't hook me enough to go back after that initial taste. Still, I'll probably revisit it one day, it's still sitting on my PS3 hard drive.


Yeah Meaty, in the main the hitboxes were pretty tight, but occasionally you'd get stung by a stray swing that was nowhere near you. But when a game is as punishing as DS, you can't help but feel jipped when you die through no fault of your own.
people who go into dark souls with bravado and think they're the shit because it's the hardest game of all time shouldn't even be worth listening to
Yeah, that was one of the most frustrating things to hear on gaming side last year, "It's not even hard, you just suck."

Dude, it's universally renowned as pretty much the hardest game this generation, they based the entire advertising campaign around it. The re-release was called "Prepare To Die" for God's sake!
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